View Full Version : Reporting Mechanic Shop

07-14-2008, 11:46 PM
Hi All,

I got into an accident on June 18. Basically from the damage, my passenger side door and rear + the A frame . I reported it to the insurance company but I went to my mechanic as oppose to the preferred insurance mechanic.

So the mechanic estimated that it would take 30hours to fix the car and after 2 weeks, my mechanic wanted an extension but the insurance company didn't approve it.

That is when I realized my mechanic outsourced my car work to another shop. So, my mechanic had to rent a vechile for me (at his expense) and the outsourced shop promised that they'd have the car fixed by end of last week, which it didnt happen.

So I called them up last week asking why its taking soo long and they couldn't meet the deadline. All they could say was that they were busy and I asked when they'd have the car fixed by than. They then said this weds or thurs.

Anyways, reason why I'm complaining is that:
- #1, I'm scared the outsourced mechanic might swap parts off my car
- #2, its going to be a month and i'm pissed as hell

i was wondering if there is any way to report them or am i in deep water. (I tried to search around on this site and google but I wasnt fortunately to find anything. This is my first accident and first time dealing with this chaos)

But in any case, thanks for reading this thread and i hope you guys understand my story as i'm writing this with frustration :@

07-15-2008, 12:04 AM
Sounds like your between a rock and a hard place. There really isn't anything to report. Your insurance company will not back you up or cover rental fees for extended time because you chose not to take it to a preferred shop. It's a chance you take by not going to their shops. Also, your insurance company will not gaurentee the work because you didn't go to their shops. I had to send my car in twice to a shop I did not care for, and I only did it because they were the perferred shop. The original work sucked too, but I just complained to my insurance company and they sent it back to be redone hassle free, because it was their perferred shop. The work is always better the second time too, cause they know you care about your car and will have no issues making them do it over and over until it's done right.

Wild Weasel
07-15-2008, 07:45 AM
Yeah.. if you're not going to take it to one of the insurance company's preferred shop, then you've got to take responsibility for the choice you make.

I gotta ask... why the heck did you do this? I've done it because I had a shop I trusted who guaranteed their own work. But this was one of the biggest GM dealers in the country who just didn't happen to be on my insurance companies list.

What sort of place did you go to, and why would you do that?? Is it a friend of yours or something?

07-15-2008, 07:51 AM
Yeah.. if you're not going to take it to one of the insurance company's preferred shop, then you've got to take responsibility for the choice you make.

I gotta ask... why the heck did you do this? I've done it because I had a shop I trusted who guaranteed their own work. But this was one of the biggest GM dealers in the country who just didn't happen to be on my insurance companies list.

What sort of place did you go to, and why would you do that?? Is it a friend of yours or something?

well for one thing, this is my first time and i've heard a lot of stories about shady mechanics. Since i love my ride too much, i just can't really give it up to some unknown mechanic to do the work.

Second is this is my brother's friend and my friend went there often to fix his car. The only thing is, they brought it to Sunnyside Beach Auto. I've never heard of them but my mechanic said he trust them.

See the other thing is, I didn't really think these mechanic would be such jerks. I also know that the insurance company is not responsible. I was just wondering if there was some type of Consumer Reporting organization where you'd report these issues. :bang

07-15-2008, 08:41 AM
you could try calling the Better Business Bureau

07-15-2008, 08:42 AM
No, not really. Word of the mouth is the way to go. I believe there is a shops and service section on the boards where you can post negative feedback on the shop. At least this way, people see this and do not take their business to them.

07-15-2008, 08:52 AM
Is it possible that the parts are on backorder? My friend got into an accident about 2 months ago and he had to wait nearly a month for the door to arrive from Japan.

But ya, definitely take the car to the preferred shop. I nearly made that mistake when I got into my accident, but luckily I corrected it before it was too late. Also, the repairs are always faster at the preferred shop because the insurance company usually doesn't need to send out an adjuster.

07-15-2008, 12:25 PM
ouch.. sorry to hear about the troubles..

but since it's your brother's friend couldn't you bring this up with your brother too??

07-15-2008, 12:29 PM
I don't understand why your own mechanic (whom i assume you trust) did not tell you that he was outsourcing your car to another place. You seemed surprised that he did so...

You shouldn't do this unless you have first hand of hte place. I had an accident too.. it took a month for me to get my car back. and I chose to NOT go to the preferredp lace, but had some very close friends who used the place many times, and they did work for Honda etc. In the end it turned out well.

Hope you get your car back soon though and hope everything goes well with it.

07-15-2008, 05:08 PM
tho your concerns are valid, I would suggest that you not panic...

speaking from experience, I did have something like this happened before...I usually take pictures of my car right after the accident so I know/remember what needs to be fixed...also take pics of stuff you don't want touched...

I also make it a point to buy a dozen donuts and visit the ship that'll be fixing my car...it's not a bribe, but if they'd take one to not rest other car parts on my car while it's collecting dust waiting to be repaired, then why the heck not...

Also...depeeding on who it was outsourced to, esp a bodyshop, then keep in mind that these guys are LIKELY busy repairing those dented cars for insurance companies en mass (like over 100+ cars per order)...

I don't make excuses for shops, but I hope that you'll be able to approach it from a different perspective rather than just frustration and feel more confident in confronting the situation rather than be frustrated and intimidated by it...best of luck with everything!

07-17-2008, 12:47 PM
Thanks for all the feedback. i went to check out my car yesterday, and the mechanic said he was waiting for the hinges to come in which just came in yesterday.

So he said it should be done sometime between this friday to next tuesday. Can't wait to throw away the G5 *pukes*