View Full Version : Rust Protection
R+P get an M3
06-08-2008, 01:39 AM
Hey Everyone, another newbie here...just signed the papers for our new 2008.5 GT Sport Hatch Auto with LP+moonroof Metro Grey today!
We said yes to the rustproofing and undercoat, paint protection and leather protection, but were told we could still back out if we decide against it. Is it worth it? Is it even necessary? (...they told us it was a lifetime warranty and requires visits every two years )
We haggled it down to 900+tax, but dont know if that`s even a deal. Shouldn`t the fact that it`s brand new mean that its already rustproofed and has long-lasting paint?
06-08-2008, 06:26 AM
These links will help you.
mazda lover
06-08-2008, 01:40 PM
Hey Everyone, another newbie here...just signed the papers for our new 2008.5 GT Sport Hatch Auto with LP+moonroof Metro Grey today!
We said yes to the rustproofing and undercoat, paint protection and leather protection, but were told we could still back out if we decide against it. Is it worth it? Is it even necessary? (...they told us it was a lifetime warranty and requires visits every two years )
We haggled it down to 900+tax, but dont know if that`s even a deal. Shouldn`t the fact that it`s brand new mean that its already rustproofed and has long-lasting paint?
if you want all that go somewhere else, the dealer will charge you big time
Rust proofing=Krown or Rust check
Paint protection, just wax your car yourself
Leather protection- go to canadian tire and buy a leather protection spray or paste or what ever they have on the shelf
Total cost $150 or so $900+tax what a joke
But the Krown or Rust check is an annual spray,
JM2 cent s worth...
06-08-2008, 03:37 PM
Maybe TheBiz can answer this..
06-08-2008, 07:25 PM
Maybe TheBiz can answer this..
I can, but my answer will be biased.
If your plans are to keep the car for 2-3 years, don't waste your money.
If you are keeping the car for 4-6, you will get back most of what you spent when you sell it.
If you plan to keep the car until the wheels fall off... then definately get rust protection.
Now where do you get it? Where ever you trust.
Couple of things to consider:
What are the warranties? and what do they include/exclude?
Is the warranty transferable to the next owner?
How much will it cost you per year?
Can you finance it now instead of paying each year?
$150 a yr @ 6 yrs = $900 but will you keep it that long?
Thunder 3
06-08-2008, 07:36 PM
Don't get the rustproofing if its the electronic box they put inside the car...those don't work. The spray rustproofing is Krown as suggested.
06-08-2008, 08:45 PM
I can, but my answer will be biased.
If your plans are to keep the car for 2-3 years, don't waste your money.
If you are keeping the car for 4-6, you will get back most of what you spent when you sell it.
If you plan to keep the car until the wheels fall off... then definately get rust protection.
Now where do you get it? Where ever you trust.
Couple of things to consider:
What are the warranties? and what do they include/exclude?
Is the warranty transferable to the next owner?
How much will it cost you per year?
Can you finance it now instead of paying each year?
$150 a yr @ 6 yrs = $900 but will you keep it that long?
Maybe, but you're honest.
I say get the rust proofing done from the dealer because they use the existing holes as opposed to drilling more in the doors. I'd also say its better to get it done before its driven off the lot as there is a lot less dirt and grime.
I personally am trying the electronic one just so I can say yes it works or no its pointless. There has been much discussion on this matter so I wont get involved on that in this thread.
06-08-2008, 09:56 PM
I say get the rust proofing done from the dealer because they use the existing holes as opposed to drilling more in the doors.
You say that like it's bad to drill holes. Drilling holes is integral to getting maximum protection. They plug the holes and seal them with grease to prevent the holes from ever rusting. If they're not drilling holes, then they're not rustproofing the car as much as possible.
You say that like it's bad to drill holes. Drilling holes is integral to getting maximum protection. They plug the holes and seal them with grease to prevent the holes from ever rusting. If they're not drilling holes, then they're not rustproofing the car as much as possible.
