View Full Version : Batman: Tha Dark Night
07-18-2008, 03:59 AM
Anyone who hasnt seen this yet, should definately go see it. This movie is the movie of the year. Just saw it and midnight premier and I say its worth watching. Enjoy!!
"Why so serious?" Muahahahaha hahaha:chuckle
07-18-2008, 08:30 AM
I so want to see this in IMAX but I'll wait till next week...
I can't believe people are camped outside the Paramount theater right now for tonight's show!!
07-18-2008, 08:41 AM
Im Watching it @ 6 Today Today Soooo Pumped !!!!! =)
07-18-2008, 08:42 AM
I so want to see this in IMAX but I'll wait till next week...
I can't believe people are camped outside the Paramount theater right now for tonight's show!!
I've already got tickets for Sunday to see it in IMAX... I'm pretty f'n excited about it. I loved Batman Begins, and everything else that Christopher Nolan has produced, so I'm really stoked. :bana
I'll probably wait for next weekend... nothing worse then trying to enjoy a movie in a jammed theatre... cause generally... people suck
07-18-2008, 12:08 PM
Less than 3 hours for me :D, can't wait.
Cardinal Fang
07-18-2008, 12:12 PM
Anyone who ruins this movie for me in this thread is going to get farking banned. :chuckle
Dan Da Man
07-18-2008, 12:46 PM
i saw it yesterday, Best movie ive seen in a long long time.
07-18-2008, 03:17 PM
Ive heard so many people tell me this movie is amazing..... ive got tickets for the 7pm show im soo pumped the movie is 21/2 hours btw and supposedly Heath ledger does an amazing job portraying joker
07-18-2008, 03:30 PM
i preordered 3:20 tickets for imax tmrw at coliseum
i dunno what time i should lineup
guys who watch this. post up your lining up experience so i get an idea of how early i should be in line to get good seats.
aka not in the front 3/5th's of the theatre haha
if any idiot thugs or dicks yap throughout the movie i might have to jump on them like batman from the top row saying
"now you know what i have to become to make men like you shut up"
secondly i might throw a fit if the person behind me kicks my chair... honestly i can't stand it when ppl kick my chair... if ur huge fine MAYBE you have an excuse.. but please do not place ur foot against my chair and ROCK ME! as if i can't feel it
07-18-2008, 03:49 PM
i preordered 3:20 tickets for imax tmrw at coliseum
i dunno what time i should lineup
guys who watch this. post up your lining up experience so i get an idea of how early i should be in line to get good seats.
aka not in the front 3/5th's of the theatre haha
if any idiot thugs or dicks yap throughout the movie i might have to jump on them like batman from the top row saying
"now you know what i have to become to make men like you shut up"
secondly i might throw a fit if the person behind me kicks my chair... honestly i can't stand it when ppl kick my chair... if ur huge fine MAYBE you have an excuse.. but please do not place ur foot against my chair and ROCK ME! as if i can't feel it
Fixed your post for ya :chuckle
Always gotta have an outlet for those things that rub you the wrong way...
07-18-2008, 04:27 PM
lol thanks bud!!!
i'm watching batman begins on blu ray tonight at a friends to get ready for tmrw's main event
07-18-2008, 04:49 PM
I'll probably wait for next weekend... nothing worse then trying to enjoy a movie in a jammed theatre... cause generally... people suck
I feel the same
and the sad part is, that means we are getting old lol
I just watched Hulk 2 days ago lol so nice, its pretty much empty and my chair is still being kicked by that one guy behind me lol
07-18-2008, 05:20 PM
Just came back from watching it. Really really good. The second show of the day and the theater was 3/4 full. Will be packed tonight thats for sure.
07-18-2008, 10:22 PM
Just came back too, sick movie. Best line was when the Joker was like "And for my next trick, I'm going to make this pencil disappear"
07-19-2008, 01:27 AM
I got tickets to see this tomorrow at the woodbridge IMAX (320pm). Had to buy the ticks on monday, and even then, all the good times were sold out.
07-19-2008, 01:56 AM
caught the 7:45 ... lined up an hour early! LOL... but got PRIME seats
Friggin awesome movie.
