View Full Version : Car Broken into

06-18-2008, 11:47 AM
Yup. Says it all.

They used a grey half of a brick. They tried 3 or 4 times on the driver side window. Then gave up and used the passengerside window.

Pics: http://s285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/sudz3/

They stole my Ipod (not in plain sight) My golf clubs I got from my poppa when he died, (which i'm really upset about)

They also scuffed up the dash.

I found some of their hair, Long SUPER curly black hair, and the cops are supposed to have been here an hour ago to take prints.

I got a guy on lakeshore (Dixie Auto Glass) who's coming around noon to replace the glass, and tint. the glass was 220 Tax in, and he does it here, no extra charge.

Moral of the story: If someone wants in, your screwed.

I was thinking about buying an alarm... but you know what? They still would have broken the window, it'd cost me the same! I'm just not going to leave anything in my car.

Oh, they TRIED to steal my subwoofer, I'm glad i never got around to making a quick release method to it. It was hard-wired into the car, they reefed on it but it didn't come. Its no longer working, but i'm sure its just a broken connection. THe second i fou nd it wasn't working, I pulled the fuse to avoid some shorts.


06-18-2008, 11:52 AM
Sorry to hear man, I can only imagine the feeling. I feel for your loss, especially the sentimental value of the clubs.

06-18-2008, 11:53 AM
wow i'm sorry to hear that. Some people are just *******s and feel that they are entitled to everyone elses shyt.

06-18-2008, 11:55 AM
That's brutal, dude! I am not even going to pretend to know how you are feeling. I'm sorry to hear that they took your clubs, which obviously have sentimental value. Everything else, when it all comes down to it, is just money and things. The clubs is what I would be most upset about. Hopefully it gets sorted out.
Sounds like you got a really good deal on the glass, too.

06-18-2008, 11:57 AM
Thanks guys. I kept the rock as a souviner. Figure i mind as well have something to show for my 250 bucks! I let you know if they ever catch the bastard(s)

06-18-2008, 11:58 AM
That sucks. No way around it. My only thought would be that if you did have an alarm it could have detoured them. They tried a few times on the drivers side you said, and it looked like they were trying to be discreet. If the alarm went off they might have ran away and you'd be left with a few chips in your drivers window and that's all. But if they really wanted in, they would have gotten in no matter what regardless if you had an alarm.

Notorious MS3
06-18-2008, 11:58 AM
That sucks man so sorry to hear about the golf clubs, you cant really put a price on that. Where did this happen?

06-18-2008, 12:04 PM
That sucks man so sorry to hear about the golf clubs, you cant really put a price on that. Where did this happen?

Port Credit. Lakeshore and Hurontario. A nice area! The landlord said that this is the first time since fall 2005. and before that it was 7 years ago!

Its a very safe area. I think i was just really unlucky. :complain

Note... Could anyone help me mount a flashing LED in the car? Trying to keep the $$$ low as i already have to pay 250 for the window, replace an Ipod and golf clubs. :-(

06-18-2008, 12:26 PM
welcome to the club....mine was broken into a month ago. they obviously had a lot of time to do this to steal golf clubs and try to steal a sub, and attempt the break in several times, wonder how no one heard this in a complex

06-18-2008, 12:27 PM
The Mazda Car Saleman said this car had a car alarm.

Is a car alarm defined as "panic button"? Why didn't the built in mazda car alarm go off?

06-18-2008, 12:35 PM
The car doesn't have a shock sensor.... That's why it didnt go off.

06-18-2008, 12:42 PM
Wow Thats Sucks Some people have no morals... i hope those bastards get caught i hope the best for you to fix all the damage

06-18-2008, 12:49 PM
I feel for ya...obviously a bunch of punks who had nothing else better to do. My last car was broken into a few time and because of that I never leave anything in my car anymore.

06-18-2008, 12:49 PM
There could be prints on that rock as well. Keep that rock handy in case you wanna "return" it back to them.

In any case, karma's a b!**h and it'll come around.

06-18-2008, 02:10 PM
Anyone know how much for a cheap theft deterrant device? 10,000 volts should do it.

ahhh, I wish.

But really. How much for a decent system, Installed?

Keep in mind i kind of want to keep it stock looking. If it can be used with a mazda keyfob, all the better.

06-18-2008, 02:28 PM
holy shit man, did you call police? freaking idiots!!

06-18-2008, 02:34 PM
Called the cops. He called back, got a 3 minute report. TOLD me someone was going to be onsite soon to check prints... nobody ever came. Called back, they said that nobody was going to print it.

Another crook gets away.

On the GOOD side... The window is fixed. However, i have to drive down there at 9am tomorrow so they can fix it more. First, the guy tried to tell me all the broken glass would fall out of the bottom of the door over time.

HIGHLY unlikey, there's some pretty big chunks in there that rattle every bump or door close.

Number 2: The glass doesn't have the proper curvature. It doesn't touch the weather stripping at all on the outside, and is pressing against it too hard on the inside.

They tinted the glass before they installed it, but the one time i rolled it up (with him protecting the fresh tint, it went up VERY slowly. He tried to say that they used a screwdriver, and i then i said: Oh yeah? looks like they used a brick to me" and he shut up, and told me to drop by tomorrrow at the shop to get it fixed. I paid half cash, i'll pay the other half tomorrow.

06-18-2008, 02:35 PM
That really sucks Alex :(. Really..especially the clubs. =\ Can't replace the sentimental value. Hope they get caught.