06-09-2008, 04:18 AM
I would have to agree with a few other posts talking about resale. Selling a car recently was a huge pain in the ass as everyone asked about rustproofing, and it was never done. I would at least get that done, and take care of the paint (wax) and the leather (use a commercial cleaner/leather protectant) yourself.
mazda lover
06-09-2008, 06:23 PM
mazda lover
06-09-2008, 06:29 PM
I say get the rust proofing done from the dealer because they use the existing holes as opposed to drilling more in the doors. I'd also say its better to get it done before its driven off the lot as there is a lot less dirt and grime.
I personally am trying the electronic one just so I can say yes it works or no its pointless. There has been much discussion on this matter so I wont get involved on that in this thread.
Rust check and Crown could use the holes in the doors that are all ready there, besides the waxy - tar could peel allowing moisture to be trapped.
Drilling holes is a tactic the waxy applicators use to make it like drilling holes is bad for your car...give me a break
The electronic device does not work from what I have read..if it doesn't work it will be too late as your car will be rusting...
good luck with it...
06-10-2008, 12:14 PM
speaking of rust protection I need to go do mine, btw I will recommend Krown :chuckle
06-10-2008, 12:47 PM
I got the rust proofing done at the dealer I think $740 or something like that. Anyways I know it could have been done for cheaper however there were a few things that I figured were good:
1. They do not drill holes, as stated there are benefits to drilling holes however the dealer told me that they have special tools that do not require them to drill holes, and furthermore when you get holes drilled, it affects the warranty somehow (I could be wrong but that's what they told me).
2. I plan to keep the car for 5+ years so I figure the cost over time is not that bad.
3. The rust proofing is lifetime and it's transferable and I figure with if it cracks and rust does develop as long I have it checked every two years, it's not my problem.
Do I think the cost of the rust proofing is over priced? Yes. However since it's worked into the financing to me it was piece of mind having it done right from the dealer so I knew the car had protection from the start. I know if I had not done it I would have put it off and may have never got around to it. It's really up to you, I did not get the paint protection etc that I can do myself.
06-10-2008, 12:56 PM
I think dealer is overpriced, If you take ur car to Krown like 5yrs in a row it should be good. 5 times at $100 each? still cheaper i guess, my opinion though :pop
I got the rust proofing done at the dealer I think $740 or something like that. Anyways I know it could have been done for cheaper however there were a few things that I figured were good:
1. They do not drill holes, as stated there are benefits to drilling holes however the dealer told me that they have special tools that do not require them to drill holes, and furthermore when you get holes drilled, it affects the warranty somehow (I could be wrong but that's what they told me).
2. I plan to keep the car for 5+ years so I figure the cost over time is not that bad.
3. The rust proofing is lifetime and it's transferable and I figure with if it cracks and rust does develop as long I have it checked every two years, it's not my problem.
Do I think the cost of the rust proofing is over priced? Yes. However since it's worked into the financing to me it was piece of mind having it done right from the dealer so I knew the car had protection from the start. I know if I had not done it I would have put it off and may have never got around to it. It's really up to you, I did not get the paint protection etc that I can do myself.
i disagree and it will not affect your warnty if you drill holes. Each dealer has their own method and clame its better. My self i will never get the dealer rust prof ever again. When i bought my truck barnd new in i did the dealer rust prof every year when i went for a check up all they did was spray black paint aver any rust spots under my truck i quite going to the dealer and started to rust check it every year..and before i sold it 8 years later it was like brand rust spots at all.
Also if you read the fine print you will say it does not cover for the life of the car..just my .02 cents
To each their own
i disagree and it will not affect your warnty if you drill holes. Each dealer has their own method and clame its better. My self i will never get the dealer rust prof ever again. When i bought my truck barnd new in i did the dealer rust prof every year when i went for a check up all they did was spray black paint aver any rust spots under my truck i quite going to the dealer and started to rust check it every year..and before i sold it 8 years later it was like brand rust spots at all.
