View Full Version : Does this make sense?

11-14-2007, 11:49 PM
One of our vendors is selling OEM LED tails...

I sent them the following email;

"I'm doughboyr6 from TM3 and M3F....i asked about how much the price > would be without shipping. I noticed the prices between the two sites > don't really reflect the exchange rate/shipping. Was wondering what > the best price you can offer is for locals.>> You were selling them for $330CDN no shipping on TM3 And selling for > $340USD shipped on M3F>> $340USD translate according to today's rates to $320CDN and that even > includes shipping, so I'd imagine shipping to be at least another > $15-$20.>> Can you sell a set for $300 CDN?>> Thanx."

(BTW, exchange rate was based on Nov 9th)

This was the reply;

You have to remember I did not buy them for today's exchange rate that is the common mistake that most people make, they are $330CDN picked up. As this inventory was bought 1 ½ months ago.

I understand a lot of retailers/stores do not want to lower their prices because they bought the inventory at a higher rate and selling anything less would be a loss for them. But if he has new inventory for the people in the US forum, why can't i apply my question to his new stock which he purchased at a lower rate?

11-15-2007, 12:18 AM
It depends where the LED tails are coming from. Taking a wild guess...but maybe for his US customers the LED tails aren't shipped from his house but instead shipped from his supplier directly. Therefore, the vendor is not "stocking" any units. However for the Canadians, he buys a batch of 10 units let's say and then sells them locally. Then the CDN price has to cover duties along with the old conversion rate. Until those 10 units are gone, then he can correct the price.

OR this is totally off and Canadians just get raped on prices for goods because we simply take it.

11-15-2007, 12:43 AM
from what i can tell, he's ordering a new batch for the US order...maybe if he'll allow, i can jump on that and save a few bucks....$340USD shipped is cheaper than $330CDN and its delivered to my door so no gas spent on my part...lol even though brampton/oakville isn't far..

its not as big a deal now because the exchange rate dropped...but when it was higher, it was a greater variance and the free shipping on top. I was hoping to make a quick purchase and sale for him...but that email kinda pissed me off...

11-15-2007, 11:22 AM
I'd shop else where because if he won't do it, I'm sure someone else can.
Thats what I did with brake pads, I saved 20 bucks. But I never asked the vendor if he/she can price match.

11-15-2007, 12:07 PM
Hard to find those tails elsewhere. Either the dealer which will be very expensive or you can occasionally find them on ebay, but for sale by Nabbobery, some people don't like buying from him.

11-15-2007, 03:23 PM
I can understand what the vendor is saying by the fact that he ordered the parts before the drop in the US dollar, however thats not really the consumers problem. I'm not trying to flame on the seller but... other companies aren't complaining about that and are matching the prices to keep customers happy... I guess to each their own

11-15-2007, 04:21 PM
Ignorance has nothing to do with it..

its called customer service.... and its the chance of takign a loss to possibly make more money in the long run... think of it this way... what will do the company more benefit...?? a bad rap.... or good reviews?? people are more likely to spend money at a company in which they have heard good things, hence it is worth to take a small loss... as for the large corporations I understand they have more of a chance. But how can you expect someone to pay more when on the next shipment they are paying less.... like really thats just common sense! As for how business works.. well I never knew that (sorry for the sarcasm) but I mean honestly I'm not a tool! but thank you very much for assuming that :chuckle

11-15-2007, 06:17 PM
if a company buys a product for less now, what will happen when and if the CAN dollar drops again?? the company will just raise their prices again.. won't they just make their money back then??

I don't remember what happened when the CAN dollar started to drop.. how long did it take for prices to go up?? if it slowly went up then this is the same effect.. the prices will probably slowly drop.. I guess the issue right now is that the CAN dollar just sky rocketed over a short period of time..

u might be able to bargain with the guy.. that is, if u buy a bunch of stuff (by urself or with others from this forum) then he'll probably give u a better rate.. but u can't expect the guy to give you the exact exchange rate.. the banks don't even do that..

11-15-2007, 09:32 PM
Back to my original question... who is the vendor?

Most likely Devin.

11-15-2007, 09:51 PM
i didn't want to drop names, but you guys can pretty much guess it....

11-16-2007, 09:13 AM
i don't think doughboy is looking for the exact exchange rate, but like DS2chan brought up when the dollar goes down the vendor isn't going to honour his cheaper cost from his last shipment now is he?

11-18-2007, 04:38 PM
that $10 doesnt seem like much

if you goto 1010tires, look at the difference btwn the US and CDN prices. now that is significant.

companies are gonna set their prices to whatever they want. where you get them from, is all up to you.

11-19-2007, 05:24 PM
true enough... but thats why you hunt around for a good deal :chuckle

11-20-2007, 01:52 PM
Just watch when the dollar goes down all the prices will go up right away.

Can we ask "Do you have any of the old stock left for cheaper?", with them complying.

It would be more business oriented to offer marginal discounts on old stock, and balance it with new stock coming in. It's not like they buy everything all at once.

It would be like discount the LED tails, make up the profit margin with another product.

..doughboyr6.. Just pay him $340 in American Dollars and have him ship it. If the exchange is right you'll be paying about $305CAD shipped. And buy from the other forum.