View Full Version : MazdaSpeed HPDE - BeaveRun, PA - gauging interest

07-03-2008, 06:23 PM
Hey there everyone,

I'm a regular over at torontomazda6.com

A good friend of mine from the 'States asked if I could spread the word and gauge interest about a possible Mazda/MazdaSpeed sponsored HPDE at BeaveRun Raceway in Pennsylvania (~ 5 hour drive from T.O).

In short:
The track web site: www.beaverun.com

The event will be sponsored by Mazdaspeed, and for (an estimated) cost of $150 USD you will get

- in car and class room instruction,
- 1 1/2 hours of track time each day,
- breakfast and lunch as well for both days
- an event shirt.
- camping will be available at the track

For instructors, Mazda will be looking to invite:
- Chip Herr
- Michael Galati
- Charles Espenlaub
- Jason Saini
- Sylvain Tremblay, Nick Ham and others :)

The event is tentative at the moment, as 150 drivers are needed to make this happen. The organizers feel that they have around 75-100 from the U.S. that they can count on, but they'll need more.

To quote organizers: "Whether the car is modded or not, if it is a Mazda, they can track the car".

Also, "there will more than likely be a woman's novice group as well, so they can feel comfortable tracking their cars...."

It would be a great opportunity to get instruction from REAL pros who race Mazda's full time!

The proposed date is October 11-12, 2008.

Anyone interested?

Please pass this along to any Mazda owners that you may know.



07-03-2008, 06:58 PM
If non speed owners would be invited(event is being put on by Mazdaspeed), then I would be interested.

07-03-2008, 07:37 PM
I don't think this will be an exclusive event... =)

Let's have a good showing from the TO! I'm definitely interested...

Big Dad
07-03-2008, 08:50 PM
I am interested as well.

07-04-2008, 08:58 AM
To quote organizers: "Whether the car is modded or not, if it is a Mazda, they can track the car".

Also, "there will more than likely be a woman's novice group as well, so they can feel comfortable tracking their cars...."

A track event like this locally will cost well over $400 for 2 days. :)

1. S.F.W.
2. Fobio
3. Big Dad

07-04-2008, 09:03 AM
Yep real cheap!!!! But im just going for the t-shirt :chuckle

1. S.F.W.
2. Fobio
3. Big Dad
4. mleblond

07-04-2008, 08:45 PM
Thanks for the responses folks - I've posted this on other Mazda boards and there seems to be a few people interested.

SFW: This will be an All Mazda event, for any Mazda owners that would like to track their car, regardless if they are Speed3's, Speed6's, bone stock Mazda 6's (like me!), 30 year old RX-3's or state-of-the-art touring cars.

And I'm sure spectators will be more than welcome as well. The track looks amazing with lots of great sight-lines for photo-ops.

I've had a chance to meet and chat with a few of the drivers mentioned above. They are really fantastic people who love to share knowledge (at least to a point anyway :) ) ...they're car nuts just like us...

Having one of them ride shotgun and pass on a few pointers will be the best performance bang-for-the-buck I'll ever spend!

07-07-2008, 11:53 AM
If anyone is looking for a road trip idea, I think this will be great...

07-07-2008, 01:00 PM
Don't know if this will affect anyone's decision or not, but that MAY be around Thanksgiving, I'm not sure. Just something to keep in mind.

07-07-2008, 01:25 PM
Road trip sounds good....have a TEAM TM3 presence would be cool!

07-11-2008, 08:09 PM
Hi guys - here's a quick update. Things are looking very good for this event!

Guys, the event is happening...

We will having the event, Pirelli is on board and will be having free giveaways, including a set of tires as well. C-PE will be donating prizes and I am meeting with HAWK next week to see what they are going to add to the mix. Mazdaspeed Motorsports have okayed my budget for food already. Here are the particulars

When: October 11-12, 2008

Where:BeaveRun Motorsports Complex (www.beaverun.com)

Time: TBD gates open @ 7:00AM

Cost: $150 (tentative) I don't expect this to change, but it could.

What I need is a list of all of the owners who are serious about attending the event. I am working on lodging and caping is available @ the track. fo $20.00 for the weekend. so if you can start a list, so I can show all my numbers to the sponsors and to Mazdaspeed Motorsports, that would be great!

As always I appreciate all of our friends in GTA, for stepping up, we will always take care of you guys when you are here.


07-11-2008, 11:19 PM
I'd be interested in this if it happens. Sounds like fun. Specially since it's open to anyone and I won't feel too bad having a stock MZ3.

07-11-2008, 11:39 PM
Burnsey - Just thought of something. Assuming everything goes down. You said you needed 150 drivers. Does this mean drivers and their car...or 150 people total wanting to participate? IE if I have a friend that would want to go and I let him drive my car for it. Or what if a friend wants to go but not drive and just watch/take photos?

I'd totally be interested in this as it sounds both fun and informative. Also a good way to see the limits of my new car. Though I know nothing about cars in relation to on track stuff so I wouldn't have the first clue about "setup" before hand, I'm sure closer to the date I could figure stuff out.

Will totally keep track of this thread. :pop

07-12-2008, 12:00 AM
Thanks for the update Burnsey!

Iceman_F1...add yourself to the list!

07-12-2008, 12:15 AM
Hey Iceman - thanks for posting.

The organziers were looking for "100-150 people" to participate...meaning, if you had two drivers to one car, that would count as 2 people.

Last I heard, things were looking very good in terms of numbers, so I think they'll be OK. I'm not sure how they'll handle/charge people for mulitple drivers in one car, but I'm sure they will have that in mind.

As for spectators/photographers, I'm sure that will be totally OK with that. If there is any admission fee for that at all, it would be small.

