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11-05-2007, 02:46 PM
TM3 Times – November 2007

Thanks to all those for reading our first 2 issues of the TM3 Times. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome (send to Me (Broli) by PM please). We have some interesting additions planned for the next few months so . . . Stay Tuned!

October 2007 Review

Wow, October flew off the calendar with the vehemence of an angry hurricane. Even with such speed, it was an action packed month here at TM3.

We celebrated our 1-year anniversary of the .ca, we attended the C7 fall cruise (an annual highlight of the year for me), there was some good weather, and hence the meets were up and running, there was some cold weather also, and TM3ers braved the winter weather in the great white north (a.k.a. Woodbridge).

The food drive is evolving, with members from various clubs (Subaru, TOP) wanting to contribute also. I have one large box filled with donations, and I am starting the second one. Please take the time to attend a meet or to make arrangements to meet one of the food drive captains (Broli, S.F.W., KOKKINO, Ken York) and make a donation. Your generosity will help a family in need!

October 2007 Events

TM3.ca 1st year Anniversary Dinner – Oct 11th 2007

Traditionally, the First Anniversary is a paper anniversary . . . however at TM3 we have a different interpretation: Pan Bread. Thursday October 11th more than 15 TM3ers and guests met together to celebrate 1 year together. We had a great time and a great dinner. It was an honour to be present for Pearly’s first crack at pan bread, he seems to be a converted man. The waitresses were friendly, I am surprised Effin Itai didn’t take any numbers for dessert! After Dinner, we made the 35-second drive to Timmies (fark you it was cold!!!). McGuyver had a bit of a scare, when a cruiser pulled up behind him in the Timmies parking lot. He came inside looking agitated to say the least. Turns out the joke was on us he sweet talked his way out of the ticket! (what did u really do Dan, we know it was a female officer!!!). We spent the rest of the night playing Scoopa, and shooting the breeze it was a good time! Next year we will expect 30 people to show up for our 2nd year anniversary dinner!

- Alex (Broli)

C7 Fall Tour – Oct 14th 2007

Motivation, that is what takes you to the car wash the night before and gets you up at 6:00 in the morning. C7’s fall tour is all the motivation I needed to wake up early and drive until a full tank of gas was gone. At six in the morning on October 14th I woke up with anticipation; as did many others from TM3 and numerous other car enthusiast clubs around the GTA. With the engine warm I met up with Bubba and a fellow enthusiast in a Ford Focus and left Kitchener for Toronto. Early Sunday morning on the 401 is quite humbling; not at any other time of the week will you see it as empty.

We pulled into the Don Mills and Steeles pre-meet spot at about 8:30AM only to discover we weren’t the only early risers. TM3 met up with TM6 to pull a decent meeting. With everyone topped up with Timmies and gas we rolled out at about 9:00. It’s not easy keeping a 15 car cruise to Whitby in check, especially over the distance we covered, but we definitely put down any public thoughts of 'Fast and the Furious part IV' as we hobbled slowly to the C7 meet. The true FnF IV crew (aka TOP ;) ) flew past us just west of Pickering.

(Picture by 3GFX)

Getting off the highway only to see a parking lot littered with cars was absolutely amazing. With almost 500 cars attending it was quite astounding to see that the parking lot had any spots left! The spread of cars that were in the lot could have been an advertisement for Benetton! All the color’s, makes, and levels of modification were there, and it was terrific! From euro to domestic right to land of the rising sun everyone was out in force. If anything C7 deserves credit for getting all these clubs in one lot! With waivers in, cars clean and all the announcements out of the way each club rolled out along the route.

This my friends is the bread and butter of C7’s fall tour; the route. If you’ve ever been caught in the rush hour grind of our club’s home city, an open road means more to you than just all lanes moving at a steady pace. C7’s route was like following the curves of a voluptuous woman, and I don’t care how your read into that, quite simply this route was pure sex!

The route chosen was 100 kilometres in length start to finish; starting in Whitby and ending at the Flamborough Downs Raceway near Peterborough. Although many of you may not own Sunset Orange, or True Red cars because the colors either attract the fuzz, or because you’re just not a fan it cannot be disputed that those colors of leaves did make for some incredible scenery along the route. Through many twists, turns and curves each road was a wonderful experience. Along the way there were a few wrong turns, which were bound to happen throughout the route; this was a good thing as it allowed me to dart ahead and get some excellent pictures of our club, along with some empty roads along the route!

(Picture by 3GFX)

Eventually we ended up at the raceway. Everyone was tired but pleased with the wonderful route and no one wanted anything more than a bite to eat. Bubba stepped up providing Timbits, and dogs for every member of the TM3 and TM6 crew, shout outs to him and Nicole for organizing and leading TM3. Unfortunately the end of the route was a like watching an early tide; it was chilly and many of the cars were already on their way out. The ending was really just another chance to look at other participants’ cars and after that everyone went home.

With each member retreating back to Toronto or toward the draw of lady luck at the slots a small group of us decided to take the long way home and snap a couple of pictures along the way. We did the route backwards and enjoyed some lovely stops along the way for pictures. The route and the colors provided some excellent scenery, as did some of the attractions along the original route. From pictures by a pond, to parking along someone’s un-raked lawn we had fun. While driving and looking for picturesque spots we even managed to take our cars off-road! Yet again enjoying nature, with possibly the quaintest little spot even though all our cars got muddy!

