View Full Version : How far can a 3 drive with the "EMPTY" light on?

05-29-2008, 06:03 PM
So, for the first time ever, the "gas pump" light came on in my 3 last night. This lead me to wonder...

How many km's does a 3 GT Sport have left in it once that gas light comes on? 50km or so?


05-29-2008, 06:07 PM
I love that my 2007 Mazda3 has that little info feature button (centre dash next to clock button), so I can keep track of how many kms I can really go before I'm SERIOUSLY out of gas! Mine told me I had about 30kms to go before totally empty, once the light went on.

05-29-2008, 06:26 PM
It has about a 10L reserve.

05-29-2008, 06:40 PM
Yea when I used to fill up when my Info button km reader said O, the pump would max out at like 46L.. MS3s have a 55L tank.. Don't go to 0 please.. save your car.

05-29-2008, 07:15 PM
roughly 100km-120km depending how you drive.

05-29-2008, 07:24 PM
I went about 75km on the highway before I got scared.

The trip computer is wrong, it was at 0km remaining the whole time. The computer is not accurate for the end of the tank + fuel lines.

05-29-2008, 07:28 PM
It mentions the reserve in the manual.... have you guys read it yet?..HEHE

05-29-2008, 10:12 PM
I've gone down to the point where is said 2km to empty by accident, no gas station nearby to where I was, but obviously the reserve was still there. I rarely go below 100km to empty, why strain the fuel pump by scraping the bottom.

05-29-2008, 10:32 PM
it has 10L left..so theoretically you can get quite a few left after the light comes on.

I normally pump when the lights on..

05-29-2008, 10:36 PM
light turns on at 40km I think. usually at 0km I have 50L to put in :) But I avoid to do that because you burn the shit at the bottom of the tank :P

05-29-2008, 11:05 PM
Lowest I ever got to (Thanks to my daughter remembering) was 8 km remaining. Dont want to do that again.

Noisy Crow
05-29-2008, 11:22 PM
light turns on at 40km I think. usually at 0km I have 50L to put in :) But I avoid to do that because you burn the shit at the bottom of the tank :P

I got mine down to 0km today, 499.8 km on the tripmeter. Put 47.5 L in.

As far as using the crud at the bottom... the pickup doesn't move, so if there is stuff on the bottom it is going to get sucked up regardless. Besides, driving around churns everything together anyway........

05-29-2008, 11:32 PM
Ya I guess...my counter must be more precise as well....or the weight of my right foot makes me burn more gas than it's calculating :chuckle...stupid 1.41 today ....70$ tank....ouch

05-30-2008, 12:13 AM
One time i put 51L, and the tank is 55L.

05-30-2008, 12:15 AM
before mine turned on when it claimed to have 40km left, now it turns on when 30km. Weird..... but yea, 30km??

05-30-2008, 01:08 AM
you have about 10L left which you can still go another 100-120 untill your car shuts off. One time I did 640km and had 3L left in the tank with a light on. So yeah you can go another 100km roughly.

05-30-2008, 01:09 AM
When mine reads 0kms i know i have at least 50 kms to drive
before i need to go to the station.

05-30-2008, 09:11 AM
All you people who like seeing the light come on, please do yourself's a favour and Never let your tank get below 1/4 tank...basically its not very good for your pump or filter (which is attached to your pump), both would be expensive to replace.Once in awhile it won't hurt but done on a constant basis your asking for trouble....just my 2 centavos :)



05-30-2008, 09:23 AM
What Flagrum 3 says. They factor in that most of the time gas is there so that it also acts as a coolant for the pump. Various myths about an empty tank such as the risk of explosion from the fumes in the space. I think that was debunked on Myth busters.

Generally 1/4 tank is good. Besides, who wants to look at the huge bill to fill from empty for 46 litres at $1.30?

05-30-2008, 09:55 AM
roughly 100km-120km depending how you drive.

I was passed the "E" as well.

05-30-2008, 10:26 AM
Funny this thread came up last night was the first time I had my gas light go on, and I could not remember how much I could drive before the car was dry. I was at 585km I think and I didn't really trust the trip computer. However all the gas stations that I came across were all Esso's!!! I drove until I found something better :p But I was worried... in my old camry I knew that on the empty light I could drive from Hamilton to Mississauga with a bit of stop and go traffic. It's good to know that I can still get about 90-100km with conservative driving. But as mentioned I don't want to kill the gas pump. I usually fill up at quarter tank.

05-30-2008, 12:42 PM
It's not safe to be driving around with a near empty tank guys.. if you ever get into an accident, you're more at risk for a car explosion.

05-30-2008, 02:42 PM
All you people who like seeing the light come on, please do yourself's a favour and Never let your tank get below 1/4 tank...basically its not very good for your pump or filter (which is attached to your pump), both would be expensive to replace.Once in awhile it won't hurt but done on a constant basis your asking for trouble....just my 2 centavos :)



Huh, I had no idea! Thanks for the tip.

... Now I'm going to go siphon some gas from the local Canadian Tire parking lot.

05-30-2008, 03:23 PM
Huh, I had no idea! Thanks for the tip.

... Now I'm going to go siphon some gas from the local Canadian Tire parking lot.

Your quite Welcome! ...but please no siphoning other 3's out there, it might be one of us.:chuckle

05-31-2008, 05:24 PM
All you people who like seeing the light come on, please do yourself's a favour and Never let your tank get below 1/4 tank...basically its not very good for your pump or filter (which is attached to your pump), both would be expensive to replace.Once in awhile it won't hurt but done on a constant basis your asking for trouble....just my 2 centavos :)



Just out of curiousity, what happens to the pump/filter exactly?

05-31-2008, 05:43 PM
Just out of curiousity, what happens to the pump/filter exactly?

First of all its not just the pump!, but consider dirt sediments left on the bottom of the tank which gets churned up and sucked in coating the filter and making the pump work just that much harder, hense possibly overheating the pump as there is very little fuel to help cool it...another issue is with condensation!...by running your tank at or near empty for prolonged periods will induce condensation build-up in the tank, hense causing pre-mature corrosion of the tank and the fuel pump connections etc;...not to mention water in the fuel which could lead to corrosion of the complete fuel system!.

05-31-2008, 05:51 PM
whoa, i always drive till its practically dry....i drive consistantly 40kms after the light comes on.

05-31-2008, 09:10 PM
My self as soon as it goes 1/4 tank i just fill it up...i never had the light come yet:)

05-31-2008, 10:18 PM
im stupid and have gotten mazda to put ten litres of fuel in my car twice lol. cuz it said zero on my trip computer but at the same time im not too sure that its right but whoo knows. i still think i can get like 100 kms even with it sayin zero!

06-02-2008, 07:21 PM


And some other tidbits from the past.



