View Full Version : 1700 km and already been hit!!!!

07-06-2008, 05:45 PM
Hey, I decided to make my own thread to get some of my frustration out seeing that another member also was hit. My car also was hit not even 2 months old yet....an idiot decided to reverse out of their parking spot and not look back as my car passed by.

This was the first accident i've ever been in so I had no idea what I was suppose to do...So I basically did what I thought I was suppose to do and tried to get the other drivers information, but here's where I started to get angry. It turned out the driver was not the owner, so I got his driver license info no problem there..but when i asked for the owners info (insurance and license) she started to give me some major attitude which did not help being that I was already pissed and trying to stay calm. She stated that it was private property (parking lot) and she did not have to give me any information at all, which is where i got confused in not too sure if that is correct or not (please someone enlighten me) but in my mind if i did not take any of her info and she left, it would technically be a hit and run please correct me if i'm wrong. So after 30 mins I finally got her insurance policy, however she said she did not have her license on her (which i believe was bs) but i was really angry and didnt care anymore i just wanted to leave. So then she runs into a restaurant with two big guys and they then try to persuade me that i dont need her info because its private property, and she grabs the paper with her info out of my hands and starts scribbling it out..(WTF) but i cant hit a girl lol. This is wear i got really pissed, i told them that they arnt leaving until i get this info, and i clearly stated that i'm trying to avoid insurance as well jsut incase my premium would go up, but it took another 30 mins until i got the info again. By this point i just didnt want to waste anymore of my time with them so i had the info i thought i needed and left. Now i'm not at home trying to figure out what im suppose to do when i get over 20 calls from them trying to persuade me some more to not go through insurance, which put me over the top again =P So final story I go to the police station fill out a report because it is clearly more than $1000 worth of damage, i then call my insurance and make the claim just because the stupid owner made such a big deal out of giving me her info. Sorry for the long read but im still clearly a little angry. :rant

Here is a pic of the front fender and wheel, i dont have any other the rest. The damage actually goes a little further to the side of the front bumper, the front right fender, front passenger door, and rear fender when i tried to swerve away they ended up clipping my rear because they still didnt stop!


07-06-2008, 06:09 PM
Ouch, that's a lot of damage. Even got your rim...

Something similar happened to me... I really hate parking lots now, and according to my insurance the majority of accidents happen in parking lots.

You need to get the other person's information, even if it is private property. Did you get any witnesses? Too late now, but did you make sure to mention on the collision report that you were driving forward in the laneway? If so, the other person should be 100% at fault.

07-06-2008, 06:11 PM
i would of called the cops. at least see what the 911 operator would say.
and if she said,
private property = 50/50 in fault, that is not true.
I been in something similar, insurance ruled me at no fault.

07-06-2008, 06:13 PM
section 16(4) (http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/regs/english/elaws_regs_900668_e.htm) ...she is 100% at fault and your insurance premium should not be affected.

07-06-2008, 06:20 PM
Private property is only 50/50 when there are no witnesses or differing stories... I know because I went through the same exact thing a month ago.

But the car driving in the laneway has the right of way as long as it is moving forward.

07-06-2008, 07:45 PM
Thanks guys, I had two people in my car at the time...so they are my witnesses...I did say that I was in the feeder lane in my report so hopefully that will cover it.

07-06-2008, 07:48 PM
oh and there is damage to the rear of my car to that clearly shows i was moving forward as well...sigh my baby is all messed up...

07-06-2008, 07:58 PM
Unfortunately the people in your car do not count as witnesses.

But I think the damage speaks for itself.

07-06-2008, 08:05 PM
man, that sucks. Typically when I have to park in a parking lot, I park it out in some far away corner that not a lot cars park. Even if I have to walk for 5 mins, that's fine.

07-06-2008, 08:50 PM
get the persons info no questions asked, private property or not!! it falls under the ministry of transportaion act as someone may have stated earlier.

If they are reluctant and give you grief call the cops. (make sure that you are in the safety of your own vehicle and get the make model and plate number) if the driver is not the owner of the vehicle then the person who owns the car is responsible)

07-06-2008, 10:25 PM
holy smokes.. I was majorly depressed when mine got hit yesterday, and its not as bad as yours.. I feel for you brother.. Nothing like dropping 30Gs on a car and having some retard hit it a few weeks later.

07-07-2008, 12:01 AM
First thing you should have done (what I did in my first accident when it wasn't my fault) was called someone with experience (my older brother).. but that is ****ed up. What a **** trying to take advantage of you

07-07-2008, 12:04 AM
I hate stupid drivers!!! Yup would have called the cops then and there f that fool that hit you. Unfortunately I've been in this situation one to many times and all but 1 was dealt thru insurance. Luckily it was with my civic and not my 3 but even that it's a pain in the ass!! The whole scribbling the paper, no license, private property are definitely red flags! Oh well good thing you did do a report with the cops. Sorry to hear your baby got all scratched up like it did! :flaming

07-07-2008, 12:58 AM
my car is 2 month old and some idiot opened the door and hit my car and I have tiny dent with white paint in it. ****ing idiots:flaming

07-07-2008, 09:13 AM
I'm not even that mad about the damage because i know it can be replaced...its more just the time i've had to waste on these stupid people....owell thanks for the replies guys.

