View Full Version : Ontario Mazda makes me sad :(

05-29-2008, 01:32 PM
Like my Dad says...if you're paying dealer prices...you should be getting dealer service. I have yet to experience high quality dealer service!!
When I purchased, I dealt with an unexperienced salesman, but we knew what we wanted so we pushed for it and got the deal. That salesman was gone (fired) by the time I came back to sign the papers. A dude who didn't seem to care or have any customer service skills handled my final moment, which should be magical, no? I mean, my first new car! I was less than impressed.

Since then it just gets worse. Ontario Mazda often can't get someone to answer the phone in service, and even when an appointment is made you wait forever. At the first maintenance interval, I went in hopeful. Next day there was oil dripping on my driveway (oil pan plug was not tightened enough). Doesn't this fall under basic skills of a mechanic? They go through employees like crazy and I usually witness confusion and complaints while I wait. Why do dealers have a reputation for being the best option for service when service is this pitiful? Disappointed. But I love my Mazda3!!

Cardinal Fang
05-29-2008, 01:38 PM
Welcome to the board Scarlet.

I'm glad that this service hasn't dampened your feelings towards the car. Have a look around our board and you may find other's experience related to other Dealerships and maybe you can take your car to another place for service. Either way I would let the owner of Ontario Mazda know about how you were treated and where they were lacking.

05-29-2008, 01:48 PM
Since I live near the area, When I was looking around for a 3, Ontario Mazda said they would contact me, and never did, so I ended up purchasing my 3 at Mississauga Mazda.

When my friend had to get this service done, the mechanics was playing around with this 7" pop up lcd screen.

When I wanted to get a quote for a Shark Fin, they said it's $180, and it will take 3 weeks to come in, because my colour, Carbon Grey, is apparently discontinued,

Ontario Mazda is horrible.

05-29-2008, 01:51 PM
Welcom, Scarlet! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I'm glad that your love of your car trumps your disappointment at the dealer. As Cardi said, there's a lot of info on here pertaining to dealership experiences. It may be worth giving another one a shot, if your first (and second) experiences were not what you expected.
Again, welcome to the board, and congrats on your purchase :)

05-29-2008, 01:51 PM
I keep seeing positive feedback for Mississauga Mazda...maybe I should sacrifice a longer drive (I'm in Etobicoke) and go there for my maint. instead. So crazy that I can't trust just any Mazda dealer!!!!

Cardinal Fang
05-29-2008, 01:53 PM
Not every dealer is the same Scarlet. Unfortunately, you've learned that the hard way. Nice choice of colour by the way. Any mods planned?

05-29-2008, 01:54 PM
I keep seeing positive feedback for Mississauga Mazda...maybe I should sacrifice a longer drive (I'm in Etobicoke) and go there for my maint. instead. So crazy that I can't trust just any Mazda dealer!!!!

^ Go there (Mississauga Mazda) you'll love it. I drive in from Burlington just for the better service. You'll have a much better exp I promise!

05-29-2008, 01:55 PM
I keep seeing positive feedback for Mississauga Mazda...maybe I should sacrifice a longer drive (I'm in Etobicoke) and go there for my maint. instead. So crazy that I can't trust just any Mazda dealer!!!!

I prefer Mississauga Mazda, Oakville Mazda, MOT.

3 dealerships I would only go to.

05-29-2008, 01:55 PM
Westowne Mazda is in Etobicoke/Toronto, and was pretty good to me.

05-29-2008, 03:29 PM
Ontario Mazda doesn't have a good rep. I have yet to hear a positive experience from that place.

BTW, Welcome!

05-29-2008, 06:03 PM
Not every dealer is the same Scarlet. Unfortunately, you've learned that the hard way. Nice choice of colour by the way. Any mods planned?

Mods! Maybe after a little extra cash flows my way. Santa gave me a cargo net for Christmas which is great....but nothing fancy so far! Suggestions?

Cardinal Fang
05-29-2008, 06:19 PM
Sharkfin and tints to start.

05-29-2008, 07:51 PM
Since I live near the area, When I was looking around for a 3, Ontario Mazda said they would contact me, and never did, so I ended up purchasing my 3 at Mississauga Mazda.

When my friend had to get this service done, the mechanics was playing around with this 7" pop up lcd screen.