03-09-2009, 11:30 AM
How many km's do you usually get after your refuel light turns on?

03-09-2009, 01:15 PM
There should be 10L of gas left when the light comes on. You have less than 100km safe fuel distance before it's completely dry.

03-09-2009, 02:26 PM
Someone once told me that if you start to run out completely, to take the cap off... something about decompressing it and the remaining small amounts sink to the bottom of the tank... I dunno. Supposedly this works for another 10k or so.

03-09-2009, 02:50 PM
So far i've done 17km AFTER the dash showed 0 km remaining. Not sure how that translates to the gas light though.
Anyone else tempt fate by reaching "0" on the km remaining thingy?

03-09-2009, 03:10 PM
i have driven 40k after the light came on but mind i was driving like the ultimate grandma at that time lol

03-09-2009, 03:15 PM
I have driven about 60 k with the light on, I spent most of it in neutral.

Wild Weasel
03-09-2009, 03:17 PM
So far i've done 17km AFTER the dash showed 0 km remaining. Not sure how that translates to the gas light though.
Anyone else tempt fate by reaching "0" on the km remaining thingy?

I have, but not for long. Only a few km's at most.

Generally, once my dash light comes on I'll switch the display to show the remaining km's and fill up as soon as I can.

03-09-2009, 03:24 PM
I have, but not for long. Only a few km's at most.

Generally, once my dash light comes on I'll switch the display to show the remaining km's and fill up as soon as I can.

I still had CAA at the time so i figured i would just call and ask for some gas if I were to run out before the service station.

03-09-2009, 03:26 PM
I have, but not for long. Only a few km's at most.

Generally, once my dash light comes on I'll switch the display to show the remaining km's and fill up as soon as I can.

The problem is I have an '04 and don't have the onboard comp to show me what I have remaining... If you look at our fuel gauge you will see that the needle is passed 'E' when the car is shut off. Logically, it makes sense to be able to drive the car, when it is on, passed the 'E' as well...

For those of you with the onboard comp, how far does the needle go passed the 'E'?

03-09-2009, 03:42 PM
I wanted to see how far I could go on a tank, and I think I got over 100km past when the computer showed 0km remaining. I ended up going about 775km on a tank, which was pretty awesome (mostly highway).

Obviously, I ran out of gas, but it took me completely by surprise. When I filled up, I had only used about 48L. These cars are supposed to have 55L tanks.

So, you should have no problems going fairly far past the fuel empty gauge. When the fuel light comes on, I figure the tank is still about 15% full.

Dunno why it never seems to fill all the way up to 55L though...

03-09-2009, 03:44 PM
I wanted to see how far I could go on a tank, and I think I got over 100km past when the computer showed 0km remaining. I ended up going about 775km on a tank, which was pretty awesome (mostly highway).

Obviously, I ran out of gas, but it took me completely by surprise. When I filled up, I had only used about 48L. These cars are supposed to have 55L tanks.

So, you should have no problems going fairly far past the fuel empty gauge. When the fuel light comes on, I figure the tank is still about 15% full.

Dunno why it never seems to fill all the way up to 55L though...

Right on man. Insightful info. Thanks

03-09-2009, 03:47 PM
Just to clarify though, I have a 2.0L engine, and practically all of my driving had been highway. So I was averaging about 6 l/100kms.

If your fuel economy is averaging higher, you can expect a proportionally lower distance that you can drive on empty.

03-09-2009, 03:55 PM
Just to clarify though, I have a 2.0L engine, and practically all of my driving had been highway. So I was averaging about 6 l/100kms.

If your fuel economy is averaging higher, you can expect a proportionally lower distance that you can drive on empty.

I have a 2.0 as well, and am about 50/50 on city/highway. I am trying to see for myself how many km's I can do on a tank... IF I get to 50, I am not going passed that.

03-09-2009, 04:23 PM



03-09-2009, 04:32 PM



Dont tell me, this thread is a repost right!

03-10-2009, 12:16 AM
so what is our gas tank sizes on a 2.0L? because if its not 55 then what is it? I filed up today. I had the gas light on tonight for the first time as well.. which is weird as this thread popped up from the dead.

03-10-2009, 01:38 AM
so what is our gas tank sizes on a 2.0L? because if its not 55 then what is it? I filed up today. I had the gas light on tonight for the first time as well.. which is weird as this thread popped up from the dead.

The tank size for a 2.0 is 55L as well... though I've had my fuel light gone on only 3 times since I got the car and I've always rushed to the station to fill up. The most I've ever put in my car is a little over 44L and the needle was at E with the trip comp saying 9KM left.

03-10-2009, 01:42 AM
The tank size for a 2.0 is 55L as well... though I've had my fuel light gone on only 3 times since I got the car and I've always rushed to the station to fill up. The most I've ever put in my car is a little over 44L and the needle was at E with the trip comp saying 9KM left.

I was at E 2 days ago and i drove a good 40kms with the light on..when i filled up the pump stopped at 47L..thats the most ive ever pumped since i bought the car

03-10-2009, 01:45 AM
100 km.

I drove around 100km and filled up 53l. I actualy rolled right into gas station. Oops, want ever do that again..:bang

03-10-2009, 11:44 AM
I can drive 18 light years and cover 60 parsecs of space once the fuel warning light comes on.

03-10-2009, 12:18 PM
So far i've done 17km AFTER the dash showed 0 km remaining. Not sure how that translates to the gas light though.
Anyone else tempt fate by reaching "0" on the km remaining thingy?

Yup. Didn't drive much further though.

03-10-2009, 12:52 PM
i'm not trying to steal the thread but how do you find out how many KMS can you drive on your dash when the light is on. i mean there is only options of trip A and Trip B but nothing else like KMS left .... i'm confused how do I get that .. is it something that pops up when you hit the reserve light?

03-10-2009, 02:02 PM
Lots of bad info in this thread. I won't bother pointing out specifics, but I'm going to guess that a lot of people here aren't mechanics, or too mechanically inclined based on some of these answers.

Firstly, there is no direct correlation between how much fuel you have left (ie, the light goes on) to how much distance you will get.
There are so many factors that determine fuel consumption and distance travelled, that no 1 number will hold true every time. If you're on the highway, flat ground, wind at your back driving 105km/h you will go much further than city driving, light to light, up and down hills, averaging 45km/h.

Second, assuming that becuase your fuel guage, when off, points below the "E" mark means that your cars fuel will not run out until the same point is again, quite wrong.
The guages work based on electrical signals, the higher/lower the the fuel level sending unit, the more/less electrical signal (resistance) will be met, and the more/less it will display. When NO power is present on the guage, goes to it's base point, which may or may not have any correllation to it's lowest operating point.

Third, running your tank low does not increase your condensation build up to any degree that would be considered bad.
Take a look at --> http://www.yachtsurvey.com/myth_of_condensation_in_fuel_tanks.htm
It explains a lot about condensation building up inside fuel tanks.

