View Full Version : A major issue with Prima Mazda

11-10-2007, 12:21 PM
Hey guys...i need to see that i'm not being unreasonable on this.

Today I was planning to mount my winter tires and at the same time replace my rear brake rotors and pads. I brought my car to a heated warehouse in Maple where I could do my work in comfort. I went to take off my front left tire and noticed that it took an astonishing amount of force to loosen the nuts - my 7.5 amp electric impact gun wouldn't do the trick. I nearly had all of my weight on a breaker bar to get the nuts loosened. So pretty much the service guy at Prima over-torqued my wheel nuts yet again when they did my last rotation. Every time I go for service I always mention for them not to do this since it happened the very first time I went to mount my winters two years ago. I eventually got the one tire done.

So now I was going to make my way to the rears. I jacked the car and put it on stands and I went to loosen the wheel nuts...and the same thing happens...but I get all of the nuts off all except the one with the wheel lock. I tried my breaker bar and nothing, I tried my impact gun and nothing, back to the breaker bar and again to the impact gun. On my last attempt with the impact gun, the wheel lock BROKE!!!

So now I'm just pissed! I call Prima Mazda and speak with the service manager (John) and he tells me to put the other 4 nuts back on and leave the one with the lock alone and bring the car in. By the way I was at Keele & Rutherford. He assured me that this would be ok but I wasn't very comfortable with the idea and so I drive to Prima.

Once I get there I show the service manager the wheel lock key and the bits that broke off the wheel lock and explain how pissed I am because one of his mechanics didn't feel like following the service manual specifications and tighten the shit of the wheel nuts. He tells me that they will get the lock off and loosen the other nuts back to spec. I insisted that they also swap out my rear rotors and pads since I just lost all of my time allocated to this task.

1 hour later they call me to tell me that I can have my car back and at that point the service manager offers me a mazda blanket and a free oil change. At this point I had lost 4 hours of my time over carelessness. At this point I ask to speak with the general manager of Prima to explain how pissed I was and to see what he was going to do to keep me as a customer. The moment I asked for the GM, the service manager takes the blanked off the counter and probably docks the oil change off my account.

I sit down with the GM and recount my story yet again and inform him that the only way that he will keep me as a customer is to make the time i lost worthwhile by installing the rear brake pads and rotors at no cost (I already had the parts!). He flat out refused and didn't even attempt to compromise.
I then went out to tell him that heaven forbid I ever needed to change my tire on the side of the road because of an emergency I wouldn't have been able to do it with the simple tools that are provided with my car and therefore would have had to have it towed just to change a wheel! I also tell him that overtorquing bolts is just careless and can create its own safety issues. He tells me that they exceed the factory spec for safety reasons which is a pile of crap.

I proceed to take his card and leave with the intention of following up with Mazda Canada and tell him that he has just lost a customer.

So now as i type, my car has one winter tire mounted which I'm going to take off and put my summer back on, my brakes still in the box, and apparantly properly torqued wheel nuts which I'm going to verify once I finish here. So now I need to devote yet another Saturday morning to do this!

Am I being unreasonable here?

11-10-2007, 12:38 PM
Your request I think is reasonable. But nowaday I don't think many dealers will do that to please a customer.

I think it's also very common that the mechanics overtight the nuts. Therefore, every time after they did something to the wheels, I loosen the nuts and put them back to the correct torque.

I will loosen the nuts first before jack up the car. I think this will help to get the nuts off easier.

11-10-2007, 12:38 PM
They did try to make the situation right. They acknowledge the inconvenience and offered to give you some swag and a free oil change. No disrespect to you, bro, but I do think you're being unreasonable. I know it must have been a huge pain in the ass because you lost a bunch of hours of your time, but they're not going to mash up their schedules and give you free service on something you were allegedly going to do on your own. They also have to take your word that they over-torqued it and not someone who is just trying to get free brake service.

I understand that it sucks, and I'm sure it really was their screw up, but I don't think they could really do much more than they have offered. It would be ideal for them to do that service for you, sure, but I don't see why they should.

11-10-2007, 02:03 PM
At least they tightened the nuts instead of leaving them loose.

Insisting on having them do your brakes is a bit of a stretch.

11-10-2007, 02:47 PM
At least they tightened the nuts instead of leaving them loose.

Insisting on having them do your brakes is a bit of a stretch.

In this case I think he was in the right... honestly going through that much BS just because they hire a student slave to do the "easy" work...is just BS

Once they have the wheels off a good mechanic can have the rear discs/pads switched out in what...10 minutes flat, so yeah I think they should have gone and done that

11-10-2007, 04:27 PM
At least they tightened the nuts instead of leaving them loose.

Insisting on having them do your brakes is a bit of a stretch.

Yes I have to agree with Flippy here, the brakes is a stretch, if they got the bolts off for you then I think they fixed the problem of tightening them too tight.

Wild Weasel
11-10-2007, 08:04 PM
Frankly, since you already know how to change brake pads, it seems to me that the blanket and free oil change are actually worth more to you than the bit of labour to change the pads!

Sounds to me like they tried to right the situation, and good on them for it.

As for the BS excuse about exceeding the tightening specs for safety reasons, that's just stupid. That is COMPROMISING safety. As you said, there are plenty of bad things that can come from over-tightening lug nuts and not one single advantage.

11-12-2007, 08:18 AM
Thanks for the input guys (and I know that there isn't a straight forward resolution to this) but I'm still really ticked off about this...especially since I noticed yesterday that there is burn damage on my rim from when they applied heat to remove the broken wheel lock.