When I wanted to get a quote for a Shark Fin, they said it's $180, and it will take 3 weeks to come in, because my colour, Carbon Grey, is apparently discontinued,

Ontario Mazda is horrible.


05-29-2008, 07:52 PM
Sharkfin and tints to start.

+1 Tints.

05-30-2008, 02:36 PM
Welcome to the boards Scarlet.......

I too purchased my Mazda3 (GT) at Ontario Mazda. To be perfectly honest, I was treated with the respect and courtesy. I was given an awesome deal, with a whole lot of bonuses :) I purchsed my car in April of 2007.......

I still bring my car to Ontario mazda for service, for the sheer fact of convenience (it's about 5 mins from my work). Since then, I have learned that everyone involved in my purchase, (ie sales rep, sales manager, financing manager)... have all gone to Mississauga Mazda.

05-30-2008, 03:35 PM
Welcome Scarlett to the board, you found the right place for anything or everything you need to know about your 3, It's a great group of people here!

Anyways, I suggest you pull your sidemoldings off as your first mod, it costs you nothing :chuckle



06-05-2008, 11:12 PM
I had no idea. Cool! Thanks for the tip...I just watched a youtube video that showed how totally easy it is.

MAZDA Kitten
06-06-2008, 12:04 AM
I love Ontario Mazda

Search "Ontario Mazda" and you will get some nice results. I think Mazda Canada has a pretty big file on these guys maybe 50% is mine LOLLLLLLLLL

MAZDA Kitten
06-06-2008, 12:09 AM
Since then it just gets worse. Ontario Mazda often can't get someone to answer the phone in service, and even when an appointment is made you wait forever. At the first maintenance interval, I went in hopeful. Next day there was oil dripping on my driveway (oil pan plug was not tightened enough). Doesn't this fall under basic skills of a mechanic? They go through employees like crazy and I usually witness confusion and complaints while I wait. Why do dealers have a reputation for being the best option for service when service is this pitiful? Disappointed. But I love my Mazda3!!

OH btw their employee turnover is craaaaaaaaazy

One time after a tire rotation they left only 2 bolts on each rim and I drove home to Hamilton then BACK to Mississauga before I found out

Another time they over tightened my oil and cracked something which resulted in this:



06-06-2008, 03:17 PM
MK, didn't you say you LOVE Ontario Mazda? After 2 situations where they literally put you in danger, I don't know how much I would love them. I'm not knocking them, as I've never had any experience with them, but if anywhere puts me or anyone else in danger due to negligence, I would think twice about going there...

06-06-2008, 03:31 PM
MK, didn't you say you LOVE Ontario Mazda? After 2 situations where they literally put you in danger, I don't know how much I would love them. I'm not knocking them, as I've never had any experience with them, but if anywhere puts me or anyone else in danger due to negligence, I would think twice about going there...

I think she was being sarcastic :)



06-06-2008, 05:37 PM
Westowne Mazda is in Etobicoke/Toronto, and was pretty good to me.


That's where I go and I've haven't had any problems with them.

06-12-2008, 01:23 AM
I've had my Mazda 06 serviced there couple of times. I have to admit the service was quick and the shuttle service was alright. But recently had a bad service experience. I called the night before to book an appointment for the afternoon. Went there, got bumped to 3:30pm, because I also wanted to get my recalls done(door locks), OK fine...then 3:30pm got called, car delayed another hour or two. Was stuck using the shuttle service, then had to call my GF to drive me around(gettin hungry). But everyone seems to like Miss. Mazda, will try there from now on.

07-07-2008, 05:41 PM
I baught my car a year ago at ontario mazda. all the guy wanted to do was sell it to me. service was horrible. the FIRST day i had the car, 4 hours after picking it up i was driving on the 407 and the bug deflector came flying off the front of the car, smacked my windshiled and cracked it from side to side. luckily it was at night and there was no traffic so it did not hit anyone else.

the next monday i went back to the dealer and told him what happened. he then asked how fast i was going. told him 120 and he sad that was a little bit fast. like wtf the car goes 190. he said all he could do is give me the windshiled for cost and it was 400+. needless to say my windshiled is still like that since its on the bottom of it.

i have never gone back to the dealer since, and when they call i dont even answer. i then moved to guelph and went to guelph mazda and got amazing service there. even when my clutch blew 2 days before moving ot ottawa they fit my car in and fixed it in less then a day. now that is how u keep ur customers.

so here is my verdict.
Ontario mazda = BOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Guelph mazda = YES SIR!!!!!!!!!