Also if you read the fine print you will say it does not cover for the life of the car..just my .02 cents
To each their own
What i meant i went for 2 times after for the dealer check up and i did not like the fact that they only covered every spot with paint on the under carige
06-10-2008, 01:55 PM
imo get whatever at someplace that is well known to do a good job and has history... example krown is everywhere but it is just an anti-rust oil that needs to be applied correctly in order to be effective... if it is done half-ass then it won't get the job done...
imo get whatever at someplace that is well known to do a good job and has history... example krown is everywhere but it is just an anti-rust oil that needs to be applied correctly in order to be effective... if it is done half-ass then it won't get the job done...
krown and rust check do it right every time and they do not do it half ass. Every time i got my trucks done i alway watch what them do it. If you are not satisfied they will respray it free of chrage. If oy get into an accident they will respray your car for free where the repairs were made.
06-10-2008, 02:23 PM
yea the krown in scarbz does a good job
06-10-2008, 03:33 PM
krown and rust check do it right every time and they do not do it half ass. Every time i got my trucks done i alway watch what them do it. If you are not satisfied they will respray it free of chrage. If oy get into an accident they will respray your car for free where the repairs were made.
u know that krown can be bought by any garage and then they become an official krown applicator? the garage that i have been going to for the last 5 years got it in last year and now they are now krown anti-rust applicator place... so you are saying anyone who has a krown ad on his garage will do a good job? same for rust chek? i highly doubt it that you can blanket everyone who advertises krown to do a good job because the garage mentioned above doesn't drill holes in the car (i asked) so i doubt the job will be as thorough as the guys who do drill holes... check the posting about body corrosion for mazda3... someone there used krown and are still getting rust... this would lead to my opinion that not all applicator locations are equal...
06-10-2008, 03:37 PM
I think if you go to Krown for several years should be fine, pple that go to krown and get rust probably never wash their cars at all during the winter.
mazda lover
06-10-2008, 04:28 PM
u know that krown can be bought by any garage and then they become an official krown applicator? the garage that i have been going to for the last 5 years got it in last year and now they are now krown anti-rust applicator place... so you are saying anyone who has a krown ad on his garage will do a good job? same for rust chek? i highly doubt it that you can blanket everyone who advertises krown to do a good job because the garage mentioned above doesn't drill holes in the car (i asked) so i doubt the job will be as thorough as the guys who do drill holes... check the posting about body corrosion for mazda3... someone there used krown and are still getting rust... this would lead to my opinion that not all applicator locations are equal...
Krown or Rust Check or the places that use the wax base will not stop "SURFACE" rust from forming or protect the surface.
The problem owners here are having is surface rust, the paint bubbles and breaks exposing the metal, look at some of the pictures, why does the paint bubble?...Rust protection is usually applied on the inner panels so rust doesn't form and work its way to the outer surface.
I have some paint bubbling on my driver side door on the inner edge where the metal is folded. I have never driven the car in winter, never seen a speck of salt, always garaged waxed etc. so why am I getting the paint bubbling?
metal not properly prepared, cleaned, primed, bad paint...anybody know?
2005 GT Titanium Grey 42,000KM
u know that krown can be bought by any garage and then they become an official krown applicator? the garage that i have been going to for the last 5 years got it in last year and now they are now krown anti-rust applicator place... so you are saying anyone who has a krown ad on his garage will do a good job? same for rust chek? i highly doubt it that you can blanket everyone who advertises krown to do a good job because the garage mentioned above doesn't drill holes in the car (i asked) so i doubt the job will be as thorough as the guys who do drill holes... check the posting about body corrosion for mazda3... someone there used krown and are still getting rust... this would lead to my opinion that not all applicator locations are equal...
i personly don't use krown..i use rust check. Either way each one is its own store..their is no garge or anything like that. Krown and rust check only do this ...nothing else in my home town.
So i am pretty sure that they know what they are doing ..i have been using rust check since i bought my first truck brand new. I used to have a 1992 toyta tercail that i bought as a winter beater and the old lady that owned it from new and was rust checking every year..and for the the three years i owned it i took it every year for rust check....guess what 14 years old and not even i spot of rust on that car. So you can't sit here and tell me that its not a good product. I will always spray all my cars with rust check..come sept i will be doing my mazda ....and since the car is brand new and i will bee spraying it...their is warenty on a brand new car if you rust check it from brand new:)
Krown or Rust Check or the places that use the wax base will not stop "SURFACE" rust from forming or protect the surface.
