View Full Version : Paint Scrape Question

04-28-2008, 04:52 PM
Hi everyone,

So long story short, the left rear of my car got scraped up. The plastic is showing on the bumper, and some of the metal on my quarter panel. I covered the metal with touch up for now until I can get it fixed [which is why you can't see it in the picutre].

I'd love to hear if anyone has any suggestions on body shops or alternative methods to fix this up as close to original as possible. I've read some of the posts on repainting bumpers, but don't know if the same applies for the metal body as well. Also since the car is colour code 34K, I figure I won't be able to match on my own. So far I got one quote and it was 1K+, which seems really tough to swallow (but I kind of understand why...)

Any comments or feedback would be great, thanks!


04-28-2008, 05:28 PM
Try this maybe?
