View Full Version : A little ticked...
Yesterday there was a FS thread from a member on the board. 2 members went on and on in this thread putting down the product and trash this members thread. It really pissed me off and it wasn't even my thread. Many people saw their comment's before it was cleaned up. It may have impacted this members product from being sold. Maybe it didn't...
What is the punishment for this behavior?
I personally think their FS threads should be closed for 30 days. I mean if you are going to try to harm someone elses chance of a FS it is only fair your chance is too.
The rules are clear.
What does anyone else think?
Noisy Crow
03-09-2008, 02:26 PM
I am active on a few other sites, so I see this over and over again...
There should be something to control this, but it is always difficult. A few more mods may help... I have been fortunate to be a member of a site that has enough moderators that stuff like this disappears in minutes, but that requires a lot of people in different time zones.
03-09-2008, 03:06 PM
Yea. i actually agree with you. That was very BS and i do'nt think its fair to the member.
03-09-2008, 03:33 PM
guys, i dont mean to start this all up again, but it seems like you do. If you wanna talk about fair then lets also close all the threads and delete all the messages of ppl complaining that the prices on the items that i personally sell are too high. that'd be fair too, no? or wait, when you (not you personally, but in general) thread crap then it's ok, but when the ppl that you were complaining about start expressing their opinions, you consider that BS?!
damn, i hate hypocrites!
03-09-2008, 04:41 PM
One option is to do what HoFo does and only let the thread starter post replies (i.e. new price or a bump). This will prevent anyone trashing the product. However, the downside is that there can be no real discussion on the product either.
03-09-2008, 04:48 PM
Don't worry guys/gals this sort of thing will not be tolerated. If anyone has an issue with the person selling the product for too much send them a PM.
just get rid of the FS section and done
03-09-2008, 06:07 PM
Don't worry guys/gals this sort of thing will not be tolerated. If anyone has an issue with the person selling the product for too much send them a PM.
Or if you've got an issue (unless you're pointing out blatant mis-information) just ignore it!!!:flaming
I completely agree with you b. Something that personally drives me insane:bang (and this example showcases the situation perfectly): people complaining to radio/television/other media that they think the programming/host/content whatever is crap/inappropriate/fugly etc.
Nobody is making YOU watch, listen or read so just CHANGE THE F*CKING CHANNEL rather than screwing things up for everyone else!!!
Sorry for the rant, this obviously struck a nerve.
03-09-2008, 08:35 PM
just get rid of the FS section and done
How about ban people for thread crapping?:)
Infractions are given and have been given before for poor site etiquette. This includes FS threads.
As mentioned. Its hard to keep track of everything, we try.
03-09-2008, 08:51 PM
go ban ur self
That's pretty funny actually...but you know, some boards actually has a feature to temporarily ban your own account. For those times when you really shouldn't be browsing the forum but can't help yourself (ie. during exams).
03-09-2008, 08:52 PM
03-09-2008, 09:04 PM
From Flipdady's link:
"Thread crapping and Thread hi-jacking are heavily frowned upon and will be dealt with."
I guess the challenge is how to deal with it. IMO, people make mistakes so there shouldn't be a zero tolerance policy. But, in the case of repeat offenders, Flip's suggestion to ban, at least temporarily, is prolly the best option.
03-09-2008, 10:08 PM
I think the best way to avoid this from happening again is to only give the creator the ability to post in the thread. I've had people thread crap on my FS threads before and it never turns out good (on other forums). This also keeps things fair to others that are selling things because if there's a conversation going on, that thread is always being bumped.
Just my $0.02
Just want to start off by saying thanks to those who have provided feedback... I was hoping I wasn't the only one that this bugged.
guys, i dont mean to start this all up again, but it seems like you do. If you wanna talk about fair then lets also close all the threads and delete all the messages of ppl complaining that the prices on the items that i personally sell are too high. that'd be fair too, no? or wait, when you (not you personally, but in general) thread crap then it's ok, but when the ppl that you were complaining about start expressing their opinions, you consider that BS?!
damn, i hate hypocrites!
Yes I did want to bring it up for what you two said. It wasn't fair to the seller.
The talk on high prices was a separate thread that someone else created to talk about an issue and it wasn't in your fs thread. It talked about prices and never in any way said the product you were selling is complete crap like you said in this thread.
Don't worry, I am not a fan of you either.
One option is to do what HoFo does and only let the thread starter post replies (i.e. new price or a bump). This will prevent anyone trashing the product. However, the downside is that there can be no real discussion on the product either.
Very good idea.
just get rid of the FS section and done
Instead of punishing everyone.. you could be nicer!!!!!
How about ban people for thread crapping?:)
go ban ur self
Your two posts in this thread are perfect examples!
Infractions are given and have been given before for poor site etiquette. This includes FS threads.
As mentioned. Its hard to keep track of everything, we try.
You all do a very good job keeping ontop of the forum. I couldn't keep on it as well as you all do. I am just wondering why the same people always do it...
From Flipdady's link:
"Thread crapping and Thread hi-jacking are heavily frowned upon and will be dealt with."
