View Full Version : Anyone Usin Water To Power Their Mazda 3
05-13-2008, 12:22 AM
found this on craglist
05-13-2008, 12:43 AM
I read the website, the 1st part, is sounded (not saying it is true or false, just sound).
The water part, I'm not a physicist, not going to comment on it.
are you going to try it?
05-13-2008, 01:22 AM
nope lol
05-13-2008, 07:32 AM
pseudo-repost..this was discussed elsewhere..
and this technology is a crock. if it really was that easy i would think all our cars would already be powered by this.
from a physics point of view, the idea is to the hydrogen-oxygen bonds in water so that it you get hydrogen out of the water to help the burn process. that's all well and good, but generally systems like this require equal (or sometimes more) energy to accomplish this than you actually get back from the combustion reaction of hydrogen.
in other words, the process is not self-sufficent; which means there's no way it can increase your mileage. a chem major could chime in here with the actual stoic calculations if he wants to..
so, while the *principle* sounds good, and the physics of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is sound, the claim that it increases your fuel mileage is total BS. The only way this will work is if you get your electricity for splitting hydrogen from a source other than your battery.
Edit: If you really want to (nearly) double your fuel efficiency, carpool with someone else, since now you're moving two people the same distance with only slightly more fuel. Better yet, take public transit if you're willing to spend more time commuting :)
Wild Weasel
05-13-2008, 08:25 AM
Basically, it's a scam to bilk you out of your hard earned dollars. Stuff like this pops up every time gas prices jump. You're right to do your research before taking anything they say at face value. Good job.
05-13-2008, 08:44 AM
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