Now lets just hope i find a great dealer like that in ottawa


07-08-2008, 04:54 PM
have you heard the new ontario mazda add on the radio,

let me put it to you this way (will not go to that dealership just because of the add) they sound like a bunch of asses

07-11-2008, 01:49 PM
Could I go to other dealership for under warranty issues? I bought mine at Ontario Mazda and I have an unbalance tire wear out at driver rear side.

07-11-2008, 01:52 PM
i have gone to other dealers and had no problems. since im never going back there again i think its a great idea to go to another dealer

07-11-2008, 03:10 PM
I deal with Mississauga Mazda ( there also one of my scrap metal customers) and I like the people over there. Very friendly and the service manage tiffany is a really nice lady and very personable!

07-31-2008, 03:45 PM
have you heard the new ontario mazda add on the radio,

let me put it to you this way (will not go to that dealership just because of the add) they sound like a bunch of asses

Yes, liars.........very dishonest.

08-31-2008, 01:16 AM
I wished I joined this forum before I bought my car at Ontario Mazda last week. I had nothing but frustration. My car had problems wth the driver's door and has been towed to Oakville for repair. When the car came back, I have break noise problem when changing gear. The Manager told me it was towed by flatbed but I found out today from the mechanic that it was just towed normally. I have been there 3 times since I picked up my car last week. I have called Mazda Canada but was told that as long as my car is being looked after by the dealer then they can't do anything for me. They also did a bad job in tinting my car and will have to be redone. Very frustrating. I just hope they can fix the current problems and I will just move on to anther dealership to service my car in the future. AVOID THIS DEALERSHIP.

08-31-2008, 09:57 AM
i personally will not deal with Ontario Mazda reason being when i was going to buy a 3 i was looking at an '04 orange GT it had 92k on it and they were selling it for $17k. i only wanted to look inside it and the guy( i forgot his name or i think it was Dan or something like that) he's like do you wanna look inside im like sure. He brings the keys out and opens the door and he told me to start it up. i started the car it sounded great and he asked me how i liked it, im like its cool but a bit too pricey for my budget plus im not paying for it my grandparents are. So he's like we can drive to theyre house and see if they like it or not(who in their right mind would drive to someones parents house just to sell a car?:loco i turned off the car, gave him the keys and left..2 weeks later i had a '05 3 with 97k sitting in my driveway and i got it for less than $10k:chuckle

09-17-2008, 11:02 PM
Aye I was looking for this post :)

Just joined today!!!

Bought my 2004 mazda3 sport 2.3 from "Ontario Mazda" 2 monts ago.

Love the car but I can slap some of the peeps that are working there.

I'm not a car savy....so didn't knew how to inspecte it right.

They give it to me with rubish tires. After 2 days I noticed a spining noise when traveling slow...I went back to them they said that it's the tires (they have passed the safety test so i'm stuck with them) I talked to the manager same aswer.

Then later I noticed something hanging under the car. After I took a better look the plastic thing that acts like a shield that covers the whole front of the car (don't know the name of the part) was cracked / brocken....and belive me "It wasn't me".
So that thing it's bouncing/hanging like a peace of ceap plastic.
I still have the frustrating noise (wheel noise) when I'm raiding + the plastic shield seems to cracks even more with time.

It's just a peace a plastic Ontario Mazda ..why did you sell the car with it brocken? just because I didn't check under the car when I purchased?:flaming

The manager said when I bought it "My mecanics are amazing they are doing everithing /:AH they are inspecting it just to find a small defect because thats how they get payed" :complain Then how the heck did they miss the big cracked/hanging plastic thing under the car?

Forget the technical defects... the service rep that handle my case when I went with the tire noise problem...He was choing gum in such a discusting/arogant manner that I swear I could reach him after he's desk and slap him like a mother slaps he's 8 year old son for kicking a small dog in front of the drive-way.

'nuff said

sorry for the typos and bad exprimations...but I hope everibody gets my the message.

Even with that I smile when start my engine in the morning :hawt

Now from where can I buy a plastic shield like that? :) anyone knows ?

