View Full Version : WOODBRIDGE - Racers Targeted Global News.

06-07-2008, 01:28 AM
Ahhhhh shhiitttttt.


06-07-2008, 07:21 AM
its funny how woodbridge has the worst rep for street racing but if u ask everyone in that parking lot no one acually lives in woodbridge

just for the record most ppl that live in the area think its gay to chill there

and it kinda pisses me off when i go to get a coffee and ppl are stopping me cuz they wanna race me i always say let go to the track

06-07-2008, 08:06 AM
some kid in his daddy's mercedes ask me to race the other week. i told him to F off, and all that.
and he apparently got booked for doing like, 220 on the 407 later on in the night.

but anyways, this is really starting to piss me off. cops need to find something more important to do.

06-07-2008, 08:36 AM
I don't think it is a bad thing to keep racers off the streets AT ALL!!!

I am however with Vince on this one as i know people in that area are sick of this and not even part of the problem. For the most part, cops tend to do their job well and we can't fault them for assuming a modded car "could" be a racer. I have had my issues with the long arm of the law and i drove a honda and was absolutely SICKENED how many times i was pulled over simply for having a lowered honda with tinted windows and a ridiculously loud exhaust. To classify me (or any other honda in this category) a "racer" is ridiculous. Even with all these modifications, it would still take me 5 minutes to go over 100K *lol*

06-07-2008, 02:47 PM
They showed clips from martin grove and hwy 7 , but that white 240 with the "battery in the trunk" got pulled over at commerce gate. I know cause my buddy got pulled over right beside him that night.

06-07-2008, 05:00 PM
some kid in his daddy's mercedes ask me to race the other week. i told him to F off, and all that.

Seriously. Not that this occurred in Woodbridge, but today I'm out for a cruise with my fiancee, and in broad daylight 2 dingus' (a civic and and svt focus) want to go on HWY 2 in Pickering. Maybe the popo should spend some time out there.

06-07-2008, 05:04 PM
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA LOL did you see the wiring job on the battery LOL i couldnt stop laughing

06-07-2008, 05:21 PM
wow thats sad. funny thing is i live in woodbridge and i know where these street races go down. not a cool thing to be honest all my buddies ever want to do on a firday night is go see the races yet they dont understand even if ur watching ur gona get in shit for being there. good thing more cops are reqoginzing this. and i hope to god they never try to bust our la paloma meet cause everyone their is soo chill and conduct theirselves in a respectfull maner.

06-07-2008, 05:38 PM
Well there was 1 time way before all this racing bullshit that cops showed up at the thursday meet but they only asked us what we are doing and left

06-07-2008, 06:18 PM
I haven't lived lived in Woodbridge for 20 years, but when I did it was pretty much the same.

Only then, it was IROCs and Mustangs.

06-07-2008, 06:19 PM
ahhhh fuuuuuuuuck not good. reallly not good as in we are all screwed. cops are retarded in the GTA area. in guelph they are worse. they will pull you over for 15KM over!

06-07-2008, 07:48 PM
I haven't lived lived in Woodbridge for 20 years, but when I did it was pretty much the same.

Only then, it was IROCs and Mustangs.

very very tru. my dad use to tell me like when he was 20, woodbridge was all country roads. they use to come out and race their cars out here with no problem. now tho its different were a city and a busy one indeed. raceing showed be at the track and stay there.

06-07-2008, 10:13 PM
maybe i should avoid meets in that area after a fmic lol

06-08-2008, 01:35 AM
the guy in that 240 deserves to get towed just for that exhaust, ....why would you do something like that ?? why?? lol

06-08-2008, 01:52 AM
you didn't know? It adds 50 hp EACH! The longer it is and the higher it sticks out of the back of the car, more power you gain.
It's not all for show!! (Not that it looks good.. It looks hideous.. actually)

06-08-2008, 01:52 AM
Who wires a bat to the truck.. but also has a big ass sub... bat to the back is to even the weight.. if your that concerned.. take the subs out.. lol... some people are brutal.. those exaust pipes are askin to get pulled over... pure rice.