The downside to running low IS that A) you can damage your pump by running dry of fuel. Your motor, not so much.
Can also leave you stranded at the side of the road. As for sludge/dirt? If there is sludge/dirt in your tank already, then you have bigger issues! But either way, if they are in your tank, there is nothing stopping them from being sucked up at any time. Most likely, they will just be caught by the in tank fuel pump screen and go no further, you might just notice a loss of power.

03-10-2009, 02:47 PM
i'm not trying to steal the thread but how do you find out how many KMS can you drive on your dash when the light is on. i mean there is only options of trip A and Trip B but nothing else like KMS left .... i'm confused how do I get that .. is it something that pops up when you hit the reserve light?

What those people are talking about is their MFA. Some cars have them, some dont. The features vary. Usually things like Fuel consumption rates, temperatures, distance travelled, etc.

Likely, your car does not have one equipped since you dont konw what it is.

03-10-2009, 03:01 PM
my car does not have the gas gauge as it is the lowest trim level of any mazda 3:chuckle

03-10-2009, 03:49 PM
Mazda 3 has a 55 litre tank.
if you fill up as soon as the light comes on the the total Litres you put in subracted from 55 tells you how many litres are left when the light comes on.
How far you can drive on that amount of fuel depends on how and where you drive not to mention the conditions.

Or you could ask some one the has a GS or GT with the Trip Computer function.

03-10-2009, 04:14 PM
Lots of bad info in this thread. I won't bother pointing out specifics, but I'm going to guess that a lot of people here aren't mechanics, or too mechanically inclined based on some of these answers.

Firstly, there is no direct correlation between how much fuel you have left (ie, the light goes on) to how much distance you will get.
There are so many factors that determine fuel consumption and distance travelled, that no 1 number will hold true every time. If you're on the highway, flat ground, wind at your back driving 105km/h you will go much further than city driving, light to light, up and down hills, averaging 45km/h.

Second, assuming that becuase your fuel guage, when off, points below the "E" mark means that your cars fuel will not run out until the same point is again, quite wrong.
The guages work based on electrical signals, the higher/lower the the fuel level sending unit, the more/less electrical signal (resistance) will be met, and the more/less it will display. When NO power is present on the guage, goes to it's base point, which may or may not have any correllation to it's lowest operating point.

Third, running your tank low does not increase your condensation build up to any degree that would be considered bad. Take a look at --> http://www.yachtsurvey.com/myth_of_condensation_in_fuel_tanks.htm
It explains a lot about condensation building up inside fuel tanks.

The downside to running low IS that A) you can damage your pump by running dry of fuel. Your motor, not so much.
Can also leave you stranded at the side of the road. As for sludge/dirt? If there is sludge/dirt in your tank already, then you have bigger issues! But either way, if they are in your tank, there is nothing stopping them from being sucked up at any time. Most likely, they will just be caught by the in tank fuel pump screen and go no further, you might just notice a loss of power.

Although I agree with your previous points, this one is not completely right!, as in; If a person decides to run his fuel tank to the empty mark only 'occasionally' then your point is valid, but, if a person is in the habit of allowing thier tank to run below 1/4 tank for 'prolonged periods' or 'regularly' then condensation can form and can be an issue.This is a fact pointed out by many experts including manufacturers, oil companies etc.....Point being; Best practice is to never let your tank get to the empty mark for reasons you mentioned and also people should get into the habit of fuelling up when the tank reads 1/4 tank (no less)....reducing the risk of many problems, immediate or down the road.


03-10-2009, 05:44 PM
my car does not have the gas gauge as it is the lowest trim level of any mazda 3:chuckle

Wtf that sucks

03-10-2009, 06:51 PM
Although I agree with your previous points, this one is not completely right!, as in; If a person decides to run his fuel tank to the empty mark only 'occasionally' then your point is valid, but, if a person is in the habit of allowing thier tank to run below 1/4 tank for 'prolonged periods' or 'regularly' then condensation can form and can be an issue.This is a fact pointed out by many experts including manufacturers, oil companies etc.....Point being; Best practice is to never let your tank get to the empty mark for reasons you mentioned and also people should get into the habit of fuelling up when the tank reads 1/4 tank (no less)....reducing the risk of many problems, immediate or down the road.


True, it's fair enough to say that having a consistently low tank will increase the possibility of having condensation build up, and therefore increase your risk of having issues with water mixing in your fuel, and tanks rusting from the inside out, also creating bits to contaminate/plug your fuel screen/pump/filter.

03-10-2009, 08:24 PM
my car does not have the gas gauge as it is the lowest trim level of any mazda 3:chuckle

How do you NOT have a gas gauge? There has to be something telling you how much gas is left.

03-10-2009, 09:50 PM
How do you NOT have a gas gauge? There has to be something telling you how much gas is left.

ok sorry lets re-word that..i dont have the feature that tells you how many kms of fuel i have left! BETTER?:chuckle

03-10-2009, 09:54 PM
ok sorry lets re-word that..i dont have the feature that tells you how many kms of fuel i have left! BETTER?:chuckle


03-11-2009, 09:03 AM
So, for the first time ever, the "gas pump" light came on in my 3 last night. This lead me to wonder...

How many km's does a 3 GT Sport have left in it once that gas light comes on? 50km or so?


Why dont you wait for the light to come on...then run it dry and let us know how many km's more you get ;)

03-12-2009, 03:53 PM
when i hit 1 i go to the gas station lol

03-13-2009, 01:53 AM
I love that my 2007 Mazda3 has that little info feature button (centre dash next to clock button), so I can keep track of how many kms I can really go before I'm SERIOUSLY out of gas! Mine told me I had about 30kms to go before totally empty, once the light went on.

Question: Was this an addition for '07? When I was driving my '05 a few weeks ago (its not being put on the road properly until April) I did the ol' button stabbing and the I couldn't see any new info pop up on the screen. Perhaps I was just being an idiot (happens frequently).

03-13-2009, 12:40 PM
Question: Was this an addition for '07? When I was driving my '05 a few weeks ago (its not being put on the road properly until April) I did the ol' button stabbing and the I couldn't see any new info pop up on the screen. Perhaps I was just being an idiot (happens frequently).

There's a thread on here that has instructions on how to turn on that feature on older models of MZ3

03-13-2009, 01:20 PM
i managed to get from wasaga beach to guelph on E lol.

03-14-2009, 08:12 AM
My light comes on when the computer says 60km to empty. I've go through that, and driven 13km at "0 km to empty" and there was still a good bit left. I pumped 48 litres. so there was 7 litres left (55L tank, right?)

I find it takes longer to start the car if the tank is nearly empty. Its also not the greatest if your fuel pump sucks in air while trying to maintain fuel pressure. I think with the Speed3 they actually recommened to to keep the tank above a quarter.