09-18-2008, 12:24 AM
does used cars come with warranty? if so, take it back to them...its not a wear and tear part so it should be covered

09-18-2008, 08:36 AM
I was very disappointed to learn that the guy I bought my Speed3 from at Mazda of Brampton moved on to work at Ontario Mazda. Sounds like it's a pretty crappy place. I hope he isn't part of the problem.

Noisy Crow
09-18-2008, 08:51 AM
Even with that I smile when start my engine in the morning

There's always a silver lining!

Now from where can I buy a plastic shield like that? :) anyone knows ?

You can get the undershield from any dealer. Whether it's worth fighting Ontario Mazda over....

If you are worried about the wheel sound, have your car checked out by a reputable mechanic. If you want to go to good Mazda dealer, try Mississauga Mazda, Oakville Mazda or Mazda of Toronto. (I would suggest browsing through the whole dealer review section for other people's experiences)

09-19-2008, 03:00 PM
Thanks for the Feedback...

I will post my experience as soon i will get a new undershield because I think that is making the noise to..


MAZDA Kitten
09-19-2008, 09:10 PM
then later I noticed something hanging under the car. After I took a better look the plastic thing that acts like a shield that covers the whole front of the car (don't know the name of the part) was cracked / brocken....and belive me "It wasn't me".
So that thing it's bouncing/hanging like a peace of ceap plastic.
I still have the frustrating noise (wheel noise) when I'm raiding + the plastic shield seems to cracks even more with time.

It's just a peace a plastic Ontario Mazda ..why did you sell the car with it brocken? just because I didn't check under the car when I purchased?:flaming

.... because the plastic shield costs $100+ to replace (and you will crack many more trust me... especially winter time) and if the car can pass safety with this thing broken (which it will) then why fix it right?

I find rather comical that they are part of the BBB

09-28-2008, 01:01 PM
ohh man i was planning to go for my 24k maintenance today. i purchase my 3 on this branch and my first maintenance here is OK, my 2nd they didn't give me a free car wash :( and the lubricant for the doors is all over so i need to wipe to to be neat... im from sauga any suggestion where can i go?

09-30-2008, 01:45 PM
[QUOTE=:( and the lubricant for the doors is all over so i need to wipe to to be neat... im from sauga any suggestion where can i go?[/QUOTE]

Same here...lubricant should be on the pivot or contact point not on the wall...Try Mississauga Mazda.

10-19-2008, 09:20 PM
Dont even get me started on Ontario Mazda.............................
I work at a Ford dealership (yes i know, the irony.....lol) and know how things work - Ontario Mazda KNEW I worked for a dealership with a good reputation and I had nothing but trouble. I wanted to cancel the deal, horrible horrible experience. If I were to tell you everything it would become a massive novel. Complaints were made left right and centre, they were very apologetic at the end of the ordeal, but still the worst experience ever. Trust me when I say I am one of the most easy going people out there, and to get my temper stewed up it had to be pretty bad...

All in all I love my car though, and will never step foot in that dealership again. lol.

10-20-2008, 04:32 PM
Im scared now after reading all the posts. I just booked my 24k service with them and I have 18.5k maybe i will just do a regular oil change there and book with Mississauga Mazda for the 24K service.

Zoom Zoom Boy
10-20-2008, 08:51 PM
Im scared now after reading all the posts. I just booked my 24k service with them and I have 18.5k maybe i will just do a regular oil change there and book with Mississauga Mazda for the 24K service.

Better yet, just cancel the appointment and re-book elsewhere. It's not like they charge you for cancelling the appointment or anything...

justin surdit
03-27-2009, 12:14 AM
I would like to interject some positivity into this thread........

I recently purchased (mid February) an '09 CWP GT Sport w/ Lux pack from this dealership, and have had to bring it back in for a re tint (3rd party, so can't fault the dealer) and at the same time they addressed the Sirius problem I had (see in the "problems with...section). I didn't have the TSB at the time I tried the fix, and pulled the wrong fuse when I tried it myself (it's the 'ROOM" fuse, not the same fuse as identified in the owner's manual as the stereo fuse), but they took care of that as well as the tint, and the roof rack install (it was included as part of the deal, but was on back order at the time of pick up).

They provided a loaner, so I will say that I didn't have to sit around and wait, or get shuttled back to work. IMO - this makes the whole process less stressful, as I was able to work around my schedule.

