View Full Version : Has your GF/Wife ever tried to take an interest in something you enjoy?

05-09-2008, 03:06 PM
Okay, when i first met the other half a year and a half ago she knew absolutly nothing about cars. which is okay, not everyone loves cars (or as much as me hehe) but it didnt bother me. but im a typical guy and everytime something nice drives by i would comment on it, and well she would have no idea what im talking about. she didnt know what rims where........it was at this point i had to sort of explain what a car was to her. she called all SUVS "jeeps" which i explained to her jeep is a company not a style of vehicle.

So for a while i had to explain to her what every car company was (logos etc) and the difference between a coupe and sedan :whoa . but she eventually got it (lol sort of)

Anyways because on my last car any mod i had was done before meeting her, so once i got the 3 and started doing things she was there for them all. and of course explaining everything (and i mean EVERYTHING) but she learned quick enough.

So just the other week, she was out and decided to take a picture of a car with "rims" and thought i would appreciate the car (or atleast her effort to like cars). so she sent me the pictures and i chuckled, it was just some pimped out avenger, that i thought wasnt well done, but i didnt tell her that. so i completed her on it.

But i just found it interesting that after a while, my interest in cars has sort of seeped into her, and she now mentions things about cars she wouldnt even have known what to call before.

05-09-2008, 03:14 PM
Not really...which is a good thing. I like to go golfing with the guys. :) I wish she would learn how to snowboard so then we could go together. It would give me an excuse to get out more.

Cars...the gf tags along all of the time and usually chats it up with people at the meets. As for mods, she hates me spending my money on them, lol.

05-09-2008, 03:14 PM
Does she have a sister?

05-09-2008, 03:17 PM
Does she have a sister?

This made me laugh. :chuckle

05-09-2008, 03:20 PM
Nice, girls usually like to learn stuff from their man....or else they find you boring and not challenging. It's a good thing for you :) At least she might not try to limit your mods :) So as long as you don't treat your car better than your girl you should be ok :chuckle

I remember my ex started to enjoy hockey with me and I turned her into a real habs fan :)

05-09-2008, 03:24 PM
Props to you and her for having the patience to work on that.
She probably noticed the avenger because it had very obvious and "loud" upgrades.
I bet that as she gets more familiar, she'll start noticing more subtle and tastefully done cars.

My fiance had become interested in car clubs a while back... but was never very interested in modding.

Your girl sounds like a keeper :)

05-09-2008, 03:24 PM
I remember my ex started to enjoy hockey with me and I turned her into a real habs fan :)
Hahaha, atta boy...

As for the significant other taking part... Some things it's great, but at the same time, you have to have those things that you do with the guys (or girls, for the ladies out there). At least I do. I don't want to be in a relationship where ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has to be done together. You need some separation... IMHO.

05-09-2008, 03:28 PM
My fiance wasn't interested in cars at all before me, but since I got the MS3 she completely knows how a turbocharger and the rest of the system works, what everything is called, what everything does. I completely taught her how a manual transmission works inside when I was teaching her to drive. Yes, my MS3 is the first car she's EVER driven. Only ever stalled it 5 or 6 times.

The payback I give her for listening and being interested in my car talk is that whenever I visit her for a week or two I have to sit through a bunch of chick flicks...ugh... Oh well, relationships never work when they are too one-sided.

Cardinal Fang
05-09-2008, 03:32 PM
My wife once referred to the "Dead Pedal" in our cars as the "Dead Man Accelerator Pedal." I just starred at her.

05-09-2008, 03:34 PM
My wife once referred to the "Dead Pedal" in our cars as the "Dead Man Accelerator Pedal." I just starred at her.


That made me laugh outloud a little.

05-09-2008, 03:38 PM
Mine falls asleep instantly the moment i start talking about cars.


05-09-2008, 03:40 PM
My wife once referred to the "Dead Pedal" in our cars as the "Dead Man Accelerator Pedal." I just starred at her.


I can definitely relate... when I first started dating my gf she hated knowing about cars or talking about them.... as long as the car looked nice and sounded good thats all she cared about.. which was great... it gave me the time with the boys at the shows etc... well thats now changed... shes really tried to pick it up... and can even carry a basic conversation about cars... while it's cute when she tries.. its a slight bit annoying that its cutting in on the boys time at the shows.... but at the same time she does help me buy parts for the car so I can't complain too much. Besides as for giving her more attention then the car I made that mistake on our 1 year anniversary I started working on the stereo in my civic cuz I wanted to rewire the system.. and told her it would take about an hour or so..... so 6hrs later... I showed up and well let's just say she didn't appreciate the sound of the system as much as I did.. :chuckle

05-09-2008, 03:44 PM
My wife loves cars. If it were up to her (and our finances) she'd be rocking a BMW M3 with 6 speed manual tranny right now. When I had a turbo Civic back in the day she used to redline it way more than I ever did. She even bought me a short shifter for one of my birthdays lol.

