View Full Version : Im REALLY pissed right now!!!!!!
04-14-2008, 07:33 PM
K so i went to the dealer to do regular balancing and allignment in my car as I noticed vibration at the wheel at 80+ first of all I spent 5 hours waiting... 2nd of all the guy come to see me, saying that I need to get 4 new tires. Im like wtf! I just got these tires last April and havent drivin my car in the winter..Then I though maybe its not my car.. Anyways I follow him to the garage and guess what I see.. My outer wall is fine looks new, the iner wall was completly shaved up to the wires..thats front tires. They told be I have to replace back tires since I would get really bad road noise if I dont AND they are starting to chop.. I was REALLY shocked.. My tires last for at least 2 years including rotation once a year depending on tread left. NOW these tires lasted me for less then a year. I barely drive this car... So me AND dealer think that AJAX MAZDA that got me all 4 new tires and the day of purchase, BUT didnt do allignment or any type of adjustments that needed. So Im freaking pissed right now and told them to put these tires back in my car as I will be driving to Toronto Ajax and going to argue. Because this is radiculous!
Now my car has 83.5k on it and I did 88k service already, they told me I need to get allignment and balancing done. Why they didnt tell me about this problem??? I havent driven my car since then..WTF!! Also as I mentioned in other post I see a f***ing hole in my car, where they change oil.. I noticed my screws seem fine and they are in fact brand new, since the accident got it replaced the whole cover underneath my car.. I havent done oil changes since then..
SO instead of paying $80 for balancing, I have to pay a freaking $1000 for all 4 Toyo tires and allignment with tax.. UGHHHHHHHHH worst day ever. If I end up going to Ajax mazda which I will, Im going to ask them to reimburse my expense of 1000 dollars for neglegence on my car. Then maybe I will go see Jeff about new models..
04-14-2008, 07:42 PM
you put 80,000k on your car in one year? no wonder you need knew tires.....
04-14-2008, 07:45 PM
you put 80,000k on your car in one year? no wonder you need knew tires.....
no LOL i put closer to 20,000km since purchase in last April
why dont you buy new tires from allen? 1000 will cover a new 17" rim and tire pak.
04-14-2008, 07:56 PM
I thought about it, I cant drive my car with these tires, very high risk of them getting blown at high speeds. Also I live in Ottawa, got my car at Ajax. So Im stuck with no choice but getting new tires. UGH Very very bad day for me..hopefull i can reimburse the amount.
Ottawa.....thats far.....
no LOL i put closer to 20,000km since purchase in last April
I put 20,000 in 7 months. i drive alot.
04-14-2008, 08:14 PM
20k is an average a driver should do a year..anyways the point is tires should last for 50,000km atleast. I usually get about 2 years of them.. but not less then a year..And how dare they install new tires without proper allignment? They will install brand new tires tommorow and do another alignemnt which will tell me if it was something else, not just bad allignment.
04-14-2008, 08:33 PM
They should still have the paperwork for your car if they did the allignment last year. They have to prove they did do it.
04-14-2008, 08:41 PM
good point! I did however got vehicle history report, since it was serviced at the same dealer since new when I asked. And it just says "replaced all 4 rotors.." and "replaced all 4 tires.." nothing about allignment...
04-14-2008, 08:44 PM
for 1000$ you can get some WAYYYY better tires than toyo rsa's fro mteh dealer! Those things are garbage!
Sorry to hear about your car though, sucks!
I got a flat on the QEW last night, ridin on the spare today to work. Mazda st. catharines goes "yea we have your tire in stock" (no one else in niagara did)... went to go pick it up.. wasnt the correct tire :( .. wasted 45min round trip from my work. Not as bad as what happened to u though... something should be done about that stick it out!
04-14-2008, 09:01 PM
for 1000$ you can get some WAYYYY better tires than toyo rsa's fro mteh dealer! Those things are garbage!
Sorry to hear about your car though, sucks!
