View Full Version : Back pains anyone?
04-29-2008, 11:24 PM
So after i got my car, i've started getting back pain in my lower right dorsal area right under my ribs. Some nights it hurts so much i cant sleep. This has been going on for about a month. I've noticed that when i drive for most of the day, my back starts to hurt later on at night. Im not completely sure if it is my car or not but i'm thinking it is a big possibility.
Also, i haven't lifted anything heavy so that shouldn't be the problem.
I an 06 GT and its the normal seats with red stitching.
Does anyone else get back pains or am i just special? :bana
04-29-2008, 11:27 PM
do you have your wallet in your back pocket?
04-29-2008, 11:35 PM
i recommend you go see a physio...but you'll need a doctors approval...i dont think its got anything to do with the mazda seat :)
04-29-2008, 11:36 PM
Some stuff here. Maybe you haven't fully gotten used to your car seats.
Have you tried adjusting the seat positions?
do you have your wallet in your back pocket?
Why? Were you looking for some identification?:chuckle
04-29-2008, 11:47 PM
Some stuff here. Maybe you haven't fully gotten used to your car seats.
Have you tried adjusting the seat positions?
Why? Were you looking for some identification?:chuckle
Back pain might originate from the wallet in the back pockets..sometimes that happens with me too, and I usually drive without sitting on my wallet. It's uncomfortable too!
04-29-2008, 11:51 PM
The exact same problem with me. I get back pains ever since i got the Mazda 3.. not sure why.. The wallet thing is true, in the passat it was leather so It really didnt hurt my back for some reason.. Gee.. i thought i was the only one with this problem.
04-29-2008, 11:52 PM
Back pain might originate from the wallet in the back pockets..sometimes that happens with me too, and I usually drive without sitting on my wallet. It's uncomfortable too!
no, i put my wallet in my right pocket now that i got this car to avoid having it rub against my seat and thin the fabric. I dunno about the getting used to part, its been 2 months. Im not sure, maybe its not the seats..... but i havent done anything special recently besides my car.... maybe weather?
As for doctors, i went to get x rays done today and my physician will tell me whats going on in a couple days.
04-30-2008, 12:00 AM
try changing the seat position and also the backrest presure i got back problems from a car accident and changing seat positions and backrest presure every once in a while helps
Man I hate to admit this so young but yes I have back problems. I strained it when I was younger and then all the dirtbiking (hard landings) have paid a toll as well. But I've noticed that after a long trip my back will sometimes hurt. So I'm wondering if its the car a little bit. I've gotta remove my wallet really, that might make the differance.
04-30-2008, 01:38 AM
few things to check
1) tire pressure.
2) seating position as MK mentioned. Here is another link.
i'm getting back pain cause of tires were over inflated. (was at 40 psi, lol).
04-30-2008, 02:17 AM
I didn't have back problems, my ass would just get nubm often in the mazda seats.
Adjusting it helped though. No back problems here yet.. well not directly from the seats anyway as far as i know *knocks on wood*
04-30-2008, 02:26 AM
I didn't have back problems, my ass would just get nubm often in the mazda seats.
Adjusting it helped though. No back problems here yet.. well not directly from the seats anyway as far as i know *knocks on wood*
numb? how did you fix that
i thought i just have a skinny ass, lol
putting on weight is not an answer I'm hoping to get, lol
04-30-2008, 02:27 AM
hahaha. I found that the combination of when either the seat wasn't tilted back enough or the back of the seat wasn't back enough left all my weight on one particular area of my ass, hahaha.
Basically what I tried to do was distribute weight as evenly as possible lol.... soundss tuipd but..i think it worked as its not as much of a problem anymore lol.
04-30-2008, 08:05 AM
my right ass cheek used to get numb when i had my wallet there during long drives lol.
But anyways, im guessing its not just me. I'll try adjusting the seat then.