I guess the challenge is how to deal with it. IMO, people make mistakes so there shouldn't be a zero tolerance policy. But, in the case of repeat offenders, Flip's suggestion to ban, at least temporarily, is prolly the best option.
I agree, we all make mistakes. I do sometimes. Even on this forum.
Some people constantly go out of their way...
03-10-2008, 01:36 AM
I wasn't going to say anything but i changed my mind.
I think the issue is a complex one.
sometimes people just ask too much for something, i am not speaking of any thread or any member specifically.
should we stand by when someone is selling something for a price that we know is too high? aren't we all here to protect eachother?
if we institute some of these suggested policies wouldn't that lead to some members getting fleeced?
maybe some kind of compromise could be reached?
how about, stating (not flaming) civily that you believe a price is too high, and perhaps link to some sort of proof for this, with rationale.
similar item, significantly less costly
same item new, similar price
or whatever is valid.
this will give the OP a chance to respond and explain his/her pricing in relation to ur comment
If the OP didn't get so defensive and the attacker didn't attack but rather commented no one would take things so personally.
03-10-2008, 03:31 AM
I wasn't going to say anything but i changed my mind.
how about, stating (not flaming) civily that you believe a price is too high, and perhaps link to some sort of proof for this, with rationale.
very Good idea!
Wild Weasel
03-10-2008, 09:33 AM
I'll start by saying that I have no idea what this thread is about or who was involved, so my comments are about for-sale threads in general.
I'm with Broli here. I think we should feel some responsibility as a community to look out for one another. If we end up hurting someone's sale because of that, then that's a shame for that person but I think it's always better to protect potential buyers than to help along potential sellers.
All is well when people come to an agreement and a transaction is made, but all hell breaks loose when people find out after the fact that they probably shouldn't have bought what they did either at all, or for the price they paid.
If you give out extra information that stops them, then sure... the seller is still suck with the item, but they're already stuck with the item. The solution to that is not to fool someone into buying it for more that it's worth.
There's been a few occasions here where I've posted that people shouldn't buy something. I did the same thing on the j-body forums when I came across things that shouldn't be bought. If people don't like me because of it, then so be it, but I would hope they'd appreciate being able to leverage my knowledge when making their decisions.
For example... let's say that someone here spend $300 on an electric supercharger for their car. Then they realize it's a piece of garbage, and post it up for sale for $50. They'll argue that this is a steal since it normally costs $300.
Would I be wrong to go in and say that nobody should buy it, even for $50? Would that be thread-crapping? The seller certainly wouldn't be happy, but aren't I saving someone from spending $50 on garbage?
Another example... there was a pair of winter tires posted here by someone that was worn down beyond the siping in the tread. I posted that I didn't think they were good for winter and more and that I wouldn't recommend buying them as winter tires.
Is that hurting the sale? Probably. Do I post it specifically to hurt the seller? No... I post it to protect the buyer. Isn't that helpful? Isn't that what we should all be doing?
03-10-2008, 09:55 AM
One option is to do what HoFo does and only let the thread starter post replies (i.e. new price or a bump). This will prevent anyone trashing the product. However, the downside is that there can be no real discussion on the product either.
I agree with you on this one..
No thread jacking and if you have any questions, you ask the seller. keeps it simple and clean.
Wild Weasel
03-10-2008, 10:00 AM
I firmly disagree. Basically, that lets the seller post whatever they want and takes away the ability of the membership to watch out for one another. That's not good at all.
03-10-2008, 10:14 AM
I think there is a middle ground on this (Keep in mind I have no idea what happened as I was away all weekend).
Like Weasel said: If it is something misrepresented, not safe, or well above market value, I think the public has a right to know. I mean I get a TON of PMs from guys asking about going turbo etc. If I was a shady guy, I could post up kits off eBay on here, and make some money for myself. LOL. On the flip side, we all want the most we can get for a product. Its human nature.
If your going to post in someones For Sale thread, show some class! No need to troll/flame/bash. It seems that no matter what happens some people never learn their lesson, and keep doing it. I think stiffer punishments need to be handed out to repeat offenders. Like I said, I was away all weekend, and I can already guess what happened.... just from all of the past experiences (Which wouldn't happen if someone handed out some justice ;))
Just my $0.02
03-10-2008, 10:20 AM
If your going to post in someones For Sale thread, show some class! No need to troll/flame/bash.
100% ditto! Not that hard of a concept imo :)
03-10-2008, 10:45 AM
you guys are all standing by the buyers side. Try thinking of the sellers side. I know you should protect one another on the board but what if you want to sell like say a dvd player and you bought it for $500 but you want to let it go for $200. Then someone found out new one sells for $200 and says that on your thread? That will cause you to drop the price even lower and you might not even make a sale.
Its not what YOU think its worth, its what the seller wants to get.
also my 2 cents.
03-10-2008, 10:51 AM
you guys are all standing by the buyers side. Try thinking of the sellers side. I know you should protect one another on the board but what if you want to sell like say a dvd player and you bought it for $500 but you want to let it go for $200. Then someone found out new one sells for $200 and says that on your thread? That will cause you to drop the price even lower and you might not even make a sale.
