View Full Version : Someone tried to break into my car...

03-15-2008, 12:57 AM
Yeah - so tonight, I get back to my car after photographing the hockey game, and what do I find, but a card in my door with a phone number, report number and the name of a police officer. I'm confused at first, so I start to look at the doors of my car to see if there is damage or something..I look up and my entire driver side window is cracked. Like...not a single part of the window without a crack - it's kinda cool looking.

They obviously tried to jam something into my window to break in, except all the glass cracked and only broke at the top. They put some nasty gashes into the black plastic around the window too. There was a bit of glass on my seat inside, but they never got into the car.

Whether they were scared off by the cops who were patrolling the lot, or whether they got scared when the window cracked, I won't know.

The cop is going to call me at 9am to do a follow-up and then I have to get it fixed ASAP since I don't have a garage to store it in and I fear anything else happening to it.

God I'm pissed right now...had to rant a bit.

03-15-2008, 01:00 AM
Sorry to hear about your car.

I'd be so pissed if that happened to me!:flaming

You're a photographer, right? Do you know Frank Gunn? I went to high school with him...

03-15-2008, 01:35 AM
I don't personally know Frank, but I know who he is. He doesn't some great sports work. I don't normally shoot sports, but tonight I had an assignment so I wanted to give it a shot.

I give credit to those who do shoot sports tho..it's not easy!

03-15-2008, 01:41 AM
I guess the shock sensor isn't set off by trying to break into a window, eh?

03-15-2008, 08:05 AM
That sucks, I had the same thing happen last year. The cost to replace the window will be less then the deductible

03-15-2008, 08:19 AM
Sucks but could have been worse. You'll have to get it re-tinted too. Hope the colour/darkness matches the others.
So a cop saved the day huh...that's nice.
Since you had your photo gear with you...did you snap any pics (CSI style)?

Your 2004 will have shock sensor only if you had it installed during the recall.

03-15-2008, 09:36 AM
I didn't snap any phootos last night cause I was way too upset (still am).

The cop is coming by today to finish off the report, and then I'll take some photos of the damage. I'm more pissed because no places around here can have glass until at least Monday (Mazda will have it by Wednesday at the least), which won't happen since i'm in school all day, so it'll have to be Tuesday and I can't even see out of my window (nor is it safe). Everytime I drive over a bump it breaks even more, so I'm scared to drive to school with it incase the whole thing finally gives.

Mazda will charge me almost $300 to have the window done and another $75 for the tinting (I had it done through Mazda when I bought the car), but it'll take 3-5 business days to get the glass

Speedy can get the glass by Monday, I'll have to get it tinted at Mazda separately, but I have no idea how much it's going to cost.

Any suggestions of faster places? I'm scared to even leave it parked in my driveway, let alone drive 1.5 hours to school on Monday.

And Xerox - I already have the shock sensor from the recall, I just wanted to know if breaking into the car like that would set the alarm off at all...obviously no doors were opened, but was just curious.

03-15-2008, 09:54 AM
I didn't snap any phootos last night cause I was way too upset (still am).

The cop is coming by today to finish off the report, and then I'll take some photos of the damage. I'm more pissed because no places around here can have glass until at least Monday (Mazda will have it by Wednesday at the least), which won't happen since i'm in school all day, so it'll have to be Tuesday and I can't even see out of my window (nor is it safe). Everytime I drive over a bump it breaks even more, so I'm scared to drive to school with it incase the whole thing finally gives.

Mazda will charge me almost $300 to have the window done and another $75 for the tinting (I had it done through Mazda when I bought the car), but it'll take 3-5 business days to get the glass

Speedy can get the glass by Monday, I'll have to get it tinted at Mazda separately, but I have no idea how much it's going to cost.

Any suggestions of faster places? I'm scared to even leave it parked in my driveway, let alone drive 1.5 hours to school on Monday.