03-14-2009, 06:44 PM
im am gonna try it now loool so far 20k lol im praying i dont get stuck in the middle of now where though looool

03-15-2009, 10:09 PM
fill up on 1 km haha

03-15-2009, 10:51 PM
so far i have clocked 60km i am driving a 2.0 automatic and driving like normal with heat and everything

03-15-2009, 10:57 PM
how much L in a 2.3L motor?

03-16-2009, 12:54 AM
same 55L tank

03-16-2009, 06:43 PM
try it and less us all know

03-23-2009, 10:12 PM
if there's one thing you want, it's a fuel gauge that underestimates how much you have left in your tank, which allows you to travel some distance if you need to find gas. aside from all the technical reasons why you shouldn't do this, why risk getting yourself stranded somewhere without enough gas to make it to your destination?

03-24-2009, 11:49 AM
Depends how you drive it? I assume though if the light comes on your foot becomes less throttle happy LOL

For me I drive a 2.0L GS. When I fill up soon after the light comes on, about 45L goes in. I think my 3 has a 55L tank, so you have about 10L left. I would say you can go 100km if you really needed to.

I remember this articel from canadiandriver as well


03-24-2009, 04:13 PM
I've reached 0 kms remaining on the trip computer occationally and even went at least 10 km after that before I filled up. I can't put in more than 48 liters of fuel at that point so that means there's still some left in there.

03-24-2009, 04:33 PM
remember too that although your tank may show empty (and may in fact be empty) there is always a little fuel in the lines. it doesn't amount to much, but it can get you places.

better that you have 0 showing on your trip computer and another 80-90 km to run with than having 0 on your trip computer and running clean out of fuel, yes?

03-24-2009, 04:54 PM
yeah I think they have thought that over that there are stubborn drivers who are already seeing 0 kms remaining but still don't want to fill up... be it because there's no gas station in sight, or they don't like the gas from a certain gas station, or because the gas price is dropping the next day :chuckle

03-26-2009, 02:08 AM
great info thanks

05-04-2009, 02:01 PM
I've driven nearly 40 km with the light on, havent tested it beyond that because i hate to call CAA and tell them ive run out of gas :bang not exactly a manly conversation to have haha:AH

05-04-2009, 10:23 PM
I drove from Milton to Guelph with "0 Remaining." So I safely made it about 75km with the light on.

05-04-2009, 10:46 PM
Drove about 20 kms today with "0 kms remaining". Light came on about 30 kms before that.

Managed to get 465 km out of the tank after filling up around 42 Ls. Call me thrilled!!!!!

05-05-2009, 08:15 PM
Our tanks carry 55L, so if you filled up with only 42L you still had 13L which should be able to get you probably another ~100km.

Last time my lights was on, I filled up with 47L and only got 491 km.

05-05-2009, 10:26 PM
lol once I filled up 52L...

05-06-2009, 02:34 PM
Our tanks carry 55L, so if you filled up with only 42L you still had 13L which should be able to get you probably another ~100km.

Last time my lights was on, I filled up with 47L and only got 491 km.

That's lovely to assume that but I don't feel confident driving more than 20 KMs after my trip computer indicated I have 0 Kms left (to make sure its understood, it says I have 0 kms left, I drive another 20 with 0 showing).
My light came on when the indicated said I had 3 Kms left and the needle went a bit below the lowest bar. What good is it to me for the light to come on so early and for the remaining km indicator to be at 0 if I still have 13 LM left so another 100~ kms? back to my other thread again about how that is kind of annyoing.

05-07-2009, 12:41 PM
I fill up every single time the needle drops below the very top bar. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time at the gas stations...

Actually, I was on my way back from Ottawa and the empty light came on. I had another 40 km to drive before the next service station. That was exciting... I actually made it though so it was all good.

05-08-2009, 03:57 PM
I fill up every single time the needle drops below the very top bar. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time at the gas stations...

Actually, I was on my way back from Ottawa and the empty light came on. I had another 40 km to drive before the next service station. That was exciting... I actually made it though so it was all good.

I laughed.

05-09-2009, 02:18 AM
10liter reserve I believe.
So probably about 100Km

05-12-2009, 02:04 AM
i drove 130 to a gas station.

05-13-2009, 12:51 AM
I think E means "Enough" LOL

05-13-2009, 06:14 PM
I fill up every single time the needle drops below the very top bar. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time at the gas stations...

Actually, I was on my way back from Ottawa and the empty light came on. I had another 40 km to drive before the next service station. That was exciting... I actually made it though so it was all good.

YOU RISK TAKER!!! :chuckle If I gased up every time my needle dropped below the top bar, I would be stoping 3 times a day, at minimal.

05-13-2009, 10:03 PM
I think its 13-15L reserved. My car's gas light was on earlier today, I drove about 10km before filling up the tank with 42L. And that 42L lasted me about 450km.

05-18-2009, 07:29 AM
I agree, ~100-120 kms after the light come on depending on where you are driving

07-20-2009, 02:05 PM
i think i've driven downtown and back (smoothly no traffic before)
so from richmond hill to downtown

Zoom Zoom Boy
07-20-2009, 11:40 PM
Most I've ever done after the light came on was about 50km and I drove it like a grandma as I knew there wasn't a gas station around. Simply forgot to fill it up on the way back from a trip...

07-27-2009, 07:44 PM
my light came on, i drove to the airport then to the gas station....
i filled 44.36 liters till it wouldnt let me fill anymore....meaning, there was still 10 liters left
how many km can i get from 10 l???

07-27-2009, 11:13 PM
my light came on, i drove to the airport then to the gas station....
i filled 44.36 liters till it wouldnt let me fill anymore....meaning, there was still 10 liters left
how many km can i get from 10 l???

10L, you can easily get over 100km on a Highway.

07-28-2009, 01:06 PM
Go pull a kramer. Test drive one at a Mazda dealership near you and hope the salesperson sitting next to you is as daring and curious as yourself. :)

07-29-2009, 01:59 PM
lol the good thing about mazda's are that they have a info button wher eu can press and it'll give u the approximate number of km's left in your tank. The light goes on at 38km's remaining so i assume that it's around 40km before you have to start pushing your car

Karen Lee-McNair
07-29-2009, 02:42 PM
*tsk tsk* be careful not to drive on fumes

Zoom Zoom Boy
07-30-2009, 01:36 AM
lol the good thing about mazda's are that they have a info button wher eu can press and it'll give u the approximate number of km's left in your tank. The light goes on at 38km's remaining so i assume that it's around 40km before you have to start pushing your car

Uh no, not quite. The info button is not entirely accurate. I have driven the car, once only, when the info button read 0km remaining. It is an approximate calculation, as you said. I think a fair number of other people have driven for quite a lot longer after the light came on and the remaining km read zero also.