06-08-2008, 02:07 PM
maybe i should avoid meets in that area after a fmic lol

no james u still have to come out i havent had any problems with the cops yet

06-09-2008, 01:05 PM
I wouldn't mind it at all if the cops hung out at the Wendy's/Tim's at Martin Grove and 7 just to eliminate all of the loitering. It's almost impossible for someone to go get something from any of the stores in there because there is no where left to park. I'm even afraid that some idiot is going to slam into me in the parking lot when I do find a place to park. If I was one of the tenants/landlord of that property I would be pissed about the crowds that build up on a typical night.

06-12-2008, 02:40 AM
these kind of racing or gatherings was in scarborough before at Midland and Steeles Milley's donut shop back in around 1996. There were at least 40-80 mod cars sitting in that little parking lot and parking on steeles as well waiting to go street racing. Until it was so well known to police then i guess they move on some where else like maybe "Woodbridge". To be honest, why street racing, just take it down to the tracks and have fun, why cause danger to others and get caught by the cops. BTW, just curious, was anyone here when to the scarborough street racing back in 1996??

06-12-2008, 07:48 AM
Agreed ^. All for modded cars and car meets and car enthusiasts..but street racing is stupid.

06-12-2008, 08:25 AM
these kind of racing or gatherings was in scarborough before at Midland and Steeles Milley's donut shop back in around 1996. There were at least 40-80 mod cars sitting in that little parking lot and parking on steeles as well waiting to go street racing. Until it was so well known to police then i guess they move on some where else like maybe "Woodbridge". To be honest, why street racing, just take it down to the tracks and have fun, why cause danger to others and get caught by the cops. BTW, just curious, was anyone here when to the scarborough street racing back in 1996??

I used to live not too far from there - and yeah, had seen my share of that stuff back then - I was never a participant as I drove a Jeep YJ - although 90% of the cars were Mustangs, the odd Vette and a handful of Hondas - it was all about the 1/4 mile Mustangs then - great in a straight line, and that was about it. They'd go to some deserted stretch of road, block it off and race 1/4 mile - not that it was really any safer - the police would show up eventually and pretty much scare people away. Keep it on the track or on XBox...

06-12-2008, 11:45 AM
the guy in that 240 deserves to get towed just for that exhaust, ....why would you do something like that ?? why?? lol

+1 exactly what I was thinking :loco

06-12-2008, 12:05 PM
To classify me (or any other honda in this category) a "racer" is ridiculous. Even with all these modifications, it would still take me 5 minutes to go over 100K *lol*

first it was racial profiling and now it is vehicular profiling... well at least with cars you can choose to get a different brand... not that you should have to...

06-12-2008, 12:49 PM
HAHA... This is why I keep my car as sleeper as possible and don't drive like an idiot or race in any way off the track.
These guys deserve everything they get... the shame is how proper enthusiasts get bundled into that same category.
Here in Ottawa we have meetups on Fridays at a place called M&M (No not the meat shop) and lately it's been littered with mouth breather idiot ricers and stereo disco ****s.
Makes for great entertainment to sit back and watch these guys, however it's sad cause then we get bottled up into that same category.

06-12-2008, 12:58 PM
i dunno about cops pulling you over because of rims and lowered car.......i think exhausts draw much more attention than aesthetic mods, i drove a slammed sunfire with rims and tint and was never bothered, but i never touched the exhaust.

anyways the cars they showed in this video were asking for trouble, wtf is that exhaust, looks like something made in shop class. and the guy with the homemade wiring job for the battery is just an idiot and shouldnt be aloud to modify anything lol

06-12-2008, 01:08 PM
There are extremes to everything... with an abundance of creativity and innovation, there will always be an abundance of creative and innovative stupidity. Without it... Canadian Tire would be out of business.

06-12-2008, 04:13 PM
the 240 at the beginning is a really really good friend of mine. He did that to his exhaust as a joke amongst friends. We all told him not to do, but whatever. His plate frame says "drifters do it sideways" so I don't see how that would suggest there is more under the hood. His car did get towed but he has the car back now.

btw: He got pulled over outside of dave and busters .. jane and hwy7

EDIT: I think his car looks ok, minus that exhaust lol . For the record, that exhaust has been removed.