Its not what YOU think its worth, its what the seller wants to get.
also my 2 cents.
For sure Kev... its a give and take. I mean if you were the guy buying the $200 DVD player, wouldnt you want to know you could get it for $200 new?
Its a touchy subject, and I think for the most part its been pretty good on here, minus a couple of people.
If the mods/admins do allow comments on the items to be made, they should be the judge of them, and delete where necessary :)
03-10-2008, 10:54 AM
For sure Kev... its a give and take. I mean if you were the guy buying the $200 DVD player, wouldnt you want to know you could get it for $200 new?
Its a touchy subject, and I think for the most part its been pretty good on here, minus a couple of people.
If the mods/admins do allow comments on the items to be made, they should be the judge of them, and delete where necessary :)
Yes i agree i would want to know i can get it for $200 new, but thats up to me to do some research before i go ahead and buy the dvd player.
Wild Weasel
03-10-2008, 11:08 AM
That's where I think the community helps one another. We are part of that research.
It's unfortunate that the seller is stuck with a DVD player they can only get $100 for, when they would like $200, but that's their problem. By allowing it to be sold without commentary, we're allowing the buyer to be ripped off.
We can't prevent the seller from having goods they can't sell for what they'd like to... but we didn't put them in that position in the first place. We can only protect buyers from ending up paying too much for something or ending up with something they shouldn't have bought in the first place.
03-10-2008, 11:09 AM
i firmly agree that someone should be doing the research on an item b4 they buy it
however, if a trustworthy member of the club is selling something, i am prone to believe that the price they are offering is fair, because i already trust these people . . .
so i dont beleive it is only a buyer beware world on our forum.
03-10-2008, 11:24 AM
I know that its been suggested before, however I will bring it up again. Would it be beneficial to all parties that a BST/feedback rating be added to profiles as to allow purchasers to get an idea of whom they are dealing with? ie. someone with negative feedback will definitely have a difficult time selling items and all will know their standing and perhaps not even bother crapping on their sale as the feedback will speak for itself. Just my $0.02.
03-10-2008, 11:26 AM
whats that "FS" OP about?
03-10-2008, 11:45 AM
I know about this already, I guess what I was getting at was a rating attached to the profile as used on other forums such as As you and I both know, quite a few people on here don't like to, or don't know how to use the search function and would not come upon this. With what I am suggesting, you BST/feedback rating would appear by your avatar. Like I said, just my $0.02 (well, $0.04 now).
03-10-2008, 11:48 AM
I know about this already, I guess what I was getting at was a rating attached to the profile as used on other forums such as As you and I both know, quite a few people on here don't like to, or don't know how to use the search function and would not come upon this. With what I am suggesting, you BST/feedback rating would appear by your avatar. Like I said, just my $0.02 (well, $0.04 now).
Yes i would have to agree with you there. On the 8th civic forum, every member have the itrader status under there name.
03-10-2008, 11:53 AM
okay.. I think a few of you guys/girls have posted some good points... I don't think its fair to flame or crap on someone's thread. I do agree that people on this forum for the most part are here to help more then hinder. However.. I agree in part with Kevin as well... If I'm asking too much money for a product and the buyer didn't research that's there issue.... not mine. bare in mind there are always those that will ask a higher price so that when they get lowballed they get what they were looking for.
I mean it's like buying a product at one store, but finding it cheaper an hour later someone else... if you didn't do the research its not the sellers fault just the buyers.. I think we should be able to discuss the product itself... but not the price... and as for certain individuals charging more money... for the most part it's usually those who take care of their parts better then others. so why not pay a little bit of a premium for a better product.
Everyone has their own idea of too much or a lousy product. I think we are entitle to our own opinions but at the same time.. I don't feel we should be shortchanging anyone whehter it be the seller or the buyer.
As for punishment I think this is something that should be considered and followed through on....
I also like sauga's idea... of having the rating near the avatar... could even be simple thumbs up/thumbs down...
03-10-2008, 12:05 PM
personally, i think this thread has gotten slightly off-topic.
i don't have any problems criticizing someone's For Sale thread if the price is too high (in my opinion), or the product is crap (again, in my opinion).
i *do* have a problem with criticism being done harshly, rudely, or otherwise impolitely.
Wild Weasel
03-10-2008, 12:12 PM
Yes, we should all make an effort at being nice to one another.
03-10-2008, 12:20 PM
Most people are very civil about it... seems to be the same ppl time and time again.
03-10-2008, 12:27 PM
well then if it's the same repeat offenders.. maybe the should be banned for a short period of time... or not be allowed to post in the for sale section?? Is this something that could be done mods??
Cardinal Fang
03-10-2008, 12:28 PM
A round of bitch slapping seems appropriate to me. :chuckle
03-10-2008, 12:38 PM
A round of bitch slapping seems appropriate to me. :chuckle
I think that sums it up, I'm locking this up.
Suggestions throughout this thread are noted, and we are in the process of extending our moderation team.
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