07-30-2009, 01:55 AM
10L, you can easily get over 100km on a Highway.
+1 at least its 10L on my 2006.

07-31-2009, 10:16 PM
My light came on recently as I was driving home on the highway. I think I travelled about 20km after the light came on before I filled up 46L.

Doesn't the car feel a little different when the light comes on? Like what Karen has mentioned above, maybe the car is driving on fumes or there is a lack of head pressure since the tank is near empty?

08-01-2009, 01:59 AM
Uh no, not quite. The info button is not entirely accurate. I have driven the car, once only, when the info button read 0km remaining. It is an approximate calculation, as you said. I think a fair number of other people have driven for quite a lot longer after the light came on and the remaining km read zero also.

From what people are stating here I'd say the info button is very inaccurate!! I wouldn't know personally as my 05 didn't come with one, but for the few times that I have driven my vehicle till the 'low fuel light' has come on, I consistantly have to fill only 44 liters, meaning there's 11 litres left in the tank and at an average of 8.7l/100km I'm sure I could go 120km before the engine dies....Not that I'd ever be stupid enough to do that :chuckle


08-01-2009, 10:32 PM
Filled up to 49L liters once ... not fun.

08-03-2009, 04:10 PM
I'm curious to know what would exactly happen when you *completely* run out of gas.

I know a google search could satisify my curiosity, but maybe someone here can lend me some insight.

The process/procedure to start the car once its out of gas would be helpful too.

08-04-2009, 09:09 AM
I'm curious to know what would exactly happen when you *completely* run out of gas.

I know a google search could satisify my curiosity, but maybe someone here can lend me some insight.

The process/procedure to start the car once its out of gas would be helpful too.

how can you start a car without gas...

08-04-2009, 10:13 AM
how can you start a car without gas...

By putting more gas in smartass! I thought that was obvious and implied.

Yea I understand that you can just keeping cranking the key until the fuel pump fills up the lines, but I assumed dry cranking is not good for the system/engine, etc.

Maybe there's a better way

08-04-2009, 10:17 AM
By putting more gas in smartass! I thought that was obvious and implied.

Yea I understand that you can just keeping cranking the key until the fuel pump fills up the lines, but I assumed dry cranking is not good for the system/engine, etc.

Maybe there's a better way

ok..you didn't put it that way. you said "How can your start a car when it is "completely" out of gas..? That's why I asked you. But you answered your own question.

Clearly your the idiot that asked a stupid question so how can i be a smartass if I was asking you your own question??

11-04-2009, 01:03 AM
This thread is for a few months dead now, but I'll post this info anyway.
Last year did run my m5 to bone dry. Did 110 km on reserve. Added fuel and car started just like it never did run out of gas. No long cranking, no nothing out of the ordinary.

11-04-2009, 09:15 AM
I actually Have a Confession. I had my car run outta gas soo bad that welllll it wouldn't crank over... luckily it was in my driveway... so just borrowed the grandma's whip and drove it to the gas station. Will never do that again...

11-05-2009, 02:08 PM
Why would you wanna drive it to almost empty lol just fill it up when it gets to almost a 1/4 tank

11-05-2009, 05:23 PM
My Mazda 5 was a lease and I was close to returning it and I was always curious how many km I can drive from the moment that little red light comes on? So one day I filled my jerry can and drove till the car stopped. I actually enjoyed it. Sort of like Kramer in Seinfeld test driving a Saab:)

11-12-2009, 11:33 AM
This thread is for a few months dead now, but I'll post this info anyway.
Last year did run my m5 to bone dry. Did 110 km on reserve. Added fuel and car started just like it never did run out of gas. No long cranking, no nothing out of the ordinary.

That's all nice and dandy but your missing the point, which is; It is not good for your fuel system components, everything from your injectors to your gas tank to allow the tank to run dry/empty or near that point ever or more precisely on a regular basis.

Personally I think it's just a Retarded thing to do if you like your car. :)


11-14-2009, 12:10 AM
Retarded? So be it. I like retarded.

Zoom Zoom Boy
11-14-2009, 10:06 AM
Retarded? So be it. I like retarded.


11-14-2009, 12:21 PM
Yea I understand that you can just keeping cranking the key until the fuel pump fills up the lines, but I assumed dry cranking is not good for the system/engine, etc.

Great way to destroy your fuel pump.

11-14-2009, 10:30 PM
I drove 700km once when the light came on, and it only took 3 litres to fill. Lmfao

11-14-2009, 11:00 PM
Are you nuts!? You could have destroyed your seat belts....

11-21-2009, 02:01 PM
My :.02

On my 2010 GS, I find the fuel gauge to be extremely conservative. That is, the gauge (and therefore the gas light) come on far too early. The last time it came on, I drove 10+ km before gassing up, and then I could just barely pump 41L into the tank, which means there was 14L still left! This translates into 100+ km more city driving for me.

11-23-2009, 02:23 PM
All you people who like seeing the light come on, please do yourself's a favour and Never let your tank get below 1/4 tank...basically its not very good for your pump or filter (which is attached to your pump), both would be expensive to replace.Once in awhile it won't hurt but done on a constant basis your asking for trouble....just my 2 centavos :)



True...same idea is used in aircraft as well (fuel as coolant)

But then again....i kinda pushed my car at one ocassion where the MFD said 0km and I was driving a few more km uphill before I saw an ESSO :chuckle

Cousin Dave
01-08-2010, 11:09 PM
I have never run out of gas on my 3, but I have run it down so low (I drive about 1800 kms a week and hate refueling) that I filled up with 51 litres of fuel.

What happens when your car runs out of gas? Simple...the engine shuts off and all your gauges go to zero. Then you coast for a while until you stop, you get pissed at yourself. Then you realize you have no Jerry Can....now you are really pissed off.

How to start the car when you run out of gas? I am assuming that you mean that proper way to start up the car after you have fun out of fuel and have refueled it. Prime the pump....turn the ignition key forward to the ON position (but not to the start, we aren't trying to start the engine just yet) do this a 2 or 3 times.

This allows the fuel pump to prime the fuel system with its newly acquired fuel.

Speaking of priming...i'm off to the beer fridge.

02-06-2010, 10:32 AM
Yesterday filled up 56.7 L of regular gas after driving 137 km from the moment the red low fuel warning light came ON.
Just so you friends understand how interesting this is my car is the 2010 m3 GX = smaller 55L fuel tank as per Mazda manual.
So I must have driven on fumes indeed.
My car is manual.
I kept a receipt as proof.
That was fun !

02-06-2010, 10:40 AM
Wow thats ballsy. I once did 80Km after the light came on, but still have I think 4L left in the tank.