06-18-2008, 02:39 PM
Really? We should grab lunch/coffee/beer.

I called Mazda at Dixie and 401. He said "have you had the door recall yet?" and knew NOTHING about a shock sensor for either GS or GT.

No comment on that one.

Looks like i'll get an aftermarket system.

Ideally, I just want a shock sensor attached to the horn/panic button. That would be enough deterrant. The guys last night had plent of time, they hammered away at the driver side, 3,4, 5 times gave up, and went to the passenger side. If the alarm went off the first time, It probably would have been fine!.

Any Idea's guys? Names/numbers/prices would be awesome.

Guy at mazda dealer said Kromer would do it. However, they look UBER expensive.

06-18-2008, 02:40 PM
You feel so violated when somebody breaks into your car (speaks from experience). Sorry to hear, moreso because of the sentimental value attached to the golf clubs.

I do agree with you though that if a thief wants in, they'll get in. An alarm will certainly dissuade a punk kid or a novice, but an expert will get in one way or the other.

Edit: As for whom to contact for installing an alarm, check out the sponsors section, you'll have no problem finding a suitable company.

06-18-2008, 02:40 PM
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I work, literally, a single block west of that exact intersection and park my '3 outside my place of work 5 days a week. Sucks to hear they targeted your car -- was it parked outside or indoors?

looks like it was parked indoor according to pictures. I would demand for something from police, especcially like you sad there was hair in the car. Thats an evidence right there.

06-18-2008, 03:17 PM
Wow I know the feeling samething happened to my Civic a few years back and it felt like someone ripped out my heart :( Sorry to hear...at moments like that what comes to mind is: what comes around goes around!

06-18-2008, 03:18 PM
rather "what goes around comes around" heh

06-18-2008, 03:37 PM
Sorry to hear about that... I would keep your eye out on websites like kijiji.ca or craigslist for the 'golf clubs for sale' postings... Maybe even put up a few flyers in the area, at local golf courses, or golf courses and driving ranges pictures of the clubs so that if they show up, you can track down the bastards that sold them, and return their $250 brick to their face.

Did the robbery happen during the night, or day? Where was your car parked at the time?

Again, sorry to hear about your loss. If you put some effort into tracking down those golf clubs, you might just be able to catch those dastards. Let us know how it goes!!

06-18-2008, 04:01 PM
That sucks.

Doesn't the GS come with factory alarm? So if the door is opened while the car is locked the alarm should go off.

06-19-2008, 02:10 AM
Yup, you'll probably find them through the golf clubs.

You wouldn't happen to have a pic of them or any other details?

06-19-2008, 02:40 AM
Sorry to hear. Shocked the 1 window didn't break when they hit it tho.

06-19-2008, 08:23 AM
No picture unfortunately. I went on craigslist and Kijiji for the ipod, never thought of the clubs.

It was in an above ground lot, no doors. Apparently they have to kick some kids who smoke pot out of there every now and then. Landlord THINKS it was them, but no hard proof.

Unfortunately, the cops told me nobody was going to come look at it, so i got the car repaird, and it rained on the car, THEN the cop came, Said it was "soiled" and apologised for not calling me to let me know he was coming (i would have taken a cab to work if i knew they needed the car untouched, but they earlier told me to go ahead and fix it)

I have it parked underground now (where you need a key to enter)

The window is "fixed" but i have to take it back as the window is warped. I'm ordering/asking them to but in another window - THis one isn't the right curvature. Theres nearly a half a CM gap from the outer weather stripping at the bottom and the glass. its so much that you could probably slim jim it with a coathanger in a few seconds.

06-19-2008, 09:01 AM
The main reason I never leave valuables in the car. Like you said though if they want to break in to your car they will no matter what. The GS does not come equipped with an alarm. The first thing I picked up when I got my first Honda was a good pager alarm.

06-19-2008, 09:43 AM
....In any case, karma's a b!**h and it'll come around.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Sorry to hear what happened. It's times like this that sway me into not pursuing any mods to my car.

06-19-2008, 10:07 AM
Really sorry to hear what happened.. ESPECIALLY because of the personal significance of the golf clubs. Always be on the look out guys if you see something like this go down or people around a car and something fishy is up... look out for it. Never know when you will need the favor returned.

PS- I actually have a NIB 2-way willing to let it go cheap.. pm if you want it...

06-19-2008, 10:56 AM
Wow that sucks bro, its a shame they took the clubs :(

06-19-2008, 10:58 AM
dang, sorry to hear what happened man ... that really sucks ... :(

06-19-2008, 12:39 PM
Sorry to his about this Alex, You`re a good guy, I wouldn`t expect some *******s to do this to you, But it happens, and unfortunately you got the worst of it.

What are the brand name of the clubs.

06-19-2008, 01:18 PM
man sorry to hear that.. some things are priceless and can never be exchanged by something else. Hoping for good news about your clubs and catch the bastards :flaming

06-19-2008, 07:42 PM
That sucks dude, I have been there.. 3 times. Doesn't get any easier.

And ya for whatever reason they never take the glass out of the door, I had to do it myself. Its Amazing how much falls in there. You will find glass in your car for as long as you own it now :(

Dan Da Man
06-19-2008, 10:34 PM
Lots of crack heads on the lakeshore. you might find your stuff at a pawn shop. That area your in is not too bad but if you go further east you have the willows motel where half of them live and some other ones near the coffee time and dominion across the street. youl find them walking around the street late at night. like rats almost.