Thanks guys
04-30-2008, 08:33 AM
You should never sit on your wallet. It will end up giving you hip problems later in life, if not already. My ass fell asleep the first couple of longer trips driving in the car. After that I guess I got used to the new feel.
+1 on adjusting the seat.
04-30-2008, 08:45 AM
I didn't have back pains as a result of my MZ3, but I suffered a slipped disc in my back a few years ago. Since then, I cannot drive my wife's MZ3 for any period of time without experiencing discomfort in my back. That's one of the reasons I sold my MZ3. I don't have any of the same issues in my TSX.
04-30-2008, 09:12 AM
I didn't have back pains as a result of my MZ3, but I suffered a slipped disc in my back a few years ago. Since then, I cannot drive my wife's MZ3 for any period of time without experiencing discomfort in my back. That's one of the reasons I sold my MZ3. I don't have any of the same issues in my TSX.
well, i guess its time to sell my 3 and get a tsx then :bana2
04-30-2008, 09:12 AM
I didn't have back pains as a result of my MZ3, but I suffered a slipped disc in my back a few years ago. Since then, I cannot drive my wife's MZ3 for any period of time without experiencing discomfort in my back. That's one of the reasons I sold my MZ3. I don't have any of the same issues in my TSX.
that sounds pretty serious. from your experience, do you think it's directly or solely related to the seats themselves (material, rake, etc.) or perhaps the dimensions of the car or the way it drives causes you to be "out of position" and thus discomfort?
in Asia, and even here, ppl who drive for extended periods of time would use a seat cover made with a bed of large stringed wooden beads...I always found it strange, but the older I get, the more I understand...
04-30-2008, 09:16 AM
Yea I get back pains too on long drives. But I found that removing your wallet actually helps and the seats in the speed are better than the seat in the 3. My old 3 I would get pains a lot easier. The speed not so much. But the key for me is to stop once in a while to take a little 5 min walk. Also to change the lumbar support (not keep it at the same setting all the time) seems to help. But short drives are never a problem :)
04-30-2008, 09:28 AM
perhaps i should buy those bead things. I seem em at cdn tire for like 10 or 15. But they so fugly....
04-30-2008, 09:28 AM
strengthen your core.
i'm surprised no one got the Seinfeld reference to the wallet and back pains.
Seats were a big reason why I got the 3, before that I drove a VW Jetta (mk4) and the seats had no support at all because I think they were "americanized" and super-sized.
04-30-2008, 11:39 AM
no cant say ive gotten back pains from driving.... do u drive long distances?
04-30-2008, 12:23 PM
that sounds pretty serious. from your experience, do you think it's directly or solely related to the seats themselves (material, rake, etc.) or perhaps the dimensions of the car or the way it drives causes you to be "out of position" and thus discomfort?
First off I just want to say that I've never driven with my wallet or anything else in my back pocket.
I would not say the seats caused the problem, but after I recovered from the back problem I could not get comfortable in the MZ3. I tried every different combo and even consulted with my physio therapist and none of his suggestions worked either. I just assumed that it would be like that no matter what car I drove, but when I sold the MZ3 and started driving my new car I immediately noticed a difference. I could drive the new car for hours and not experience any discomfort, but when I take my wife's MZ3, even just to go and fill it with gas, I feel the pain.
04-30-2008, 01:31 PM
I haven't had any problems with the MS3 at all except for my foot. On 10+ hour drives my right foot cramps from the position it is in over the gas. I am forced to use Cruise, but I really don't like to use it. Our Yaris is MUCH worse for my right foot hurting, and it doesn't have cruise. When I used to drive it I used to have to stop sometimes just to get my foot to stop hurting. Most comfortable car I've ever driven long distance was my 94 Ford Probe GT. Never any back pains, never any foot cramps, was just the perfect driving position.
But as far as back pains in my MS3, I never get any. My butt doesn't even get numb from sitting in it 15 hours strait.