The problem owners here are having is surface rust, the paint bubbles and breaks exposing the metal, look at some of the pictures, why does the paint bubble?...Rust protection is usually applied on the inner panels so rust doesn't form and work its way to the outer surface.
I have some paint bubbling on my driver side door on the inner edge where the metal is folded. I have never driven the car in winter, never seen a speck of salt, always garaged waxed etc. so why am I getting the paint bubbling?
metal not properly prepared, cleaned, primed, bad paint...anybody know?
2005 GT Titanium Grey 42,000KM
sounds to me like its caused by roads...nothing to do with rust check or krown.
You should take it to a body shop and like car star or something like that and they can tell you what would have caused that to happen
06-10-2008, 07:36 PM
u know that krown can be bought by any garage and then they become an official krown applicator? the garage that i have been going to for the last 5 years got it in last year and now they are now krown anti-rust applicator place... so you are saying anyone who has a krown ad on his garage will do a good job? same for rust chek? i highly doubt it that you can blanket everyone who advertises krown to do a good job because the garage mentioned above doesn't drill holes in the car (i asked) so i doubt the job will be as thorough as the guys who do drill holes... check the posting about body corrosion for mazda3... someone there used krown and are still getting rust... this would lead to my opinion that not all applicator locations are equal...
Not anyone can be a Krown representative, and anyone with a license to apply and sell the product must be properly trained by Krown on the application is every year also!!.If a garage or shop is known to be applying the product improperly (such as not drilling holes), they will not only face loosing their license but weight the risk of being sued by Krown corporation (Krown actually sends spies out to affliliated shops pretending they are actual customers to check that dealers are doing the applications right)...that's how important the issue is to them!!
....Holes are absolutely necessary in applying Rust Protection and if anyone says otherwise, they are either lying or do not know their stuff.How could a product be sprayed into the rocker panels for instance, properly, if holes are not drilled? Rockers are sealed units (for the most part) and many other areas including the roof, some pillars etc;etc;.
I have personally seen the so called rust protection applied by many dealers, (I emphasize many but not all), and I gotta tell you, its a JOKE! For instance once in a installation shop, I noticed another 3 being worked on, door panels etc; had been removed and thought I'd take a closer look and noticed a yellowish type wax spray undercoating which had been applied by the dealer....guess what? this wax was applied only to the outside parts of the door panels!...none on the inside whatsoever! Now answer me this how would that kind of an application protect or reduce the formation of rust??...Simply, it cannot.
Krown and Rustcheck are the best method of rust protection on the market at the moment, bar none!! and the proof is in the pudding.....personally I have seen several 'daily drivers' some as old as 25 years old with not a spec of rust on them, and these vehicles have been taken to Krown or Rustcheck religiously every year by their owners.....thats proof enough for me.My three mind you, is only 3 years old seen only two winters but at the moment has no rust whatsover, even the undercarriage is like new and I place this fact souly on the Krown applications done yearly, starting from day one.
mazda lover
06-10-2008, 07:53 PM
sounds to me like its caused by roads...nothing to do with rust check or krown.
You should take it to a body shop and like car star or something like that and they can tell you what would have caused that to happen
"caused by roads" ??? its on the inner side of the door lip,
mazda lover
06-10-2008, 07:57 PM
Not anyone can be a Krown representative, and anyone with a license to apply and sell the product must be properly trained by Krown on the application is every year also!!.If a garage or shop is known to be applying the product improperly (such as not drilling holes), they will not only face loosing their license but weight the risk of being sued by Krown corporation (Krown actually sends spies out to affliliated shops pretending they are actual customers to check that dealers are doing the applications right)...that's how important the issue is to them!!
....Holes are absolutely necessary in applying Rust Protection and if anyone says otherwise, they are either lying or do not know their stuff.How could a product be sprayed into the rocker panels for instance, properly, if holes are not drilled? Rockers are sealed units (for the most part) and many other areas including the roof, some pillars etc;etc;.