07-07-2008, 09:32 AM
I had my car for 3 hours when I got rear-ended, so don't feel too bad

07-07-2008, 09:33 AM
i would of called the cops. at least see what the 911 operator would say.
and if she said,
private property = 50/50 in fault, that is not true.
I been in something similar, insurance ruled me at no fault.

dont' call 911... that's for emergencies (life threatening). There are numbers to call to report accidents. I have them inputed on my cell phone in case of an accident.

07-07-2008, 11:31 AM
You wouldn't happen to be the guy I keep seeing around Mississauga that owns the 08.5 with the 04-06 wheels powder coated black?

Sorry for your luck man, its crap I know! My other 3 got hit numerous times but I was never around to witness it and the people just drove off...

If this is your first claim, you might get away without having your premium increase, best of luck.

07-07-2008, 11:59 AM
I believe I am the that guy, I havent seen any other 3's with these rims in mississauga. =P This is my first claim so I hope your right =) and to b3GS that must've sucked so much.

07-07-2008, 01:08 PM
If this happens to anyone do the following:
Get out of the car and take pics right away, be sure to get shots front and rear with the licience plates of both cars in plain view. Then take pics of the VIN numbers and write them down. This is because if the person decideds to flee (it's happened to me) you can show the cops, and if they have a fake plate you have the VIN. Once you have the pics, swap info and go from there. Generally if it's not a few scrapes on a bumper call the cops and get a report. I had a buddy take $300 to fix his bumper at the scene...ended up his frame was tweeked by about 1/4 inch. $2000 later his car is fixed and the guy who hit him is legally off the hook because my buddy took a payout.

Now here is a story to make you feel better. I had an old POS Jeep in University, I went to school in small town Quebec and the drivers and winters are bad. Around christmas time in my last year my dad was ragging on me because he felt my Jeep wasn't safe (it really wasn't, it had 300km of hard driving on it) and wanted me to lease a new car. I told him I didn't want a nice car because with my luck it will be totaled before I graduate. The next day the Jeep was in the shop and it needed $1200 in repairs...so I started looking for a car. I found a deal on leasebusters for a Protege 5, it was perfect. Now this was my 2nd car in life, and driving a car with 50,000km was a luxury as I bought my Jeep with 200,000km. Well 1 month into the car I was driving home and the girl infront of me decides she needs to make the exit, slams on the brakes and realizes the traffic next to our lane (the fast lane) wasn't going to let her in. So she stops on the highway. I slam on my brakes, I actually stop (the old jeep would have gone right through her) but the car behind me doesn't stop. A Sunfire is now in my back seat and my P5 is in the trunk of the girl who stoped. The car's totaled, my trip was ruined and I was pissed. I called my dad and he laughed because I was right all along, my new car would be totaled within a couple months. Worst part of the story, insurance on the Jeep would have payed out $3500....I sold it for $800.

07-09-2008, 12:35 AM
That really sucks. I was in a collision a week ago and the guy was trying to avoid giving me his license, but did give ownership and insurance slip (which turned out to be false), but i did get his drivers license eventually.

As for collisions in parking lots, yes, they do have to surrender their information. As for insurance deeming who is at fault, any time one person is backing up and the other is going foward, the person backing is immediately at fault. I hope you at least managed to get her plate number. The only exception for parking lots is when charges are to be laid. Because parking lots are not a highway, police cannot lay HTA charges in them. However, Criminal Code ones still apply. The other catch, having insurance is not required by law on private property, but if there is an accident, they are still responsible for the damages.

Good luck with the claim anyways.

07-09-2008, 04:14 AM
that totally sucks man. the first week i had my car i had a hit and run, same spot as the one in the pic u posted, mine just wesent as bad. so then i was stuck with a dent like urs and yellow paint. i didnt want to go through my insurance since it would be on my own insurance. so i decided to wait to get it fixed till i had more to get done since i was able to get the main dent out from the inside. good thing i did cause the lanlord where i lived in guelph put 2 huge scratches on the driver side door this winter and now hes gonna pay for the damage, and since the guy will already be mixing the paint ill get that one done at the same time.

07-09-2008, 12:52 PM
I'm sure you have a record of all the calls they made. Harassment charges??

07-09-2008, 01:09 PM
i will call the police and tell them i have been assult and life threatening and i am really scared. then that lady will get a really good lesson.

07-09-2008, 01:20 PM
LOL i'm done dealing with them. She was found 100% at fault so my deductable was waived =P but the damage was quoted at $2500 worth, thank god for insurance.

07-16-2008, 12:01 AM
about a month ago im in the stone road parking lot and i go inside to get a few cds. come back out. the car beside mine ended up scraping my bumper soo bad that the scratches are too deep and i cant get them out. now i park away from cars. unless im in a hurry then i look at the licence plate of the car im parked beside. especially if its an old clunker