08-29-2008, 10:33 AM
I've been meaning to update this post for a while. As some of you may be aware, my wife and I each had a Mazda3. The story for me is above (sold MZ3, bought TSX, no more back pains). What's interesting is that earlier this year my wife started to experience back pains and we couldn't figure out what was causing it. Eventually we started to wonder if the MZ3 could be the culprit but had no real method of confirmation. In June of this year we sold her MZ3 and bought a new car and guess what, no more back pains.
I think more than anything it's the lack of height adjustability in the MZ3. Both my car and the wife's new car have eight way adjustability vs. the six way in the MZ3. I honestly think this at the very least played a role for us.
Anyways, just thought I'd share our situation in case anyone else out there is experiencing anything similar.
My back kind of strains a bit too in this car. I'm not that tall but i find if i adjust my seat comfortably back enough for my legs the steering wheel is a tad far to reach with my back against the chair. When i adjust close enough to reach the top of the steering wheel my legs are too close to the pedals. Maybe i need TSX as well! Glad everything worked out TheProfessor =]
08-29-2008, 11:09 AM
My girlfriend noticed the change as soon as I changed cars. Previously owned a Civic and never had any problems. We ended up getting a back seat pressure and that has helped alot no longer suffers from this pain of hers.
I personally don't get back pains so try the back seat thingy it may just help!
08-29-2008, 11:16 AM
My ass hurts after a long drive, but I find if I stop every 2 hours it's ok.
I just did an 11 hour drive, and I was fine the next day, if i do another one of those though, I will get one of those seat pads
08-29-2008, 11:23 AM
My ass hurts after a long drive, but I find if I stop every 2 hours it's ok.
I just did an 11 hour drive, and I was fine the next day, if i do another one of those though, I will get one of those seat pads
do you keep your wallet in your back pocket?
personally i've never had any back pains...i do a couple 8 hour drives a year to the US and have never had any issues
08-29-2008, 11:33 AM
no, i take my wallet out, but before i started doing that, it did hurt alot more.
I think the leather seats in the mazda3's dont have as much butt padding as the cloth ones too.
08-29-2008, 11:39 AM
no, i take my wallet out, but before i started doing that, it did hurt alot more.
I think the leather seats in the mazda3's dont have as much butt padding as the cloth ones too.
ah yeah my wallet used to make my leg fall asleep
but i have cloth not leather
08-29-2008, 12:09 PM
I do get back pains but only after I drive for more then two hours
Adjusting the lumbar helps a lot and so does having the seat more reclined
08-29-2008, 12:19 PM
I've been meaning to update this post for a while. As some of you may be aware, my wife and I each had a Mazda3. The story for me is above (sold MZ3, bought TSX, no more back pains). What's interesting is that earlier this year my wife started to experience back pains and we couldn't figure out what was causing it. Eventually we started to wonder if the MZ3 could be the culprit but had no real method of confirmation. In June of this year we sold her MZ3 and bought a new car and guess what, no more back pains.
I think more than anything it's the lack of height adjustability in the MZ3. Both my car and the wife's new car have eight way adjustability vs. the six way in the MZ3. I honestly think this at the very least played a role for us.
Anyways, just thought I'd share our situation in case anyone else out there is experiencing anything similar.
THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IM EXPERIENCING. Like even til today im having back pains. My back is hurting as we talk lol. Its only muscle pains but im thinking it is because the seat is too hard.
My question is..... is there anything we can do about it?
08-29-2008, 12:27 PM
I experienced back pain driving 04 Mazda3 GT, but now it seems to be fine, no more back pains with new car
08-29-2008, 12:30 PM
i tried adjusting the car seat back and forth and only found out everytime i adjust it i get pains again. When i dont adjust, i get pains too lol. So.......
Will dealers give me a new chair?
08-29-2008, 12:42 PM
i tried adjusting the car seat back and forth and only found out everytime i adjust it i get pains again. When i dont adjust, i get pains too lol. So.......
