View Full Version : How to put a canoe on your 3 hatch

05-07-2008, 01:14 AM
So i went on a back country canoe trip last week.
prior to I was looking to find out exactly how to strap the canoe onto my roof.
well heres what i came up with.
seemed to work pretttty well got up to 110km/h (120km/h was moderatly shaky)

1) so i used the the tow bolt to tie off the front of the canoe BUT!. it was leaning to the passenger side the firsttime i tested it because there was nothing keeping it centered. so i used another line which went from the canoe to the driver side rope that i ran over top the canoe (you'll see better in the next pictures)


2) so i ran 2 lines overtop the canoe,
1-using rope and knots that some guy at a canoe outfitters taught me that looped through the pillars between the front and back doors, (basically acts as a ratcheting line if not stronger) i also used those foam insulations for pipes to protect the canoe.
2-the red line is a ratcheting rope which was used as extra protection.
3-the yellow line was the one i mentioned earlier which helped to stablize the canoe from moving left and right in the front. this was a life saver. (be sure to tie it in such a way that it doesnt move up and down the line ur attaching it to. otherwise its useless. it has to be FIXED.


heres another closer view, yellow being the stabalizing cable, white is the rope i used to tie it down, and the red was extra support.


i used the 2 loops under the car to attach the back of the canoe. it was off center but still did the job.


last note. i used lots of towels to protect my paint, and those foam pads need to be clean before u put them ontop of ur car to keep from scrathing up ur roof.


almost forgot. i found the strongest place to put the pads were just on the corner/behind my moon roof, and the rear pads on the humps for the trunk hindges. everwehre else between seemed to bend and warm the roof. which is a bad thing.

hope this helps somone!

05-07-2008, 01:45 AM
Great write up!
I'll never have to use it, but I thought it was very informative.

05-07-2008, 02:11 AM
Thanks Jay! With the season fast approaching, this info will definitely help a number of Mazda3 owners!