View Full Version : MS3 vs WRX hatch.

03-26-2008, 05:56 PM
just wanted some opinion regarding these two cars. my buddy is debating on these two.


03-26-2008, 05:59 PM
Hmmm... MS3 is cheaper, better performing, cheaper on insurance, more of a sleeper, and looks so much better than the new generation Impreza.

03-26-2008, 06:00 PM

03-26-2008, 06:02 PM
interior of wrx is mad boring...imo

03-26-2008, 06:02 PM
tell him to drive both.

AWD is a huge plus in years like this, even with just all seasons
Brand new design, three is going to be out of date in a year or so when the 09 comes out
Classic rally appeal

Faster, less expensive, less played out. more fun IMO

03-26-2008, 06:28 PM
i was thinking the wrx when i traded my car in. the insurance is the killer, i paid 10% less for having a 08 ms3 (no idea why), and would pay 20% more for 08 or 09 wrx compared to 07 mz3. i loved the awd system but dislike the interior.

WRX: you have chance to get leather, moonroof, AWD. but you will start thinking about STI.
MS3: great power and fun to drive, thousands $$$ less than fully loaded WRX, top of line in 3s.

03-26-2008, 06:46 PM
Honestly tell him to test drive both cars. They're both great cars.
Depends on how each car feels for him.

03-26-2008, 07:01 PM
I know it's very biased asking a question like this in a Mazda Forum... but I test drove and did my research on the Golf GTI, the WRX, the SRT-4, the Lancer (Evo wasn't out yet) and the Mazdaspeed3.
I much prefered the Speed3 in terms of handling, power and bang for buck.
I agree the AWD is the biggest advantage the WRX has, but considering this is the only winter this car is ever going to see.. I'll take my FR car. What's the alternative.. I drive a Mazdaspeed6? As much as it's a nice car.. it's too long and too much like a family sedan than a sporty car.

03-26-2008, 07:08 PM
STI all the way. I love STIs, I can't take my eyes off of those.
But I can't afford one yet.

mazda lover
03-26-2008, 07:25 PM
how about the Caliber SRT someone said it was $5,000 cheaper than the
MS3 don't know for sure dyodd
http://dcci-config.autodatadirect.com/chryslerca/buildYourVehicle.html?modelYearCode=2008caliber&language=en&__utma=1.1990412291.1206198015.1206198015.12061980 15.1&__utmb=1&__utmc=1&__utmx=-&__utmz=1.1206198015.1.1.utmccn%3D(referral)%7Cutmc sr%3Ddcci-config.autodatadirect.com%7Cutmcct%3D%2Fchryslerca %2FbuildYourVehicle.html%7Cutmcmd%3Dreferral&__utmv=-&__utmk=216676375
http://dcci-config.autodatadirect.com/chryslerca/buildYourVehicle.html?modelYearCode=2008caliber&language=en&__utma=1.1990412291.1206198015.1206198015.12061980 15.1&__utmb=1&__utmc=1&__utmx=-&__utmz=1.1206198015.1.1.utmccn%3D(referral)%7Cutmc sr%3Ddcci-config.autodatadirect.com%7Cutmcct%3D%2Fchryslerca %2FbuildYourVehicle.html%7Cutmcmd%3Dreferral&__utmv=-&__utmk=216676375

03-26-2008, 07:27 PM
I know it's very biased asking a question like this in a Mazda Forum... but I test drove and did my research on the Golf GTI, the WRX, the SRT-4, the Lancer (Evo wasn't out yet) and the Mazdaspeed3.
I much prefered the Speed3 in terms of handling, power and bang for buck.
I agree the AWD is the biggest advantage the WRX has, but considering this is the only winter this car is ever going to see.. I'll take my FR car. What's the alternative.. I drive a Mazdaspeed6? As much as it's a nice car.. it's too long and too much like a family sedan than a sporty car.

