View Full Version : Possibility of Programming the Flip Key Remote to the Mazda Remote Starter?
12-22-2007, 01:32 PM
I have been thinking about purchasing a remote starter from Mazda to use mainly during the winter time. I would only carry the remote with me during the winter and put away during the summer months. I also have and want to keep my flip key. I have talked to both Jeff and Joe over at MoT and both are giving me different answers to my question:
Can the remote flip key be re-programmed 100% to the new set of remotes that come with the starter and still maintain the use of all buttons?
Biz's answer: No because the new set of remotes work on a different frequency. Although you might be able to unlock/lock your doors with the flip key, it will trip off your alarm b/c they work on different frequencies with the upgraded shock sensor.
Flip's answer: Yes. You program the remote the exact same way as you did originally with the two stock remotes. The frequency shouldn't matter.
As you can see from the above answers, i'm a little bit confused. Both Jeff's wifes car and Joe's car have the remote starter but do not have flip keys. I'm not too sure if Joe has anti theft on his vehicle but he did indicate that he did try one of his old stock remotes and it worked fine. Joe did try opening the doors?
Does any member on this forum have both a remote flip key and remote starter package?
If you do, can you use both style remotes with no problems?
If you don't, what are your opinions on the answers above?
Thanks and appreciate your help!
PS: Don't respond by saying to purchase an aftermarket unit such as a Compustar. I have thought about it but I want to be able to upgrade the security features that the remote starter offers. Also, I don't want another chunky remote to carry around b/c the Mazda remote alarm button can't disable the aftermarket alarm system.
12-22-2007, 01:58 PM
I still stand by my word that the flip-key remote will work. It uses the same frequency as the stock remote. You can lock the car with both the new remote and the original remote.
12-22-2007, 03:07 PM
I still stand by my word that the flip-key remote will work. It uses the same frequency as the stock remote. You can lock the car with both the new remote and the original remote.
I wouldn't be surprised if I am wrong on this one..
But I am only going off of what my service dept told me..... uh... yeah. forget that.
Besides, the flipkey is so last year... :)
Best off to try it, if it does work, I stand corrected and my source was wrong..
If it doesn't work... Told you so... :)
12-23-2007, 11:36 AM
Besides, the flipkey is so last year... :)
Best off to try it, if it does work, I stand corrected and my source was wrong..
If it doesn't work... Told you so... :)
Its not last year! least not to me.
Do you offer those "try it before you but it" just like they have at the sample stations at Costco? :chuckle
The programming of the flip key remote is the only thing stopping me from buying the car starter and both your replies are not helping me out lol.
No one else on this forum has both or know anything about this?
12-23-2007, 12:58 PM
Hey joe,
what does the remote start key fob look like? the oem mazda one i mean. do you have a button on there that says start or something? and does it have lock and unlock on a seperate buttons? I ask this because the flipkey remotes only have the panic, unlock, lock and some have the trunk popper. Even though the remotes may work on the same frequency how are you going to program the flipkey to the the remot starter? would you use the trunk function?
you also satated that you can unlock and lock the car with both remotes but that should be that way anyways because the oneremote is talking to the cars oem alarm receiver and the other remote is talking to the alarm start module. They are both setup so that they can lock/unlock the car. Its like comparing the compustar system to the factory alarm both remotes open the car but the stock remote cannot be programmed to start it.
Im not trying to doubt you but i just want to figure this out so please dont take it personal
12-24-2007, 12:35 PM
how are you going to program the flipkey to the the remot starter? would you use the trunk function?
I wasn't planning on programming the car starter button to the flip key remote. I will carry both flip key and car starter fob with me but in the summer, the fob goes into storage and I will use only the flip key. I only want to start my car in the winter.
12-25-2007, 12:05 AM
aaa your tittle states to be a little confusing then haha. no worries,
when you store the fob for the remote start you could possibly set the starter in to a valet mode maybe? that way if the 2 remotes work on seperate systems at least that way the starter alarm will not sound if you use the stock remote.
If the alarm has this feature i am not sure but maybe joe or Jeff could shed some light on this?
12-27-2007, 12:00 AM
mcguyver is right. reprogramming won't work. the mazda "OEM" remote starter is really just a "debadged" audiovox remote start/alarm that integrates with the central locking, repackaged with mazda3-specific installation instructions. the remote works only with the audiovox unit; the car's OEM keyless module is just never used again once the audiovox unit is installed. so there's no hope that an OEM mazda remote (or flip key remote) will work with the OEM, er, audiovox, remote start unit.
12-27-2007, 08:26 AM
Hmm weird since my stock remote can still lock/unlock the car.
12-27-2007, 12:09 PM
Hmm weird since my stock remote can still lock/unlock the car.
Joe, do you have anti theft on your vehicle? When you unlocked the car, did you open the door?
12-27-2007, 03:35 PM
Joe, do you have anti theft on your vehicle? When you unlocked the car, did you open the door?
Just the stock system that comes with the car. I think the real issue would be if you arm the car using the remote starter fob then unlock using the old remote. The system might go off.
12-27-2007, 07:50 PM
so you basically answered your own question.the stock remote talks to the stock alarm and the starter fob talks to the starter module which is also hooked up to arm and disarm the car
so all you would have to do is disarm the remote start fob for the summer and use your stock fob?
12-28-2007, 11:58 AM
so you basically answered your own question.the stock remote talks to the stock alarm and the starter fob talks to the starter module which is also hooked up to arm and disarm the car
so all you would have to do is disarm the remote start fob for the summer and use your stock fob?
That sounds like the answer is to use the individual alarms by themselves. Is it not possible to wire in the shock sensor to the original anti theft system?
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