View Full Version : ever try and teach the GF how to drive your car?

04-15-2008, 07:20 PM
Out of the blue today, my girlfriend decided she wanted to learn how to drive standard. so i took her to a mostly empty parking lot. didnt take her to long before she got it moving, i dont think ive ever seen someone so scared about driving though. lol, she didnt quite get the cluth thing, stalled it every time she stopped. when we were done all she said was "i dont know why you want to drive this, automatic only for me"

anyone else try and do this?

04-15-2008, 07:21 PM
I'll be in that situation in about 3months.

04-15-2008, 07:24 PM
I lucked out, my wife drive standard. Basically both born and raised with it!!! :hawt
My general rule, don't try teach the significant other certain skills like golfing and driving standard! :bang
Good luck, my sympathies to your clutch!!!

04-15-2008, 07:25 PM
Thats Good 4 U Now u will be the only one driving w/e i let my ex drive i was soo tense and for good reason now only me and occasionally my dad drive the car

04-15-2008, 07:41 PM
yea, i kept on yelling at her lol. she kept on going at like 40km/hr on first. im like shift already but she kept on doing it everytime. im like omg, i hope she doesnt blow my engine lol.

But now its worse, she wants to drop me off and take my car to chill with her friends :S Im like u cant even drive properly and shes like i dont care lol

girls...... cant live with them but you cant live without..... sigh

04-15-2008, 07:53 PM
I taught my girlfriend standard on my MS3, this is the first car she's ever driven. She never stalls anymore and drives it perfectly fine.

04-15-2008, 08:07 PM
yea, i kept on yelling at her lol. she kept on going at like 40km/hr on first. im like shift already but she kept on doing it everytime. im like omg, i hope she doesnt blow my engine lol.

But now its worse, she wants to drop me off and take my car to chill with her friends :S Im like u cant even drive properly and shes like i dont care lol

girls...... cant live with them but you cant live without..... sigh

What ???? Ben What Are U Doing..... ur Gf can't take your car and go shopping with it especially if shes not comfortable with stick... dont be one of those guys that gets whipped trust me ive been there b4 You got to take a stand for your ride :chuckle

04-15-2008, 08:26 PM
some of my gf's friends drive stick. I could convince them to teach her.

i taught my sister in 10 seconds because my car was stuck in front of my house and I had to push.

04-15-2008, 08:39 PM
What ???? Ben What Are U Doing..... ur Gf can't take your car and go shopping with it especially if shes not comfortable with stick... dont be one of those guys that gets whipped trust me ive been there b4 You got to take a stand for your ride :chuckle

haha. Im just scared to come back and see a big scratch on my bumper lol :chuckle *knock on wood*

But then again i know she wont cuz she knows if anything were to happen to my car i'd flip on her

04-15-2008, 08:45 PM
lol I would still prefer a scratch on my car than on my gf :)

04-15-2008, 08:48 PM
yea, i dont think im going to be letting her drive it on the road, lol only i drive my car. i think she just wanted to see what it was like. my clutch had a nice time today :S

04-15-2008, 09:06 PM
I've taught 3 gf's, 2 sisters and about 5 friends to drive stick on my car. Getting to the point where I have planned out lessons...

04-15-2008, 09:12 PM
i taught my friend jess once. she thought she was amazing at it, but she really wasnt all the great.

04-15-2008, 09:31 PM
My wife insisted she learn as soon as she got her license and we haven't looked back since. All of our cars have been manual transmission which has been great.

Thankfully she picked it up very quickly and the car I taught her on was an older Civic with a worn clutch. I told her if she could master driving that she'd be fine driving just about anything else (which was in fact the case).

04-15-2008, 09:35 PM
no... i bought her an AUTOMATIC.

04-15-2008, 10:32 PM
Girls loved it when I taught them standard... in my POS civic only of course. Back when I was broke.. Took her to starbucks (hate it), took her to the coast, sat outside and chilled, taught her how to drive stick.. couple days later I heard her talking about how great of a date that was. LOL

04-15-2008, 11:09 PM
no... i bought her an AUTOMATIC.

no bernie, u get tiptronic lol. That way she can shift just like manual but without clutch :chuckle

04-16-2008, 03:39 AM
Yea I took my girlfriend to an empty parking lot a few weeks ago. She got it moving, but stalled whenever she stopped.

I honestly can't ever see my self, owning an automatic car. Never. In my family both my mom and dad drive standard anyway.

04-16-2008, 07:18 AM
My gf drives stick. But she has no concept of how do go in and out of driveways with a lowered vehicle, and I like my front lip, so she does not drive my car.