06-13-2008, 10:16 AM
My View:
If friends or Car Clubs want to meet, thats fine. But do it in a respectful manner and don't clog up someone else's parking lot where it affects the businesses and the surrounding residential. Park properly, don't double park and don't park in the areas where traffic is flowing. I notice in a lot of lots people will just stop in the middle of the drive way to speak to a buddy, and me who is behind him has to wait for their 5-10min long conversation. No courtesy for others at all.

There are actual customers that want to go to the stores in the plaza's and these people are affecting that business. As a previous poster said, people get intimadated trying to get into the lot and finding a parking spot in which they are confident that nothing will actually happen to the car.

I say book them. Write tickets for whatever they deserve. Don't make anything up but if these cars are modified unsafely, then yes they should be taken off the street. I don't have any sympathy for them.

If you've been to the Mavis (Central Parkway) Tims, you know what I am talking about.

06-13-2008, 12:09 PM
When we have meets I feel we are curtious all the time. We keep off to a empy end of the parking lot. We don't sit there and rev are cars or do burn outs etc like idots. I think we as (Mazda owners/clubs) should and must set a higher standard. Ive been to some other meets in our area (London) with other clubs and people pull in do like 60 in the parking lot reving the shit out of their cars. that type of stuff is bull and the guy that runs that club should tell them THATS not acceptible as I think it makes the club look bad.

Street racing is ****ING STUPID there is absolutly NO reason for it! And I hate the fact that people that just simply want a nice car modded or not get pegged into the categoreing of a "street racer"....

06-13-2008, 01:06 PM
That battery was pretty brutal.

I go too woodbridge every once and awhile to chill with my friends from maxbimmer never been hassled.

Anyone remember the Rona meets from back in the day? Those were mad heat scores.

07-12-2008, 02:47 PM
I've found that if you don't drive or act like an idiot, or have your mods scream "look at me", most cops will leave you alone.

07-12-2008, 03:51 PM
When we have meets I feel we are curtious all the time. We keep off to a empy end of the parking lot. We don't sit there and rev are cars or do burn outs etc like idots. I think we as (Mazda owners/clubs) should and must set a higher standard. Ive been to some other meets in our area (London) with other clubs and people pull in do like 60 in the parking lot reving the shit out of their cars. that type of stuff is bull and the guy that runs that club should tell them THATS not acceptible as I think it makes the club look bad.

Street racing is ****ING STUPID there is absolutly NO reason for it! And I hate the fact that people that just simply want a nice car modded or not get pegged into the categoreing of a "street racer"....


I admit though, once in a while (among others I'm sure, whether you like to admit it or not) I like to drive fast, just have to be smart about it (when/where/traffic/conditions/etc, accepting the consequences) but nothing too excessive, and never racing anyone, thats one thing that you won't catch me doing on a public street. 98% of the time on the 401 I'll lock the cruise at 119-120km/h and leave it.

07-19-2008, 03:45 PM
simple as this. in guelph (if anyone knows where this is) every car club and just every young kid with a modded car goes to the tim hortons on imperial and wellington. its a huge parking lot and its off to the side where the businesses we park in front of are not open and the cops never come (except when they pulled the one guy in the truck over for street racing. which turned out to be a friend of mine's boyfriend.) they dont care because we dont hurt the business in fact the timmies likes it because they make so much money of the coffees and what have you. but street racing nah. i go fast and i dont speed on streets (70KM/HR if that on 50 roads) but nah. stupid and the cops will take ur car and crush it into a little cube. does anyone else want that.. not me.

07-20-2008, 06:22 PM
i go fast and i dont speed on streets (70KM/HR if that on 50 roads) but nah. .

I'm confused. You said you don't speed, but 20 km/h over the limit on any road/highway is still speeding, and by quite a bit. Even 5 over is speeding, for that matter.

07-20-2008, 08:22 PM
haha, so true.