I would like to specifically mention that Sohail was not only a great sales rep, but has been very professional and has taken good care of me post-closing. He arranged all of the service appointments for me and was always there to ensure that I was well looked after.

Also I would like to say that Heath in the service department is a general stand up guy, and a straight shooter who will put the quality of workmanship before a quick turnaround time (which is the luxury of having a loaner).

justin surdit
04-22-2009, 10:44 AM
I rescind the above post - without getting into detail, something I failed to check when I picked up my car was not done correctly and I found out about it a week later. Sohail is still a good guy and has been great as a sales rep (it was him that arranged a loaner), but their service department is for the birds. Sloppy all around.

05-14-2009, 11:08 PM
I just bought my 3 there a couple of weeks ago and I must say...WOW this dealership has some really bad reviews. My service was "ok" not the best, slow on the paper work and my 3 had a some paint scratches on the bumper which was not there. Took 10 days for them to finally have be bring it in for touch ups.

My 8k oil change is coming up (i bought a dome with 7k km) and I really dont want to go there after all these reviews, but they gave me a 500 vip card to use for services there. I am wondering if other dealerships accept this vip card? lets say Mississauga Mazda or Oakville?

05-14-2009, 11:23 PM
I just bought my 3 there a couple of weeks ago and I must say...WOW this dealership has some really bad reviews. My service was "ok" not the best, slow on the paper work and my 3 had a some paint scratches on the bumper which was not there. Took 10 days for them to finally have be bring it in for touch ups.

My 8k oil change is coming up (i bought a dome with 7k km) and I really dont want to go there after all these reviews, but they gave me a 500 vip card to use for services there. I am wondering if other dealerships accept this vip card? lets say Mississauga Mazda or Oakville?

I don't know what this "vip card" is and don't know the requirements to use it (ie. can you use a max. of 10% of the service or are there specific things you cannot use it for, etc.). Further, I'm not sure how much money they made when you bought your car there. If you email me at j.guttman@oakvillemazda.com, I will work out something for you.

05-18-2009, 09:40 PM
I have this VIP card worth $500 too for services, after you had 6 services you would receive a complimentary detailing package worth $200. And for another 6 services you would receive another complimentary vehicle detailing package worth $300.

I'm near for my 24K service too and planning to go to Oakville as well.

05-19-2009, 09:15 AM
Aye I was looking for this post :)

Just joined today!!!

Bought my 2004 mazda3 sport 2.3 from "Ontario Mazda" 2 monts ago.

Love the car but I can slap some of the peeps that are working there.

I'm not a car savy....so didn't knew how to inspecte it right.

They give it to me with rubish tires. After 2 days I noticed a spining noise when traveling slow...I went back to them they said that it's the tires (they have passed the safety test so i'm stuck with them) I talked to the manager same aswer.

Then later I noticed something hanging under the car. After I took a better look the plastic thing that acts like a shield that covers the whole front of the car (don't know the name of the part) was cracked / brocken....and belive me "It wasn't me".
So that thing it's bouncing/hanging like a peace of ceap plastic.
I still have the frustrating noise (wheel noise) when I'm raiding + the plastic shield seems to cracks even more with time.

It's just a peace a plastic Ontario Mazda ..why did you sell the car with it brocken? just because I didn't check under the car when I purchased?:flaming

The manager said when I bought it "My mecanics are amazing they are doing everithing /:AH they are inspecting it just to find a small defect because thats how they get payed" :complain Then how the heck did they miss the big cracked/hanging plastic thing under the car?

Forget the technical defects... the service rep that handle my case when I went with the tire noise problem...He was choing gum in such a discusting/arogant manner that I swear I could reach him after he's desk and slap him like a mother slaps he's 8 year old son for kicking a small dog in front of the drive-way.

'nuff said

sorry for the typos and bad exprimations...but I hope everibody gets my the message.

Even with that I smile when start my engine in the morning :hawt

Now from where can I buy a plastic shield like that? :) anyone knows ?

Was this "manager's" name Frank Spahich? He is the parts manager not service manager but if you dealt with that :AH goodluck!

05-19-2009, 11:30 AM
I dislike Ontario mazda.

05-19-2009, 03:20 PM
I have this VIP card worth $500 too for services, after you had 6 services you would receive a complimentary detailing package worth $200. And for another 6 services you would receive another complimentary vehicle detailing package worth $300.