04-16-2008, 08:11 AM
The GF does not drive my car and has no desire too. I think she has visions of peeling through second gear, and toasting the tires good :)

I taught her on her dad's '97 Jetta TDI. She was pretty good, but paniced a bit on the roads. When it came time to buy her a car (Monday Night) we got her an auto..


04-16-2008, 08:25 AM
I've taught before, no one really drives my car but me. She's gotta be somthin for me to let her drive.

Teaching is fun though, proves you have patience. When I was younger I taught a girl to ride a motorcycle. That was an achievement in my books, lol.

04-16-2008, 10:47 AM
My GF knows haw to drive stick in her 99 Civic...
She had never driven stick on any other car, so her ability to feel out the clutch and gear selection is limited to just her car.
Had her try my car and feel how touchy my clutch is compared to hers and how you have to be careful when downshifting (compared to her where she just slams it into any odd lower gear and it engine brakes without a hitch).

I'll tell her though she was nervous at first (since it's my baby)... but she loved the feel of the acceleration and the sound of the turbo spooling up...
HEHE Turbo... the perfect aphrodisiac!

04-16-2008, 12:00 PM
I was lucky...I taught my fiance on my 2005 GT hatch without much problem and then she bought her 2007 GS sedan with a manual and hasn't looked back since...except the clutch feel was very different it threw her off a bit at first and now its second nature to her.

The only thing that you can't teach is confidence...especially when they try to drive in traffic the first time.

04-16-2008, 12:11 PM
But now its worse, she wants to drop me off and take my car to chill with her friends :S Im like u cant even drive properly and shes like i dont care lol

girls...... cant live with them but you cant live without..... sigh

Girls like nice cars my friend.:chuckle

04-16-2008, 01:35 PM
I tried teaching my GF on my old Integra - she never got it out of 1st. Clutch was pretty tough though. Then I taught her on a rental Golf - she figured it out on the first try. You barely had to push the clutch in to change gears. No wonder the Golf was the #1 car pick for Gays (Mazda was #10 btw)

04-16-2008, 05:25 PM
I tried teaching my GF on my old Integra - she never got it out of 1st. Clutch was pretty tough though. Then I taught her on a rental Golf - she figured it out on the first try. You barely had to push the clutch in to change gears. No wonder the Golf was the #1 car pick for Gays (Mazda was #10 btw)

You do know there's a difference between gays and women, don't you??

04-16-2008, 05:33 PM
ya im not getting your relation between comparing your girlfriend to a gay guy? are you saying gay people are women? you need some sensitivity training if thats what your implying..........

04-16-2008, 05:52 PM
Still trying to get some time to teach mine. She always has some excuse! "My shoes, I'm not feeling like it, now is not the right time, blah blah" lol

04-16-2008, 06:21 PM
Taught my gf the first summer I had my car at the St. Aquinas parking lot, she just didn't get the concept that when the car is fully stopped it had to be in neutral or clutch fully engaged so she did stall quite a few times. When she did manage to get it going she never made it past 1st and at one point if I didn't pull the e-brake we would have slammed into a parked school bus. That was the one and only time she has EVER been behind the wheel of any car. I'll teach her again this year after she has taken driving lessons and is comfortable on the street.

04-16-2008, 07:01 PM
ya im not getting your relation between comparing your girlfriend to a gay guy? are you saying gay people are women? you need some sensitivity training if thats what your implying..........

I'll blame my studying for neuroscience, but supposedly homosexual males have many brain similarities with women

04-16-2008, 07:04 PM
I tried... Twice. First time wen't fairly well. Second time she stalled 4 times in a row trying to get it moving, and started crying. I never raised my voice, cringed, or anything... Yet she still insists that I yelled at her.

I think she just knew i was crying on the inside..... rrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRR *squeak!* Calug lug calug ---- *stall* "baby, don't forget to push in the clutch if anything doesn't happen the way you want it"...."

I really don't want her to drive my car. NEVER when i'm not there. I only want it so she can be DD, or in emergencies. But i know if i teacher her and she gets good, she'll want to take it to friends and stuff. NOT happening! She can get her own car, and I'll drop her off most of the time. OR she can do it the way i did it for YEARS: Bicycle, Taxi, Bus, or sometimes Friends.

04-17-2008, 12:13 AM
I tried... Twice. First time wen't fairly well. Second time she stalled 4 times in a row trying to get it moving, and started crying. I never raised my voice, cringed, or anything... Yet she still insists that I yelled at her.

I think she just knew i was crying on the inside..... rrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRR *squeak!* Calug lug calug ---- *stall* "baby, don't forget to push in the clutch if anything doesn't happen the way you want it"...."

I really don't want her to drive my car. NEVER when i'm not there. I only want it so she can be DD, or in emergencies. But i know if i teacher her and she gets good, she'll want to take it to friends and stuff. NOT happening! She can get her own car, and I'll drop her off most of the time. OR she can do it the way i did it for YEARS: Bicycle, Taxi, Bus, or sometimes Friends.