07-19-2008, 10:18 AM
ya we lined up an hour early as well lol, crazyess. amazing movie though, only thing that bothered me was some parts are awsome action and very mature, and then some parts seem semi childish in nature
07-19-2008, 10:28 AM
Just came back too, sick movie. Best line was when the Joker was like "And for my next trick, I'm going to make this pencil disappear"
+1 Awesome movie and great part.
07-19-2008, 12:18 PM
+1 Awesome movie and great part.
+2 - saw it lastnight while waiting in line for over 2 hours!!! It was well worth it had sweeet seats. Very good movie definitely check it out! :bana
07-19-2008, 01:00 PM
Watching it tonight too @ 6;45 lol.
07-19-2008, 01:17 PM
One Word......AMAZING...... Best Movie of the Year So Far
07-20-2008, 12:47 AM
Ledger deserves an Oscar! :P
Joker was amazingly portrayed by Ledger. Gotta love the little things he does to make it real.
07-20-2008, 07:13 AM
Awesome movie, ledger was unbelievable! Sad to see that kind of talent wasted.
By the way, that batbike or whatever it's called is AWESOME!!
07-20-2008, 07:45 AM
Heath's performance was brilliant! A mix of comedic and terrifying. I loved the way the Batpod made its appearance, I didn't expect that...or that move it did against the building! WTF? All in all, a great movie. I want to try to watch this again in Imax.
07-20-2008, 07:47 AM
I didn't expect that...or that move it did against the building! WTF?
That was crazy!
07-21-2008, 08:48 AM
Saw it in IMAX last night... 10pm show, waited in line for an hour, and was still in the 4th row... WAY too close, but still loved the movie. Incredible.
07-21-2008, 08:59 AM
saw it yesterday.
Best Batman film ever created. This is definitely in my top ten movies of all time as well.
Ledger was in a league of his own!
batman fan since the animated series! excellent movie! however the only thing i didnt like about it was the batman voice, was annoying the entire movie.
07-22-2008, 02:09 AM
Heath Ledger was amazing in this movie, really out done Jack Nicholson in the last Batman movie from the 90's. I just can't believe Heath Ledger was under all that make up, he's really deserving of the oscar, unless someone comes up with a more compelling performance from now until the end of the year.
Heath Ledger really captures the persona of the Joker in his characterisation and that "makeup with a spatula" look enhances our perception of the Joker as a maniacal and manipulative deviant being. Even the permanent scar that's etched into the Joker's face is a reminder of what a twisted and tortured soul his life must have been, giving us a motive to empathize with the Joker.
The plot, I thought was a little thin. However, it did kept me entertained for the most part. The myriad of twist and turns seems a touch convoluted and should have been pared down.
There were some snipettes that bothered me, like that bat-chopper or motorcycle, just looks awkward. Not a fan of the design, and the driving position - that's can't be good for your posture.
And the chase scene between the Joker and the caravan ferrying Harvey Dent, why wasn't the police shooting back? And how did the Joker's henchmen know where to be to put up those guidewires to take down the police helicopter?
07-22-2008, 06:42 AM
however the only thing i didnt like about it was the batman voice, was annoying the entire movie.
I agree!! Very annoying ... he normally talks weird already, the whispering/tough guy (just the fact that these two descriptions are put together says it all) just didn't work for him ...
going to see it tonite, ,
07-22-2008, 06:44 PM
I agree!! Very annoying ... he normally talks weird already, the whispering/tough guy (just the fact that these two descriptions are put together says it all) just didn't work for him ...
I guess I"m the only onew ho didn't mind the batman voice.
if he talked like bruce wayne it'd piss me off more... Oh well im nuts. :chuckle
07-22-2008, 06:45 PM
I agree!! Very annoying ... he normally talks weird already, the whispering/tough guy (just the fact that these two descriptions are put together says it all) just didn't work for him ...
well i noticed it... but i hardly let it get to me. to be honest... it's part of the persona of batman.... i wouldn't be suprised if it's some stupid voice changer as well. if bale spoke normally it'd probably be pretty easy for certain ppl to recognize him..... since like you guys said... his voice is pretty weird/distinguitable... don't forget he's a british actor too....
The plot, I thought was a little thin. However, it did kept me entertained for the most part. The myriad of twist and turns seems a touch convoluted and should have been pared down.
There were some snipettes that bothered me, like that bat-chopper or motorcycle, just looks awkward. Not a fan of the design, and the driving position - that's can't be good for your posture.