Isn't the Mazdaspeed 6 a electronic AWD system compared to a full time AWD in the Subaru. If thats true you can't compare the one to the other. I was doing the same thing comparing vehicles other then the SRT4. I'd never consider a Chrysler product. If a company like Mercedes buys them.... then only a few years later says "I'm outta here" you know nobody should buy there crappy product. Before I bought my MS3 I was just considering Subaru and maybe the R32 (which I was planning on getting shipped from the states... which is really a Audi TT). I liked the MS3 for much of the same reason everyone else does. It doesn't scream out fast when you look at it. I really didn't want to be followed by cops like I did with my Probe GT anymore.

03-26-2008, 07:31 PM
how about the Caliber SRT someone said it was $5,000 cheaper than the
MS3 don't know for sure dyodd
http://dcci-config.autodatadirect.com/chryslerca/buildYourVehicle.html?modelYearCode=2008caliber&language=en&__utma=1.1990412291.1206198015.1206198015.12061980 15.1&__utmb=1&__utmc=1&__utmx=-&__utmz=1.1206198015.1.1.utmccn%3D(referral)%7Cutmc sr%3Ddcci-config.autodatadirect.com%7Cutmcct%3D%2Fchryslerca %2FbuildYourVehicle.html%7Cutmcmd%3Dreferral&__utmv=-&__utmk=216676375
http://dcci-config.autodatadirect.com/chryslerca/buildYourVehicle.html?modelYearCode=2008caliber&language=en&__utma=1.1990412291.1206198015.1206198015.12061980 15.1&__utmb=1&__utmc=1&__utmx=-&__utmz=1.1206198015.1.1.utmccn%3D(referral)%7Cutmc sr%3Ddcci-config.autodatadirect.com%7Cutmcct%3D%2Fchryslerca %2FbuildYourVehicle.html%7Cutmcmd%3Dreferral&__utmv=-&__utmk=216676375

or hhr ss

03-26-2008, 07:37 PM
LOL A Caliber SRT-4...No thank you... the goal is to look like a sleeper...not look like I'm driving an ugly car.

03-26-2008, 08:18 PM
i like smooth edge, Caliber is too box to me, and interior is "oh...my god, thats what ugly means."

03-26-2008, 08:33 PM
Your asking this on a mazda forum... B-I-A-S! lol

I'd take the WRX... X2 if your going to mod it.. having an AWD platform to start with is KEY... vs no matter how much u mod a speed3 your still in a FWD car...

03-26-2008, 08:40 PM
yes the new srt4 is U---GLY!... BUT... 25 grand gets you a 285hp car.... if u want performance .. its just like the lats srt4 neon.. alot of performance for a cheap price in an ugly car... if only they made it attractive they'd sell them by the truck load!

I mean at 285hp... if it was a good looking car bet u 1/2 the speed3 owners would buy one.. lol

03-26-2008, 09:15 PM
Check out this Video
Not sure if the Japan spec is different than the one we get in North America though..


03-26-2008, 09:30 PM
yup the 3 is so much faster... lol notice how it ended up in "front".

I know SOME tests show the speed3 winning.. but u get a guy that knows how to launch an AWD platform... see ya...

03-26-2008, 09:34 PM
yup the 3 is so much faster... lol notice how it ended up in "front".

I know SOME tests show the speed3 winning.. but u get a guy that knows how to launch an AWD platform... see ya...

reving it 6700 isn't exactly the best way to get a good time out of the ms3 considering it makes about 75whp at that point


C&D knows how to launch the wrx and they have the same time in the quarter for the speed as the wrx

03-27-2008, 01:56 PM

and no, i don't have a MS3...

and yes, I'm biased! lol

if it was STI, then STI, but it's WRX... so MS3!!!! externally i think it's a close fight... interior-wise... MS3!!!! MS3 less insurance and MS3 cheaper too.. more bang for the _uck!:chuckle

03-27-2008, 02:17 PM
More links that may help


http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=22128&highlight=mps+wrx - This is under the similar threads section at the bottom of this page as well.