I'm near for my 24K service too and planning to go to Oakville as well.

Email me at j.guttman@oakvillemazda.com and I will work something out with you to get you a special President VIP value :)

05-23-2009, 10:38 PM
Trying to do a lease transfer from someone to my name, at the beginning the leasing manager said 450$ lease transfer + 299$ admin fee. The we sign the papers and send it to Mazda Credit, after a long week of waiting they received the papers and ready to transfer.

The leasing dude asked 499$ admin fee suddently, then we said no, you said 299$ last time! WTF.....he knew he said 299 at the beginning, he just pretend innocent and try to scam 200$ more.... what an :AH
Won't go back to Ontario Mazda again.

05-27-2009, 10:33 PM
Trying to do a lease transfer from someone to my name, at the beginning the leasing manager said 450$ lease transfer + 299$ admin fee. The we sign the papers and send it to Mazda Credit, after a long week of waiting they received the papers and ready to transfer.

The leasing dude asked 499$ admin fee suddently, then we said no, you said 299$ last time! WTF.....he knew he said 299 at the beginning, he just pretend innocent and try to scam 200$ more.... what an :AH
Won't go back to Ontario Mazda again.

Damn that's a big Scam. It doesn't cost them anything much in paperwork, so what's the big deal.

05-28-2009, 11:57 AM
If your in etobicoke you may wish to check out Westdowne or Airport Mazda
I use Airport Mazda and have been pleased so far.:)

05-29-2009, 02:39 PM
Also while I was there, 2 of the sales agent for a new 2010 Mazda 3 brocedure. They say they don't have it. I ask do you think the receptionst will have one. They say no and I freaking walk out.

Even you don't have one on spot, a good customer service is to ask my emaill or my address to mail me one.

05-29-2009, 02:40 PM

also while i was there, i asked 2 of the sales agent for a new 2010 mazda 3 brocedure. They say they don't have it. I ask do you think the receptionst will have one. They say no and i freaking walk out.

Even you don't have one on spot, a good customer service is to ask my emaill or my address to mail me one.

06-26-2009, 09:45 PM
This stealership is the worst.
Went their to complain about the wiper arm hinges corroded/rusted and was advised to come back because their service manager is not around. Went back the following day and their lazy service manager was sitting on her chair and not even bother and go out in her cubicle to face their client even his service advisor was calling her. So the service advisor did the BS talking. Car is a yr old and has 21k on it with extended warranty.

06-26-2009, 10:21 PM
This stealership is the worst.
Went their to complain about the wiper arm hinges corroded/rusted and was advised to come back because their service manager is not around. Went back the following day and their lazy service manager was sitting on her chair and not even bother and go out in her cubicle to face their client even his service advisor was calling her. So the service advisor did the BS talking. Car is a yr old and has 21k on it with extended warranty.

..................................... so what was the outcome?:pop

06-27-2009, 09:08 AM
He said not covered because already lapse a couple of months in a one yr period. I thought one yr and 20K warranty period is just for any adjustment issue.

04-01-2010, 11:12 PM
I am sorry to hear some unhappy stories about Ontario Mazda............as new General Manager, please feel free to contact me for any current concerns or past issues, i will do my best to resolve them all....................LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU GUYS....

06-02-2010, 12:23 AM
I agree that ontario mazda does not have good reputation in sales and service. I had very bad experience when i purchased my 3 last week. I strongly do not recommend to buy a car there.

06-02-2010, 12:30 AM
Hello Alan I just talked with Kenneth (sales manager) yesterday and no positive response. I am very disappointed. If possible could I speak with you regarding my issue?

06-02-2010, 08:55 AM
I am sorry to hear some unhappy stories about Ontario Mazda............as new General Manager, please feel free to contact me for any current concerns or past issues, i will do my best to resolve them all....................LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU GUYS....

so does this mean you guys will pay for the windshiled you should have in the first place????

07-06-2010, 12:33 AM
I have a friend who bought her car new at dixie and within first year while in for service they back a car into her rear passenger door!! WOW!! how careless can you be!! Went to buy a SPEED3 2010 there and you would not believe the B.S they were giving me to get me to buy a car they could not get me at the time!! Honestly CUT Throat dealer! with poor service!!

07-09-2010, 09:57 PM
When were you there to buy the car? and do you remember which salesperson you spoke to?

