View Full Version : Overfilling gas, spillage on paint...
07-04-2008, 12:21 PM
Hey guys,
Just wanted to see if anyone knew what to do in this situation. I filled up at Esso this morning (mistake #1) and trusted the pump to actually stop when the tank was full (mistake #2), not when it wants to. A little gas overflowed out of the spout and onto my paint directly under the gas-lid area. I wiped off the excess and put the car through a carwash, and went home and waxed the area. Is that enough?
07-04-2008, 12:32 PM
You should be fine with that.
07-04-2008, 12:33 PM
I would say that's enough. As long as you washed it off well. I would have pressure sprayed in between the cracks of the fuel door to make sure water goes inside. Or alternatively, use a quick detail spray on the areas that a carwash can't reach and wipe dry. The damage results from leaving the gas sitting on the paint for a long period of time.
The pump really should have just stopped when full. =(
07-04-2008, 12:43 PM
Yeah, I hate that esso station, but I was running close to E. Thankfully though, I took it through the carwash within 3 minutes of the spilling, and theres plenty of high-pressure water... I hope that blasted the gas off before I waxed it :S
07-04-2008, 01:50 PM
You should be fine as cwp said aslong as you got it off quick, that's another reason though to make sure your car is always properly waxed, that'll give it enough protection till you can clean it off, but also a good reason why I always carry a couple of MF towels and some wax detailer in the car just for instances like that or bird droppings etc;
Wild Weasel
07-04-2008, 02:07 PM
Does gasoline even damage car paint?
07-04-2008, 02:22 PM
yeah i have had overspill more than once in the 2 years i've owned this car and I just wipe it off and haven't noticed anything
07-04-2008, 02:24 PM
I wax my car "relatively" often, so i'm hoping no perm. damage was done. That said, gas has properties similar to paint-thinner, so my guess is that it would damage the paint.
07-04-2008, 02:58 PM
what i normally do is I use the crappy squeegies there and use that nasty water to dilute the gasoline. It happens to me some times. and Esso is good. I notice more mileage using esso than i do petro
07-04-2008, 03:07 PM
Similar thread.
07-04-2008, 03:07 PM
Really? I remember a while back, they did a study on the sulphur content of major gas stations and Esso was apparently the worst. I just use Petro b/c its close and I collect the petro points for winter car washes...
07-04-2008, 03:11 PM
MGM to the rescue :P
I think the worst gas would do would be stripping of the wax in that area... but as long as you wipe it off , re-wax that area.. it's should be good
Don't worry about it, you did way more then enough, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
07-04-2008, 04:13 PM
it happens to me almost everytime.
if i try to squeeze more in after the 1st click, it over spills.
and i havent noticed anything yet....
07-04-2008, 04:18 PM
Don't worry about it, you did way more then enough, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I'm being cautious - lord knows I punish the car enough without adding this to it :chuckle
07-04-2008, 04:27 PM
Good on ya... I keep a bottle of Quik Detailer, MF towel and clay mainly for bird poop in my glove compartment... but Quik Detailer would be great to remove the gas spill should it ever happen.. I'm usually very careful with mine now.
07-04-2008, 06:18 PM
Love the thread MGM posted. Toke the time to read it and love Chuckie's comment haha :)
07-04-2008, 10:45 PM
Love the thread MGM posted. Toke the time to read it and love Chuckie's comment haha :)
i missed that thread before...LOL
07-04-2008, 11:56 PM
Really? I remember a while back, they did a study on the sulphur content of major gas stations and Esso was apparently the worst. I just use Petro b/c its close and I collect the petro points for winter car washes...
u car for ur paint and u use automatic car washes :)?
07-05-2008, 01:14 AM
Good on ya... I keep a bottle of Quik Detailer, MF towel and clay mainly for bird poop in my glove compartment...
How'd you get bird poop in your glove compartment??
I've done the over fill splash a handful of times. I usually wax the area a little extra to restore some proctection. Should do the trick.
07-05-2008, 10:31 PM
u car for ur paint and u use automatic car washes :)?
It was a touch-free, no rail wash :P
07-05-2008, 10:51 PM
I accidentally do in about once a month with drippy pumps. I keep a bottle of quick detailler and microfiber cloths in my hatch hidden compartment just for this reason, and bird shit...
07-11-2008, 01:51 PM
People think I'm nuts that I carry the quick detailer and MF towel in my trunk.
what i normally do is I use the crappy squeegies there and use that nasty water to dilute the gasoline. It happens to me some times. and Esso is good. I notice more mileage using esso than i do petro
Don't use the crappy squeegie at the gas station especially on your paint. On your windshield is ok. They are called "crappy' for a reason. You can potentially gash the paint if there any dirt, sand or rocks on the squeegiee or in the water.
07-11-2008, 02:23 PM
maybe you were trying to put in more gas after the handle has clicked. :chuckle you'll be fine don't worry. if you wipe it off right away, chances are it's going o be gone after your next car wash. i think you just overreacted to the situation but can't blame you if you didn't know :chuckle
07-12-2008, 10:09 AM
I wouldn't underestimate this at all!, especially after my last semi-detail.
I am very careful when filling my tank but once in awhile there have been slight spills, which I have wiped off immediately and touched up with a quick detailer as mentioned in my earler post...But recently I decided to strip most wax from the vehicle, and then I used some 3M hand Glaze on her before my wax, now after using the Hand Glaze, which did an awesome job (and will bring out imperfections) and under inspection, I could see stain marks where the gas had spilled!!:whoa ..this could only mean that in the short period of time that the gas was there and I mean minutes, it had managed to work thru the top layer of wax into possibly the clearcoat :bang
Mind you another coat of hand glaze and then the wax coat eliminated the problem.But it just goes to show how badly petro can infiltrate your paint coatings and waxes in such a short time!
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