View Full Version : Product reviews for Black Mica's

06-25-2008, 11:52 PM
Well i just got some products from Eshine today so it was time to give the ride a nice clean since I have been using the car for renos lately.....decided to try and repair some stone chips too ( not fun )

So heres what I got,

Ricardo CLay
Menzerna Finishing Glaze PO 115C
Opti Seal
Poli Seal
Optimum Instant Detail

And some micro fiber towels (absolutley awesome)

Heres what I thought of the products so far

So I clayed the car with the Ricardo Clay first you get 3 large pieces each individually wrapped...I broke one in half to start, this stuff is great is extremely easy to work and rework and wow is it sticky (had to pry it off my hand a few times)

Then went over it with Menzernafinishing glaze to get out or fill any swirls ( not sure if this was overkill kaval or any detailer feel free to let me know) and it went on very easy by hand and came out easy as I didnt have to use much elbow grease.....at firt look the shine was already nice almost wanted to stop but on I went.

Then moved onto applying Opti Seal.....this seemed a little harder to go on as spreading it by hand with an applicator did not appear even at first as it was difficult to spread even thought its not a paste but thicker than NXT 2.0...it seemed to keep begging for more product, however once the applicator was work in and damp the process became easier.

Removal however was a breeze it buffed out quite easily and gave a nice wet look.

Then on to the Opti Seal, this is by far the easiest top coat I have ever done, a simple mist...and I do mean mist worked in with a microfiber towel goes along way, you can instantly tell if you put on too much when your working it in.

I have done 2 applications letting the first sit for 2 hours before aplying the second coat ( minus the boot as it got late )

Will finish the second coat in the morning and post some pics provided it doesnt rain.

Cant wait to see it in full sun as it should look nice and wet with the opti seal....I will give a final grade after the second coat is done and pics are up.


06-26-2008, 09:41 AM
Thanks for the review im gonna give my Black mica a nice wax this weekend il take some of your advice

06-26-2008, 11:32 PM
Best of Luck Rally,

Unfortunatley no pics as the weather had other plans.........but its uspposed to be nice tommorow so Ill try then after some touch ups.....I really hate the weather this year.

06-27-2008, 05:53 PM
As promised the pics are here.

Had to do sme touch ups due to the rain on thursday with the drive into work, so i gave it a quick detail with the Optimum Spray Detailer (which they recommend putting on after Opti Seal cures) and then followed it up with a 3rd layer of Opti Seal and some quick touch up on the tires and rims with meguirs Gild Class tire shine ( love the smell of this )

I have to say to complete the review all the Optimum products were great and the beading of rain from the Opti Seal is the best I have seen on my car so far and the wet look it provides is excellent would higly recommend this to any member.






06-27-2008, 10:04 PM
Wow That is Soo Mint Thats Show room Clean Wow.... this weekend im on it =)