View Full Version : Hail Storm...The Results
So I got off work just now and came home and checked out the damage. My car is covered in tiny dents from the grape sized hail we just had. I live in Pickering and I guess it was a lot worse here than it was in Toronto.
My hood, roof and trunk lid combined have about 200 tiny dents. I'm not gonna lie I started tearing up when I saw it because I just got my car about a month ago.
So does anyone have any thoughts or ideas about maybe somesort of fix?? I don't really want to go through insurance b/c Lord knows the paint job will never be the same. I would just like to minimize it if possible. I know its not a huge deal but it was quite upsetting when I saw it.
06-16-2008, 06:51 PM
Paintless Dent Removal... not sure who does it in your area... but you'll be amazed what they can do.
06-16-2008, 06:54 PM
ya it was bad in pickering i was on the highway when this happen
Where do you know of one? I mean I dont particularly care where I have to go to get it done. I mean you put so much love and care into a car and its ****ed up weather like this that you can do nothing about. :rant
06-16-2008, 06:57 PM
Ouch, that sucks. There is a dent guy on the forum that people recommend. Maybe someone who's used him in the past can put you in contact.
Would your insurance even cover that kind of "act of god" damage?
Would your insurance even cover that kind of "act of god" damage?
I have no idea, but it seems kinda pointless to go thru insurance for that. It would probably be cheaper to have it fixed that jock up my insurance rates and not know what kind of job im going to get done.
06-16-2008, 07:02 PM
Ouch, that sucks. There is a dent guy on the forum that people recommend. Maybe someone who's used him in the past can put you in contact.
Kevin - dent removal
Would your insurance even cover that kind of "act of god" damage?
Quote from this thread:
For example, if you buy optional Collision coverage, which protects you for damage to your vehicle regardless of who caused the accident, or Comprehensive coverage, which protects you against theft, vandalism, hail, or explosion, your vehicle will, be covered against any such incidences, but you will pay more.
Damn... I wonder how much that would cost...:whoa
Cus its not just like some regular door dent!!!
Check your cars ppl!!! lol
06-16-2008, 07:22 PM
Wow... Thats Horrible Do u by any chance have any pics Foxy? .... I Hope you can get that fixed up i would prbly tear up too if i saw that...... and did anything happen to the windshield?
Wow... Thats Horrible Do u by any chance have any pics Foxy? .... I Hope you can get that fixed up i would prbly tear up too if i saw that...... and did anything happen to the windshield?
No the windshield is fine I think. And i'm going to post some pics tomorrow morning... I gotta charge my camera first.
My younger brother works down the street and he said some of the windows at his work shattered from the hail tho.
It was ****in INSANE out here!!
06-16-2008, 07:29 PM
lol it look like it was snowin
06-16-2008, 07:34 PM
Where do you know of one? I mean I dont particularly care where I have to go to get it done. I mean you put so much love and care into a car and its ****ed up weather like this that you can do nothing about. :rant
Theres a place on brock road south that does the paintless dent removal. I cant off the top of my head remember the name of the place. Its in the same plaza as stephens small engine its the only door on the north face of the building. They do all the work for alot of the local dealerships.
06-16-2008, 07:39 PM
I always wondered about the effects of hail...sorry to hear that Foxy, hope you can get it taken care of ASAP at minimal $$$
06-16-2008, 07:42 PM
same thing happened to me :( i'm not even going to bother counting the number of dents but i'll try and get pics up asap. it was parked at RH go station :/ oddly enough bmw e90 was outside too and... no problem. i think the sheet metal is stronger/thicker.
in any case my regards to foxy b/c i got the car like 8 months ago, not just 1 :/
i would also like to know about dent removal places
06-16-2008, 07:49 PM
Well I'm from Ottawa and we have Dentec and Auto Dentist.
AD even has a Hail Response Team...
I can't comment on anyone local to you guys.
I appreciate the care guys!
I dont know what I am going to do right now but I talked to my brother and he said the same thing happened to his friends parents ES 350 (except the hail was bigger lol) and Im gonna see what they did.
Just makes me so angry!!! But theres absolutely nothing I could have done. It came out of no where and even if drove home the damage would have already been done im sure. :rant
Hey does anyone know if its supossed to hail again tonight?... cus if it is im heading to the underground parking at my friends house!! lol
06-16-2008, 08:08 PM
weathenetwork forecasts light rain for richmond hill. not sure about pickering but shouldn't be too far off.
pickering is the same.