07-21-2010, 06:56 AM
Mazdas are fun cars to drive. But their service department and sales are simply the world's slurry of crap. It took me almost a month to get my windshield replaced by them. To get them to look at my engine for my CEL it took me 4 hours. Either don't over book, of hire better mechanics.

Also when buying a used car, get in writing that the car has never been painted. Take a body shop guy to look at the car for any previous repaints. Mazda uses a very primative method of checking for it. My car has over spray all over. Not to mention dents that they never fixed from when i bought it.

03-09-2011, 08:56 AM
*knock on wood* I still must be the ony person who has not had any bad experiences with Ontario Mazda.
I brought in the 2010 Mazda3 GT Hatch for it's regular oil change. No issues when the car was returned. Everything was in place. I checked the fluids to insure they where topped up. Car was washed before it was handed back to me, as usual. No complaints on my end.

Mind you this was just for a basic oil change, so I would highly expect any dealership/ mechanic shop to do this flawlessly.

03-25-2011, 11:44 PM
Well it seems like most of these posts are from last year. So has anyone received any bad experience as of late? I just had my first scheduled oil change from Ontario Mazda a week ago. The service department was very friendly. I'm not sure how to judge the workmanship but they did give me a car wash after... well at least they tried to. It looked like they just hosed it down with water. Because of their friendly customer service, I'm willing to go back again. Unless everyone here still insists on a warning for Ontario Mazda, maybe I'll reconsider and trek to Erin Mills instead.

04-04-2011, 10:02 PM
I just went to Mazda Ontario last thursday. I was installing my summer tired and while torquing them the keyway for the lock nuts broke on the last rim. I went to them to get their master key and remove the lock nut. Their mechanic came and went to go remove them I waited inside. He comes in and is like " your lock nuts just broke" So i go outside and both the back tires had broken lock nuts on the studs. Then they wanted to charge me 107 dollars an hour to remove the studs from behind the rotor. This is I bought a torque wrench and torqued the nuts to mazda standards but they still said too bad. Not the best scenario they are completely stuck on I had to buy carbide drill bits and have to drill down the stud and split the lug bolt and press a new one in. Iv only taken off two rims but it takes sooo long. Anyways not the only time I had problems with them but this is the most recent

04-04-2011, 10:29 PM
^^ In your case, its not really there fault though. Your car had broken lock nuts and they charge to fix it. Unless they were the last one to touch your lug nuts last season. Otherwise, it would be their fault to charge an hour time to fix it.

04-05-2011, 12:29 AM
So I guess that was the end of Alan Kuo "General Manager". He never bothered to followup on this thread.

04-05-2011, 12:35 AM
So I guess that was the end of Alan Kuo "General Manager". He never bothered to followup on this thread.

As far as i know, Alan left Ontario Mazda because of the boss that he was working under that he couldn't stand. I can tell you that when i worked for him those few months, he's a really stand up guy and does stand by his words. Thats also one reason why he left Ontario Mazda because of Dilawri Group. He's now the GM at Markham Mazda.

04-05-2011, 09:59 AM
As far as i know, Alan left Ontario Mazda because of the boss that he was working under that he couldn't stand. I can tell you that when i worked for him those few months, he's a really stand up guy and does stand by his words. Thats also one reason why he left Ontario Mazda because of Dilawri Group. He's now the GM at Markham Mazda.

So does this mean we should stay away from Ontario Mazda?

04-05-2011, 10:08 AM
So I guess that was the end of Alan Kuo "General Manager". He never bothered to followup on this thread.

It is just the beginning, he is now at Markham Mazda as General Manager
Just been very busy getting things organized here. I do believe he checks TM3 quite often as well

04-05-2011, 12:40 PM
I agree, it looks like your nuts is broken and they needs to spend extra time to "fix" it, then of course they have to charge you.
Probably a lot to fix the nuts for $107....but hey, that's how dealership works. They work by hours and the round it up. 45 min mean 1 hr of labour and plus tax.

I spoke to Alan Guo once on the phone while I had some mess to complaint about, the service manager called me back right after, but it wasn't a good response and unpleasant to deal with. Probably not Alan's problem, but the team is just full of S. Good choice for him to leave that dealership.