02-06-2010, 01:27 PM
Yesterday filled up 56.7 L of regular gas after driving 137 km from the moment the red low fuel warning light came ON.
Just so you friends understand how interesting this is my car is the 2010 m3 GX = smaller 55L fuel tank as per Mazda manual.
So I must have driven on fumes indeed.
My car is manual.
I kept a receipt as proof.
That was fun !

wow, that's crazy stuff! how many km did u get out of that tank (if you were keeping track)? Also, not to be an a** or anything, but did u get ripped off at the pump maybe where you lost a litre or so of gas because of the pump? Regardless, that is pretty cool, although as others have suggested, I wouldn't want to be doing that a lot, especially in the winter time!

02-06-2010, 02:20 PM
I did 645 km. Normal driving half/half hwy/city. Some wot & some gentle cruising. In the summer I did get 700 km once, so there is the winter/summer fuel consumption difference.

I fill up at the reputable rip off stations, but there is always a possibility that they steal even more from us by cheating on volumes, although I think/hope this is far fetched.

Whether it's stupid, irresponsible or ef'ed up on my part depends on point of view, perceived car workings, knowledge, etc. Hey, eating fries is bad for you and we all do it, right?

02-08-2010, 10:27 AM
I did 645 km. Normal driving half/half hwy/city. Some wot & some gentle cruising. In the summer I did get 700 km once, so there is the winter/summer fuel consumption difference.

I fill up at the reputable rip off stations, but there is always a possibility that they steal even more from us by cheating on volumes, although I think/hope this is far fetched.

Whether it's stupid, irresponsible or ef'ed up on my part depends on point of view, perceived car workings, knowledge, etc. Hey, eating fries is bad for you and we all do it, right?

fill up a red gas can and see if the numbers match what the side of the can says... i hope nobody is charging me for gas i don't get :(

02-08-2010, 10:33 AM
fill up a red gas can and see if the numbers match what the side of the can says... i hope nobody is charging me for gas i don't get :(
good idea.
Mundek, wow, your case reminds of the Top Gear test they did with the Jag. (they had a camera drilled into the gas tank)

02-08-2010, 06:08 PM
Top Gear had the Jag, Legacy and the Polo all diesel engines! I love that show. Well, who of us doesn't?

02-15-2010, 06:32 AM
I didn't read all the other posts, but i HAVE run completely out of gas! Scariest feeling in the world, basically was doing 120Kmh, could see the gas station just off Hwy.11 past Orillia and glided in there after the car shut-off about 1Km earlier! However I was watching the gauge like a hawk and went about 155K on empty!

02-15-2010, 09:26 AM
Our old car had a faulty gas warning light (which we did not know about). We just kept driving with the needle at empty, assuming the gas light would come on when we REALLY needed gas. We ended up stuck at the side of the 403 in Hamilton and had to call a friend to bring us some gas.

02-15-2010, 02:19 PM
Did about 60 - 65km with the light on, needle went past E and when I got to the station it only took 48L meaning I had 2L left and the 5L reserve....I think our tank is 55L if I'm not mistaken no?

02-25-2010, 02:54 AM
I didn't read all the other posts, but i HAVE run completely out of gas! Scariest feeling in the world, basically was doing 120Kmh, could see the gas station just off Hwy.11 past Orillia and glided in there after the car shut-off about 1Km earlier! However I was watching the gauge like a hawk and went about 155K on empty!

wow thats pretty lucky.. i only did 88kms (mostly city driving) after my light came on and I ran out of gas and had to call CAA at 4:30am :bang

03-06-2010, 08:03 AM
I bought my Mazda3 2010 GX on Feb 23rd, 2010, the gas light just came on when I'm down to one bar/square.
And I did 367kms on the full tank they gave me from the dealership when I picked the car up.
Is it me or is everyone doing 500-600kms on their full tank ?!
Anyways, I agree with the gas icon thing coming on too early -_-

Cousin Dave
03-06-2010, 04:02 PM
I bought my Mazda3 2010 GX on Feb 23rd, 2010, the gas light just came on when I'm down to one bar/square.
And I did 367kms on the full tank they gave me from the dealership when I picked the car up.
Is it me or is everyone doing 500-600kms on their full tank ?!
Anyways, I agree with the gas icon thing coming on too early -_-

Don't worry about your mileage just yet. When a car is brand new it gets the worst mileage, just read any long-term car review.

I disagree that the light comes on too soon. I like the fact that there is a good sized reserve capacity. Imagine being on the 401 heading to Montreal (or any other long stretch of road) and your light comes on. Better to have another 80km on the tank (a good 45 minutes of driving at 100 km/h) which allows you to find a gas station.

03-07-2010, 04:50 PM
Hey prinsesa I only get 600km per tank highway driving.

BUt 80km with the light on is good to know

03-07-2010, 09:11 PM
never driven on the highway, 367kms on a full tank with one bar/square left with the gas light on.

thaanks dave, let's hope for the best (y)

03-08-2010, 12:13 AM
^ That's about normal... I can maybe get about 400km on my full tank of gas with mostly city driving, but that's because I have a 2.3L engine 5 speed MT, and my commute to work involves first driving up a steep ramp out of the parking garage every morning, then a relatively short drive to the office, with the car warming up about halfway before I get there - meaning that it doesn't stay warm for every long. Plus the Mazda is just so damn fun to drive, I find myself one gear too low sometimes without realizing it (ex. 3rd gear when I should be in 4th / 5th gear cruising at 60 - 70km/h. Highway driving is quite good though, I was able to drive from Waterloo to Ajax and back, using only 7.2L/100km in real world driving conditions.

03-14-2010, 07:26 PM
My 2010 GX actually isn't doing too bad.
Straight off the dealer, we got 515km on the first tank, then it slowly got worse as it came into winter.
Right now I average like 450 a tank. Light comes up with the last square, best I made it was 98km with the light on. Filled up 53.8L ;)

Cousin Dave
03-14-2010, 10:43 PM
My 2010 GX actually isn't doing too bad.
Straight off the dealer, we got 515km on the first tank, then it slowly got worse as it came into winter.
Right now I average like 450 a tank. Light comes up with the last square, best I made it was 98km with the light on. Filled up 53.8L ;)

Mileage on every car gets worse in the winter.

Mr. Scruples
03-15-2010, 12:51 AM
Just put in my first tank :)

I made 382kms before the light came on and had one square left on the gauge. Mostly city, but some highway in there as well. Filled it up with 52.007L

03-24-2010, 08:35 PM
if you can drive with the gas light on for 80km, what about the function on the dash that tells you how many more kms you can go before E....
i've pushed it to 9km remaining ...

Tony M. Nyphot
03-24-2010, 08:45 PM
90 kms with the light on, then filled up with 51.4 l. I don't have a trip computer in my '04.