And as for being new to tracking - I'm on the same bus as you! I've Autocrossed a couple of times, but this will be a whole new thing. There will be lots of folks there to help out ;)

07-12-2008, 12:19 AM
It's on my calendar....pretty pumped to see 150 mazda's :)

07-12-2008, 01:13 AM
I wonder if Cobb might show up too? ;)

07-12-2008, 08:16 AM
I guess this is the "official" way to add myself to the list? Still a bit new to the way things run here lol

1. S.F.W.
2. Fobio
3. Big Dad
4. mleblond
5. Iceman_F1

And thanks Burnsey for answering the questions. That's kinda what I thought. The good news is as long as nothing major happens between now and then, I at least should be in. I have a couple other car friends...one who is a photographer that I wouldn't mind lending my car to if they were interested in going. But obviously, nothing set in stone with that.

Looking forward to this...We should do a crusie or two (depending how many people go) to get down there lol

07-22-2008, 01:00 AM
1. S.F.W.
2. Fobio
3. Big Dad
4. mleblond
5. Iceman_F1
6. Fuman

Q: which track configuration?
Q: Just to confirm, non-mazda vehicles cannot participate in this event.

Looking forward to this...We should do a crusie or two (depending how many people go) to get down there lol
Agreed, I got no GPS. And I don't plan on getting one

07-22-2008, 06:35 AM
Agreed, I got no GPS. And I don't plan on getting one

I have one so as long as it doesn't make stupid changes, I should be good XD

07-22-2008, 09:08 AM
Fuman! Good to have you onboard...TM3 reprezent!

Any ideas/suggestions on accomodations?

07-22-2008, 03:08 PM
Is there a site with rules and a place to register? I'd be interested if I could take my miata.

07-22-2008, 03:31 PM
Is there a site with rules and a place to register? I'd be interested if I could take my miata.

You can always pm Burnsey (http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/member.php?u=5251) but I think it's still too early to register/pay. I got my calendar booked and waiting for feedback. Would be nice to see this list grow a little more :)

Hey Marsh, i think I saw you at an event in picton. This was a couple months ago for a regional solo 2 event. I had the black speed and you were riding the miata with all the cocky racing guy decals...

07-23-2008, 11:40 AM
Since we officially acknowledge that dealers read our threads, how about some GTA dealers pony up some $$$ to sponsor our run to BeaveRun? We'll definitely make you guys proud!

I'm sure Matt/mleblond would be interested in cutting you guys a deal on vinyls if you sponsor us...

1. S.F.W.
2. Fobio
3. Big Dad
4. mleblond
5. Iceman_F1
6. Fuman
7. Marsh

07-23-2008, 12:09 PM
Since we officially acknowledge that dealers read our threads, how about some GTA dealers pony up some $$$ to sponsor our run to BeaveRun? We'll definitely make you guys proud!

I'm sure Matt/mleblond would be interested in cutting you guys a deal on vinyls if you sponsor us...

1. S.F.W.
2. Fobio
3. Big Dad
4. mleblond
5. Iceman_F1
6. Fuman
7. Marsh

Sure will, I don't have a problem with that! :)

Would be nice to have some pull out tents for the cars/rain!? I know some dealers have some they could lend.

07-27-2008, 09:14 PM
Hey folks - thought I would update the thread.

Fuman - yes it's a "Mazda only" event. So anything on track will need to be a Mazda product. As for track config, I don't know at the moment, but I'll ask.

Marsh - Miata's are always welcome. If this takes off a little more, I'll likely post something on the CASC site as well.

I know the organizers just finished a BIG Mazda 6 corral at the Mid-Ohio Speed World Challenge race last weekend, so they may not have had time to devote to this. So while I don't have any specific new info, as soon as I do I'll post up here.

Glad to see some interest!

07-27-2008, 09:35 PM
when is the deadline for registration?
I'll bring it up with my boss a week or so before the deadline
I do not want to ask sooner because I get the later I ask, I can predict my work load at that time easier.

My estimate of cost:
voiding warranty: priceless
gas: $100 (to get there and back) + $50 on the track
Fees: $150
Transmission service: $100
Engine oil change to synthetic ($60)
total: $460 + wear on pads/tires.
hmmmmm.... gotta find a sponsor...

08-10-2008, 08:00 PM
any updates?

08-11-2008, 12:41 PM
Howdy folks - nothing 100% yet, but I did see this about a week ago:
Well, here is the latest update, we are looking to have a dealer contribute some cash for the track. We are also looking for some associate sponsors, which, I already have contacted a few.

I am also going to be contacting a few of the teams to see if their major sponsors will be able to lend a hand as well and possibly see if WC Vision will want to get involved as well.

We are going to try and have this wrapped up by the end of this month and proceed from there. We've had a lot of positive feedback and interest from all over the Mid-West, Northeast and East Coast as well.

So, I will have another update for you soon, as we are getting the ball rolling for you guys.

The fine, fine folks who are organizing this will hopefully be able to make it to the Speed World Challenge race at Mosport next weekend. If I hear anything more, I'll be sure to post up.

08-11-2008, 03:30 PM
The fine, fine folks who are organizing this will hopefully be able to make it to the Speed World Challenge race at Mosport next weekend. If I hear anything more, I'll be sure to post up.

argh.... i'll be at the cottage... =(

09-08-2008, 11:41 AM
1 month later any updates?

09-08-2008, 11:48 AM
1 month later any updates?


09-10-2008, 12:28 PM
Well guys, got some bad news :(


Thanks for showing interest - if something pops up I'll be sure to start a new thread.

Lots of good AutoX this weekend: HADA annnnd Twin Lakes on Sunday...anyone going?