And the chase scene between the Joker and the caravan ferrying Harvey Dent, why wasn't the police shooting back? And how did the Joker's henchmen know where to be to put up those guidewires to take down the police helicopter?
Plot has a variety of themes embedded into it... if u watch without being carried away from the action you'll actually realize a lot of plot lines mainly driven by the characters and the ppl around them. it really reflects on humanity and our choices between good and evil... not many action flicks or comic book movies actually address this in a way quite like batman. whenever ppl say plot is thin i'm not sure exactly how they judge it.... to me a movie with a thin plot is like... war... or transporter.... kiss of the dragon...
if u read some reviews you'll understand the whole premise of duality and dark vs white and corruption. not to mention this is a crime thriller as good as movies like heat as some have compared it to.
the helicopter was flying between the buildings... isin't it obvious that it will fly through the wires? the guidewires were "shot" after they saw the helicopter....
07-23-2008, 12:03 PM
if u read some reviews you'll understand the whole premise of duality and dark vs white and corruption. not to mention this is a crime thriller as good as movies like heat as some have compared it to.
Which somehow, no one has seen before. Right? I was expecting a little more. What this movie comes down to is Heath's performance. IMHO.
the helicopter was flying between the buildings... isin't it obvious that it will fly through the wires? the guidewires were "shot" after they saw the helicopter....
How did those two hoodlum know there's going to be a helicopter in this chase? And somehow they're perfectly position and with perfect timing to shoot two guide wires accross two building. Isn't that odd? Would be better if they had just used some RPGs and shot the tail off or the main blade. Wouldn't that be more plausible?
07-23-2008, 02:05 PM
Wow... Picky picky! This movie was incredible! I did find the Batman voice annoying right away.. My gf actually made a comment about how soar his throat must have been after every scene. I must say though, I was speechless when I left the theatre. I even noticed that when I was in line before the show, the people coming out were not even talking about the movie. That 2.5 hours went by quick and I didn't even notice the guys behind me that got so drunk, they had to be carried out after the film (Who does that anyways?). This film is probably one of the best I have ever seen.
07-23-2008, 02:21 PM
Which somehow, no one has seen before. Right? I was expecting a little more. What this movie comes down to is Heath's performance. IMHO.
How did those two hoodlum know there's going to be a helicopter in this chase? And somehow they're perfectly position and with perfect timing to shoot two guide wires accross two building. Isn't that odd? Would be better if they had just used some RPGs and shot the tail off or the main blade. Wouldn't that be more plausible?
hmnnnn if u put it that way, i've seen everything before....
i don't mean to be a jacka$$ but really if you look at things like that... then every movie would have a thin plot line...
any 'war epic'... been there done that...
any underdog story movie that russell crowe has starred in = boring been there done that...
personally i don't think it's a "fair" criticism to say this movie was thin/lacking a plot line.... what exactly WERE you expecting? some crazy plot twist at the end like the prestige where batman has a double?
we're talking superhero/comic movie here... it's easily a fresh way to shoot/direct/narrarate a superhero movie... how often do you get a superhero movie wrapped into a mind game movie with a crime-drama style narrative... if ur telling me that is NOT fresh... then i challenge you to tell me one movie that is able to combine these ttwo-three aspects in the same way?
xmen sure as hell didn't do it... iron man as good as it was didn't do it... and spiderman did not do it
if ur going to be picky about a random two clowns who appeared on screeen for 4 seconds who happened to be at the right place at the right time... why not be picky about the bat pod... isin't it amazing that somehow batman had an alternate plan ready... it's like he intended the tumbler to get destroyed....
or isin't it coincidental that that "bus" came JUST at the right time to run over the last clown in the bank hest....
or how the batpod did that crazy lil trick off the wall..
i don't see the point at pulling the thread on such minor issues...
i realize i'm biased cuz i really like the movie... but i'm all for a good "critique"
i'll agree with ppl that the "voice" is annoying... no problem with that...
but on the "plot" level... if there is any complaint... it's that it was not thorough enough...
07-23-2008, 04:16 PM
I don't think the voice was annoying I think it was accurate.
Imagine a normal person (not a voice actor) trying to sound tough. You would sound odd.
07-23-2008, 04:33 PM
Dont mind the voice, but first time I heard it surprised me.
Best parts were: Lamborghini day, the bank robbery, pencil trick, the hospital and questioning room with Jocker.