03-24-2010, 10:30 PM
if you can drive with the gas light on for 80km, what about the function on the dash that tells you how many more kms you can go before E....
i've pushed it to 9km remaining ...

Pretty sure it's just an estimate and I'm almost positive that Mazda would program it so that even at 0km remaining, you will still have a reserve of gas in the tank.

03-25-2010, 12:29 AM
my best so far, was on my way home from niagara falls back in.....february?

my gas light came on just as i entered grimsby, and i didnt fill up till i got back home in burlington (all highway driving, ps)
my needle was pretty far below E haha

04-05-2010, 08:59 PM
I usually get 530km per tank on city driving. with a conbo i get close to 550km. if i do more highway i get well over 620km.

04-15-2010, 05:44 AM
On my 07 GT, the empty fuel light comes on at about 25-30km on the kilometres remaining screen. I've only driven it past that point where it actually shows "0" and when I filled up, it was just a shade under 45L.. So you'd have about 10L left in the tank 45L + 10L backup after your empty fuel light shows up.

04-21-2010, 09:10 PM
I usually get 530km per tank on city driving. with a conbo i get close to 550km. if i do more highway i get well over 620km.

how do you get so many kms on a full tank of gas? on average i get about 450-480kms per tank. i drive a lot on the highway, cruise about 3000-3250 RPMs. wen i drive on city streets i normally shift at 3000 RPMs, sometimes i shift a bit later cuz i don realize im already at 3000 rpms. also i drive a hatch, do sedans get WAY better milage then hatcbacks?

04-25-2010, 12:20 PM
I managed 18k b4 i had 2 use canister.

11-09-2010, 08:08 AM
Searched but couldn't find anything on this...

However, I have FINALLY found out how long you can "actually" drive with the gas light on. My gas light turns on typically when the "distance to empty" is around 40-60km. I've driven a record 13km with the DTE at "00"

A "challenge" on canadian driver documented the mazda3 (and a bunch of other compacts) on gas consumption, and it looks the mazda3 drove (all highway) 650km when the gas light came on, and 784 until it died. Over 130km!!!

(Keep in mind they were doing highway driving TRYING to conserve fuel... I really doubt any of us get 784km on a tank)

Mazda3 (MT) 650 134 784

The article is here for anyone interested.


11-09-2010, 08:29 AM
I've done ~75KM on the highway after my gas light came on and still lad 3L left in the tank.

11-09-2010, 08:38 AM

11-09-2010, 10:00 AM
Searched but couldn't find anything on this...

However, I have FINALLY found out how long you can "actually" drive with the gas light on. My gas light turns on typically when the "distance to empty" is around 40-60km. I've driven a record 13km with the DTE at "00"

A "challenge" on canadian driver documented the mazda3 (and a bunch of other compacts) on gas consumption, and it looks the mazda3 drove (all highway) 650km when the gas light came on, and 784 until it died. Over 130km!!!

(Keep in mind they were doing highway driving TRYING to conserve fuel... I really doubt any of us get 784km on a tank)

Mazda3 (MT) 650 134 784

The article is here for anyone interested.


I've never driven all the way to empty... but I have hit ~700 before the gas light went on.

11-09-2010, 12:05 PM
how do you get so many kms on a full tank of gas? on average i get about 450-480kms per tank. i drive a lot on the highway, cruise about 3000-3250 RPMs. wen i drive on city streets i normally shift at 3000 RPMs, sometimes i shift a bit later cuz i don realize im already at 3000 rpms. also i drive a hatch, do sedans get WAY better milage then hatcbacks?

I get about 570km to 600km with Shell V Power and lots of highway driving, 110 km a day from work and back with 80% on the highway.

AS RomaMazda
11-09-2010, 12:33 PM
I've done 60 km after the light has come on on my 2010 Mazda 3 GS (5 Speed), and still could only fill up approximately 47 L of a 55 L tank...

...I seem to be getting better gas mileage these days; had approximately 450 km upon the above aforementioned.

Good luck.

AS RomaMazda
11-09-2010, 12:34 PM
^ should also mention that I was doing 60/40 (highway/city) around the time of the "EMPTY" light on

02-09-2013, 09:45 AM
Didn't want to start a new thread, but pulling a search only came up with very old threads. Decided to bring this one back to life.

I'm currently running on fumes. Started work too early this AM to be bothered doing a detour for a 24-hour gas station. Hope I make it to the gas station when I head off later.

My ride is a 2012 with the 2.0L 5-speed, so I have the digital type gauge. Usually get about 50 km per "block", and the LOW FUEL light came on when the last remaining block was on (when the 2nd to last one disappeared), that was about 70km ago.

I did more than 500km since last fill, and it wasn't filled all the way (had all the "blocks" but stopped pumping before the click). I figure I had about 51/52L in the tank.

Considering it's been super cold and we had a snow storm Yesterday (had a hard time pulling out of my parking spot this AM) I'm sure I'm almost literally running on fumes right now. This type of weather usually yields me an average of 9L/100km, so 50L should give me ~550km, and I'm at about that right now. Putting those 51L to extreme use! The last "block" has now vanished too while I was rocking the car to get of of the snow bank... then I drove another 16km to get to work after that. So I'm running on empty (I guess the equivalent of those who get the needle below "E" on analog gauges).

I'll try and report back how many liters it'll take if I make it to the gas station without having to call roadside assist! I'm sure I'll be fine if the same 50km per block "rule" applies after the last block disappears.

BTW does anyone know if, like other cars, the "FUEL" light will start blinking when it gets too extreme? Some cars do that, it lights up when low, but start blinking when you have like 1L/ 10 miles left.

02-09-2013, 12:24 PM
yeah i get about the same mileage. my 2010 2.0 L usually has about 40 km left when the fuel light comes on.

And good question about the blinking fuel light! I wonder that sometimes as well.

02-09-2013, 05:25 PM
Why would you do this?? Realize that winter + almost empty fuel tanks = condensation = bad news for your fuel. It also stresses the fuel pump. IF you really must do this, save it for the summer!

Considering it's been super cold and we had a snow storm Yesterday (had a hard time pulling out of my parking spot this AM) I'm sure I'm almost literally running on fumes right now. This type of weather usually yields me an average of 9L/100km, so 50L should give me ~550km, and I'm at about that right now. Putting those 51L to extreme use! The last "block" has now vanished too while I was rocking the car to get of of the snow bank... then I drove another 16km to get to work after that. So I'm running on empty (I guess the equivalent of those who get the needle below "E" on analog gauges).

02-09-2013, 06:10 PM
Just get some gas :loco

02-09-2013, 06:55 PM
Why would you do this?? Realize that winter + almost empty fuel tanks = condensation = bad news for your fuel. It also stresses the fuel pump. IF you really must do this, save it for the summer!