It's like people saying "I only smoke when I drink". Meaning they're both an alcoholic and smoker.

QUOTE=Lars;319985]Hahaha. I love how some of us think that they aren't speeding unless they're doing 30+ over the limit.[/QUOTE]

07-20-2008, 08:26 PM
Hahaha. I love how some of us think that they aren't speeding unless they're doing 30+ over the limit.

idiots ! only 50 over is considered excessive speeding !


07-20-2008, 09:25 PM
ive been pulled over for 10 over, and that was goin downhill!!

07-20-2008, 09:42 PM
idiots ! only 50 over is considered excessive speeding !


I guess we COULD try to come up with a new system of assessing speeds,
1st change, speed limit = Suggestion
+10 = mildly over, nothing to worry about, chillax!!
+20 = kinda, sorta over the limit, if conditions are good, no worries!
+30 = I'm in a real hurry - no tickets so long as you aren't eating, talking on the phone or doing your nails!
+40 = "look at me mom!" I'm moving fast and will owe a LOT of money
+50 = "bail me out mom!" I was excessive in my speeding and your car was taken away - sorry!

07-26-2008, 11:05 AM
most of the time ( a hamilton cop told me this) they wont pull you over unless you are doing 25+. 20 over isnt worth the cops time because i guarantee you can get it lowered and it will be worthless for the cop really. Quote*I guess we COULD try to come up with a new system of assessing speeds,
1st change, speed limit = Suggestion
+10 = mildly over, nothing to worry about, chillax!!
+20 = kinda, sorta over the limit, if conditions are good, no worries!
+30 = I'm in a real hurry - no tickets so long as you aren't eating, talking on the phone or doing your nails!
+40 = "look at me mom!" I'm moving fast and will owe a LOT of money
+50 = "bail me out mom!" I was excessive in my speeding and your car was taken away - sorry!*Quote. LOLLL i like that

07-26-2008, 11:13 AM
so basically whati mean is technicalyl it is speeding butttt really it isnt because no cop will catch you doing that. i had a cop following me and i was doing twenty over. he didnt do anything so yea.

07-26-2008, 11:27 AM
so basically whati mean is technicalyl it is speeding butttt really it isnt because no cop will catch you doing that. i had a cop following me and i was doing twenty over. he didnt do anything so yea.

was it raining?

07-26-2008, 12:04 PM
most of the time ( a hamilton cop told me this) they wont pull you over unless you are doing 25+. 20 over isnt worth the cops time because i guarantee you can get it lowered and it will be worthless for the cop really. Quote*I guess we COULD try to come up with a new system of assessing speeds,
1st change, speed limit = Suggestion
+10 = mildly over, nothing to worry about, chillax!!
+20 = kinda, sorta over the limit, if conditions are good, no worries!
+30 = I'm in a real hurry - no tickets so long as you aren't eating, talking on the phone or doing your nails!
+40 = "look at me mom!" I'm moving fast and will owe a LOT of money
+50 = "bail me out mom!" I was excessive in my speeding and your car was taken away - sorry!*Quote. LOLLL i like that

this is not a good guide or advice.

07-26-2008, 03:16 PM
this is not a good guide or advice.

The speed quideline was (I thought) obviously a joke - as was the comment of "Idiots, only 50 over is excessive speeding".

To the comment that cops won't pull you over for doing less than 20 over is BS (sorry for being so blunt). I have been pulled over twice in my lifetime - one for 18 over in a 100 limit highway in northern Ontario, broad daylight, no traffic, going down a hill etc, the other time was for 63 in a 50 zone (evening, light rain) - I downshifted and accelerated in the middle of an intersection to get around a putz thinking green meant left turn people had a right of way - cop just waiting there - both were reduced to $50 fines or something.

The bottom line is 1km/h over the posted speed limit is technically speeding whether we like or not. :whoa

07-27-2008, 11:43 AM
i found that opp arent that bad.. well in rockwood/guelph but thats cuz they all know me lol. but guelph city are brutal. they pulled my buddy over in his mom's honda fit for 15 over... sad.