Worst parts: The Harvey Dent killing people after his girlfriend died.. found that annoying
07-23-2008, 04:39 PM
^wow, you're giving quite a bit away there for those who haven't seen it yet, hopefully it doesn't ruin anything. Personally, I don't care, people can tell me all they want about parts of a movie, if its a movie I want to see, I'll still go see it:)
07-23-2008, 04:41 PM
ooopss I assumed everyone who wanted to see it already saw it..
Lets think of it as a teaser..;)
07-23-2008, 05:06 PM
personally i don't think it's a "fair" criticism to say this movie was thin/lacking a plot line.... what exactly WERE you expecting? some crazy plot twist at the end like the prestige where batman has a double?
I said the plot was "a little" thin, and I liked the movie overall which is my opinion. Why are you trashing me?
As for my expectation, let's put it this way. With all the hype surrounding Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker, can you honestly say that the plot lived up to that level of performance?
I don't see why you're jumping on me, for my seemingly innocent review. Am I really way out of line here?
07-23-2008, 05:15 PM
i was doing some reading and came accross this . . .
Could Batman really exist? (
07-23-2008, 05:32 PM
i was doing some reading and came accross this . . .
Could Batman really exist? (
We already have one. Chuck Norris.
I hear his kicks are incredible. Facts right here:
07-23-2008, 06:04 PM
I said the plot was "a little" thin, and I liked the movie overall which is my opinion. Why are you trashing me?
As for my expectation, let's put it this way. With all the hype surrounding Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker, can you honestly say that the plot lived up to that level of performance?
I don't see why you're jumping on me, for my seemingly innocent review. Am I really way out of line here?
i'm not trashing YOU.
i'm just trying to get more out of your comments to figure out why you didn't really like it.
please don't take it personally. it's just a "review" either way
we're just chatting about a film and i'm curious why you'd think this way about it this way vs another...
you are entitled to your own opinion but im just looking for a more detailed description of what makes u think that way
it's easy to say the plot is a lil thin... just curious why u'd say that and if u can describe that in detail....
personally for an "action" based movie.... this was extremely heavy on story/character
it's like if i walked into a movie like "the notebook" and said it was a little thin on action...
hope u understand what i'm saying.... and once again please don't take it personally.
07-24-2008, 01:39 AM
i'm not trashing YOU.
i'm just trying to get more out of your comments to figure out why you didn't really like it.
What!? I never said I didn't like it, read my first post. And my opinion is purely subjective, overall I liked the film.
First of all, this was marketed as a action-thriller with a noir/dark slant to it, unless I'm missing the whole marketing thing. This isn't an action movie like Die Hard or Heat. Last time I check, the movie Heat didn't have a psychotic mutilated clown in it, that had a slightly dark undertone to the movie.
Secondly, going into the theater I was expecting a great performance from Heath Ledger, which he delivered in spades. Having said that, the plot could use some tweaks - I'm not implying porn thin or epic deep here, just to be on par with Heath Ledger's performance.
For one thing, how about the Joker's face. They could add some flashback of his life that lead up to him being mutilated and twisted. I was waiting thru the whole film for something like that. Didn't happen.
Oh, how about the love interest/jealousy plot between Batman, Rachel, and Harvey. Could use a scene or two where Harvey saves Rachel while Batman watches, which could have made Rachel's death more dramatic. Didn't happen.
It's not like I'm slamming the film, I liked it. Overall, it was good. Heath's performance was outstanding, but the plot could use a Jalapeno kick.
I don't insinuate that other posters don't know what they're talking about with the "embedded subplot" or "missing the point" line? WTF! Seems a little offensive and disrespectful to me, because I don't see you asking other posters to quantify "incredible" or "amazing", aren't those cliches too?
Where does it say in the forum rules that I gotta follow the herd, that I have to be agreeable with all the other poster in one particular thread. And it's not like I'm way out in "left field" for wanting "a little" better plotline that matched with Heath's performance.
Peace and Respect.
07-24-2008, 01:59 AM
What!? I never said I didn't like it, read my first post. And my opinion is purely subjective, overall I liked the film.
First of all, this was marketed as a action-thriller with a noir/dark slant to it, unless I'm missing the whole marketing thing. This isn't an action movie like Die Hard or Heat. Last time I check, the movie Heat didn't have a psychotic mutilated clown in it, that had a slightly dark undertone to the movie.