I have personally seen the so called rust protection applied by many dealers, (I emphasize many but not all), and I gotta tell you, its a JOKE! For instance once in a installation shop, I noticed another 3 being worked on, door panels etc; had been removed and thought I'd take a closer look and noticed a yellowish type wax spray undercoating which had been applied by the dealer....guess what? this wax was applied only to the outside parts of the door panels!...none on the inside whatsoever! Now answer me this how would that kind of an application protect or reduce the formation of rust??...Simply, it cannot.
Krown and Rustcheck are the best method of rust protection on the market at the moment, bar none!! and the proof is in the pudding.....personally I have seen several 'daily drivers' some as old as 25 years old with not a spec of rust on them, and these vehicles have been taken to Krown or Rustcheck religiously every year by their owners.....thats proof enough for me.My three mind you, is only 3 years old seen only two winters but at the moment has no rust whatsover, even the undercarriage is like new and I place this fact souly on the Krown applications done yearly, starting from day one.
Great post and to the point, agree 100%
"caused by roads" ??? its on the inner side of the door lip,
take it to a body shop and they can explain to you wnat happened and why
Not anyone can be a Krown representative, and anyone with a license to apply and sell the product must be properly trained by Krown on the application is every year also!!.If a garage or shop is known to be applying the product improperly (such as not drilling holes), they will not only face loosing their license but weight the risk of being sued by Krown corporation (Krown actually sends spies out to affliliated shops pretending they are actual customers to check that dealers are doing the applications right)...that's how important the issue is to them!!
....Holes are absolutely necessary in applying Rust Protection and if anyone says otherwise, they are either lying or do not know their stuff.How could a product be sprayed into the rocker panels for instance, properly, if holes are not drilled? Rockers are sealed units (for the most part) and many other areas including the roof, some pillars etc;etc;.
I have personally seen the so called rust protection applied by many dealers, (I emphasize many but not all), and I gotta tell you, its a JOKE! For instance once in a installation shop, I noticed another 3 being worked on, door panels etc; had been removed and thought I'd take a closer look and noticed a yellowish type wax spray undercoating which had been applied by the dealer....guess what? this wax was applied only to the outside parts of the door panels!...none on the inside whatsoever! Now answer me this how would that kind of an application protect or reduce the formation of rust??...Simply, it cannot.
Krown and Rustcheck are the best method of rust protection on the market at the moment, bar none!! and the proof is in the pudding.....personally I have seen several 'daily drivers' some as old as 25 years old with not a spec of rust on them, and these vehicles have been taken to Krown or Rustcheck religiously every year by their owners.....thats proof enough for me.My three mind you, is only 3 years old seen only two winters but at the moment has no rust whatsover, even the undercarriage is like new and I place this fact souly on the Krown applications done yearly, starting from day one.
x2 your are 100% right
Not anyone can be a Krown representative, and anyone with a license to apply and sell the product must be properly trained by Krown on the application is every year also!!.If a garage or shop is known to be applying the product improperly (such as not drilling holes), they will not only face loosing their license but weight the risk of being sued by Krown corporation (Krown actually sends spies out to affliliated shops pretending they are actual customers to check that dealers are doing the applications right)...that's how important the issue is to them!!
....Holes are absolutely necessary in applying Rust Protection and if anyone says otherwise, they are either lying or do not know their stuff.How could a product be sprayed into the rocker panels for instance, properly, if holes are not drilled? Rockers are sealed units (for the most part) and many other areas including the roof, some pillars etc;etc;.
I have personally seen the so called rust protection applied by many dealers, (I emphasize many but not all), and I gotta tell you, its a JOKE! For instance once in a installation shop, I noticed another 3 being worked on, door panels etc; had been removed and thought I'd take a closer look and noticed a yellowish type wax spray undercoating which had been applied by the dealer....guess what? this wax was applied only to the outside parts of the door panels!...none on the inside whatsoever! Now answer me this how would that kind of an application protect or reduce the formation of rust??...Simply, it cannot.