Will dealers give me a new chair?
Maybe it's your ass and back that are the problem, not the seat...:chuckle
I don't know if they will cover something like that under warranty. Your new seat will probably give you more pain as it won't be worked in as much.
08-29-2008, 01:07 PM
THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IM EXPERIENCING. Like even til today im having back pains. My back is hurting as we talk lol. Its only muscle pains but im thinking it is because the seat is too hard.
My question is..... is there anything we can do about it?
Well as others have noted above it may be worth a shot buying some sort of supportive seat cover (Obus Forme is a brand that comes to mind). My physiotherapist said that if you are experiencing back problems you should try reclining your seat more (though make sure it's still a safe position, not some gangsta type of recline) and/or move the seat back so that your legs are as straight as can be. When I owned the 3 neither of those helped enough to get rid of the pain.
08-29-2008, 01:25 PM
wow... do you guys like live in the car or something? I sit in the car for 2hrs a day, and i find the seat on this totally amazing. I find the new civic seats to hurt my @$$ when i sit there more than an hour. (no offense to any civic crew in here but just my experience). Perhaps my bum is design for mazda seats:chuckle
I have to agree with what most people say above, it might be the way you have the seat adjusted.
08-29-2008, 02:32 PM
Most cars give me back pains if I am in it for more than 2 hours. My moms 97 Altima being the worst.
I recently adjusted the seat in my car so I am farther away from the steering wheel to stretch my legs out and reclined it some. So far so good.
Actually the one car that didn't hurt too bad after 2 plus hours was my blazer, it was like an old mushy couch.
08-29-2008, 02:52 PM
I had lower back pains for a while when I first got my Speed3. Then I adjusted the lumbar support and made sure I got my ass and back were pushed right against the back of the seat. No pains for at least 6 months.
08-29-2008, 03:03 PM
i will try to move it back more and recline it more. I did try a bunch of those cushions but they didnt do it. I tried the beaded ones and some soft pad where u put over ur butt part but my lower back is still hurting....
08-29-2008, 03:17 PM
how about stretching regularly? like if you know you have a big drive coming up in the approaching days spend some time doing stretches to loosen yourself up for a tense drive doing stretches that focus on your back....just randomly came up wiht the idea
08-29-2008, 10:47 PM
I don't know a solution for this problem, but I heard from a nurse, that if you're a tall person and don't have enough support for your thighs/hamstrings, you can get lower back pains. I can only suggest to sit as far back as you can.
08-30-2008, 01:25 AM
I think that problem was eliminated for 07+..
08-30-2008, 11:28 AM
i will try to move it back more and recline it more. I did try a bunch of those cushions but they didnt do it. I tried the beaded ones and some soft pad where u put over ur butt part but my lower back is still hurting....
my seat it well reclined(i am basically sitting in my back seat..well not quite) but thats because my legs are long and if i put it back to its normal legs would be hitting the steering wheel no matter how high it is.
08-31-2008, 12:12 AM
My parents murano is bad for back pains after a 3 hours drive I can hardly walk after. Now my ms3 is pretty good so far I've got the seat as far back as possible
(far enough so I can just reach the pedals) and full lumbar support and the seat down as low as it can go
mazda lover
08-31-2008, 08:46 PM
I think that problem was eliminated for 07+..
how do you think they solved the problem? the seats appear to be the same since 2004
08-31-2008, 09:28 PM
heated seats? perhaps..or better fabric
09-02-2008, 05:40 AM
I used to do the trip to Montreal at least twice a month in my 2005 MZ3 for almost 2 years. I now have a herniated disc in my lower back that is putting pressure on my sciatic nerve, shooting pain down my time...thanks Mazda!
09-02-2008, 01:53 PM
heated seats? perhaps..or better fabric
It (back pains) have nothing to do with the seats being heated and/or a change in material, trust me.
