View Full Version : MANUAL or AUTOMATIC??

06-22-2008, 10:35 AM
Hey, I'm picking up a mazda3 sedan this week, manual transmission, the thing is i don't have too much experience driving a standard car, u think i'll kill the transmission? and how's the traction on the mazda3 in the snow, any thoughts?

06-22-2008, 10:40 AM
I have the Auto, and you can get it with M option which is not as good as the Manual of course, so if you're not too good with the Manual just get the Auto, an extra $1000 i guess.

06-22-2008, 10:46 AM
If You drive in a lot of traffic and do a lot of city driving auto seems to be the best choice.....but Manual is a lot more overall fun to drive and is a good thing to know .... traction wise the stock tires on Mazda are Crap and theres no way you can use them in Winter..... Snow Tires are a must once the snow falls

MAZDA Kitten
06-22-2008, 06:02 PM
I bought my car without knowing how to drive manual
I learned the night before and I havent looked back since
and I drive in stop and go traffic everyday from Hamilton to Sauga and back and it doesnt even phase me as it becomes a habit and you dont even think about it

Traction in the winter is good but make sure to pick up a set of decent winter tires since the stock RS-A's are garbage (assuming yours comes with the 17s)

06-22-2008, 07:53 PM
Hey, I'm picking up a mazda3 sedan this week, manual transmission, the thing is i don't have too much experience driving a standard car, u think i'll kill the transmission? and how's the traction on the mazda3 in the snow, any thoughts?

Well then its up to you..if you're interested in learning.

nows a perfect time no? :P

I doubt you'll hurt the transmission really, - I too learned manual on the car.

And as everyone says in the winter....winter tires help a lot.

06-22-2008, 08:00 PM
I baught mine standard but i knew how to drive it from my previous car. if you are willing to learn you'll pick it up like nothing. Its really simple. Winter tires are a must the eagles that come with the car well they are not the greatest

06-22-2008, 08:25 PM
The Mazda3 has the smoothest and easiest to learn manual transmission and clutch. I'd say go for the manual, it'll take a few days to get used to it but a lot better than auto, especially now-a-days with these gas prices.

Like already mentioned, you definitely need a set of snow tires for the winter time.

06-22-2008, 09:54 PM
Agreed - before I got my 3 I barely knew how to drive manual, I had about 1 or 2 hours experience. I got in the 3 and drove off the lot no problem.

The clutch is very forgiving in this car, and I didnt really stall at all (except when I did stupid stuff like try to reverse out of a parking space with the hand brake still on).

I have also taught a few friends who had no idea how to drive stick, and they were off and driving no problem in less than 5 minutes (Ill say its cause of my awesome instructing, but I will give some credit to the car also)

I used to sit in a lot of traffic, but now I dont really have to deal with it so much anymore... it becomes second nature after a few months, and you dont really even think about what you are doing. Even now when I get into an automatic car, I often find myself looking to depress the clutch when I start the car :)

Driving stick is a ton of fun, and there is no way (at least at this point in my life) that I would even consider getting an automatic car!

Sean Newman
06-22-2008, 10:06 PM
Hey guys, I'm new here (see lounge). I've got a trany question for you: If you have the automatic and always upshift to keep the RPMs down, how does the auto get worse fuel economy than the manual if they both have five gears?

06-22-2008, 10:26 PM
The Mazda3 has the smoothest and easiest to learn manual transmission and clutch. I'd say go for the manual, it'll take a few days to get used to it but a lot better than auto, especially now-a-days with these gas prices.

Like already mentioned, you definitely need a set of snow tires for the winter time.

smoothest ? no way! The gates are so notchy, and the clutch is quite on/off compare to similar cars in the market. IMO new hondas (or even vw) are much easier to learn stick in.

Anyways I know an ex coworker who didn't know how to drive stick picked up a mz3 gt 07 and he was fine. 20000km on it now and still on stock clutch/transmission :D He said the first week he had the car, he stalled it about 20 times, after then it was ok and loves it.

As for the manual vs auto thing, if they offered dsg or some sort of instant shift tranny on my car i think it'd have picked it over manual. Mazda manuals are notchy and imo it feels a little disconnected from the rest car (in ms3).

06-22-2008, 11:13 PM
I imagine the clutch on the MZ3 would be a lot more forgiving than the Speed 3's transmission. I think you should only get a manual car if you find it immensely appealing. There really shouldn't be any hesitation when choosing the type of transmission you desire.

Personally, I would only buy a car with manual transmission. Ever since I rented a car in recent weeks, I was reminded how effortless & comfortable is it to drive a car with automatic transmission; it's like it drives itself. In my current ride, the clutch & shifter effort required is significant, especially in city traffic-constant upshifting + downshifting. I like it.

It really is a matter of preference.

06-22-2008, 11:14 PM
i had no idea how to drive stick when i bought my car, but did alot of reading. my dad kept asking me nervously if I wanted to let him pull out of the dealership, i was like no way and got my first lesson! i say stick with the manual, i'm sure you'll like it =]

06-22-2008, 11:25 PM
smoothest ? no way! The gates are so notchy, and the clutch is quite on/off compare to similar cars in the market. IMO new hondas (or even vw) are much easier to learn stick in.

Anyways I know an ex coworker who didn't know how to drive stick picked up a mz3 gt 07 and he was fine. 20000km on it now and still on stock clutch/transmission :D He said the first week he had the car, he stalled it about 20 times, after then it was ok and loves it.

