View Full Version : Why I am Canada's best meteorologist....

07-23-2008, 12:04 AM
Washing and waxing my car controls the weather.

For the past 2 weeks, I;ve wanted to give my car a solid wash/wax, but the weather report's always said that it was "going to rain TOMORROW" in the Newmarket/Aurora area... Bad news.

So, naturally not wanting to wash/wax my car and have it rain the next day, I decide to wait until the weather says it's NOT going to rain the next day.

So I wait. No rain comes, but the forecast each day says that "it's going to rain tomorrow." Nothing. All last week, basically nothing, no rain, and my unwashed car starts to look like I went mud bogging. The tires were light brown. I was appalled.

Finally, yesterday, I couldn't take it. Screw the forecasts. I got home from work, washed it. waxed it, buffed it, and applied all the tire shine and ArmourAll I could find. BEAUTIFUL! After all, after 2 weeks of crappy forecasts and basically no rain whatsoever, what are the chances of it raining today?

And of course, today's "chance of scattered showers" turns out to be "dropping a ****ing monsoon on Scott's car." I almost had to pull over to the side of the road, it was raining so hard. The beading from the wax could have been tears, for all I know.

It only rains after I wash my car.... Always... Like clockwork.


07-23-2008, 01:35 AM
I dont wash my car until it says sunny the next day or i'm going to keep the car in the garage for 1-2 days. But if i'm washing and waxing, i actually want it to rain the next day to see how i did. Because i want to see how the water beads off the car in the rain. I usually wash my car inside the garage so the rain/hail don't interupt me.

07-23-2008, 06:56 AM
Scotticus, don't worry, you aren't alone.

I know how you feel. Every time I wash my car, it rains/snows/etc. the same day. And when I don't wash it, the weather remains precipitation-free for days/weeks.


07-23-2008, 08:18 AM
So you're to blame for yesterday's rain! haha

07-23-2008, 08:21 AM
Just wash/clean your car everyday and eventually Mother nature gives up on ruining your clean car.:chuckle

07-23-2008, 08:45 AM
you are not alone :chuckle i think this is true for all of us who likes to keep our cars clear as much as possible. wifey calls me crazy... but I don't think she's gonna call me that anymore after the second time she drove my car, scratched the bottom of the front bumper from a curb and drove with the emergency brakes on - all in a span if 1 hr! anyway, back on washing your car, my motto is, JUST DO IT! :chuckle i don't care if it rains or snow right after I wash. the way i see it, i just took off 1 layer of dirt now that I don't have to take off later :)

07-23-2008, 08:52 AM
same here... the rain ruins my somewhat new car paint I can't keep it clean.

It always rain right after I wash my car & ruins it with acidic rain spot, I park my car outside at work and the car is always exposed. I get to work at 6:30am and EVERY moring it drizzles 6-9am for 5mins and completely ruins my car's paint :flaming. :bang.

edit... just looked out the window, the stupida$$ rain did it again.

07-23-2008, 03:39 PM
I've been in the exact situation as you for the past couple weeks. Only yesterday, when I had planned to finally wash my car, I had to work late, so I said **** it.

07-23-2008, 04:00 PM
lol interesting topic, maybe if we all stop washing cars, then there will be a drought:chuckle

07-23-2008, 11:25 PM
I know, strange topic for a thread, but I couldn't believe the odds... I mean, to not rain for 2 weeks (despite forecasts calling for it) and then to pour on my car after the first wash... Such is life though!

I guess I'm just happy to have a good car to wash. I might risk it on Friday, so it's at least shiny for the weekend. ....hopefully. If the forecast calls for "Sun, and a temperature of 35" I'll be sure to have my umbrella handy.

07-24-2008, 10:09 AM
I bought the Meguiar's clay bar and NXT wax a week ago! still havn't had a good forecast to give my car its first wax! its getting a bit ridiculous. Hopefully August will bring sunshine

07-24-2008, 03:04 PM
I bought the Meguiar's clay bar and NXT wax a week ago! still havn't had a good forecast to give my car its first wax! its getting a bit ridiculous. Hopefully August will bring sunshine

That's funny, that's exactly what I used!!

What I would recommend is to get the Meguiar's #1 (scratch/blemish remover) and apply it after you clay-bar, and before you put the NXT wax on. You'll be amazed how the #1 really takes away the little scratches/blemishes of the car, and then the NXT helps seal that up a little. I would use Meguiar's #1 for this, as I didn't find 'Mothers' very good.

I'm washing my car again tomorrow... I have a trip this weekend with the G/F, so at least if I can drive it for a few shiny hours, I'll be somewhat vindicated.