View Full Version : re: how to latch... my hatch

05-09-2008, 12:12 AM
How to properly secure the hatch while still open??? what is the most secure way???

Here is a situation, similar to tying down item's such as this 24foot ladder I just bought. It sticks out the back!! (see below)

The actual tying of this ladder in place using available hooks at latches was not the problem. The issue, is keeping the hatch closed, and sturdy, so that I can drive more than 50km/h without it opening all the way. I have heard people tying a rope near the windshield wiper. That is what I tried. It is okay for a very short haul. but for the long run, and for someone like me who purchases a lot of building materials..... There has to be a better way!!

I don't want my hatch vibrating on the road. Is there something that can be done to hold it open, but securely in place.?? possibly adding welds???


Cardinal Fang
05-09-2008, 09:15 AM
Cover both sides of the ladder with foam to prevent it banging around. I used bungee cords from my hatch pin down over the bumper to the underside of the body. There's do not attach the bungee the back of the bumper! I used a 24" bungee cord from Home Depot.

05-09-2008, 09:47 AM
How to properly secure the hatch while still open??? what is the most secure way???

Here is a situation, similar to tying down item's such as this 24foot ladder I just bought. It sticks out the back!! (see below)

The actual tying of this ladder in place using available hooks at latches was not the problem. The issue, is keeping the hatch closed, and sturdy, so that I can drive more than 50km/h without it opening all the way. I have heard people tying a rope near the windshield wiper. That is what I tried. It is okay for a very short haul. but for the long run, and for someone like me who purchases a lot of building materials..... There has to be a better way!!

I don't want my hatch vibrating on the road. Is there something that can be done to hold it open, but securely in place.?? possibly adding welds???


You should buy a cheap pickup that goes faster than 50km/h ;) Thats what I would do :)

Can you maybe hook something up where the handle is?

05-09-2008, 09:50 AM
possibly adding welds???

adding welds?!?! thats seems a bit extreme

have you considered getting a roof rack?
if you transport long items like this regularly... I would think it would be worth the investment. Cause that sticks out pretty far and looks kinda dangerous to me

05-09-2008, 10:49 AM
+1, I'd seriously look into getting a roof rack. At least your car remains secure and it's safer for both yourself and the other motorists on the road.

05-09-2008, 11:13 AM
I have used bungee cord when I have had to secure cargo. But recently I have just hired this guy when I have something in my car that doesn't fit.


05-09-2008, 11:31 AM
+1, I'd seriously look into getting a roof rack. At least your car remains secure and it's safer for both yourself and the other motorists on the road.

Actually when i was transporting the ladder, I had a small red flag attached to the back to signal other motorists. No one dove within 75 feet behind me. It was actually pretty funny. But it was very secure.

How much would it be to install a roof rack parts and labour???

Also, Maybe I didn't word my question correctly though. What I meant to say, was that holding this stuff in place was not a problem, I wanted to know if it was possible to keep the hatch secure while open??? or has no one really been able to do this?

05-09-2008, 12:09 PM
I agree with Cardinal and recommend tying it down below the to a hard point below and behind the bumper...with heavy cloths as buffer on every surface that makes contact...

More importantly, I also agree with others that eventho you CAN, it doesn't look like a good long term solution to carry that ladder in that hatch...the RED FLAG doesn't stop your ladder from swinging wide at an intersection and clipping a PERSON...anyway, be safe!

05-09-2008, 09:27 PM
How much would it be to install a roof rack parts and labour???

Shoot Joe (FlipDady) at MOT a PM.