Krown and Rustcheck are the best method of rust protection on the market at the moment, bar none!! and the proof is in the pudding.....personally I have seen several 'daily drivers' some as old as 25 years old with not a spec of rust on them, and these vehicles have been taken to Krown or Rustcheck religiously every year by their owners.....thats proof enough for me.My three mind you, is only 3 years old seen only two winters but at the moment has no rust whatsover, even the undercarriage is like new and I place this fact souly on the Krown applications done yearly, starting from day one..
Now I feel stupid..I had the rust protection done at the dealer when I bought my sedan in June :bang. So does this mean I should still get it Krowned before it really starts snowing around here?
10-30-2008, 01:07 PM
I'd also like to know if I should go to Krown if the dealership stuff was already applied.
Mind you, I didn't pay for it. When speaking to the financial guy he indirectly revealed that the salesman sold me a car that had already been sold to someone who had cancelled the sale. The rust proofing was already applied for the original purchaser.
Mine was kinda part of a bundle..i was able to haggle a deal with the rust protection and a bunch of other stuff.
When did you buy your car chinaman?
10-30-2008, 01:47 PM
Mine was kinda part of a bundle..i was able to haggle a deal with the rust protection and a bunch of other stuff.
When did you buy your car chinaman?
The car is two years old but has only been through one winter. Most of the chassis looks fine, but there is rust on some of the parts that are not covered, like around the exhaust, skid plate, etc.
The car is two years old but has only been through one winter. Most of the chassis looks fine, but there is rust on some of the parts that are not covered, like around the exhaust, skid plate, etc.
If its been two years since the last rust protection, I would definitely get it done this year as soon as you can. And judging from what I'm reading on the forums regarding dealer rust protection, it doesn't seem as good as Krown. So if you haven't done any rust protection after the dealer applied one, get it done this year for sure, especially before the bad weather hits.
10-31-2008, 01:26 PM
If its been two years since the last rust protection, I would definitely get it done this year as soon as you can. And judging from what I'm reading on the forums regarding dealer rust protection, it doesn't seem as good as Krown. So if you haven't done any rust protection after the dealer applied one, get it done this year for sure, especially before the bad weather hits.
I bought my car in July and got the undercoat spray along with whatever else they do for rust (at the dealer). Do you think that the undercoat will cause a problem if I decide to bring it to Krown this year before winter. It sucks to pay for it twice, but I have more confidence in spraying it yearly then the dealer stuff...and i can't stand the sight of rust.
I bought my car in July and got the undercoat spray along with whatever else they do for rust (at the dealer). Do you think that the undercoat will cause a problem if I decide to bring it to Krown this year before winter. It sucks to pay for it twice, but I have more confidence in spraying it yearly then the dealer stuff...and i can't stand the sight of rust.
lol me and you are in the exact same boat :bana2
I don't think it should be a problem. And ya it sucks having to pay for it twice..but I think I'd rather do that and get over it instead of having to stare at rust every time I goto my car.
10-31-2008, 02:22 PM
lol me and you are in the exact same boat :bana2
I don't think it should be a problem. And ya it sucks having to pay for it twice..but I think I'd rather do that and get over it instead of having to stare at rust every time I goto my car.
I stared at rust long enough with my '95 civic prior to getting my 3!
mazda lover
11-01-2008, 09:52 AM
Mine was kinda part of a bundle..i was able to haggle a deal with the rust protection and a bunch of other stuff.
When did you buy your car chinaman?
you still paid tooooo much, bundle or no bundle
11-04-2008, 01:27 PM
I say you get it treated by Krown! Recommended by the APA and I've read about the product they use and the method in which they apply it. Supposed to be very, very good!
Just watch out for the oil that will drip after the application (and it WILL drip). You may not want to park on your driveway for a while. Or at the very least put down a bunch of carton under your car to catch the oil...
With the way our Mazda's rust, it's IMPERATIVE to get these rust buckets protected. :flaming
11-04-2008, 05:07 PM
So other then Krown and Rust Check, anyone try Corrosion Free? Not sure if they are new or not as I think I will be in the market to get my car rust proofed soon.
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