View Full Version : Trip A And B
I searched but i could not find any info on how it works.
Why is their a trip A and a trip B...
06-09-2008, 10:59 PM
I searched but i could not find any info on how it works.
Why is their a trip A and a trip B...
+1 I Actually have no idea either lol i wanna find out too :)
06-09-2008, 11:03 PM
To allow you to keep track of 2 records.
Just one example:
You go out on a road trip.
You want to see how many total KM you traveled- reset A at the start of your trip and go back and read it at the end of your trip.
You also want to see how many KM between each gas fill-up - record and reset B each time you get gas.
Saves you from having to add up all the numbers to get your totals.
etc, etc.
press the button to toggle between A & B
hold button to reset the currently displayed counter
06-09-2008, 11:03 PM
lets say it is your first time going to a cottage.
You print out a set of instructions from Google maps.
Trip A - you can calculate how many KMs you traveled in total
Trip B - you can use it to follow the instructions from Google (e.g. 5 KM then turn right on Bayview Ave)
Noisy Crow
06-09-2008, 11:04 PM
The answer is not complex: two trip meters allow you to track two separate things!
In my case, I use one to track kms between fill-ups so I can compute fuel economy, the other to track how far it is to someplace.
say i am at the gas station and i just filled up and i was on trip A i will leave that and after i fill up i go to trip B and start driving...why does trip A still add the km..when i am on trip B
06-09-2008, 11:35 PM
you must toggle between them and reset them independently.
you must toggle between them and reset them independently.
i don't understand?
06-10-2008, 01:00 AM
say i am at the gas station and i just filled up and i was on trip A i will leave that and after i fill up i go to trip B and start driving...why does trip A still add the km..when i am on trip B
They are BOTH counters, that will KEEP counting even after you reset them (in which case they start counting from 0)
In your example, you're at the gas station, you filled up. Even though you switch to trip B, all you're doing is DISPLAYING trip B at the time. They are both always counting.
The main reason to answer your first question even though it was already answered is to keep count of both things.Mainly..I'm just reitterating it so I hope its not getting repetitive.
For example, if you just filled reset A, and wanted to see how long the tank would last, you would reset A, and LEAVE IT.
Then you are free to use B to track things.. for example, see how far it is to your house, then RESET B, if you want to track something else..such as as many people have said, a cottage trip etc.
06-10-2008, 01:01 AM
i don't understand?
Yeah what he means is if you dont want trip A to continue click on Trip A twice and it will start from 0 and Trip B will be at what it was before.... this method allows dual calculations :)
Yeah what he means is if you dont want trip A to continue click on Trip A twice and it will start from 0 and Trip B will be at what it was before.... this method allows dual calculations :)
sweet...thanks now i understand:bana2
wish there was a way to not show either
just a little thing that bugs me
wish there was a way to not show either
just a little thing that bugs me
what bothers me the most is the fact that the Trip is bigger then my km on my car so every time i look at i think my car has low kms....:chuckle
06-10-2008, 10:50 AM
I usually use trip A :chuckle
smart ass:chuckle
06-10-2008, 06:18 PM
This is unbelievable
Noisy Crow
06-10-2008, 06:26 PM
This is unbelievable
I know, it's awesome, isnt' it! Two separate tripmeters! :gone
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