View Full Version : Bell To Throttle All DSL Lines In April

03-26-2008, 01:49 PM
did you guys hear about this?? Bell is throttling their competitors' service, such as Teksavvy.. I just saw this on RFD (Red Flag Deals for those that don't know).. I can't find any real reports on say Toronto Star or whatever so I don't know how true this is.. but if it is true it's outrageous what Bell can get away with..


03-26-2008, 03:17 PM
It's not news to me anymore. My friend who has Bell Sympatico was already experiencing this for a while now.

I'm with TekSavvy. I was downloading an ISO from Microsoft's website and was wondering why I was only getting from 150 KB/s to 225 KB/s download speed but when I was at work, I can download up to 3 MB/s. :flaming

Bell = :AH

FYI, Bell rhymes with Hell.

03-26-2008, 04:27 PM
Unless consumers complain to the CRTC, nothing will change

03-26-2008, 04:51 PM
Unless consumers complain to the CRTC, nothing will change

Unless CRTC actually listens to us consumers, nothing will change. :bang I was thinking of more in the line of - unless CRTC actually lifts a finger to do anything about it. :rant

03-26-2008, 06:37 PM
It's not news to me anymore. My friend who has Bell Sympatico was already experiencing this for a while now.

oh, I heard that bell was already doing this to their customers.. just that I never knew they could/would do this to Teksavvy and their other dsl competitors.. now that's crossing the line..

03-26-2008, 07:24 PM
Just received a nice letter from Rogers stating that they are going to be putting in place limits based on the type of Monthly internet "package" you have.

On Express (what I have), I pay 44.95 and they now will put a usage cap of 60 GB and for every GB I go over, it will be 2 dollars extra.


They are awfully nice to show me that for the past 3 months prior i've been averaging oh.....over 120 GB a month.

On the HIGHEST subscriber package, its "Extreme Plus", 99.95 a month + a 95GB cap.

I'm about ready to move to Bell. It's not like i'm getting anywhere close to my 7 Mbps download speed. Anything is better then a cap.

At 99.95 a month. I could get use a smart phone, pay for unlimited EVERYTHING, tether it to my labtop and use that for internet. WTF

03-27-2008, 10:45 AM
Bell also has a cap of 60GB now. This cap has been on and off.

I remembered when I signed up with them around 2001 and I had a cap of 10GB. After I graduated I downgraded my service to the Light version before and had a cap of 2GB. That's when I found out about TekSavvy and that I can get high speed internet for the same price as their light version.

03-27-2008, 10:48 AM
Bell also has a cap of 60GB now. This cap has been on and off.

I remembered when I signed up with them around 2001 and I had a cap of 10GB. After I graduated I downgraded my service to the Light version before and had a cap of 2GB. That's when I found out about TekSavvy and that I can get high speed internet for the same price as their light version.

Yes but at least with Bell you can pay $10 and get another 30 GB ontop of your plan. They don't have that with Rogers right now.

It means even at the HIGHEST plan, i'd have to ration usage across my entire family.

03-27-2008, 10:54 AM
damn they have a limit with bell now? i never knew about this. and i ust downloaded 50 gbs of stuff last week

03-27-2008, 11:00 AM
damn they have a limit with bell now? i never knew about this. and i ust downloaded 50 gbs of stuff last week

Actually I just looked at the Tekksavy site and although the connection speed is lower, price looks reasonable and it has unlimited package. I'm probably going to switch over to that by the end of April now instead.

03-27-2008, 11:20 AM
I remember a few years ago when Bell had a cap of 20GB for their Express service (whatever the 5Mbps service was called).. that's why I went with Rogers (that and I don't have a landline)..

and the Rogers cap has been in place for about a year now.. they just haven't been charging ppl for going over..

03-27-2008, 11:27 AM
from what i have read on the internet. Only the people with the new service new contracts are limited to 60gb a month. Thats with the 7mb upload service. I'm still using the 5 mb download one which i got back in 2006 december and i remember they said its unlimited. So as long as i stay with this service and don' upgrade, they can't charge me for going over 60gb download. Am i right?