06-16-2008, 09:44 PM
I appreciate the care guys!
I dont know what I am going to do right now but I talked to my brother and he said the same thing happened to his friends parents ES 350 (except the hail was bigger lol) and Im gonna see what they did.
Just makes me so angry!!! But theres absolutely nothing I could have done. It came out of no where and even if drove home the damage would have already been done im sure. :rant
Sorry to hear FoXy, that really sucks! I also was worried as my vehicle was parked outside all night at work, lucky we didn't get hit in TO.
Anyways, best thing is to call the Insurance company ask them if its covered and will they fix it without effecting your payments.(I think you might have to pay a deductible)...maybe the insurance guru's here can chime in. Skarbro?
But I'd also suggest you go get a couple of estimates from ding repair shops, and then you can weight whether its worth going thru insurance or not cost wise.
06-16-2008, 10:12 PM
Well this post just scared the hell out of me... I live in Aurora, but I was parked outside in Ajax today, on Harwood Ave South. Close call....
Sorry to hear about the damage, Foxy. I'm sure that if it's not too severe, you might be able to get all of the damage fixed up at a cheap rate.
06-16-2008, 10:16 PM
btw foxy, my friend "BMWWW" is trying to organize a "group buy" to fix the dents at autopia
I can tell him to add you to the list of ppl who want in if he can find something.
06-16-2008, 10:23 PM
That's insane! I feel for you guys! Hopefully everything gets worked out. Keep us up to date on the repairs. Sorry to hear it, Foxy and Tiny!
06-16-2008, 11:14 PM
I was in the office when it started hailing, and cringing at the thought of how big the hail is. Car was packed right outside; I am feeling your pain!
06-16-2008, 11:23 PM
Heres the pic my gf took of the hail ( (
I know how you feel man. I was waiting for the rain to wither down then all of sudden, I hear flop, flop, flop then saw ice coming down in the form of Hail. Geez, good thing they were quite tiny.
06-16-2008, 11:44 PM
I was driving on woodbine and 16th when it happened. The things were the size of golf balls, no joke. I have at least10 dings on my hood alone (but who knows how many were there previously) and 2 on my roof. Nothing on the trunk. My buddy and I thought my windshield was going to crack, thank God it didn't. I pulled over and tried to park under a tree but it was no help; I got stuck in the shit storm from start to finish.
06-16-2008, 11:58 PM
my rx8 got ownned as well..i m too sad....
i m just seeing what the repair costs are going to be like.
06-17-2008, 12:09 AM
Oh my the size of that hail is pretty big, I really feel for whoever suffered from the hail storm. I too got caught in the storm, but forturnately it was only heavy rain that hit the part that I was in. I hope that you are able to get that sorted out. With the amount of time and effort that many members if not all of us put into their rides here it's always sad to see/hear something like this happening :(
06-17-2008, 01:23 AM
talk to your insurance, you dont have to go though claim department and it will not affect your rates, since its not at fault. But consult with your insurance broker. You will be paying deductable, so it might even be cheaper then going through dent removal places.
06-17-2008, 01:36 AM
found this one craglist for anyone that needs a dent repair
Thanks everybody. Im going to take some pics this morning (if i can get a minute) and post them up on my lunch.
I knew I wouldnt be the only one here who got nailed!
Boo for mother nature this time!!!
06-17-2008, 09:10 AM
Let me know what you decided to do.
I got a quote for 1k.....sighs...
i m still shopping around.
yea I have talked to numerous ppl and Im gonna have a few ppl look at it. Hopefully all goes well. Im not made of money but I will do my best and let everyone know for all the other ppl who were affected. :)
sorry to hear this happened... I would be pissed and upset as well
it seems the weather is getting alot more violent lately
06-17-2008, 09:42 AM
+1 on a group buy.
I switched cars yesterday with a friend and she works in Markham. I'll think twice next time I do that. Two things happened.
1.) Front flare scraped to shit after she curbed the right side on her driveway.
2.) Crazy hail damage on the roof and both side quarter panels.
06-17-2008, 09:49 AM
That's crazy. I came out of the mall yesterday and saw what looked like piles of snow on the ground. I was like wtf. It was hail.
06-17-2008, 10:10 AM
wow...these are like horror stories...esp Joe's!
best of luck to all you guys and gals...
