View Full Version : Mazda of Toronto Service Review

07-02-2008, 12:57 PM
Its odd that my original recount of my service experience at MoT was totally removed, not just locked, without a trace. Anyway, this is the basic jist of what happened when I tried to bring the car in for the GT shock sensor recall:

- Brought car into MoT on a Saturday @ 9AM on recommendation from service advisor (Ali) that it was a lengthy procedure, and to be prepared for a wait of 4-6 hours. I waited until 1:30-2PM, and was told by Ali that everything was done, and there were no problems. He literally pushed me by my shoulder to go get cashed out for an oil change, which I wasn't supposed to pay for anyway.

- I noticed when I got home that on the back of the invoice, it said in tiny hand-written letters "shock sensor not working, have customer come back"

- More concerned than disturbed that the sensor wasn't working, I called Ali back and inquired why I wasn't told the sensor wasn't working when I left when he told me "it was working". He simply got irate with me and repeated "whats your problem, is no big deal" and told me to book another appointment. I did so, but I expressed my concerns to both the service manager and Jeff. Jeff didn't really have anything to do with this, but did tell me to avoid Ali, since there were a growing list of irate calls about him. The service manager didn't really say or do anything out of the ordinary, and simply told me to book another appointment.

- I came in the following Saturday, again 9AM in the morning. I dropped off the keys with another service advisor, Kay, and was told that it'd take 1-3 hours for them to correct the issue. Here's where the "great customer service" kicked in. At 12PM (3 hours after I dropped off the car), I asked Kay to see if my car was done or not. I was told "no", but it should be soon.
I checked in at 1PM, and again, was told "no, its almost done".

- I checked in with Ali this time, since Kay was busy, and he just blew me off. He said he was "too busy to check" even though I waited my turn in line, and even let people pass me in line, so that i'd have his undivided attention. I asked more firmly three more times, and with each time he got
progressively less and less responsive - to the point where he just looked beyond me, saw no customers, and proceeded to start typing something on his computer, and call up customers about their bill - Totally ignoring me!!

- At this point, it was close to 2PM. I asked Kay, who was then free, if she could check the status of the car for me. She said "sure" and disappeared to the back area for 20 minutes. When she came back to the service counter, I approached her area and saw that she was putting a pack of ciggarettes back into her desk. When I asked her if she found out about my car, she looked shocked and just said "Huh? Oh yeah... Uhh... No, its not ready." So it seems she went for a smoke, and totally forgot about my request.

- I checked in with the dynamic duo again at 2:30PM, and this time both of them proceed to ignore me. Looking them straight in the eye, face to face, they just looked beyond me, made busy work, and spoke with mechanics that floated in and out of the area.

- At this point, i'm pretty disturbed with the level of HORRID service i've been experiencing. I asked to receptionist to speak with the service manager, but instead of coming out of his office to greet me, he went straight to the workshop floor and started talking/tampering with the work going on at my car. It took him another 20 minutes to actually come to talk to me.

- I raised my concerns about how inaccurate and painful the service process was, and how poorly I was treated by the service advisors, but was met with an obviously embelished "Oooh. I'll have to look into it. Thank you for raising your concerns with me."

So there you have it. About 11 hours of my time spent being tossed around with the most discourteous service i've ever encountered. Not even an appology. I wasn't looking for offers of free oil changes or anything, just a sincere acknowledgement that a wrong has been done, and that something just might be done about it. I've filed a formal complaint with Mazda of Canada over the phone, but in all likelihood, it'll go on deaf ears since its been a few months and nothings been done about it.

Cardinal Fang
07-02-2008, 01:11 PM

Please express your concerns to the owner. I've said before I had only one run in with Ali and I didn't like the way I was treated. I complained to the owner and he was very sympathetic to my plight. He assured me he would look into his behavior.

07-02-2008, 01:13 PM
How many screw-ups is this person allowed to have before they kick him off. Geez, I'll probably avoid MoT when it's time for my service schedule.

07-02-2008, 01:18 PM
That guy needs to get kicked out the door!!! MOT and other MOT employees are getting bad reps because of this idiot! :flaming

For future reference to ANYONE going to MOT, DO NOT USE ALI AS A SERVICE ADVISOR!!!

Cardinal Fang
07-02-2008, 01:24 PM
I recommend that if anyone has a problem that they put it in writing and mail it to the owner c/o of the dealership. When the owner gets complaints in writing they are more likely to take it seriously because they think it comes from the general public rather than a car club. Not that they shouldn't take our concerns seriously but it's the nature of the beast.

Takes 5 min to write and leave your contact number where you can be reached. One or two letters of complaint may be considered a single incident. After five you can't help but think it's a pattern of behavior. Ali's biggest problem is his attitude.

Cardinal Fang
07-02-2008, 01:36 PM
Done. No apology necessary. If you'd been a newbie Broli would have "torn you a new one."


07-02-2008, 05:19 PM
Done. No apology necessary. If you'd been a newbie Broli would have "torn you a new one."


:whoa :chuckle
Thanks for the heads up about writing a letter. I haven't done any searching, but i'll assume the information can be found on the MoT website? I guess calling Mazda of Canada doesn't do much at all :P

07-02-2008, 05:35 PM
I'm a little concerned. I do not want to deal with either Kay or Ali. Please tell me that neither are working on July 18 at 11:00 am when I will be there


07-02-2008, 05:45 PM
I couldn't tell ya. Apparently there is 1 more service advisor thats been "ok", but a good number of people have switched to different dealerships now.