03-27-2008, 11:32 AM

from what i have read on the internet. Only the people with the new service new contracts are limited to 60gb a month. Thats with the 7mb upload service. I'm still using the 5 mb download one which i got back in 2006 december and i remember they said its unlimited. So as long as i stay with this service and don' upgrade, they can't charge me for going over 60gb download. Am i right?
that should be the case. You can call in and double check.
I was unlimited for 3 years after they implemented bandwidth caps (w/ bell)

03-27-2008, 11:40 AM
Bell throttling is a bit of old news. They've been doing this for months now on a lot of their customers.

Teksavvy > Bell

03-27-2008, 11:42 AM
I just found this

03-27-2008, 11:45 AM
I just found this

Nah if you look at their packages it says 60 Gig limit. I don't know if they do anything if you go over though.

03-27-2008, 11:47 AM
And how many of you are using Teksavvy? which package did you guys go with? the $30 or the $40? I was thinking if i even need the unlimited one because its hard to go over 200gb / month for me. Also do they throttle bit torrents?

03-27-2008, 12:10 PM
I think some of you misread the article.. Bell is throttling Teksavvy and other competitors lines.. so even if you go with Teksavvy you should see some slowness in your downloads..

03-27-2008, 12:25 PM
this isn't surprising to me either; Rogers has been throttling bit torrent traffic for a long while now; some bit torrent clients got around this for a while by encrypting their bit torrent traffic, but Rogers snapped back and started throttling all encrypted traffic (this includes your VPN if you use it, your bank connections, any encrypted email connections, etc).

unless Net Neutrality makes it up here and the CRTC does something to protect it, nothing will change.

also: i've been limited to 60 gigs/month data transfer with Rogers ever since i signed up with them. they haven't said anything when i've gone a bit over (65 gigs or so).

03-27-2008, 12:46 PM
I think some of you misread the article.. Bell is throttling Teksavvy and other competitors lines.. so even if you go with Teksavvy you should see some slowness in your downloads..
That's crap.

I'm officially disgusted with Bell.

That's a really low move.

03-27-2008, 12:53 PM
this isn't surprising to me either; Rogers has been throttling bit torrent traffic for a long while now; some bit torrent clients got around this for a while by encrypting their bit torrent traffic, but Rogers snapped back and started throttling all encrypted traffic (this includes your VPN if you use it, your bank connections, any encrypted email connections, etc).

unless Net Neutrality makes it up here and the CRTC does something to protect it, nothing will change.

also: i've been limited to 60 gigs/month data transfer with Rogers ever since i signed up with them. they haven't said anything when i've gone a bit over (65 gigs or so).

You'll get a letter soon saying that they are going to be starting to charge for overuse starting in June.

As for Throttling? I don't really care, I never see true download speeds of more then 300-400 KBPS when i'm supposed to have up to 7 mbps. I'm not willing to pay more then 50+ (whatever i'm at now). With the type of media and streaming that's out there. Standard downloading + gaming would push me over FOR SURE.

03-27-2008, 12:59 PM
Yeah, Bell is throttling everybody including their resellers (namely TekSavvy). But hey, even with throttling, $30 for High Speed and 200GB a month is still better than $45 for High Speed and 60GB a month (for new customers only).

03-27-2008, 01:10 PM
You'll get a letter soon saying that they are going to be starting to charge for overuse starting in June.

As for Throttling? I don't really care, I never see true download speeds of more then 300-400 KBPS when i'm supposed to have up to 7 mbps. I'm not willing to pay more then 50+ (whatever i'm at now). With the type of media and streaming that's out there. Standard downloading + gaming would push me over FOR SURE.

another good reason to work from nova scotia all the time. Eastlink doesn't throttle, has no data transfer limits, and i used to hit around 1 megabit on their connection :)

Rogers throttling is serious. i've noticed that when i start uploading more than 35 k/sec on Rogers, my download rate drops off drastically, usually from 300-400 to less than 20. personally, i don't think Rogers or Bell has the right to throttle internet connections like that. if they're worried about bandwidth, stop providing everyone with more until they have the capacity to handle it.