As for the manual vs auto thing, if they offered dsg or some sort of instant shift tranny on my car i think it'd have picked it over manual. Mazda manuals are notchy and imo it feels a little disconnected from the rest car (in ms3).

You are completely right about the Speed3, but I made sure to say Mazda3 and not Mazdaspeed3. :) Trust me, I felt the difference when I first got into the Speed3.

06-23-2008, 01:00 AM
i had some experience from my last car, but i pretty much taught myself how to drive stick on my mazda.

go with the manual tranny. you'll be fine.

06-23-2008, 11:58 AM
You are completely right about the Speed3, but I made sure to say Mazda3 and not Mazdaspeed3. :) Trust me, I felt the difference when I first got into the Speed3.

I was talking about the regular mazda 3 not my car lol. I've driven MZ3 5M many times. The regular 3's tanny is still notchier then a lot of other competitors (rabbit, golf, gti, civic, corolla those are the only compacts i've driven in stick) Some of these cars mentioned have longer throws, but the gears just glide in and its much easier to find for newbies. The mz3 clutch is very smooth but not as forgiving as the other cars i've mentioned. After a while you'll get used to it and be smooth, but I'm just saying in terms of ease to drive, driving feedback. I'd rate the mazda3 manual tranny as average/below average. Diffculty for newbies to drive: 6.5/10

The speed3 is a just a different animal, car magazines says the clutch is more jerky then lancer evo. I let my friend who has a 350z drive my car & she was surpised how light & catchy my clutch is and couldn't drive it well.

07-09-2008, 12:35 AM
I dun think you will kill the car, take it easy at the beginning and don't try to do heel toe or rev match the first day. Like most things, take it one step at a time and I think you will enjoy manual in no time!

I find the mz3 clutch to be rather forgiving. It is a little notchy but the throw is relatively short compared to other cars in its class.

07-09-2008, 12:39 AM
automatic rocks.

07-09-2008, 12:52 AM
I love manuals... I dont think I will be getting another auto for a while. It's easy to learn though, just takes some practice and your golden. There are obviously advantages and disadvantages... I like manual because you have a little more control of the car and when you need to punch it, you know its coming and can shift immediately for that extra kick, where autos have a lag time for the kick-down to work. However, if you are a "multi-tasker" as many of us are, then stick just throws in one more thing to play with behind the wheel.

I have spent MANY hours behind the wheel in stop and go traffic with my manual, and have no complaints. It just becomes natural, so if you want to get that little extra zoom zoom out of your car, go for the stick ;)

07-09-2008, 07:22 AM
My wife and I are picking up a new Red Copper Mazda3 GS later today. My wife had been pretty much decided to get a Manual. But when my wife mentioned it to her Physiotherepist (My wife get sever back pain every once in a while), the physiotherepist said that the effort to use the clutch would be very difficult in the weeks after a back pain attack. So we opted for the automatic. It's going to be her car, so...

Just our thoughts in case someone else is in that situation.


07-09-2008, 07:41 AM
Hey, I'm picking up a mazda3 sedan this week, manual transmission, the thing is i don't have too much experience driving a standard car, u think i'll kill the transmission? and how's the traction on the mazda3 in the snow, any thoughts?

So? Howz the new ride and how are you doing with the stick?.......any funny smells :chuckle ...j/k.


07-09-2008, 08:17 AM
Standard all the way... wouldn't have it any other way.

07-09-2008, 08:41 AM
5spd FTW

07-09-2008, 08:44 AM
Pffft... 6 speed FTW...LOL

Nova 3 GT
07-09-2008, 08:46 AM
5spd auto FTW! :chuckle

07-09-2008, 08:56 AM
As others have said, the manual tranny will be much more fun to drive (I wouldn't worry about stop and go) and will get the most out of the limited amount of power in the MZ3. On the flip side, if you have kids or if your significant other doesn't drive manual, an automatic might be the way to go. You will pay more for an auto but will get some of that money back when you sell it.

I know it's tough, but I'd just go out and drive one of each and see which one you like better.

07-09-2008, 10:21 AM
I run an automatic and I'm really happy with it. The Manual mode is very good compared to most.


I would still prefer to have a manual, if the driving experience is your thing, and occasionally like to drive a little more spirited, manual is your choice.

07-09-2008, 10:23 AM
Old thread. Same stuff. (Link also at bottom of page.)

07-09-2008, 11:06 AM
Personally, I got a Auto. While I wanted to learn Manual, I was at the time planning a big trip where others might need to drive my car and I do a lot of longer trips like that where it's good to change drivers. As such, didn't want to have people not drive just because I have a manual so I went with auto. I find it enjoyable enough though I wouldn't mind trying Manual one of these days lol...

07-15-2008, 07:02 PM
Mine is an auto but when my daughter goes for her lessons when she turns 16, she will learn on standard. That way she can teach me :)

Also, that wont be for another 3 years as she turns 13 this Friday and is already counting the days to her driving lessons.

07-16-2008, 12:05 AM
think about it. its what 1100 for an automatic. plus standard is alot more fun and cheaper on gas then an ATX. i cant drive an automatic worth shit anymore. i drove my friends 98 honda civic which is an automatic and i drove it from niagra all the way back to rockwood. and i hated it. everytime i wanted to hit the clutch and he noticed that. plus ur not as bored. although if you are in traffic a standard does suck (2:30am on the 401 mad traffic going towards toronto from guelph as they are paving the roads. grrrrr)but i love it and wont ever buy another auto