01-07-2008, 01:21 PM
TM3 Times – January 2008
If there is anyone interested in taking over the duties for the TM3 Times please send me a PM, we are looking for someone to take over as early as next month. The person who takes over will have full rights to take the TM3 Times in whatever direction they have in their vision.
Happy New Years TM3. 2007 was great and here is to an even better 2008.
Last Month in TM3
December is a slow month for the club winter has sunk its teeth into the city and people tend towards hibernation mode. Nonetheless, meets are ongoing and the attendance has been solid!
December is also a time when most members (and people in North America) return to their homes and their families and respective circles of friends. In that spirit we had our Holiday Dinner in December (as reviewed in the last issue).
December 2007 Events
First Annual Food Drive
Our first food drive was a smashing success, we raised 400+ lbs of food and nearly $230.00. I was very impressed with the generosity of our members and their friends and families.
A few of us met on a cold day at La Paloma Timmies to bring all the food together and trek it down to a fire hall to make the donation. We realized we couldn't get a good picture of all the food so we went to Effin Itai's (Marco) place to use his space and his truck . . .
The firemen were impressed with our donation and interested in our club. The food drive went off without a hitch this year (with the exception of my suspension perhaps lol) and we look forward to next years food drive.
- Alex (Broli)
December 2007 Meets Recap
The meets are running strong still. We have MASIV Mondays and La Paloma Wednesdays running on a regular basis. Check the Calendar or the mini meets section for information.
The nice thing this December was new members. it is regular to have new members show up to meets in the summer but in December it is a rarity. . . well that is what we have seen and it is great.
January 2008 Preview
There are no events planned for January. The Detroit Auto show is on this month and is known to be quite a bit better than our Auto show which is coming this February
Happy New Years Everyone
- Alex (Broli)
If there is anyone interested in taking over the duties for the TM3 Times please send me a PM, we are looking for someone to take over as early as next month. The person who takes over will have full rights to take the TM3 Times in whatever direction they have in their vision.
Happy New Years TM3. 2007 was great and here is to an even better 2008.
Last Month in TM3
December is a slow month for the club winter has sunk its teeth into the city and people tend towards hibernation mode. Nonetheless, meets are ongoing and the attendance has been solid!
December is also a time when most members (and people in North America) return to their homes and their families and respective circles of friends. In that spirit we had our Holiday Dinner in December (as reviewed in the last issue).
December 2007 Events
First Annual Food Drive
Our first food drive was a smashing success, we raised 400+ lbs of food and nearly $230.00. I was very impressed with the generosity of our members and their friends and families.
A few of us met on a cold day at La Paloma Timmies to bring all the food together and trek it down to a fire hall to make the donation. We realized we couldn't get a good picture of all the food so we went to Effin Itai's (Marco) place to use his space and his truck . . .
The firemen were impressed with our donation and interested in our club. The food drive went off without a hitch this year (with the exception of my suspension perhaps lol) and we look forward to next years food drive.
- Alex (Broli)
December 2007 Meets Recap
The meets are running strong still. We have MASIV Mondays and La Paloma Wednesdays running on a regular basis. Check the Calendar or the mini meets section for information.
The nice thing this December was new members. it is regular to have new members show up to meets in the summer but in December it is a rarity. . . well that is what we have seen and it is great.
January 2008 Preview
There are no events planned for January. The Detroit Auto show is on this month and is known to be quite a bit better than our Auto show which is coming this February
Happy New Years Everyone
- Alex (Broli)