I got a flat on the QEW last night, ridin on the spare today to work. Mazda st. catharines goes "yea we have your tire in stock" (no one else in niagara did)... went to go pick it up.. wasnt the correct tire :( .. wasted 45min round trip from my work. Not as bad as what happened to u though... something should be done about that stick it out!
aw dont tell me that, now im going to regret of getting these tires. BTW they are Toyo Tourevo... anyways, I asked them if they are good and they said yes. And even thinking about it for almost 1000 dollars they are better be good..
mazda lover
04-14-2008, 09:44 PM
aw dont tell me that, now im going to regret of getting these tires. BTW they are Toyo Proxes... anyways, I asked them if they are good and they said yes. And even thinking about it for almost 1000 dollars they are better be good..
so you paid $250 a tire?
04-14-2008, 09:47 PM
From the dealer I paid $120 a tire for low profile Toyo winters for my MS3. I'm sure they can beat $250 a tire.
04-14-2008, 09:49 PM
close to that, it comes up to $935 including allignment and plus tax, so like $1000 what an unexpected expense right there. I could have went tire shopping, but its been a long day at the dealer, and got home at like 6ish. So i just let it go with it.
04-14-2008, 10:52 PM
1st - it doesn't need an alignment when you replaced your tires and rotors before, unless you asked them to, you only need to balance it, not align it
2nd - 1k for a new set of tires for the Toyo crap OMFG, you could get 2 sets with the alignment done, I rather tow my car over to any tire shop (like Simply Tire) to do it
BTW, if the toe is really off the spec, you should be noticed that when you drive it, it could shave off the tires in 1-2 months.
04-14-2008, 10:53 PM
aw dont tell me that, now im going to regret of getting these tires. BTW they are Toyo Proxes... anyways, I asked them if they are good and they said yes. And even thinking about it for almost 1000 dollars they are better be good..
look on for what u can get those tires for!
for a grand u can get pretty much th BEST tires available....
04-14-2008, 11:12 PM
oh crap.. well its late now, it should be done first thing tommorow morning. Now any ideas on what happend with these tires, the inner side all shaved up to wires?? or should I expect more then just allignment issues?
Noisy Crow
04-14-2008, 11:27 PM
oh crap.. well its late now, it should be done first thing tommorow morning. Now any ideas on what happend with these tires, the inner side all shaved up to wires?? or should I expect more then just allignment issues?
Is your car dropped? What are you running for rims? Size, offset... Take a look at your front springs/struts. You may be getting rubbing.
04-14-2008, 11:29 PM
Your issue should be solved once the alignment is done.
toyo proxes are good! he probably got the T1-Rs, those are expensive, i think 180 dollars before tax per tire
04-15-2008, 12:01 AM
i have bad experiences with ajax mazda too... when u get ur car back from them, back sure there are no addition dents on ur car....
Wild Weasel
04-15-2008, 07:59 AM
1st - it doesn't need an alignment when you replaced your tires and rotors before, unless you asked them to, you only need to balance it, not align it
I gotta agree with this. An alignment isn't normally part of the deal when getting new tires put on.
Of course, when buying a used car from a dealership rather than some no-name corner lot, I'd assume they'd checked the alignment, but you know what happens when you assume things...
04-15-2008, 08:49 AM
it's true... alignment usually isn't included when new tires are put on... however...the dealer really should have done an alignment before the car was turned over to you. it stinks that this happened.... especially since you rotate them once a year... do you normally do that yourself or take it to a shop?? cuz if the car gets taken to a shop.. they really should have noticed some wear.... best of luck in your situation. As for the price of the tires that hurts... for your sake I hope those aren't the Toyo Proxes a/s that come stock on the cars... cuz if so yikes....
04-15-2008, 08:53 AM
i'd go after the dealer as they riped you off...keep bitching at them and call mazda head office and complain(if it was a mazda dealer).
I do not have any trust in any dealer ship as they are all the same, out to rip you off and lie. That is why you need to get everything in writing and hold them to the list and get concrete reasons why. They are good a snowball ppl..that is their job.
Cardinal Fang
04-15-2008, 09:27 AM
Ok then. Let's not generalize here. There are good dealers and there are bad dealers. You can't lump them all in the same category. That's like saying all "tuners" are street racers.