I have to agree entirely with you on this, winter or summer a gas tank should never be allowed to go below a quarter tank for the reasons you mentioned. IE: the fuel pump needs to be submerged otherwise it overheats, significantly shortening it's life, all the crud is at the bottom of the tank so you risk plugging the fuel filter and injectors with crud.
You all have to fill up eventually anyway, so why run the tank to point when you get worried you are gonna run out of gas.


02-09-2013, 07:15 PM
Here ya go: http://tankonempty.com/

Not enough Mazda 3 drivers logging their stats so far, but hey, lets be a part of the solution lol

02-09-2013, 07:45 PM
Exactly! It prolongs your fill-up, what, another day? Meanwhile you risk stressing your fuel pump, or even worse, running out of gas in major traffic. We all saw the traffic chaos in the storm yesterday. Who wants to be stranded in that situation without fuel to keep warm etc??

I have to agree entirely with you on this, winter or summer a gas tank should never be allowed to go below a quarter tank for the reasons you mentioned. IE: the fuel pump needs to be submerged otherwise it overheats, significantly shortening it's life, all the crud is at the bottom of the tank so you risk plugging the fuel filter and injectors with crud.
You all have to fill up eventually anyway, so why run the tank to point when you get worried you are gonna run out of gas.


02-09-2013, 10:45 PM
Why would you do this?? Realize that winter + almost empty fuel tanks = condensation = bad news for your fuel. It also stresses the fuel pump. IF you really must do this, save it for the summer!

+1 totally agree. The fuel is the lubrication for the pump and can be expensive to fix, not to mention the condensation in the tank. I think we can agree that you can drive 65-100 km once the light goes on depending on conditions and I guess you can take some comfort if you are travelling and there does not seem to be a gas station for miles but for day to day you should not drain the tank!

02-10-2013, 07:38 AM
Didn't know I had so many fathers ;) Thanks for caring, but I'll be fine, fellas :)

You know how sometimes life gets in the way? Well, it happens once in a blue moon. When it does, it's nice to know if you should be worried about how many gas/mileage you have left.

68$ later... She ended up taking 49L (to the "click", I'm not to type to overflow my tank just to get an extra liter in there). Assuming another liter would've fit in there, that means I still had roughly 5L or ~ 50km. Makes sense since I put 518km since last fill. Got a pretty bad fuel "economomy" that time: 9.4L/100km vs my avg 8.6.

@ r4mi5awi : Thanks I'll check it out

07-20-2015, 10:09 AM
On my 2012 GX:

I travelled 56km highway with no bars at all and when I filled up it only took 47 litres... This car has a 55L tank too..

Just goes to show how early the light comes on.

07-20-2015, 10:27 AM
On my 2012 GX:

I travelled 56km highway with no bars at all and when I filled up it only took 47 litres... This car has a 55L tank too..

Just goes to show how early the light comes on.

asks for thread to die, bumps 2 year old thread...

I have no issues, just made me chuckle and had to point out the irony

07-20-2015, 10:34 AM
This thread serves a purpose... An ongoing one... Or does it make sense to start a new thread or would I just be flamed that a similar topic exists.

That's the difference.

Surprised you didn't pick up on that.

07-20-2015, 10:36 AM
This thread serves a purpose... An ongoing one... Or does it make sense to start a new thread or would I just be flamed that a similar topic exists.

That's the difference.

Surprised you didn't pick up on that.

Of course I picked up on that. Still make me laugh

07-20-2015, 10:41 AM
Ahh okay great. In my opinion (speaking about the other thread) the flame can only go on for so long.

And I posted in this one first as I felt it was a valuable and very shareable piece of information, then I hopped over to the other thread to see 5 different people scold the guy (who is clearly wrong I might add - but I didn't feel the need to join the 5-person bandwagon).

But to keep this thread on track, have a good Monday.

07-20-2015, 11:05 AM
if its just me alone in the car, my Gen 1 would do about 90 before chickening out. When filling up i'd put in 50L
with the Gen 2 i was able to do about 120 before calling it, i think i'd put in 52L

i don't make it a habit, i just did it a couple times with different amounts of weight in the car just to have an idea in case of emergency and i couldn't fill up

The Wolf
07-20-2015, 05:39 PM
I ran my 3 out of gas completely before my first fill-up. Went dead at 30km or so remaining... After that I found I could easily go another 75k of normal driving and still only put 50-51L in the tank.

If you regularly take it down to 0km remaining and beyond, I don't see any issues with "junk" accumulating in the bottom of the tank. If, on the other hand, you always refill as soon as the light comes on, then yeah I wouldn't just suddenly start running it dry.

07-20-2015, 06:47 PM
Running it so low just burns the pump out. Early replacement just means more money spent. Might as well just play it safe and fill up when the light comes on.

07-20-2015, 11:40 PM
if I get a 'empty' light I always set the B trip meter to 0 so I know how far I get left knowing how im driving. I've gone almos 70km past the light. I find that if I fill up as the light comes on I can only put in 42L which leaves about 13L in my Gen1. so I know it will do 120-150km till I'd run out of gas.

The Wolf
07-21-2015, 09:11 AM
Running it so low just burns the pump out. Early replacement just means more money spent. Might as well just play it safe and fill up when the light comes on.

I've heard this said numerous times, but have not experienced it once. The fuel is drawn from the bottom of the tank anyway, right?
I've regularly ran my tank EMPTY empty in all three of my vehicles so far, which all went well over 200k and none had a single fuel pump/filter/etc issue when I got rid of them.

Clearly it's safer to avoid this practice, but I think the danger is way overblown.

07-21-2015, 10:04 AM
Went as low as 3.5 liters left before chickening out. I think I may have gone about 80km after the light came on.

07-21-2015, 10:39 AM
I've heard this said numerous times, but have not experienced it once. The fuel is drawn from the bottom of the tank anyway, right?
I've regularly ran my tank EMPTY empty in all three of my vehicles so far, which all went well over 200k and none had a single fuel pump/filter/etc issue when I got rid of them.

Clearly it's safer to avoid this practice, but I think the danger is way overblown.

Its not so much about drawing in gunk as the cooling of the pump. I don't believe it's much of an issue on most modern cars but it is still good practice to not run your tank right down to near empty. I've replaced fuel pumps in a number of gas pot trucks I've had over the years gm and Ford.

The Wolf
07-21-2015, 11:06 AM
Its not so much about drawing in gunk as the cooling of the pump. I don't believe it's much of an issue on most modern cars but it is still good practice to not run your tank right down to near empty. I've replaced fuel pumps in a number of gas pot trucks I've had over the years gm and Ford.
Thanks for that!

07-21-2015, 11:28 AM
Was driving highway on my way to bradford with my gas light on I remember I check on my trip computer got 10L gas left tank but was still able to go to the nearest gas station for another 5km :P I dont want that to happen again.