07-02-2008, 05:55 PM
I'm a little concerned. I do not want to deal with either Kay or Ali. Please tell me that neither are working on July 18 at 11:00 am when I will be there


I'm sure if Jeff knows you're coming you'll have Vincent look after you. :)

Ask him just to make sure.

07-02-2008, 06:51 PM
Yeah Vicent is a great guy to deal with!

07-02-2008, 06:58 PM
Only time I was there, I felt comfortable talking to him and meeting Flipdady :) Now to meet The Biz

07-02-2008, 07:19 PM
Its odd that my original recount of my service experience at MoT was totally removed, not just locked, without a trace. Anyway, this is the basic jist of what happened when I tried to bring the car in for the GT shock sensor recall:

The thread was not removed or deleted. No one on the mod team would ever do that. :loco

Your experience is documented here:




07-02-2008, 07:34 PM
Jeff, told me to deal with vincent only as well.

How do I ensure that vince is the only one looking at my car jeff?
I only need to come in for a routine yearly rust check, and would prefer if as little of my time is wasted on these villains named ali and kay.

And jeff sorry, my friend decided to go with a dealership closer to home for him.
sorry about the trouble.

07-02-2008, 07:40 PM
Jeff, told me to deal with vincent only as well.

How do I ensure that vince is the only one looking at my car jeff?
I only need to come in for a routine yearly rust check, and would prefer if as little of my time is wasted on these villains named ali and kay.

PM sent

And jeff sorry, my friend decided to go with a dealership closer to home for him.
sorry about the trouble.

That is quite okay, I can't sell what I don't have... in fact I will be talking to him after he picks up his car.

07-02-2008, 08:16 PM
The thread was not removed or deleted. No one on the mod team would ever do that.

I know for a fact I had a complete post in one place though. I did some searching this morning but couldn't find it anymore. I'm not saying someone intentionally deleted it, and who knows whats going on with the forum database, but it did disappear.

Yeah Vicent is a great guy to deal with!

I did deal with Vincent once on the phone, and he seemed like a decent guy. Its the rest of the outfit you need to look out for.

Oh Jeff, could I still get a copy of that invoice from you for that day? I still want to make sure that I have my maintainance
records complete, and I wasn't given a copy of the invoice when I left. Thanks!

07-02-2008, 08:48 PM
I am looking forward to coming down on the 18th which happens to be my Daughters 13th birthday. She wonders if there are any diecast cars for sale? Maybe I will get her one as a surprise :)

07-02-2008, 09:40 PM
I know for a fact I had a complete post in one place though. I did some searching this morning but couldn't find it anymore. I'm not saying someone intentionally deleted it, and who knows whats going on with the forum database, but it did disappear.

Did not happen, when a thread is deleted, it leaves a trail and the database has been secure and operating soundly for about a year.

Oh Jeff, could I still get a copy of that invoice from you for that day? I still want to make sure that I have my maintainance
records complete, and I wasn't given a copy of the invoice when I left. Thanks!

Just give Vincent a call, I am sure he will fax it to you.

07-02-2008, 10:42 PM
It's sad that service at MoT is always so 'busy", that they can't make the appointments that they schedules... and they value their time so highly.

But they dont give a shit about your time, expecting you to make a new appointment because they couldn't finish or deal with the stuff in your initial one.

07-03-2008, 12:29 AM
Did not happen, when a thread is deleted, it leaves a trail and the database has been secure and operating soundly for about a year.

Just give Vincent a call, I am sure he will fax it to you.

I'm not going to argue the point but anyway, any idea if Vincent is in tomorrow?

07-03-2008, 09:54 AM
any idea if Vincent is in tomorrow?


Just give Vincent a call, I am sure he will fax it to you.

07-03-2008, 11:55 AM
Thats great, thanks for the clarification.

10-11-2013, 11:50 AM
This dealer location is a nightmare. I bought my first Mazda last August 2013. Upon signing i was promised that I will have the car delivered within one week that became 3 weeks. Finally the car was ready for picked up, upon inspections some additional stuff i want and paid for were missing. As promised by the dealer they will contact me and will let me know when this will happen. After a few back and forth phone calls I came to a conclusion that nothing will happen. After a letter of complaint sent to the manager they finally contact us with a solution.

Verdict with this Mazda location : Skip it if you do not want a headache!

*** Poor customer service

10-11-2013, 12:14 PM
This dealer location is a nightmare. I bought my first Mazda last August 2013. Upon signing i was promised that I will have the car delivered within one week that became 3 weeks. Finally the car was ready for picked up, upon inspections some additional stuff i want and paid for were missing. As promised by the dealer they will contact me and will let me know when this will happen. After a few back and forth phone calls I came to a conclusion that nothing will happen. After a letter of complaint sent to the manager they finally contact us with a solution.

Verdict with this Mazda location : Skip it if you do not want a headache!

*** Poor customer service

First post on the board and you decided to dig up a 5yr old thread?

Glad to hear your concerns got addressed..

Wasn't me.