As for the brakes, I was only insistent on them doing them because they wouldn't admit that my time was valuable (only theirs). When the GM told me that they wouldn't do any work for free I was really annoyed because in my job, if I do something wrong, I take responsibility for it and will go out of my way to make sure things are righted. I guess its just my work ethic that not many seem to share.

Frankly, since you already know how to change brake pads, it seems to me that the blanket and free oil change are actually worth more to you than the bit of labour to change the pads!

Sounds to me like they tried to right the situation, and good on them for it.

Well even if they kept the free oil change on the table, I have no faith in their service department anymore so I would have never gone back to redeem it. I am done with Prima.

11-12-2007, 10:53 AM
i never had a prob with prima but i think it was a little to much to ask them to change the brakes u should have taken the blanket and oil change

Cardinal Fang
11-12-2007, 11:17 AM
Although I understand your pain I thought your request was excessive. It was worth a try though. In order for you to get them to fix it you have to take time out of your repair schedule. But you can't complete your repair schedule unless they fix the problem. This is similar to people claiming lost wages as a result of showing up to small claims court to defend themselves. I forget the legal term for it.

11-12-2007, 11:23 AM
i never had a prob with prima but i think it was a little to much to ask them to change the brakes u should have taken the blanket and oil change

Up until now I've never had an issue serious issue with Prima...this was the 2nd instance that I was aware that they over-torqued my wheel nuts despite my reminder every service after the 1st time that they follow the factory spec. This in my mind is the simplest of service tasks and if they can't do that right why should I trust them.

I'm over the brakes thing now, but I still have a very serious safety issue with their practices on how they mount wheels.

11-12-2007, 12:02 PM
Why should they do a free brake job because of a tightened wheel? That makes NO SENCE. Thats pretty rediculous if you ask me. I can see them fixing the problem they caused, but getting free labour on a totally differant matter is WAY off the grid. I understand you value your time just as much as the next person, but you have to be reasonable. Insisting to escalate the situation from manager to manager to Mazda Canada isnt going to get you anything but a "red flag" next to your name.

11-12-2007, 12:02 PM
ps- if thats the only issue you hae had since you have gotten your car.. your doin alright my friend...

11-12-2007, 12:27 PM
Why should they do a free brake job because of a tightened wheel? That makes NO SENCE. Thats pretty rediculous if you ask me. I can see them fixing the problem they caused, but getting free labour on a totally differant matter is WAY off the grid. I understand you value your time just as much as the next person, but you have to be reasonable. Insisting to escalate the situation from manager to manager to Mazda Canada isnt going to get you anything but a "red flag" next to your name.

What I was asking for at the time was the labor part of the rear brake job as I already had the parts. They didn't even seem to want to compromise on that. But as I have said, I'm past that and have booked off another Saturday morning to do this work myself. By the way, I did think that I was being reasonable, if I had all the time in the world it wouldn't have mattered to me, but for me to get access to a heated workspace isn't the easiest thing in the world for me to arrange.

All that said, and with some time to think about the situation, I am most annoyed by the carelessness of the technician and the creation of potentially an unnecessary safety issue all because they choose not to use a torque wrench to mount a wheel.

ps- if thats the only issue you hae had since you have gotten your car.. your doin alright my friend...

Unfortunately this isn't the first issue I've had. This is just the first one that really made me angry enough to want to take action.

11-13-2007, 02:13 PM
Well sorry to hear about your luck, but I still think its a very big stretch to haev free labour done due to what happened. I can see them fixing the mistake, and sure even crediting you a free oil change. but free labour on rear brakes? Thats not waranted in my opinion.

Just a thought, instead of booking time off work to do your brakes... why not drop your car at mazda before work, have them give you a ride to work in a company car, they to the brake job while you are at work, and then you get picked up by them after work with a car and the brakes are done. Do you have to pay them vs doing it yourself.. yes. BUT your also working a whole days work to pay for it... I am assuming that since it is such a big deal that you want to be compensated for your time, that you should have a job that makes your time valuable enough to over compensate for having to pay for a brake job no?

Again, just a little food for thought....

01-30-2009, 01:59 PM
This is one of the problems with Prima Mazda

01-30-2009, 02:31 PM
At least they tightened the nuts instead of leaving them loose.

Insisting on having them do your brakes is a bit of a stretch.


It happens everywhere, it sucks but it happens.

The dealer tried to appease you with swag and an oil change, they've done enough IMO.

Buy a proper torque wrench and tire iron and torque them to the proper specs yourself.

That's what I do.

As for the brakes, had you bought the parts from them, maybe they would consider doing the labour for free, but not since you brought them the parts. No way is it reasonable for you to think they would do that for free.

01-30-2009, 02:52 PM
was it a nice blanket at least? you know, like the one you can wear with the sleeves? :) Just joking...

I hear your frustration at the matter but this is a tough call. Maybe what you could have done when they offered you the free "blanky" and oil change is say "thank-you very much for this offer, I really appreciate it, but I lost my whole day and is it possible for you to change my brakes for me instead, blah blah blah". See if they would accept doing the brakes, if not, then take whatever they are offering you. I know it's hard to be polite when we are upset at a situation (as you deserved to be) but sometimes we need to accept what we can get!!

Anyway, it's obviously too late to use this strategy now, but maybe for next time...

02-07-2009, 06:59 PM
You broke the lock nut using an impact gun? I am not surprised. you are not supposed to use the gun on that nut for that reason...

02-08-2009, 08:51 PM
I think the blanket and oil change was more than enough for a problem that was caused by using an impact gun on a lock-nut!