She's not into riced out cars at all (thank God), but she definately appreciates nice sporty cars.

She's also taken a real liking to basketball which is awesome. She knows all of the Raptors, the coaches, commentators, and has a relatively decent knowledge of the players on the other teams as well.

05-09-2008, 03:56 PM
My GF is a grease monkey @ heart...I can talk to her about cars and she won't give me the deer in headlights look. She's helped me do some mods to my car and like TheProfessor's wife, not into rice-mobiles. She laffs at cars with subs in the back that sound like shit and knows what a fart can is....lol.

05-09-2008, 04:10 PM
I'm single now.

05-09-2008, 04:21 PM
I'm single now.
lol me too ....I was thinking of putting an ad in the classified like this:

"Single male 24 mazdaspeed 3 driver looking for female Mazda driver preferably 04+ GT, color other than red copper"


:chuckle I wonder what kind of feed back I would get hahaha

05-09-2008, 04:26 PM
All the GFs I've had, know I love cars. Some even thought they were below the car (not true). Its a mutual understanding really, its your hobby. Its nice if they warm up to it. Its something I like, so if she doesn't, well it won't work out really.

Its cute that ur gf did that. She's obviously grown to you.

Cardinal Fang
05-09-2008, 04:27 PM
Mine falls asleep instantly the moment i start talking about cars.


Word of warning then.

Don't EVER talk about cars in a moment of intimacy with your girlfriend. It will shatter your ego.

lol me too ....I was thinking of putting an ad in the classified like this:

"Single male 24 mazdaspeed 3 driver looking for female Mazda driver preferably 04+ GT, color other than red coper"


:chuckle I wonder what kind of feed back I would get hahaha

Sounds like something a Bro-Cardi girl would answer.

05-09-2008, 04:45 PM
My wife used to pretend to enjoy watching hockey with me before we were married. Now she complains whenever I tune into a game.

She hates, HATES my interest in computers and video games. I'm sure she'd blame my love of games for the Iraq war.

But she has taken an interest in cars. When I met her she had never driven a car and didn't have the faintest idea how they worked. Now she knows makes and models much better than most of the guys she works with, keeps her car even cleaner than I do, and even painted her calipers when we put the summer wheels on.

05-09-2008, 05:22 PM
Just curious - do you guys learn anything about stuff she is interested in?

05-09-2008, 05:28 PM
well shes ukrainian so yes. ive semi learned how to speak another language. and learned a WHOLE bunch about their culture (their orthodox so its a big deal to them)

05-09-2008, 06:24 PM
My wife never did... she gave me the ultimatum of either the car or her.
Guess which one I picked??... Speed3 was way cheaper anyway.

05-09-2008, 06:36 PM
my girl knows more about cars then i do... makes me feel a little less than a man. but i do, once in awhile, catch her talking about things she doesn't know about them and i do. she hates it when i correct her.

05-09-2008, 10:04 PM
Just curious - do you guys learn anything about stuff she is interested in?

mine likes to cook and bake.
i love to eat.

we both like photography

her other hobbies are too hard to learn, graphic/web design, drawing,

i'll just eat.

05-09-2008, 10:39 PM
My fiance is big into musicals and singing.

05-11-2008, 07:09 AM
Oh yea, do I ever!

My wife and are both cycling fanatics. When we met, almost 8 years ago, I had been mountain biking for a couple years and was getting pretty wrapped up in it. She had a bike and like riding around town for fitness. We started going on Friday afternoon mountain biking ride and slowly developed a friendship which moved on from there. As our relationship grew so did our love of cycling. At first I was taking the lead in purchasing gear and bikes, but as the years passed she started making the push to get stuff.

We are now married, no longer mountain bike, but own 3 road bikes each. We have way more invested in our bikes and bike gear then I could ever see myself spending on a car. I know you guys might be taking back by that, but we have our addiction and you have yours....

All I know is we are happy and we always have something to talk about....Always!

05-11-2008, 07:30 PM
No gf right now, so nope. Not easy finding on that enjoys what you enjoy.

