View Full Version : Adjusting idling rate

11-22-2007, 05:01 PM
Hi all,

I've taken the car in 2 times now to have a mechanic look at my car idling at 400-500 RPM when stopped at lights, etc. It feels like its on the verge of stalling, AND I was in Muskoka the last weekend, and my automatic, yes, automatic stalled going uphill in first from stopped, at a steep incline. That shouldn't happen.

First time - No problem found (unable to reproduce issue - but still charged)
Second time - PCM update said this is fixed.


A co-worker of mine said he had similar problems and asked a mechanic (while he was in there doing an oil change) adjust the throttle body to be more open thus idles at around 700 RPM and now does not experience any issues.

Problem is I know someones going to charge me an hr. labor on this if I go back, when it's just 2 turns of a screwdriver.

Does anyone have any recommendations? Is this D-I-Y safe?

11-22-2007, 05:25 PM
go to Gilmen, ask for Ray.
he shouldn't charge you by the hour.
you can call and ask first
416 289 1388

Ray will probably look into it, if you go in early enough.
Talk to him on the phone first

11-22-2007, 05:27 PM
*IMO*, and you really gotta take what I say with a grain of salt 'cuz I can break and reassemble Altimas, haven't fixed M3s yet:

Adjusting your idle higher may just be a band-aid fix to something bigger like a vaccuum leak, bad ground, or a clog somewhere (like cat converter?). Also want to point out the extra gas you might be using up to compensate for the issue, if the engine is using the same amount of gas to idle to 400 as what a healthy engine uses to idle at 700-800.