04-15-2008, 11:40 AM
UPDATE!!! So, first of all sorry for giving wrong tire name, its TOYO TOUREVO R17T..they are $210each.. got the invoice.. So here is what happend.. Got my diagnosis sheet here and seems that allignment in the back was wayy off. Now how come I didnt feel it at the steering wheel? Also I got my service done 300km ago, and I asked them why didnt they notice my tires in the rirst place??? They guy says that he doesnt know.. All they wrote down is need!! And aparantly my left rear rim is bent..what happend there?? So either Ajax sold me car without rear allignment and bent rim, or in some supernatural way, my rim just got bent.. So my concern now is what happend with rear allignment?
04-15-2008, 11:48 AM
Sounds simple...
You bought a used car. The tires put on were new, and they were balanced and installed. The alignment was off, and caused tire damage. You never asked for, nor paid for the alignment, did you?
The dealership will probably mention the bent rim (could have been a pothole hit), and say that that could knock your alignment off as well. For all they know you left the dealership, and smacked a pothole hard, causing a bent rim and bad alignment.
As for the cut splash gaurd, get ready to rumble. Took me an hour of arguing with the dealership manager to get one comped... they swear up and down someone lse did it.
04-15-2008, 11:52 AM
that's really messed up. you wouldn't feel a problem with the rear tyres through the steering; they're not connected. you'd probably feel some body judder though if things were off.
i'm not sure who the dealership failed to notice this if they also mention you needed balancing done; since you have to take the wheel/tyre off the car to check the balance....
04-15-2008, 11:58 AM
the car was off lease, used.. When I first test drove, I remember the allignment was pulling my car to the right way to much. So they fixed it, the car drove smooth, as well as got 4 new rotors.. Anyways I didnt drive over pothole with my back left tire, but how do you prove that..
Here what says after the alignment test..
Front axle is fine..
Rear axle, camber is -2.14(DIAGNOSIS), -2.20(ADJUSTMENT)
04-15-2008, 11:59 AM
that's really messed up. you wouldn't feel a problem with the rear tyres through the steering; they're not connected. you'd probably feel some body judder though if things were off.
i'm not sure who the dealership failed to notice this if they also mention you needed balancing done; since you have to take the wheel/tyre off the car to check the balance....
I got suspecious there and thinking for second, maybe they damaged my tires.. I rememeber them saying when first came in yesterday that it may take few hours since allignment machine is broken..But then again how in world could you do that?
04-18-2008, 06:28 PM
id just call ajax mazda tell them about your situation I wouldnt do the 5 hour drive from ottawa to ajax to find out they wont fix the problem
I lived in Ottawa for 3 years and I found I always had good service for tires I cant remmenber the name but its off hawthorne up by stevenage theres a rental place next door
they always gave me excellent service and where very honest with me
maybe something to look into
I know im gonna go there to buy my winter rims and tires cause in sudbury they are price gaugers
04-18-2008, 06:39 PM
I skipped most of th posts... are you in Ottawa right now??
If so..let me know I can hook you up with our local tire guy (the Ottawa equivalent to Allen at SimplyTire...LOL)
04-18-2008, 10:06 PM
i think i probebly put about 250 Km on it a month, the tire issue seems troublemsum, and yes 250 not 250K
04-19-2008, 04:21 PM
Sounds simple...
You bought a used car. The tires put on were new, and they were balanced and installed. The alignment was off, and caused tire damage. You never asked for, nor paid for the alignment, did you?
The dealership will probably mention the bent rim (could have been a pothole hit), and say that that could knock your alignment off as well. For all they know you left the dealership, and smacked a pothole hard, causing a bent rim and bad alignment.
I agree.
You're SOL, the dealer didn't say they did an alignment nor did they charge you for it.
New tires could hide the bad alignment at first as well.
If it's a year later, how did you not notice that you tires were down to the belts?
Did you not have the car in the air for at least an oil change inthe last year?
Hate to say it, but the dealership isn't going to pay anything towards your $1000 bill.
As for tires, as others have mentioned, shop around for deals. Hell you can get a better deal at Costco, ST or even Wal Mart for way less than $1000
04-20-2008, 12:47 AM
thats the point, i did every service, and not a single service mentioned anything about tires, or bad tires, or needs allignment, untill last service.. so came back 300km after and had to pay 1100 bill. My car was parked for the winter. It doesnt mak sence. One dealer says, It was like that when I bought a car with unproper allignment. The other blaming me about no tire rotation..So anyways Im calling mazda canada, to complain about bad service.
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