View Full Version : Window Etching
06-04-2008, 03:22 PM
Found out that I had to pay for the mandatory mazda windows etching.
What is it, where can I see it on the car?
06-04-2008, 03:28 PM
It isn't mandatory by Mazda.
and it should be on each piece of glass on the car.
06-04-2008, 03:30 PM
I don't know about my mazda, but at lexus (where I work), it's circular stickers on both front windows, all four door frames, trunk, hood, inner fenders. It is like a tracking number that is permanetly etched into the steel even after the sticker is removed..
Wild Weasel
06-04-2008, 03:40 PM
Regardless, if they said it was mandatory then you got ripped off. Where'd you buy from?
06-04-2008, 03:42 PM
It's a good thing to have. It will deter some car thieves.
06-04-2008, 03:59 PM
From Ajax Mazda on both Mazda3's 2008.5
Was told is was mandatory. Looking at all glass on the cars I see the same wrighting (Saint-Gobain) markings on the glass but no numbers (I'm guessing that it's suppose to be a serial number?)
06-04-2008, 04:23 PM
if it's etched onto the glass it should be the VIN number and nothing else. what you saw is the manufacturer of the glass ... Please correct me if I'm wrong...
Wild Weasel
06-04-2008, 04:25 PM
From Ajax Mazda on both Mazda3's 2008.5
Was told is was mandatory. Looking at all glass on the cars I see the same wrighting (Saint-Gobain) markings on the glass but no numbers (I'm guessing that it's suppose to be a serial number?)
They lied. It's one of those add-ons that dealers make huge margin on when they sell the car.
Brampton mazda tried to do that to me. I told them that i didn't want it, that i could buy a window etching kit for 50 bucks and do it myself. They said it was too late, and that it was already one. I called their bluff, because the car was still on the train.
They took the cost (300!!!) off the car. I also opted out of the locking lug nuts for 75 bucks (which come with the car) If someone steals my rims, i figure insurance would give me 1000+ for them (at dealer pricing) and i'd get some new tenzo's or 5zigen!
yellow 3
06-04-2008, 04:33 PM
u got scamed its not manditory
and if it was it will be included with price of the car
and not $400 on top
report them for this
06-04-2008, 05:05 PM
More etching stuff here.
Basically what was said.
And more here.
06-04-2008, 07:51 PM
so this is what it freels like when you get shanked for your puddin cup.
still don't see it on my car. I'll have to get a second set of eyes to take a look.
06-04-2008, 09:09 PM
Jeff can't PM you something about a database error. I did get your PM a minute ago.
To contimue the conversation
So far I've only got 2 2008.5 Mazda3 sport gx's from Ajax Mazda in May which have been the worst car purchasing experiance so far and I haven't even told you about how the sales people steal customers from eachother and put the customer in the middle. The third was from Ottawa and hasn't been picked up as of yet. We'll see how that one goes hopefully better since it's a different dealership.
My limit is 3 cars for the month of May. The other 3 I need may not be a mazda anymore. You get rave reviews and you seem to treat your customers like gold even after they've signed and paid. But you can't blame me for being turned off of Mazda and winder how Mazda can let their dealerships function the way Ajax Mazda does.
What was the Mazda protector plus program suppose to include?
Wild Weasel
06-05-2008, 09:06 AM
Huh? Why are you buying so many cars?
06-05-2008, 10:17 AM
Huh? Why are you buying so many cars?
One for each day of the week. [j/k]
It's for me, my Family, and Friends.
06-05-2008, 12:24 PM
I got talked into paying for the etchings.. I didn't realize how useless they were.. oh well.. I try not to think about it.. I learned my lesson.. first time buying..