04-17-2008, 12:38 AM
You do know there's a difference between gays and women, don't you??

ya im not getting your relation between comparing your girlfriend to a gay guy? are you saying gay people are women? you need some sensitivity training if thats what your implying..........

LOL despite E39's time on the board he's a nube :whoa :chuckle

What he meant to insinuate was the fact that the Mazda3 was recently ranked as the 10th most often researched cars among the online gay community. I cant find the artcile, its on the net somewhere :bang

04-17-2008, 12:45 AM
I guess I lucked out on all counts with this one...

My girlfriend's always driven a standard car (I grew up with 100% automatic), and last year, she decided to buy a Mazda 3 GS in standard. I thought "this manual transmission mazda 3 is actually pretty nice..." and now I am the owner of a manual-transmission 3 Sport GT. I got to learn how to drive properly with a manual trans on her car over the past year, and now I'm good to go with my own manual 3, thanks to all the tips she's given me.

I would never go back to automatic. Manual is an unreal driving experience, as long as you've got the right car for it.

So basically, sometimes, if a girl's been raised with a standard car, she can have some serious driving skills. :)

04-17-2008, 07:06 AM
Ive tried before but my car being an automatic i didn't necessarily have the standard woes. The best i can descrive it is that women tent to treat cars a bit more haphazardly then men. When i drive my car i tend to take things like driveway curbs, speed bumps, etc. with caution by going slowly as to try and reduce harmful stresses that will cause things to wear out quicker. So now to the point, so as my girlfriend is driving i make some comments about her approach to things. Im not saying shes a bad driver by any means. Allthough as she approaches driveway entrances and such she doesn't slow down to ease the car over the elevation but instead will plow into it at normal turning speed. Also with potholes, it doesnt seem to be any need or reason to avoid them. So i made a few comments about approaching these obstacles with more caution or trying to avoid them as it will help save wear and tear on the car. For some reason any critique somehow looses all meaning or purpose of said critique but becomes an argument about control and other topics that may spawn from said comment.

Im sorry if i brought this off topic slightly but i guess what my mini rant comes down to is why does this have to become an argument about why i was wrong to suggesting something and not in a negative way.

04-17-2008, 08:40 AM
hahah so many great stories... my gf has been bugging me forever to teach her how to drive 5 spd of course when she first asked my civic had a new clutch and a freshly built tranny... so the answer was no.. about 2 mths ago I finally gave in and took her out in the 3. Man o man was she nervous... she bunny hopped it a few times... and started to panic... and just continuously apologized to me... finally got her to get the car going and even got her into second... and then she really stalled the car :chuckle to which she apologized and started crying... that I please not be mad at her... and that she was really trying her best.. and that she didn't want to do it anymore. She then turned around and said 5spd is stupid and so much work I couldn't help but laugh. but wow did my clutch get a nice workout... nothing beats the smell of a burnt clutch from a noob 5spd driver

04-17-2008, 09:16 AM
Ive tried before but my car being an automatic i didn't necessarily have the standard woes. The best i can descrive it is that women tent to treat cars a bit more haphazardly then men. When i drive my car i tend to take things like driveway curbs, speed bumps, etc. with caution by going slowly as to try and reduce harmful stresses that will cause things to wear out quicker. So now to the point, so as my girlfriend is driving i make some comments about her approach to things. Im not saying shes a bad driver by any means. Allthough as she approaches driveway entrances and such she doesn't slow down to ease the car over the elevation but instead will plow into it at normal turning speed. Also with potholes, it doesnt seem to be any need or reason to avoid them. So i made a few comments about approaching these obstacles with more caution or trying to avoid them as it will help save wear and tear on the car. For some reason any critique somehow looses all meaning or purpose of said critique but becomes an argument about control and other topics that may spawn from said comment.

Im sorry if i brought this off topic slightly but i guess what my mini rant comes down to is why does this have to become an argument about why i was wrong to suggesting something and not in a negative way.

If it was her car and she had to pay to fix it she probably would be more careful. My bf is not as careful with my car as I am - but he's not with his either (probably cause it's a '93 and he's lost the love).

Wild Weasel
04-17-2008, 09:22 AM
I've taught a few people to drive standard and never ever smelled burning clutch. :)

04-17-2008, 11:11 AM
I've taught a few people to drive standard and never ever smelled burning clutch. :)

if u want to smell it u can teach my gf :chuckle

Cardinal Fang
04-17-2008, 12:26 PM
if u want to smell it u can teach my gf :chuckle

Ok that's just toooooooooooooooooooooooo kinky.