05-11-2008, 07:42 PM
Living the single life as well. Now I go clubbin' without the gf nagging and b*tching at me. :chuckle

05-12-2008, 12:00 AM
Living the single life as well. Now I go clubbin' without the gf nagging and b*tching at me. :chuckle

lol true that, probably the best reason being single you get to enjoy the life to the fullest. But having a gf is giving you that extra support in your life and other great things with it

05-12-2008, 12:19 AM
No gf right now, so nope. Not easy finding on that enjoys what you enjoy.
as long as the girl is willing to try what I like, thats fine.
My ex didn't even try. glad she's an ex

05-12-2008, 01:34 AM
as long as the girl is willing to try what I like, thats fine.
My ex didn't even try. glad she's an ex

Yup Same Boat as You Got out of a long relationship and i have never looked back i guess im too young and free for that sort of thing .... Ex would get pissed if i ever brought up cars and disliked my car :flaming Glads shes an ex too the Single life is Great for me right now.... especially the extra money not going to the gf....... im happy for you guys with gf;s that take interest n to you cars and hobbies its a sign of a great girl :)

05-12-2008, 01:46 AM
My gf drives an 88 GM celebrity. She changes her own oil, and other maintenence. Last week she did a compression test on it. Thing runs amazing. Her dad was a mechanic, and had no sons so he taught his girls. Its amazing that she loves cars as much as I do. I'm trying to get her into soccer, but thats a work in progress. She loves music, and I'm really trying to learn to play the guitar so we can jam together with her paino skills.

05-12-2008, 01:47 AM
as long as the girl is willing to try what I like, thats fine.
My ex didn't even try. glad she's an ex

QFT my ex was the same way. I'm glad she's fat now. :P

05-12-2008, 02:18 AM
QFT my ex was the same way. I'm glad she's fat now. :P
I'm just glad she left. Once she leaves, my life turns around.

Yup Same Boat as You Got out of a long relationship and i have never looked back i guess im too young and free for that sort of thing .... Ex would get pissed if i ever brought up cars and disliked my car :flaming Glads shes an ex too the Single life is Great for me right now.... especially the extra money not going to the gf....... im happy for you guys with gf;s that take interest n to you cars and hobbies its a sign of a great girl :)
I'm just glad she left me while I was still in school. Its easier to find a good girl while in school.

05-12-2008, 12:50 PM
as for doing things my gf likes.... I do my best.... I can only take so many chick flix but swallow my pride to make her happy.... and I do my best to keep my calm.... but how many times can you look at the same purse?? Shes a shopping fanatic and I honestly hate the malls.. it was ok when I was single... trying to pick up girls... but looking at shoes and purses.. is soooo boring... but i try to be interested... and of course she likes to bake and well I have no problem eating so that one works out well

05-20-2008, 05:10 PM
when my wife and I were driving around we saw a speed3. so i told her, that that's the version that had much much power compared to the GT and 18" rims etc etc... when I was buying the car I always thought lesser maintenance and regular gas having a family and all, that's why I bought the GT, although i have to admit, I like the speed3. now she's asking me, what didn't you get that?? does that make you want to kick yourself in?:chuckle

05-20-2008, 07:28 PM
when my wife and I were driving around we saw a speed3. so i told her, that that's the version that had much much power compared to the GT and 18" rims etc etc... when I was buying the car I always thought lesser maintenance and regular gas having a family and all, that's why I bought the GT, although i have to admit, I like the speed3. now she's asking me, what didn't you get that?? does that make you want to kick yourself in?:chuckle

you want my answer....YEP! :chuckle

It would be even worst to see your wife drive home some day with a 2008.5 speed ;)

05-20-2008, 07:34 PM
QFT my ex was the same way. I'm glad she's fat now. :P

lol i chuckled when i read that.

yea, the gf is getting better at cars, she knows more than before, which is good. but she also takes into other interests i have, which is good.

05-20-2008, 08:30 PM
Since I grabbed my 07 GT Sport last month all I get from my gf is...

"seriously, your looking at mazda stuff again? why don't you just buy all the stuff you want because you know you are going to anyways!'

In some ways she is probably right, but I wish it was that easy lol

05-20-2008, 08:52 PM
"seriously, your looking at "insert something here" stuff again? why don't you just buy all the stuff you want because you know you are going to anyways!'

QFT. i dont think i can count how many times iv heard this from people. eheheh:pop

05-20-2008, 11:17 PM
you want my answer....YEP! :chuckle

It would be even worst to see your wife drive home some day with a 2008.5 speed ;)

LOL!! :bang

she has her own car... but if that happens, i'll probably be sneaking out earlier everyday to drive her car to work, and if she complains, shut up and drive my car instead! what's the difference?!?! lol :chuckle