Secondly, going into the theater I was expecting a great performance from Heath Ledger, which he delivered in spades. Having said that, the plot could use some tweaks - I'm not implying porn thin or epic deep here, just to be on par with Heath Ledger's performance.
For one thing, how about the Joker's face. They could add some flashback of his life that lead up to him being mutilated and twisted. I was waiting thru the whole film for something like that. Didn't happen.
Oh, how about the love interest/jealousy plot between Batman, Rachel, and Harvey. Could use a scene or two where Harvey saves Rachel while Batman watches, which could have made Rachel's death more dramatic. Didn't happen.
It's not like I'm slamming the film, I liked it. Overall, it was good. Heath's performance was outstanding, but the plot could use a Jalapeno kick.
I don't insinuate that other posters don't know what they're talking about with the "embedded subplot" or "missing the point" line? WTF! Seems a little offensive and disrespectful to me, because I don't see you asking other posters to quantify "incredible" or "amazing", aren't those cliches too?
Where does it say in the forum rules that I gotta follow the herd, that I have to be agreeable with all the other poster in one particular thread. And it's not like I'm way out in "left field" for wanting "a little" better plotline that matched with Heath's performance.
Peace and Respect.
I'm just gonna write my opinion. The reason why there was no backstory to Joker which I read was for Joker to be an absolute character, the first few minutes demonstrated what kind of a person he is. If you're really interested in knowing his backround just look up The Killing Joke. What disappointed me was two-face, I thought he would at least hold up until the third movie, I wasn't too pleased with that. Ledger's performance was pretty good, he played the joker well, but not amazingly great in my opinion (I actually perfer the animated series Joker to be the best with Mark Hamill as the voice-actor). Anywho, the movie to me was good, but to each their own. Have your heard about Bale and his assault on his mother and sister I think it is?
07-24-2008, 07:38 AM
Worst parts:
Not to quote the spoiler.. but are you familiar with the comics at all? If so you would have seen that coming.
07-24-2008, 08:34 AM
Geez, I still haven't seen this.
Was trying to get some tickets for the IMAX show tomorrow and all sold out. Can't believe it!
07-24-2008, 09:20 AM
Dark Knight had awesome scenes and pretty good dialogue, but I thought they tried to jam too much into that last half hour to wrap everything up in a neat little package.
-Bale, Ledger and Eckhart were awesome
-Great opening
-Excellent action sequences
-Hot women
Cons (for me):
-A bit log jammed at the end (like LOTR3)
-Not as many unintentionally funny lines or actions by Batman (ie. When he says to the homeless man, "Nice coat"; or when he jumps off the roof top when Rachel figures out who he is)
07-24-2008, 10:03 AM
I don't insinuate that other posters don't know what they're talking about with the "embedded subplot" or "missing the point" line? WTF! Seems a little offensive and disrespectful to me, because I don't see you asking other posters to quantify "incredible" or "amazing", aren't those cliches too?
Where does it say in the forum rules that I gotta follow the herd, that I have to be agreeable with all the other poster in one particular thread. And it's not like I'm way out in "left field" for wanting "a little" better plotline that matched with Heath's performance.
Peace and Respect.
alright bud, well i won't try to have an open forum with you any longer since you appear to be taking it so personally
figured we could all try and critique a movie with some subjective matter
obviously i'm asking YOU because i don't see where you're coming from
when ppl say amazing... to me i know what that "could" mean... since i felt the same way...
i never imply you HATE the movie... i'm asking why you think it was thin or whatever
you've answered it now... but really you shouldn't have taken it personally
i'm truly sorry if for some reason you feel "pesonally attacked" from discussing a movie. i never said anything like "youre' stupid for thinking that way, oh i can't BELEIVE you'd even think that..."
nor did i ask you to " FOLLOW THE HERD" if you read my post.. all that is ahppening is
1. you say thin plot line etc...
2. i say i disagree.. .for following reasons
3. all you have to do is answer back with the reasons you gave in your last.
i like "opinions" so i wanted to get a better understanding of your point of view
take it easy man.
agreed with some others... the TWO FACE story was a lil "shallow"
but i'm glad they didn't go too DEEP on him... cuz last thing we'd want is another "double villain" story like all of joel schumachers batmans
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