09-02-2008, 01:55 PM
I used to do the trip to Montreal at least twice a month in my 2005 MZ3 for almost 2 years. I now have a herniated disc in my lower back that is putting pressure on my sciatic nerve, shooting pain down my time...thanks Mazda!
Yup, unfortunately I've been there and done that. I told my wife about this thread over the week-end and she mentioned that since selling the 3 her back pains have gotten better to the point now where she doesn't get them anymore!
I don't think the seats are necessarily causing the problem, but I think if you are susceptible to back issues they become more pronounced driving the 3.
09-02-2008, 02:21 PM
I don't think the seats are necessarily causing the problem, but I think if you are susceptible to back issues they become more pronounced driving the 3.
definetly agree!
09-29-2008, 11:46 AM
I Would Recommend You Workout and Strengthen Your Core... Focus on having a Good Posture. that would be my advice
I very rarely get back problems, since I work out, But I do often get tailbone problems, but that's because when I played Football and fractured my tailbone twice in 3 months.
09-29-2008, 04:33 PM
attributing a herniated disc solely to the seats in your car is ludicrous.
09-29-2008, 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by x_o_k_x
heated seats? perhaps..or better fabric
It (back pains) have nothing to do with the seats being heated and/or a change in material, trust me.
So these 2 things dont change seats through out the year?
09-29-2008, 04:42 PM
Funny, I like the seats much better than most cars! And to boot, our secretary hitched a ride with me today, and first thing she said was "The seats don't hurt my back! It feel great!", as opposed to her chevy... (cav I think).
09-29-2008, 10:04 PM
My question is..... is there anything we can do about it?
Like the Professor said, get a TSX LOL. As for the beaded seat cover, I didn't like the feel or look, my dad has it in his highlander. He says that its used more for keeping your butt from sticking to the seat during long drives and to give your butt some air. I think this was the inspiration for todays luxury cars with cooling in the seats :chuckle.
09-29-2008, 10:12 PM
To be honest, i give up, I'm still having back pains and its recently hurting again. I tried beaded seat covers, some soft cushion for my butt, moving the seat back and forth, using the lumbar support. I dunno what more i can do.
Thankfully i'm planning to switch over to my winter beater after the fall tour because im putting too much kms on this car and I shall tell you guys if the problem persists. If it does (i still highly feel these seats are the problem), then it must be something else, if i stop hurting, then i guess tough luck for me for buying this car and spending so much money doing it up. I guess i'll have to live with it
09-29-2008, 10:55 PM
why dont u take a day off and get one of those automatic massagers...everytime i go to yorkdale i go into home outfitters and test the massage chairs..feels great after im done i feel like new but thats only me..i dunno if you'll feel the same way
09-30-2008, 12:34 AM
attributing a herniated disc solely to the seats in your car is ludicrous.
Well something as simple as poor sitting position over time can lead to a herniation of a lower disc, but thanks tips for coming out...
Update...2 weeks of getting my BMW X3 my backpain is slowly going away. Did the 5 hour trek to Montreal this weekend and my back was a lot better today than it has been after doing the trip in the Mazda 3. All the gripes about the seats in this thread, plus my own experience with the seats have me thinking that the seating ergonomics must be off.
09-30-2008, 06:30 AM
no back pains here....i actually like the seats
09-30-2008, 09:44 AM
I love these seats as well, as do most seats in Japanese cars... I really don't find the seats in a domestic car comfortable... I've driven a Ford focus, Ford F-150, Dodge Neon, Chevy Impala, and I can't say I like those seats very much.
09-30-2008, 11:47 AM
I find the seats very comfortable in our 06 GT, but the low roof line due to the sunroof causes me to be uncomfortable since I have to adjust the angle of the seat so my head doesn't rub the roof. Luckily the 3 is my wife's car so I don't have to drive it every day.
In the past I was driving just under an hour each way to and from work. I drove an 02 Grand Am which also had a low roof line. I constently had lower back pains. Once I moved into my Honda Accord the pains were gone within a few weeks.