06-05-2008, 01:03 PM
MoT doe sthe same thing with "mandatory" etching - in reality, it MAY decrease THEIR insurance cost once the cars are on their lot. Does nothing for me or my insurance - MAY deter some theft - but can be put on afterwards for MUCH less. MoT apparently registers the number etc - bottom line - ALMOST made me go elsewhere to be honest - it's insulting, and I've never been given a good reason by anyone or any dealer why it's necessary and at such an inflated cost. Ah well, I love my car, and The BIZ at MoT is great to deal with, but still really, REALLY ticks me off (or can't you tell). :bang:flaming
06-05-2008, 01:26 PM
MoT doe sthe same thing with "mandatory" etching
I guess that depends who you are buying from.
06-05-2008, 01:31 PM
i was told that it wasn't mandatory, but that all the cars at the dealership had it already etched in. i asked what would happen if i decided not to go with the option and they told me that it simply wouldn't be registered with the vin etching group, or whoever they are.
06-05-2008, 01:36 PM
i think i might have been suckered into this as well... but i do remember my insurance company asking me what thief deterent devices the car has... one on which he listed was etching.
anyways, quick question: where would i be able to see the etching (which corner of the windows)?
06-05-2008, 02:08 PM
i think i might have been suckered into this as well... but i do remember my insurance company asking me what thief deterent devices the car has... one on which he listed was etching.
anyways, quick question: where would i be able to see the etching (which corner of the windows)?
I want to know where this is and what it looks like too. I can't find anything on the glass of either car.
06-05-2008, 02:18 PM
I have the etching on mine and think it's a good deal... If the car is stolen they'll fork over $5,000 on your next Mazda purchase.
Wild Weasel
06-05-2008, 02:39 PM
I have the etching on mine and think it's a good deal... If the car is stolen they'll fork over $5,000 on your next Mazda purchase.
Well... whether it's a good deal is entirely up to you. I don't think it is.
It's basically an expensive insurance policy.
And the $5k only goes to the dealer you bought the car from.
06-05-2008, 07:26 PM
As most ppl have stated here already, the window etching is not mandatory on the Mazda3s. I actually bought my car at MoT from Jeff, and he gave me the option of having it on or off and informed me of what the etching was for.
I opted not to get it to save myself some money. Car theft isn't all that common, in my opinion anyway. I just try to park beside a Honda or a Toyota! :chuckle
06-09-2008, 10:00 AM
I got my VIN etching for $30. Go to
06-09-2008, 10:06 AM
I just try to park beside a Honda or a Toyota! :chuckle
haha...jokes.... that's true... my previous '93 civic was always broken into on the driveway.
06-09-2008, 10:09 AM
I got my VIN etching for $30. Go to
Yeah, the etching is relatively inexpensive, but the link you have doesn't provide any additional insurance coverage if the car is stolen.
06-09-2008, 12:26 PM
When I bought my used 2004 last year from Guelph VW, they tried to ding me with this same mandatory crap, Autoarm stickers on all body panels. If the car was stolen and not recovered, I would get $5000 towards the purchase of another car from THAT dealer only.
I told them chances are if the car is stolen, they won't have another used Mazda3, and I won't want a VW. I didn't pay for it in the end.
06-09-2008, 03:18 PM
Yeah, the etching is relatively inexpensive, but the link you have doesn't provide any additional insurance coverage if the car is stolen.
My Insurance company gave me a 5% discount on my comprehensive. If the car is stolen, my Insurance company will take care of the details, that's their job.:whoa
mazda lover
06-09-2008, 06:38 PM
Yeah, the etching is relatively inexpensive, but the link you have doesn't provide any additional insurance coverage if the car is stolen.
how much is the etching..dealers telling a buyer that the etching is "mandatory" I think is "fraud" and the dealer should be charged..a Toyota dealer tried that on me a few years back, wonder if they still do?
mazda lover
06-09-2008, 06:39 PM
My Insurance company gave me a 5% discount on my comprehensive. If the car is stolen, my Insurance company will take care of the details, that's their job.:whoa
my insurance company said "don't know what you are talking about" no discount ??? that was a few years back
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