And Xerox - I already have the shock sensor from the recall, I just wanted to know if breaking into the car like that would set the alarm off at all...obviously no doors were opened, but was just curious.

Technically the shock that could break your glass should set off the alarm. Ask the cop if it was the alarm that attracted his attention.

03-15-2008, 09:55 AM
Wow, you already have the shock sensor installed…nice.
I would imagine that the shock sensor should trigger if there's sufficient force even if the doors are not opened. Maybe that’s what saved you – the alarm went off and thief took off.

Just curious, when you unlocked the car with your remote, did it honk or flash lights more than usual? I have no idea how our cars work but I think most alarms will give some sign that the alarm was tripped.

03-15-2008, 09:59 AM
Nope, the lights flashed as usual, nothing out of the ordinary.

Wouldn't the alarm have still been going off if it was set off? Cause I don't know how much time elapsed between when it happened and when I returned to my car.

03-15-2008, 09:59 AM
Technically the shock that could break your glass should set off the alarm. Ask the cop if it was the alarm that attracted his attention.

The cop who just came to visit me wasn't the cop who reported it last night, so I won't know unless I track them down. Not sure that's worth the hassle.

03-15-2008, 10:28 AM
That's too bad someone tried to break into you car. :( Hopefully you can get this fixed asap.

Even when the shock sensor is set off, I don't think anything changes when you disarm the alarm. I'm pretty sure it still flashes normally, unlike aftermarket alarms.

EDIT: I think there is an approx time of 2.5 min until the alarm shuts off. I found it in the manual. Haven't tried it though.

03-15-2008, 10:30 AM
Technically the alarm will shut off after a little bit.

Its good thing its only damage, not like they got in to do anything else. Count yourself lucky, even though it is quite frustrating. Keep us updated!

03-15-2008, 11:24 AM
if you need the car and the report/pictures are done with you can just knock the glass out and tape a clear plastic bag in there in the mean time (yes ghetto but at least you can see out the window). also you can go to other palces to get your window tinted rather than the dealer, it'll probably be cheaper with no middle man (they out source it).

03-15-2008, 11:45 AM
Don't know whether to call you lucky or unlucky.
But if you need a place to store your car give me a PM if you live near Richmond Hill

03-15-2008, 12:29 PM
what a bad day for you, I would be REALLY pissed. I guess, I should go and install the shock sensor too

03-15-2008, 12:34 PM
sorry to hear that, i hoped they didnt take any gear from you. they may know you as a photographer and you should always carry lots gears.

03-15-2008, 12:58 PM
cwp/3GFX - thanks for the info RE: the alarm. I figured it would shut off at some point, it just sucks because I haven't been able to set it off on my own yet, so I'm really curious if the shock sensor worked at all.

Shortbus - Yeah, I might see if I can get some clear plastic instead of a bag, since I have to leave it parked at the York U lot all day on Monday until I can get it fixed and well - I don't trust people in MY area, let alone Toronto.

Fuman - thanks very much for the offer! Unfortunately - I'm in Oshawa, so Richmond Hill would be a bit far for storage :) but I appreciate it!

x_o_k_x - yeah - I've gone through the upset/crying to the pissed/hunt them down and hurt them :) Stupid punks!

RX9- no, I don't keep my gear in the car at any point (for the fear of this happening alone), and because I was out shooting at the time, I had all my important stuff with me. There is nothing of value in my car, so even if they did get in, I wouldn't have been upset over what they took - just the act itself. I wasn't parked in any lot near work, so no one would have known about me being a photographer (nor did I carry any gear out of my car that resembled camera gear). The cops said that a few other cars in the area were broken into as well, so it was just a random case apparently.

03-15-2008, 01:38 PM
Fuman - thanks very much for the offer! Unfortunately - I'm in Oshawa, so Richmond Hill would be a bit far for storage :) but I appreciate it!

I saw your sig but was thinking that can just be where you work.
Good luck with the repair!

03-15-2008, 09:17 PM
hockey puck to the window ?