09-30-2008, 11:52 AM
I've had the car 2 months and so far no back pains...and hopefully I won't get any at all since I'm planning on keeping the car for a while!
Mind you I'm never in the car for more than 30-45 minutes at a time so maybe longer periods may aggravate the back. I'll see when I go on a long trip.
What I've had a hard time getting right is the steering wheel height and scope. Seems like it's too high or too low, I'm still trying to get the perfect position.
What suspension are you on? Just the extra bumps can really do it to yah. Especially if you keep having to go over those repair strips. When I was dropped on my teins and stiffened up the ride, I could definitely feel the difference.
09-30-2008, 01:57 PM
that's interesting mEtH...i never thought about that...i just dropped mine so I will see if the extra bumps cause my back to hurt at all after a while
09-30-2008, 05:59 PM
yeah same here, im having some back pains too ....up to now, i had the car for almost 4 yrs , im still adjusting my seat to suit my comfortable position.
01-08-2009, 09:20 PM
I just recently starting getting lower back pains with the Mazda 3 driver seat. It only takes me 5 minutes of sitting in the seat to feel lower back pain.
I honestly believe that the lumber may be out of position on my seat in that in the lowest setting, the lumber is out too far and jutting into my lower back. I'm generally not a fan of lumbar and most cars I've had don't contain it. With lumber on, my lower back feels very uncomfortable. With the lumber setting off, it still feels like too much.
01-08-2009, 09:26 PM
didnt you just ask this in the mazdaforum????? i had a reply for you in the forum
01-08-2009, 09:32 PM
didnt you just ask this in the mazdaforum????? i had a reply for you in the forum
Looks like it. I was just surprised to find a larger thread with people who had similar issues. The long and short of it, it's still under warranty and I had to haggle the Mazda dealership so much they agreed to at least replace the seat back. They all looked at me like I was a lunatic but agreed in the end. I'll see what happens once they replace it, whether or not that was the issue.
If you suffer from back pain from sitting in a car, it's because you have back problems and the seating position triggers someting that your back does not like. That simple.
Go see a Chiro. He will check you out and identify what is wrong with your back. I went to a Chiro for over a year to get fixed up. During that time, I was feeling some pain while driving any cars.
Now, I drive my Speed 3 for hours in total comfort.
01-09-2009, 12:05 AM
I sit in a very upright and close to the wheel position and find no discomfort. Yes if I do drive with my wallet in my pocket my ass will be hurting in under 5 mins of driving.
The only back pain i noticed was on my way back from Ohio last month. My lower back was killing me even just a hour into the drive. This may have been due to my bike (BMX) as I had ejected from a backflip landing on my ass, compressing my spine and chest so hard that the wind was knocked out of me.
In all I like the seats in the 3, but they are nothing like the seats in the Ford edge! My god they are the most comfortable seat/chair I have ever sat in.
01-09-2009, 08:41 AM
My biggest test was just before xmas, did a 9 hour trip (each way) to Lexington, Kentucky and back... not even a hint of back pain. I'd guess some people are better suited to certain seats than others. To some of us, no problems, to others, well.... just read above! lol
01-11-2009, 09:19 PM
So I got my Seat back replaced and it seems to be an improvement over the original. I still get some back pain if I adjust the seat height wrongly, I'm still playing around with it to find the optimal setting. I can't really stand lumbar so I turn it off. Just wondering however, the 2008 Mazda3 has 3 way lumbar setting right? 3 up and 3 down after that??? Also, I probably shouldn't adjust the seat height while sitting down on it right? I hope I didn't screw it up by doing that.
02-07-2009, 11:13 PM
So after NOT driving the 3 for winter and having to drive it again for almost 2 weeks now. My back pains have returned.
In conclusion, its the seats..... Now i need to know what to do.... Sell car? I dont want to deal with chronic back pain for the time i have this car.
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