View Full Version : TYC Projector Help

02-16-2008, 08:28 PM
I took my gf's 01 civic to have tyc projectors and hids installed today. At the shop we discovered that the projectors are really wobbly inside the headlight assemblies. Does anyone have experience installing TYC's? Were the projectors loose in the housing, and if so, how can I fix this?

I'm going ape trying to figure this out, and TYC's online support is @ss. Any help is greatly appreciated.


02-18-2008, 10:58 PM
Hey Jason have you tried bringing this up on the Civic forums?

From my previous experience with aftermarket projectors the only real way to fix them is to open up the housing.

02-19-2008, 08:00 PM
hey Jason... what year civic does your gf have??? this may play an important part... and are these a one piece projector or 2 piece?? This will also have an effect. The reason I ask if its an older civic... I.e. an EG 92-95 the headlights look similar... but they are slightly different and fit differently with the corners as the corner lights are completely different.. .I could be wrong.. but I believe sedan and coupe/hatch lights are also different for the others as well.... could be your issue... don't forget an aftermarket part is not always a perfect fit.

03-11-2008, 03:04 PM
Issue solved.

I returned the assemblies yesterday. Turns out both sides were defective. Props to Sherman at Speedtech; awesome service! I just have to pick up the new assemblies.