+1 on a group buy.
+1 as well. Lets help each other out here!! :chuckle
06-17-2008, 10:45 AM
Turns out this happened all over the GTA... i never saw much in Mississauga but heres pics from King
These are the Size of Gold Balls !!!
Hope you guys get a good guy to fix it all up i recommed you get a GB that will save you tons of money IMO
they mention afew places in the bmw forum to go to
06-17-2008, 11:15 AM
Now I'm really debating on getting my roof vinyl wrapped now.
06-17-2008, 11:22 AM
Now I'm really debating on getting my roof vinyl wrapped now.
you would stil se the dents i think..
i ve thought about it to...
i m going to try some dryice on the hood of my car..and see if it will really work like youtube...
if it does, I l take the day and see if i can work on the entire car..
06-17-2008, 06:19 PM
My roof is vinyled and I can see the dents from the hail on it :(
06-17-2008, 08:24 PM
I think one interesting thing I learned from this is the difference in quality of the steel they use for body panels between cars. My mom's bmw e90 + my friend's mom's bmw e46 both have nothing and they were in the storm too. meanwhile... we're out of luck :/
06-17-2008, 11:05 PM
I don't know if anyone saw the news tonight (I think it was CTV)...I had it on while cooking dinner and didn't catch what kind of car it was, but some guy with a $110,000 car got bad damage from the hail...$11,000 worth of damage.
Obviously with that much damage, you'd be silly NOT to go thru insurance (if you have comprehensive coverage, max deductible is usually $500 anyways). My mom works in insurance and had a few claims calls from the storm as well. Apparently it didn't come out to Oshawa, because my car looks fine....seems the cut off was Ajax.
06-18-2008, 08:26 AM
I think one interesting thing I learned from this is the difference in quality of the steel they use for body panels between cars. My mom's bmw e90 + my friend's mom's bmw e46 both have nothing and they were in the storm too. meanwhile... we're out of luck :/
Well that does make sense, the Mazda3 is considerably less expensive than a BMW and as such the quality of materials would reflect that.
06-18-2008, 08:44 AM
I think one interesting thing I learned from this is the difference in quality of the steel they use for body panels between cars. My mom's bmw e90 + my friend's mom's bmw e46 both have nothing and they were in the storm too. meanwhile... we're out of luck :/
the metal thickness/stiffness on our car is a lot weaker then european car... I was leaning on my car waiting for my friend last night, i'm only 180lb.. and i can feel the metal compressed and dented in :loco. With my old vw gti, I can have a 300lb person lean on the door & the metal wouldn't move.
I work at east york and my work parking lot is out door, luckily I see no damage on my car, at my home Markham my parents told me it hailed like crazy. I think it only hit north gta/east end?
06-18-2008, 08:52 AM
Yea even when buffing off wax, I'll sometimes accidentally compress the hood of the Mazda and hear a pop when i get off, whereas the BMW won't do that. I'm only 135.
Almost everyone who has damage is going thru insurance. I cant count the number of body shops i've passed by with PACKED parking lots full of cars with dents all over them. I think its going to be a long wait.
06-18-2008, 10:39 AM
I'm hearing similar stories from all of the forums I frequent, it appears as though that little storm caused quite a bit of damage.
06-18-2008, 01:48 PM
I never park outside and the day I was forced to, it hailed. I didn't notice any damage though. I am going to give it a wash later on and look it over...
geez, this post has me all nervous now. Thanks. Not much fell over here (Brampton, Williams & Chiguacousy), but i did hear a few ping off my car as I watched in fear.
06-18-2008, 04:00 PM
A co-worker of mine and I were just discussing the hail damaged cars and she said that a friend of hers was in pretty bad shape. She took it to the autobody shop for an estimate and they stopped counting the dings at 400!!!!! Estimate to repair the damage was $7,000, though I have no idea what kind of car it is.
I drove by Avante yesterday, parking lot full of cars with dents and stuff.
I hope that is covered by the insurance.
06-18-2008, 05:16 PM
I went to dent dr. on doncaster near yonge for a free estimate. they said there had been at least 40 ppl that went there today, but their lot didn't seem too full with work orders. most expensive was 7000 but I was around 3500 w around 180 dents (120+ on the roof). I have extra charges b/c of sunroof. They said it SHOULD be covered by insurance, in which case there is no point in trying to give us a deal on a group buy or anything (makes sense) but they did say that if you're not insured and paying by yourself, they will help you out. Good service, nice guys (perhaps if you're paying by yourself you could mention tm3), went and counted each dent with me, explained all the charges. They also expect the job (on mine) to take 3 days. Gonna go around and get more estimates.
