View Full Version : 2 Months old, someone hit my car already

07-06-2008, 11:08 AM
Hey guys,
So I park my car on my friends street and leave to go play soccer. I come back and my friends aunt comes out saying someone backed into my car and left. She said someone saw it though and left his name and number. I waited around for the people to come back and even they though they were denying it, the first thing I saw was white scratches on this guys bumper.

Anyways its no fault, so I have to call my insurace company on monday. Its not bad damage, i am more worried about the paint (it's CWP). Anyone had good experiences with their CWP at any bodyshops?




07-06-2008, 11:26 AM
the paint does not look all that damaged and you could probably get away with touch up. remove the 2 plastic screws in the fender liner loosen the 8mm bolt holding the bumper on the fender and pull it back a little. then simply give the bumper a slight hit by the headlight and pop it back in that way. then get some paint express person to touch it up

IMO do not go through insurance i doubt it will be worth the hassle

07-06-2008, 12:01 PM
the paint does not look all that damaged and you could probably get away with touch up. remove the 2 plastic screws in the fender liner loosen the 8mm bolt holding the bumper on the fender and pull it back a little. then simply give the bumper a slight hit by the headlight and pop it back in that way. then get some paint express person to touch it up

IMO do not go through insurance i doubt it will be worth the hassle

What is your definition of "pop it back in"? Is the fender going to POP itself back to how It was? Is the metal that soft? I am not confident in myself enough to do this...

07-06-2008, 12:11 PM
Now that you mentioned it i can see the dent you are talking about and i am pretty positive that you can pop it back out because the dent has a large surface area. like i stated earlier crank your wheel to the right remove the 2 plastic phillip screws in the inner fender liner they are right at the edge were the bumper meets the liner. then pull the liner back far enough so you can get your hand in there and apply pressure to the dent and it should pop right out. then to straighten the bumper take an 8 mm socket loosen the screw holding the bumper in to the fender. pull the inner fender liner back and you will see the bolt i am talking about. simply pull the bumper back you will here slightly unpleasant noises because the clips are releasing the bumper. realign bumper and snap back in to place with firm pressure from your hands and put back all the screws

07-06-2008, 12:23 PM
:whoa Wow such a crappy situation i feel for you...go with McGuyer suggestion I'm sure it'll work. Good luck!

07-06-2008, 01:05 PM
Hey guys,
So I park my car on my friends street and leave to go play soccer. I come back and my friends aunt comes out saying someone backed into my car and left. She said someone saw it though and left his name and number. I waited around for the people to come back and even they though they were denying it, the first thing I saw was white scratches on this guys bumper.

Anyways its no fault, so I have to call my insurace company on monday. Its not bad damage, i am more worried about the paint (it's CWP). Anyone had good experiences with their CWP at any bodyshops?

I'd report it to a collision centre then go insurance, It's your new car, for someone to deny what they did:flaming, I'd just put it to them behind their back have the police deal with a hit and run, I'm sure you have their plate number.

You having those pictures as evidence, and the witness, you'll get them charged. Of course you could be nice and tell the people who hit you first.

McG's suggestion is good if you know what you're doing, touch-up doesn't look good.

07-06-2008, 03:45 PM
I have to disagree with you Ken, the touch up guy we use does flawless work you wouldnt be able to tell that it has been repaired he is so precise and it looks amazing

07-06-2008, 03:54 PM
Oouch ... i feel sorry for you and your car, good luck fixing your car after following Mcguyver instruction, i never done it but i think his right ... i hope it goes well

07-06-2008, 03:59 PM
I have to disagree with you Ken, the touch up guy we use does flawless work you wouldnt be able to tell that it has been repaired he is so precise and it looks amazing

Exactly, "touch up guy we use...", while you're telling him how to do it. I'm sure he's not expert, as are you or I. Or are you suggesting hiring someone to do it instead of going through insurance?(money out of his pocket?)