I remember when I played hockey back in the day , I saw it happen A LOT (no, I was not part it).

03-16-2008, 02:07 AM
haha, no. My car was parked a km away from the game, and it was an OHL game indoors...

if a hockey puck made it that far, I'd wonder wtf was going on.

03-16-2008, 02:25 AM
Here is a photo of the damage I took this morning:


On the right photo, you can see the damage on the black plastic where they jammed the glass. They went right through the plastic and down to the paint (which makes me really mad since they didn't have to start so damn high) And the plastic has been torn right at the edge so its sticking out now.

03-16-2008, 06:06 AM
R u going thru ur insurance for this one?

03-16-2008, 10:31 AM
R u going thru ur insurance for this one?

No....I posted above why - my deductible is 500 and the repair is less than that by a bit, so claiming would be useless

03-16-2008, 01:09 PM
Wow, at least it wasn't worse. :(

03-16-2008, 01:28 PM
That really sucks,....damned amateur punks :flaming



03-16-2008, 02:31 PM
Damn, that's nasty!! At least it's "fairly" minor

03-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Somone went through my car on Friday - I must have forgotten to lock the door because no window or lock was broken. I came home from work and washed it, so I'm guessing I never locked it after that. They only took a wallet with my Petro and Esso cards, but I already cancelled them. Should I call the cops so they know this happened, or will it be pointless?

03-16-2008, 06:09 PM
Somone went through my car on Friday - I must have forgotten to lock the door because no window or lock was broken. I came home from work and washed it, so I'm guessing I never locked it after that. They only took a wallet with my Petro and Esso cards, but I already cancelled them. Should I call the cops so they know this happened, or will it be pointless?

I think you should call it in and report it - despite the unlikelihood of finding the perp.

03-16-2008, 07:34 PM
I can only imagine what it must've felt like to find your car like that. Good thing you weren't hurt.

I play two hockey games every Friday night and I always worry about coming outside to find something has happened to my car.

How long were you inside taking photos?

mazda lover
03-16-2008, 07:41 PM
I think people are breaking into cars to look for wallets with credit cards, IPods MP 3 CD lap tops, credit card receipts, ownerships anything with your signature on it, money
Sorry hope it all works out, its not so much the damage, which does hurt, its the cost which could be a burden on a student trying to make it..
Good luck...

03-16-2008, 09:32 PM
I feel your pain. My car was broken into last year and I was pissed too, they broke the back window to get to my trunk by pulling down the seats. I ended paying $327~ to get the on-site install from Speedy, they take 24 hrs to get the glass from their warehouse to your house to install it.

03-18-2008, 01:20 AM

You should be able to set of your shock sensor by slapping the front winshield hard with a flat palm. if it doesn't go off i would question if the sensitivity is high enough.
Right now if i were to pull my windsheild wiper up and then push it and let it go on it;s own, i would set it off. (this is a little too sensitive) i am just waiting fo rthe weather to be a little warmer to adjust it.

Sorry to her about your car. maybe someone tried to get to your equipment?

Good luck hope things work out.

03-18-2008, 10:13 AM
I feel your pain on this one :(

My P.O.S. Saturn SL1 was broken into 3 times in 8 months last year... each time there was nothing in there but a package of gum and maybe some unfinished homework assignments... Each time they put a crow bar between my window and the door and bent the crap out of the door frame causing more than $1000 of damage each time.... the cops did little other than produce a report for my insurance company :\

03-18-2008, 11:46 AM

You should be able to set of your shock sensor by slapping the front winshield hard with a flat palm. if it doesn't go off i would question if the sensitivity is high enough.
Right now if i were to pull my windsheild wiper up and then push it and let it go on it;s own, i would set it off. (this is a little too sensitive) i am just waiting fo rthe weather to be a little warmer to adjust it.

Sorry to her about your car. maybe someone tried to get to your equipment?

Good luck hope things work out.

