View Full Version : Long live the Queen of the search engine.
05-03-2008, 12:08 PM
CLICK!!!! (
05-03-2008, 12:29 PM
Hahahahaha, that's AWESOME, Jeff! Can we get one of those in the TM3 search? :chuckle
05-03-2008, 12:43 PM
lol so true
Thats sooooo true. Well done.
05-03-2008, 02:27 PM
this is going to be her new sig!
05-03-2008, 03:41 PM
I mit-gee-mi-googled mit-gee-mui and only came up with 3 hits!
05-03-2008, 03:55 PM
CLICK!!!! (
Awwww! That is so cute!
I mit-gee-mi-googled mit-gee-mui and only came up with 3 hits!
How come I got 96?:whoa
this is going to be her new sig!
<---- Does that work?:chuckle:loco
I don't want to change my sig just yet, so I incorporated it into my avatar instead.:)
05-03-2008, 06:50 PM
That's great!! lol.
05-03-2008, 08:11 PM
haha thats awesome!
05-03-2008, 08:30 PM
OK mit-gee-mui, how about you explain how you are able to search so much better than the average joe on here. Do you have your own indexer or something?
I must admit, the search on this site is very good. I tried searching for 2008.5 on another popular Mazda3 forum as found 0 results. Turns out they class that as two words and the 2nd one is less than 3 letters so it gets ignored. What a crappy search over there.
Kudos to mit-gee-mui for always out searching everyone here!
05-03-2008, 08:40 PM
OK mit-gee-mui, how about you explain how you are able to search so much better than the average joe on here. Do you have your own indexer or something?
No indexer. I don't even know what an indexer is.:loco
I just do what you all do. Seriously.
Thanks to our wonderful website team here, this board is set up to make everything easy to find on its own.
I guess my added advantage is that I've been here since early 2004, so I remember most of the posts that were made, the content and where they can be found. Before, our search function here was not as good as it is today. In the past, you could not search for 3 letter words such as mz3. Back then, I had to literally go through threads without using search.:whoa
But yeah. I feel like you guys are giving me way too much credit for something that you should be crediting our administrative team for.:) Thanks though.:hawt
05-03-2008, 09:09 PM
I'll just call you google-miu from now on. :chuckle See you at the meets!
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