06-18-2008, 05:27 PM
the metal thickness/stiffness on our car is a lot weaker then european car... I was leaning on my car waiting for my friend last night, i'm only 180lb.. and i can feel the metal compressed and dented in :loco. With my old vw gti, I can have a 300lb person lean on the door & the metal wouldn't move.
Its where they put the metal that counts!....In our 3s the "Safety Cage" is quite robust, for example when I had my vehicle oil sprayed orignally, when drilling the rockers etc; the technician said that the thickness of the metal on the 3's cage was twice what he's used to seeing on most other vehicles!!...So I guess to keep the weight and cost down, Mazda had other parts lightened including panels such as hood, fenders, door panels etc;
It may be a little disconcerting having to worry about hail storms and such but I like the thought and peace of mind that my safety cage will be there when and if I ever need it :)
I feel for all you folks that got nailed by the storm, I know I'd be shedding some tears if it happened to my 3.
Well I gave in today. I called my insurance company and put my claim in. Luckily its only going to cost me $300 (my deductable) and my rates won't be affected at all. Plus I will get a rental car for as long as its getting fixed up to $1000. Not that bad of a deal I guess. Still sucks to pay out 300 for something I didnt do and couldnt have avoided.
So far my advice... go thru insurance. You won't get a better deal.
Although who knows how long its going to take until the work is completed.
06-19-2008, 02:16 PM
Thats not a bad deal, and yes agreed just go through insurance, you won't get cheaper.
Rental car UP TO $1000? what if it's more because it's quite possible it could cost more.
Thats not a bad deal, and yes agreed just go through insurance, you won't get cheaper.
Rental car UP TO $1000? what if it's more because it's quite possible it could cost more.
Well I mean rental cars arent that much and if it costs more than that i guess im screwed but i work relaly close to home so its not a big deal. Hopefully it wont take forever to get done. Im not made of time. I'm going away the next 2 weekends in a row to the cottage so i need to get it done. AND Im takin my car to get the stereo replaced on monday too!! HECTIC!!
06-19-2008, 04:31 PM
Luckily its only going to cost me $300...Not that bad of a deal I guess. Still sucks to pay out 300 for something I didnt do and couldnt have avoided.
That's not too shabby. I thought it would have cost more. Good luck on the repairs. I was really afraid that was going to happen to us on the same night here in Edmonton. We had dark cloudy skies and pouring rain.
For myself, I don't get down on things I can't control. It would have been worse if you had to pay 300 for something you could have avoided.
Good luck everyone!
For myself, I don't get down on things I can't control. It would have been worse if you had to pay 300 for something you could have avoided.
Good luck everyone!
This is true!!
Gods Son
06-19-2008, 06:13 PM
I was at Agincourt yesterday getting some warranty work done (faulty emergency brake cable) and I was speaking to someone in the collision centre and they were telling me they have a ton of cars there due to the storm. I work out of Richmond Hill and there was alot of rain but no hail. Thank goodness.
06-19-2008, 06:15 PM
Where are the pictures?
06-19-2008, 06:53 PM
Where are the pictures?
I don't think anyone wants to be reminded of the damn hail.:flaming Gotta contact my insurance company tomorrow when I get back to work.
06-19-2008, 10:51 PM
Where are the pictures?
There's links to pics of mine on the first page.
I think the worst off were dealerships, even after repairing new cars (from their own pockets) they have to note it somewhere and sell at reduced price. Any cars get owned at MoT?
06-20-2008, 09:28 AM
I was at Agincourt yesterday getting some warranty work done (faulty emergency brake cable) and I was speaking to someone in the collision centre and they were telling me they have a ton of cars there due to the storm. I work out of Richmond Hill and there was alot of rain but no hail. Thank goodness.
Seriously? I work in Richmond Hill also (near East Beaver Creek) and there was definately hail, though it wasn't very large. It certainly wasn't large enough to damage any cars (thank God cause I have to park outside).
Its hard to take pics of it. I tried trust me.
Insurance is takin care of mine. Over $7000 worth.
06-20-2008, 10:29 AM
Its hard to take pics of it. I tried trust me.