03-27-2008, 01:13 PM
Anyone an expert with EVDO cards?

Could throttling by bell be the reason why it isnt working well these past months?

Why does it work and why does it crap out when attached to a DLINK router w/ EVDO capabilities?

I plugged in a EVDO card in my laptop and havent had any disruptions with pinging.

But when I plug the EVDO card to a dlink router and plug a ethernet cable it times out every 10 hops.

Router should be plug and play, upgraded the firmware and checked the settings... Stupid Trafalgar lawn cemetary.

03-27-2008, 01:18 PM
i'm not too familiar with EVDO, but there's a good chance Bell throttles those even more aggressively than their DSL connections, given the much more limited spectrum available (it has to service pretty much anyone in range with an EVDO card).

if you're having problems with the router, it could be the router and the card aren't talking to each other nicely.

03-27-2008, 01:36 PM
another good reason to work from nova scotia all the time. Eastlink doesn't throttle, has no data transfer limits, and i used to hit around 1 megabit on their connection :)

Rogers throttling is serious. i've noticed that when i start uploading more than 35 k/sec on Rogers, my download rate drops off drastically, usually from 300-400 to less than 20. personally, i don't think Rogers or Bell has the right to throttle internet connections like that. if they're worried about bandwidth, stop providing everyone with more until they have the capacity to handle it.

its just a matter of time before Eastlink and all the other broadband companies do the same

03-27-2008, 01:39 PM
And how many of you are using Teksavvy? which package did you guys go with? the $30 or the $40? I was thinking if i even need the unlimited one because its hard to go over 200gb / month for me. Also do they throttle bit torrents?

Been using Teksavvy since I moved here...Dryloop DSL..$30/month 200GB/month is enuff for me.

03-27-2008, 03:46 PM
Been using Teksavvy since I moved here...Dryloop DSL..$30/month 200GB/month is enuff for me.

dryloop is only $30?? damn.. I've been getting ripped by rogers.. damn u major corporations!!

Edit: Wait, their website says $29.95 + Band Rate.
* Band Rates
o Band A
o Band B
o Band C
o Band D
o Band E
o Band F
o Band G

What's band rate??

03-27-2008, 05:37 PM
also: i've been limited to 60 gigs/month data transfer with Rogers ever since i signed up with them. they haven't said anything when i've gone a bit over (65 gigs or so).
I'm near 100 gigs a month, they don't say anything. It could be because, I don't use BT all that much.

03-28-2008, 11:29 AM
Band rate is the price independent ISP pay Bell to use the dry loop. Meaning Bell asks them to pay so independent ISP's asks you to pay them back. Without it, Bell won't allow the independent ISP to connect you to their network.

03-28-2008, 06:58 PM
I just got my rogers bandwidth letter too.. shopping for other alternatives out there, I'm averaging 70gb /month.

04-12-2008, 10:43 PM
Anyone an old user from bell and got any letter saying they will be changed to from unlimited to limit 60gb? My friend keeps saying bell will limit there old users as well

04-13-2008, 01:34 AM
I haven't gotten any letters from Bell with that info and i've been with them for years. What i did get a letter for was they switched to a fibre-optic network in my neighbourhood. Though the only poeple benefitting from that are gigabit users who i am for sure knows that noone around here has (except me :D).

What i meant by around here was my neighbourhood. No disrespect...lol..

04-15-2008, 06:39 PM
After hearing about this at a local meet, I called in. I stopped using torrents, use the newsgroups. My torrents are throttled, but I confirmed with Bell, still on unlimited bandwidth for downloads and uploads, 200 GB data continues.

04-23-2008, 03:05 PM

Looks like the CRTC may start looking and bandwidth throttling ... hopefully somethings gets done about it.

04-23-2008, 04:12 PM
I've been following Rocky's (owner of Teksavvy) posts on the DSLreports forum. It looks like a huge fight. Bell has such a huge ego that they believe they are above the CRTC.

04-23-2008, 04:48 PM
**crosses fingers**