View Full Version : sym-tech rust warranty

07-09-2008, 02:43 PM
I bought the 3 back in DEC 2004 from Markham Mazda
got the first rust inspection on May/June 2007
everything was fine
got the second rust inspection on May 2008
some rust on rear wheel well, and rear fender

I didn't mailed in the first inspection card to sym-tech
cause there wasn't any rust on the car
and the dealer didn't mention anything about mailing it in
and I simply didn't know

then I mailed in the second inspection card to sym-tech
about 4 weeks ago, because this time there is rust on the car and the dealer told me to mail it in.
waited for 4 weeks, no reply from sym-tech

called last week, the guy was away on vacation
and i left a msg, he called me back today
at first he was friendly asking my info, my concerns
i asked him if they got my stuff that i mailed to them
he said they have no record of my 2nd inspection
and he asked me to fax him the inspection and work order performed on the car.

so I faxed him the documents
no phone call back, decided to give him a call in the afternoon and ask if he got my fax
he said yes, then his attitude started to change
he questioned me where is my 1st inspection card
i said i have it with me, but i didn't know that i have to mail it in
then he said that I should be bringing my car in for inspection for every 2 years
and that my 1st inspection was done 2.5 years after my car was purchased

then i told him, but my car didn't have rust back then until few months ago
then he said that the dealer should put something over the car to prevent it from rusting
BUT I WAS TOLD by markham mazda that they will only do something to the car if there are rust over it
anyway, he said that i should fax him my 1st inspection card

but he sounded like my warranty with sym-tech is going to be voided or something

anyway just wanted to see if anyone experienced this before or is experiencing this situation and thoughts on this