What is your definition of "pop it back in"? Is the fender going to POP itself back to how It was? Is the metal that soft? I am not confident in myself enough to do this...

I mean, I use touch-up on my car for dings and paint chips. My car is now almost 4years old now. His is 2 months old... and he has someone at fault(with reason as a hit and run, since the person denies hitting his car).

07-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Exactly, "touch up guy we use...", while you're telling him how to do it. I'm sure he's not expert, as are you or I. Or are you suggesting hiring someone to do it instead of going through insurance?(money out of his pocket?)

all i am telling him how to do is to remove the dent and realign his bumper on his own and suggested he get the paint scratches touched up. The touch up may only cost him lets say 100$ for the paint. but if he goes through insurance he may have to pay a deductable which would probably be hire then the 100$. I know he said he was not all that comfortable doing it but thats why i broke it down in to more descriptive actions.

07-06-2008, 04:10 PM
Here is another thing to keep in mind if your car is NOT a lease... Any accident on record (i.e. reported to collision center or insurance) will potentially reduce the resale value of your car.

07-06-2008, 05:06 PM
LOL you wouldnt even believe i'm in the exact same situation!!!! a little bit different but its almost 2 months old with 1700 km on it....some idiot decides to reverse out of their parking spot into my front right fender.....and what makes it even worse i just got my springs installed that morning....BAHH!!!! i'll post pics too

07-06-2008, 05:47 PM
lol if anyone wants to hear my story in details please read


07-06-2008, 10:12 PM
while i was talking to the guy, I called Peel Police and they told us to go in and report it. So we went and reported it. The Officer gave the guy shit for leaving the scene but since he came back its not a hit and run. The Office was super nice though, so I'll give him that.

So, tomorrow after work I will try what Mcguyver suggested and if it works, I guess maybe I'll take my car to him to have the touchups... I just hope there is no risk of the paint cracking or anything from the dent down the line. The fender has no major scratches, just a small scrape that can maybe be clayed out. Just the ginormous dent... The bumper has a nasty dig and scratch so it will need some major touchups.

Thanks for the replies guys. I was so excited to finally have a weekend off, and this just ruined it.

07-07-2008, 01:01 AM
looks like you can buff that out, wax and polish. I had similar to that on my old 04 and $700 damage, but the guy said that I could just wax and polish and it wont be noticeable.

07-07-2008, 08:34 AM
Since you already reported it, why not just get the whole fender replaced at a reputable body shop?

I'd understand trying to get it fixed yourself if you were not going through insurance, but that's not the case here.

Dan Da Man
07-07-2008, 09:09 AM
I have 2 scratches very similar to yours on each side of my rear bumper. people just dont know how to park. numpties

07-07-2008, 09:50 AM
I had something similiar happen to me last week at a wedding. I usually park a mile away from everybody but I figured the parking space was wide enough (I got the spot right next to the handicap). To my surprise, someone backed in to my car when I came out later that night. I just couldn't believe it! The distance between each lane was extremely generous. They popped out my bumper and I had a similiar scratch on the front.

I was extremely lucky and was able to pop the bumper back and buff and wax it out. If you look very closely you can see the scratch mark.

07-09-2008, 01:00 AM
If you reported it to police, they would most likely have reported it to your insurance company by now... Would you believe that the police get paid $50.00 for every report they forward to insurance companies???? Also, you are not required to go to a self-reporting centre because there is no way for the police to conduct an actual investigation??? It's all just a business. Good thing about taking it to insurance... should your fender rust where it was hit years later, it will be replaced through the claim.

07-09-2008, 12:48 PM
looks like you can buff that out, wax and polish. I had similar to that on my old 04 and $700 damage, but the guy said that I could just wax and polish and it wont be noticeable.

It'd be ok if it weren't your car, but because it's yours, you know where exactly to look for the scratches(every time you wash your car).

07-09-2008, 09:50 PM
Update: Going to get it repaired through insurance.. First claim ever, hopefully will be my last. Even though its not that bad, I can't bear to look at it.