(Picture by 3GFX)

Not only did taking the route back allow some picture time, it also was void of friendly fire fuzz, which allowed us to enjoy the route at a good pace. To which all good things come to an end with the on ramp to the 401, littered with returning cottager traffic. Among the sea of cars was a shed of hope in each of your grumbling stomachs, an ache for McyD’s the only rest stop that could put a perfect end to a perfect day of driving.

If you have never had the chance to drive on your own without destination, I invite you to turn the key and head out of the city. Take that road that’d you’ve always wondered where it ends, then pull a ‘u ee’ and take that side road that looked a little twisty, nothing is more free than a simple fall cruise.

Click this link for more pictures from the C7 Fall Cruise (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=20921)

- Dave (3GFX)

The Niagara Falls Cruise - October 21 2007

I set up a last minute cruise for TorontoMazda3, TorontoProtege and the Jeep Militia for Sunday October 21, 2007. The day included a small cruise with two Mazda 3s, two Protegé5s and two Jeeps.

Weather was perfect with a sunny high of 20 degrees. We departed from our pre-meet at Dixie and Aimco in Mississauga at approximately 10:30 A.M. The drive to Niagara Falls took nearly an hour and a half with us arriving in Niagara Falls around the noon hour. Along the way we had many laughs over our FRS radios, everything from sighting Ron Jeremy in an adjacent car to me being the only “KOKKINO” (lol). Once we hit Niagara Falls we stopped for many photos ops, lining up the Mazdas for the usual scenic shots and getting the Jeeps propped up on the some rocks (what Jeeps do best).

We ended the photoshoots with a scramble shoot in a nearby park and a few single portrait pictures. We cruised along the main strip and stopped to get something to eat. We were chased out early by parking enforcement; which lead to Weesh getting a parking ticket. Hence we ended up at the back of a hotel parking lot stuffing our faces with food, shooting the breeze and watching DVDs. With full tummies, headaches from the sun and memory cards full of pictures we were ready to hit the highway to head home. Proteges first, 3s second followed by the Militia we hit the highway for the trek home.

Although a small cruise, the laughs, the jokes and the friendships formed were truly amazing.

(picture by KOKKINO)

(picture by KOKKINO)

(picture by KOKKINO)

- Felicia (KOKKINO)

October 2007 Meets Recap

MASIV Mondays were slow, one meet was held, it was last minute but the attendance was good. We developed many new ways to play wooden tower. We are so clever! (lol). La Paloma meets were kicking this month, good attendance, and some interclub mingling. Everything from Wagon Mafia tagging, to who can break the air freshener to what I hear was quite a Halloween meet! Wings were on for the last Tuesday of October. The wings were tasty as usual however we were in the mood for more than just timmies that night! We flooded my friend Andrew’s (you may no him as NudlZzz) garage and played poker and Halo3 until 3:00 AM. Those of us with the day of on Wednesday surely enjoyed it! The eastside meets I am sure were great as usual, I didn’t make any.

- Alex (Broli)

October Oakville Meets

The oakville thursday meets are a gathering of westsiders, from Oakville, Burlington, Toronto, and everything in between. We've had some good meets, and good times. Highlights this month were Peter (SSG) doing product test fits on our cars and me finally being able to show off my underglow kit. With All the laughs we've shared it is unfortunate that the weather getting colder and colder, and the snow fast approaching. The Oakville meets may come to an end for this year . . . or maybe they will go underground!

- Adam (Dentinger)

November 2007 Preview

Importfest 2007 – This is a November tradition in the import scene, come have a look at many hot cars and hot models. http://www.importfest.com

The Food Drive is still going! We will be taking donations until early December. So hit up your family, friends and coworkers for some donations!

Winter Safety

Winter is fast approaching! It is important to think about safety while driving year round! However, in the wintertime things can become more hectic and dangerous on the road. Please consider the use of proper winter tires. This is one of the easiest things that you can do to ensure yours and your loved ones safety. Be proactive, not reactive. Put your winter tires on before the first snowstorm. Leave appropriate distance between your car and others. Be aware of your surroundings, ensure that your braking system is functioning properly, ensure your wiper fluid tank is filled and use winter-rated fluid.

Common sense goes a long way! Have a safe and happy winter everyone

- Alex (Broli)

Have a Great November everyone!

- Alex (Broli)

11-05-2007, 03:53 PM
Awesome re-cap!!! well written!

and this photo is awesome!!

11-05-2007, 07:34 PM
as usual.... another month reviewed nicely!! way to go guys

11-05-2007, 10:34 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....pan bread........

11-06-2007, 12:57 AM
thx guys!

i hope that people are enjoying the Times!


Cardinal Fang
11-06-2007, 07:59 AM
Great stuff guys.

11-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Excellent work on the pix and the write-ups, guys!

p.s. Broli: how much is a hood like yours - I want one?

11-06-2007, 10:55 AM
Excellent work on the pix and the write-ups, guys!

p.s. Broli: how much is a hood like yours - I want one?


my hood is the stock hatch hood bro???

11-06-2007, 11:00 AM
What year is yours as I much prefer it to my '07 Sport GT's which has the chrome badge stuck in the middle of the slats....much cleaner, Bro!

11-06-2007, 11:01 AM
He has the GV (garage vary) grille

11-06-2007, 11:17 AM
yes the GV replica

a bit harder to find than the autoexe (one less slit) replica

11-07-2007, 01:22 AM
Awesome re-cap!!! well written!

and this photo is awesome!!...

Hehe thx. Couldn't have had a better day for photos!