View Full Version : Weak AC fix?

06-04-2008, 03:32 PM

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this...i just read about it and as my AC is shit i was wondering if anyone has done this and how did it turn out?

06-04-2008, 03:35 PM
That's a pretty neat mod! Personally, I'm ok with the 3's AC since I like it hot anyway. But I agree that it is crappy compared to most other cars out there.

06-04-2008, 04:45 PM
i played around with the thermistor on the evap core last summer. I did this by piggy backing in parallel a potentiometer on the thermistor connector.

my results:
1)getting my hands in there and bent over is a not comfortable
2) by lowering the impedance that the computer sees did infact cause the compressor to cycle so that a lover average temperature was achieved.
3) i got lazy and left it stock as i didnt feel the gains were significant enought to warrent hardwiring something in even as simple as this mod is.
4) part of what lead to #3 was that i only wanted to activate this "extra cool" mode when needed via the last notch on the thermostat setting. i just got 1 lazy and 2 not enough time to mod the climate controls to do this.

lol sorry about the long windedness as this could have been concluded at point #2

ps, i believe i managed to get down to ~6-10 degrees celcious IIRC depending on engine speed and time in duty cycle