View Full Version : Will the 2010 Mazda 3s have ESC (Stability Control)

04-15-2008, 10:22 AM

After watching this video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3m24bjkfg0 ) and reading this article ( http://www.canadiandriver.com/articles/gn/electronic-stability-control.htm ), I'm definitely looking for a car with ESC. The surprising thing is that according to the article, the feature costs ONLY $111 to implement. Just provide a button to disable it for "opportune" moments and everyone should be happy.

For some reason UDM Mazda 3s have this feature, yet CDM ones don't.

Anyone know if future model 3s will have this feature, whether it be 2009/2010?

- Will

Cardinal Fang
04-15-2008, 11:55 AM
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (U.S.) has "announced plans to require electronic stability control systems to be phased in as standard equipment on all passenger vehicles under 10,000 pounds starting with the 2009 model year and to have the safety feature available on all such vehicles by the 2012 model year."

From http://www.tc.gc.ca/roadsafety/tp/tp14651/vs200701/menu.htm

"Transport Canada is encouraging all manufacturers to provide ESC as a standard safety feature on all vehicles. The department is also examining the need to require ESC on all new light vehicles sold in Canada. Based on the preliminary results from our statistical studies and research program, Transport Canada will propose a new motor vehicle regulation via publication in Canada Gazette Part I in the coming months; this regulation will require that ESC be provided as mandatory equipment on all light duty vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2011 with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating less than 4536 kg."

As per usual we're a little behind the times.

04-15-2008, 11:57 AM
How much of an effect will ESC have on our everyday driving. It's not like we're racing F1 here, where it makes a huge difference.

04-15-2008, 01:17 PM
This video seems to be at more reasonable speeds:


How much of an effect will ESC have on our everyday driving. It's not like we're racing F1 here, where it makes a huge difference.

04-15-2008, 01:31 PM
i always have to wonder...why is it that the public insist on making technology solve their problems? yes, ESC is nice to have, but i would think slowing down in bad weather and driving safely would be a better remedy; correct the problem at its source, not once it's reared its ugly head..

better driver training and the requirement to re-test for your licence every 2 years would help a lot, IMO.

Cardinal Fang
04-15-2008, 01:33 PM
The problem with making cars "idiot proof" is that it under estimates the ingenuity of idiots.

04-15-2008, 04:40 PM
That's good, these cars need that feature for winter driving.

04-17-2008, 03:10 PM
i think it is a good thing... generally unless there is a hard push from the gov't to get people to smarten up and drive better it won't happen... this is as good as it gets in terms of driving skills! can anyone say that the new graduated car license program has produced better drivers than the previous program? so if the drivers aren't getting any better then we need the equipment to get better... lol!

honestly if the pushing of ESC saves even 5% of accidents from occurring then the potential savings in terms of monetary costs and lives are, IMO, worth it...

04-17-2008, 03:25 PM
cool videos

04-17-2008, 06:43 PM
The DSC works really weird. Normal driving it doesn't intrude, no matter how hard I've cornered on dry, clear pavement, it wouldn't come on. BUT, if I spin a little in first or spin going into 2nd, it automatically lets the gas right off to try and get it to stop spinning. In 1st, it almost stalls. It stalled once when I was in 35cm of snow and was trying to go from a stop sign. I started in gear, under 2000rpm is was fine, spinning while I was inching ahead. As soon as I went over 2k rpm, it kicked the gas to nothing and stalled it. Every time I had to take off in thick snow after a while I'd just turn the DSC off till I got to speed, and started in 2nd. Seemed to work the best. I tested out the DSC by going to a recently plowed HUGE empty parking lot (where my girlfriend lives...lots of them there) and started trying to slide using the hand brake. It would put the brakes on the wheel individually and pull it right out of the side, just steer where you want to go and you'll actually go there with the DSC. It is simply brilliant for stopping slides.

ps... Mazda calls it DSC (dynamic stability control)

04-17-2008, 06:49 PM
That is very nice!

04-17-2008, 11:56 PM
Technology these days make people more stupid and lazy and depend on their cool gadgets. Have you seen a new Lexus that parks itself?? OR how about Infinity that keeps distance automaticaly between cars or the one that stays within its lane?? or for example today I saw VW SUV the guy, parks leaves keys inside by accident and locks/closes the doors. A second later comes back opens the door and gets te keys.. How? the car won't lock the doors if the keys inside... He tells me "Its a smart car" lol. Sooner or later people will forget how to drive..

04-18-2008, 12:13 AM
Its like with Mitsu how if you have your key in your pocket you can walk right to the car and your door will unlock for you. Whats us with not using a key to start your car as well, I would rather put a key in then turn a dial like I am using a heater...


04-21-2008, 06:04 PM
If you want DSC in the 3 like the US models, complain to Mazda Canada. The rep said they could offer it if there's enough interest.

04-22-2008, 12:43 PM
This reminds me of the ABS vs non-ABS argument. In a panic, the vast majority of drivers will not respond correctly to to the situation. Having DSC or some other form of stability control can help prevent these situations (rollovers, spinouts, etc.).

Its like with Mitsu how if you have your key in your pocket you can walk right to the car and your door will unlock for you. Whats us with not using a key to start your car as well, I would rather put a key in then turn a dial like I am using a heater...

The speed6 has this same feature, and I actually find it really convenient, especially in the winter (I can leave my gloves on and don't have to fumble with keys).

04-22-2008, 03:10 PM
i think it is a good thing... generally unless there is a hard push from the gov't to get people to smarten up and drive better it won't happen... this is as good as it gets in terms of driving skills! can anyone say that the new graduated car license program has produced better drivers than the previous program? so if the drivers aren't getting any better then we need the equipment to get better... lol!

honestly if the pushing of ESC saves even 5% of accidents from occurring then the potential savings in terms of monetary costs and lives are, IMO, worth it...

i agree that if it can prevent accidents, it's a good thing. but it seems to me that a lot of people are starting to use electronic aids as a crutch. as Clarkson once put it, "i know officer, i was doing a hundred in a school zone, but it's okay because i've got ABS."

stability aids just seem to be the bandaid over the cut, instead of the proper solution: removing the sharp edge through better driver training and stricter testing. let's have none of this "Canada's Worst Driver" stuff were someone admitted she got her licence more by flirting with the tester than by actually passing the test.

i have no objection with adding more safety features, especially since accidents do happen; but if they're going to mandate this, they should be mandating better training too.