View Full Version : "Rally Road"

06-02-2008, 12:32 AM
Just got back from an amazing drive.
Me and my buddy took a drive tonight...around 9-930... to Caledon. There is a road called Forks of the Credit.
What a joy ride...my god! This place is in the boonies... trees everywhere. Dips up and down like a rollercoster... at least 6 or 7 in a row. Taking those at at a nice speed...whoa nelly!!LOL Also a nice incline hairpin turn...that was a nice touch. Then we headed down McLearen rd. A beautiful starightaway... for ahem...cough...cruising. You definitely gotta be careful though...

Anyone been there before?

06-02-2008, 01:15 AM
this stretch is very very very well known...and highly patrolled...the cops like to hide in the trees....

06-02-2008, 01:35 AM
yeah forks of credit is very well known.

06-02-2008, 03:18 AM
Yea I checked out that stretch on Sat night. Gotta be careful for cops or Deers. Saw one as soon as the I saw the sign. Kinda scary to see a deer run across lol.

06-02-2008, 09:07 AM
Yup be careful around there. Great roads though. Need some more of that!

06-02-2008, 10:23 AM
Just got back from an amazing drive.
Me and my buddy took a drive tonight...around 9-930... to Caledon. There is a road called Forks of the Credit.
What a joy ride...my god! This place is in the boonies... trees everywhere. Dips up and down like a rollercoster... at least 6 or 7 in a row. Taking those at at a nice speed...whoa nelly!!LOL Also a nice incline hairpin turn...that was a nice touch. Then we headed down McLearen rd. A beautiful starightaway... for ahem...cough...cruising. You definitely gotta be careful though...

Anyone been there before?

I Had a mazda cruise here and i rode my pocket bike on a secluded amazing road there yday look my black 3 im always in this area ... i love cruising here

06-02-2008, 09:26 PM
Oh! This is where Belfountain is!
I drove here in my previous car during winter to on the way to Belfountain.
Pretty fun road to drive. Plus the small river under the rail road bridge was beautiful too..

06-02-2008, 09:28 PM
I've been meaning to ask you guys about some fun bit of road to drive.
Somewhere like these places http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE1zHzXBLy0&feature=related
I'm bored out of my mind around Toronto! I really wish I could find some winding road that I could drive......

06-03-2008, 01:17 AM
24a in cambridge LOL

06-04-2008, 12:39 AM

is much better than Forks of the Credit. Make sure you're driving something with a fair bit of ground clearance, preferably a rental. Don't say I didn't warn you.

06-04-2008, 01:22 PM
Be carefull around Belfountain...not only for deer and cops, but this is one of the deadliest roads in the area. Since I have been a wee lad I know of about a death or two a year on the forks of the credit road.

I do rally in the area, I know some better roads that have less tourist traffic on them. But I will say this, never go above the posted limit because when you do there is a pothole/deer/ditch just waiting for you! During a rally 2 months ago I missed that I could have slapped if I had my window open.

The best road to hit is the road that runs along Caledon Ski Club (take forks of the credit to the stop sign and insead to going into Belfountain take a right.) In the sprinf and summer the road hardly has traffic and it's a lot more fun than along the river. If you want more good spots just ask, I've taken my 3 in many a back road. And if you want reall fun roads come to a Nav. Rally with me, no special car mods just percision driving with a navigator.

Check out rallysportontario, maple leaf rally club or the ORRC pages for all the fun events. Plus is you have serious balls with your 3 you can take it rally cross'in.