Insurance is takin care of mine. Over $7000 worth.
Wow, that's crazy! Is it going to affect your premiums? I hope not... If it does, I'd be pissed...
06-20-2008, 10:43 AM
It won't affect premiums because it's not at fault.
Exactly..... Its an Act of God.
So I pay 300 and i'm off scott free.
Not without losing my car for 2 weeks and having them replace the roof, hood and trunk lid.
Sucks ass!!!
06-20-2008, 03:38 PM
wow, that's crazy. I didn't think hail would do THAT much damage... especially in June!
mazda lover
06-20-2008, 04:00 PM
Exactly..... Its an Act of God.
So I pay 300 and i'm off scott free.
Not without losing my car for 2 weeks and having them replace the roof, hood and trunk lid.
Sucks ass!!!
How are they going to replace the roof? just curious
Good luck
How are they going to replace the roof? just curious
Good luck
I went into their shop and checked it out. They either chop it out or, its like spot welded on and easy enough to remove. Either way, its gettin done.
06-20-2008, 05:09 PM
WWWHHHHATTTTT!? replacing roof sounds so extreme. at dent dr they were just going to remove the headliner and poking it from the bottom.
06-20-2008, 06:33 PM
Yah replacing the roof sounds extreme. Especially cutting it off.. nice new car now? guess not :p
Edit: No wonder insurance is so high, one storm probably cost them millions - everyone "cutting" off their roofs for $7000
and what would cutting the roof do to the structural integrity, once new roof is put back on?????
06-21-2008, 09:32 AM
I've never heard of cutting the roof to fix dents on it. Sounds really extreme
to be doing this. If the shop doesn't line up everything perfectly, your going to have structural issues. This is also assuming they do an exellent job of welding it back in place properly. Anyhow good luck with the repairs.
06-21-2008, 11:52 AM
Now I'm really debating on getting my roof vinyl wrapped now.
Would that stop the dents tho? it would protect your paint, but the dents would have still done damage. No?
Effin Itai
06-21-2008, 12:04 PM
Hey Foxy, have you actually inquired through your insurance company if your rate would go up? I asked my insurance company before I got a quote and they said that if it was my first claim for the incident that my rate would not go up. I haven't read all the posts so if this has already been mentioned, sorry. LOL!
Hey Foxy, have you actually inquired through your insurance company if your rate would go up? I asked my insurance company before I got a quote and they said that if it was my first claim for the incident that my rate would not go up. I haven't read all the posts so if this has already been mentioned, sorry. LOL!
hi guys,
Comprehensive claims will not cause your insurance to increase whatsoever!
you will be responsible to pay your deductible but that's it.
my company is running a dent clinic this week for our clients since we had so many in such a small area.
it is worth it to call your insurer unless you do not carry the coverage.
we are suggesting paintless dent repair as it's very successful and your cars value will take less of a hit.
06-23-2008, 01:31 PM
Does anybody know what car dealerships are doing about their inventory? I can only imagine that some dealers will have a ton of cars that got damaged as a result. Will they repair then sell as new?
06-23-2008, 01:39 PM
**** Hail Storm again. this time car is outside lol
its covered up in cardbox though hope it will help
06-23-2008, 02:46 PM
Just came back from the bodyshop and looks like my car has at least 150 small dents on it.
06-23-2008, 02:51 PM
shit man i have yet to check.
I did take a picture of all the cardboard boxes ontop of my car though lol
06-23-2008, 02:51 PM
A mechanic I spoke to is being asked to do a quote for 500 cars...
He also told me once, a BMW dealership hired 3 guys to do 500 dented cars...took 2 yrs...makes you wonder about those 2006 still sitting on the lots...
06-23-2008, 03:02 PM
Once again my car is safe and sound
06-23-2008, 03:05 PM
My Cae is parked @ the Go-Station im Kinda worried Now =( My Mazda 3 Doesnt have a Garage of its own
06-26-2008, 05:41 PM
hail warning in GTA people... move cars inside
06-26-2008, 05:41 PM®ion=wwcaon0014
06-26-2008, 05:55 PM
Shit....theres a warning for Ottawa too. And I have to park in the driveway.
06-26-2008, 06:19 PM
hail warning in GTA people... move cars inside
FAK! I'm parked outside till 9pm because I'm covering a shift for one of my reps at a mall location.
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