04-13-2011, 05:41 PM
Quick question. Is there a privacy act that states Mazda cant give me any information about my car over the phone. I just wanted to know if my tranny was ever replaced and they said they wont do it to bring the car in so they can look at it. This is Ontario Mazda btw saying this. Was just curious if that is true or are they trying to sucker me into something

04-13-2011, 11:48 PM
It seems to be a Mazda Canada policy created by retards.
Really, I am not allowed to know the history of my car? They seem to think that some how that when they give that information it would violate the original owner identity. Not sure why, they could not strip it out.
Really, Really Stupid Mazda.
I got partial history, by visiting the dealer I got the car from. They said find the original dealer and I might find the rest.

04-14-2011, 01:17 AM
Maybe try another dealer or send a PM to someone that works for Mazda and see if they can helps.

Ontario Mazda probably just want you to bring the car in, start start charging you for all kind of stuff.

06-07-2011, 04:58 PM
I have been going to Ontario Mazda for past 3 years just because it's a close drive to where I live. I was never 100% satisfied with their service from day 1.

04-11-2012, 12:43 PM
i know this is an older bad experience at ONTARIO MAZDA ( NOW 401 DIXIE MAZDA ), but i just wanted everybody to know that there is new management here in the service department.

i feel the department goes as the manager goes, so I can promise you a new direction with us. It is all about the client, and my advisors know how to care for people's concerns. I want to hear from the Mazda Community and pride myself on bringing some of you back to us.

FYI, our dealership is going through a major renovation and look forward in looking after you in our new dealership

Ted S
Service Manger @ 401 Dixie Mazda

07-10-2012, 11:30 AM
Yep, heard all that BS about new management, new dealership. Still got garbage treatment at 401 Dixie Mazda, from Fatima, and especially Ted. They wouldn't even look at my tensioner pulley, then lied about checking it. Took the car to Direct Mazda and they took one look and said the tensioner pulley needed to be replaced - and did it immediately under warranty.

Also had awful experience buying a new 2012 Mazda 3 from them - kudos to Scott and Mark in sales for their awesome dishonesty and complete lack of ethics and integrity. Oh yes - can't forget to mention Sohail and Dara in finance! They are phenomenal at making sure what's written on one agreement paper never makes it to the final copy without adding extra charges!

According to Ted, he can pick and choose his own customers - but the General Manager, Tahir, tells a different story... though don't expect him to do much other than say "Thanks for letting me know. Email me if you have an issue." And when you do email Tahir, don't expect any response!

If you choose to visit this dealership, good luck! And just a tip - get EVERYTHING in writing and SIGNED. Though they will still figure out how to lie to your face about it. All the BEST! :bang

07-10-2012, 04:28 PM
I have been going to Ontario Mazda for past 3 years just because it's a close drive to where I live. I was never 100% satisfied with their service from day 1.

And you still going for the last 3 years even you are not happy about them. WOW

07-10-2012, 06:24 PM
i know this is an older bad experience at ONTARIO MAZDA ( NOW 401 DIXIE MAZDA ), but i just wanted everybody to know that there is new management here in the service department.

i feel the department goes as the manager goes, so I can promise you a new direction with us. It is all about the client, and my advisors know how to care for people's concerns. I want to hear from the Mazda Community and pride myself on bringing some of you back to us.

FYI, our dealership is going through a major renovation and look forward in looking after you in our new dealership

Ted S
Service Manger @ 401 Dixie Mazda

lol sounds like BS to me.

funny how everyone still complains about your crappy service.

07-24-2012, 04:09 PM
I swore I would never return to Ontario Mazda after buying my first Mazda3 there (a 2006), then somehow I ended up getting another one (2010 GT). I found the dealership salesman horrible. I ended up servicing the car at another dealership, that knows something about customer service!

07-24-2012, 04:26 PM
I swore I would never return to Ontario Mazda after buying my first Mazda3 there (a 2006), then somehow I ended up getting another one (2010 GT). I found the dealership salesman horrible. I ended up servicing the car at another dealership, that knows something about customer service!

LOL, dont like them, but still going back. Nice!

07-24-2012, 07:25 PM
I swore I would never return to Ontario Mazda after buying my first Mazda3 there (a 2006), then somehow I ended up getting another one (2010 GT). I found the dealership salesman horrible.


07-25-2012, 07:25 AM
Stockholm Syndrome.

07-25-2012, 02:24 PM
Stockholm Syndrome.