Yeah - I tried that when I first had the sensor installed and nothing happened. I haven't adjusted the sensitivity at all since then, but I question what made them stop when they did, if it wasn't the alarm.

I don't think anyone tried to get at my equipment since nothing is ever left in my car, nor is it visible (nor would anyone know what I do for a living, since most of my gear is carried in a non-descript bag to avoid people knowing its camera gear)

03-18-2008, 11:47 AM
I feel your pain on this one :(

My P.O.S. Saturn SL1 was broken into 3 times in 8 months last year... each time there was nothing in there but a package of gum and maybe some unfinished homework assignments... Each time they put a crow bar between my window and the door and bent the crap out of the door frame causing more than $1000 of damage each time.... the cops did little other than produce a report for my insurance company :\

Thats horrible! I can't imagine someone trying to break in THAT many times and for nothing. People are so stupid!

03-18-2008, 10:50 PM
mazda3 sport 2007 car was parked, and all of use heard the locked alarm.. and the quesiton is how did the thieft help themself to it? The alarm didn't go off.. The car was lock.. and stolen approx. 1500 worth of electronic which was hidden... this happened within an hour.. its like they have a key to it.. anyone???

03-18-2008, 11:33 PM
Yeah - I tried that when I first had the sensor installed and nothing happened. I haven't adjusted the sensitivity at all since then, but I question what made them stop when they did, if it wasn't the alarm.

when the glass breaks like that theres sometimes a really loud pop. maybe they thought others heard it? they probably didn't want to break the glass otherwise they would've smashed the glass in at that point and finished the job. sorry about the mess, i've had my last car broken into and was pretty pissed off as well. =[

03-19-2008, 05:28 PM
And the icing to my already bad 3 week streak is.....


My tire blew on the 401 today! This wouldn't be so bad except I had to get downtown Toronto for a specialist appointment that I've been waiting 4 years for (which I never did get to since I can't drive the donut on the highway)! And no one has any tires in stock to replace my winter or my 17" summers!


I think I've gone slightly delerious from all the bad luck I've had recently.

Cardinal Fang
03-19-2008, 05:31 PM
At that point I'd just walk into a bar sit back and have a drink. :blush

03-19-2008, 06:11 PM
And the icing to my already bad 3 week streak is.....


My tire blew on the 401 today! This wouldn't be so bad except I had to get downtown Toronto for a specialist appointment that I've been waiting 4 years for (which I never did get to since I can't drive the donut on the highway)! And no one has any tires in stock to replace my winter or my 17" summers!


I think I've gone slightly delerious from all the bad luck I've had recently.

When I read your post I thought you had an appointment at Downtown Mazda. If you did, your week would have plummeted. Good thing it was error on my part. Good luck with everything.

03-19-2008, 06:50 PM
Damn! Things definitely aren't going your way lately when it comes to your car. :(

03-19-2008, 06:50 PM
At that point I'd just walk into a bar sit back and have a drink. :blush

If I wasn't on meds right now from being sick for 2 weeks, I would do that....pfff, hell maybe I should do it WITH the meds anyways!

03-19-2008, 06:52 PM
If I wasn't on meds right now from being sick for 2 weeks, I would do that....pfff, hell maybe I should do it WITH the meds anyways!
Check with Allen @ Simply Tire, he was able to get me 1 winter tire when I had a blowout about three weeks ago.

03-19-2008, 11:31 PM
I'm going to Allen tomorrow actually (called him at 4pm to see if I could get there before class) to get a whole new set of summers put on. I need a new set of winters (was planning for next winter), but I can't afford to buy a new set of winters for tomorrow and then buy AND put on summers in a few weeks too (since I needed new summers too). So I'll do it a few weeks early and get my winters in the fall when I can recoup some of the massive amounts of cash I've spent on my @#$@$% car in the past 3 weeks.

I just have to get from Oshawa to North York doing no more than 80 km/h...that will be tons of fun (and will take way too long).