View Full Version : Forum upgrade/enhancements

07-03-2008, 03:52 AM
Looks like there's been some enhancements made to the forum. (Surprisingly I don't think it's been mentioned yet)
The drop down listing of the "Private Messages" link (if you have an unread message) is pretty cool.
I see that threads have tags now and I can add up to two tags. Wow, hope this doesn't get abused (ie. see tag of this thread below) :)

Anyway, thanks for the upgrades.

07-03-2008, 08:50 AM
Looks like there's been some enhancements made to the forum. (Surprisingly I don't think it's been mentioned yet)
The drop down listing of the "Private Messages" link (if you have an unread message) is pretty cool.
I see that threads have tags now and I can add up to two tags. Wow, hope this doesn't get abused (ie. see tag of this thread below) :)

Anyway, thanks for the upgrades.

x2 +1... i made a social network because i can but i have no idea what it is lol :chuckle

07-03-2008, 10:42 AM
I see that threads have tags now and I can add up to two tags. Wow, hope this doesn't get abused (ie. see tag of this thread below) :)

Anyway, thanks for the upgrades.

I doubt the tags will be misused... the useless ones will be deleted. :)

My fav upgrade:

Make your own album.... Woo hoo.


07-03-2008, 10:45 AM
My fav enhancement so far: Upgrade killed the SPAM deluge.