View Full Version : My precious got chicken pox

08-20-2008, 11:17 AM
So, tying into MGM’s recent post about the careless selfish bastards living amongst us who don’t give a second thought about others…

My neighbour decided to re-seal their driveway two nights ago for some odd reason, which I cannot understand given that they just sealed it about a month ago. The first time did not make them “careless selfish bastards” since I managed to see them setting up and moved my car from the driveway before they got started. However, two nights ago they came in the late evening and sprayed the driveway without my knowledge. Needless to say the next morning I find my nice smooth white paintjob ruined and feeling like sandpaper. You can actually see all the overspray when you look closely at the paint, millions of tiny brown dots. Very upsetting, especially considering that not bothering to spend 5 minutes to ask me to move my car will probably take 12 hours of clean up (2 cars 6 hours each).

Now that I am calmer, I am thinking of the best approach to clean it up. I claybarred half the hood yesterday and it seemed to do a good job, so I think this is what I will do:

1. Claybar all painted surfaces
2. Goo-gone all windows, lenses, and possibly plastic surfaces

Would that work well and should I actually re-wax after claybarring? I just waxed it about a month ago.

08-20-2008, 11:29 AM
My preference is to have the neighbors pay for a professional detailing job - then you don't have to worry abour clay bars, etc!!

You will probably wan tto wax it again after getting all of the crap off of it. Likley the wax is what's helping get off those splatters.

Frustrating :bang
good luck!

08-20-2008, 11:34 AM
did your neighbor know that what they did messed up your car? I don't know about your relationship with your neighbor, you could probably walk up to them and say hey when you sprayed that shit on your driveway you could've given me a heads up so I can move my car. If your neighbor is sane enough he should volunteer to cover the cost to get the car detailed. wtf is wrong with these people????

My office has a crappy, bumpy, lot full of stones as a parking lot. my mistake was parking near the weeds were, so when they bldg mgmt hired a contractor to clean up the weeds, they probably used some trimmer for the big weeds and grass and the stones went flying. I didn't see it happen but I'm sure that's what happened. ended up with a stone chip on my door :flaming can't even do anything coz those people are not here anymore.

Noisy Crow
08-20-2008, 11:34 AM
my preference is to have the neighbors pay for a professional detailing job - then you don't have to worry abour clay bars, etc!!

You will probably wan tto wax it again after getting all of the crap off of it. Likley the wax is what's helping get off those splatters.

Frustrating :bang
good luck!

^^^^^ +1000

08-20-2008, 12:01 PM
ouch.. you should ask your neighbour to pay for the cost of a professional detail and to be more considerate.. that's so uncool..

good luck.. hopefully it'll all come off..

08-20-2008, 01:07 PM
Not on good terms with the neighbors, and they are so unorganized that they would look at me all crazy for even caring about my car.

08-20-2008, 01:16 PM
Tell you neighbour to get his ass here and lick that shit off!
One of the reasons why our house is 75-100 feet away from next driveway

MAZDA Kitten
08-20-2008, 01:51 PM
yeahhhh man I'm suggesting you get a couple of quotes for a detail job that outlines claybar is required to remove TAR or whatever they sprayed.
Ask them "you pick"

I wouldnt waste my time detailing my car for something that I didnt fault of my own. If their kid scratched your car would you pay for that? No. This is the same.
You damage. You pay.

08-20-2008, 02:06 PM
get a quote from Kaval and staple it to your neighbours eyes

Noisy Crow
08-20-2008, 02:35 PM
Did they do the work themselves or did they have an outfit do the work? If they hired someone you could go after them....

08-20-2008, 02:54 PM
since you're not on good terms...try this: "Hey man...good job with the driveway...I noticed you wanted to do me a favour and reseal my car too! Listen...since you didn't finish the job, I have to now...so it's either a $2000 paint job or a $200 detailing job...your choice. BTW, I might be putting a pool in next week and I'll be more than happy to extend that into your yard too! See you in the pool neighbour!"

08-20-2008, 04:11 PM
I would be off the wall if this happened to my car too.... it always amuses me how some people could be so inconsiderate.

08-20-2008, 04:46 PM
since you're not on good terms...try this: "Hey man...good job with the driveway...I noticed you wanted to do me a favour and reseal my car too! Listen...since you didn't finish the job, I have to now...so it's either a $2000 paint job or a $200 detailing job...your choice. BTW, I might be putting a pool in next week and I'll be more than happy to extend that into your yard too! See you in the pool neighbour!"

haha nice .... but that would be giving him a pool too..i say while the contrator is digging the pool the dirt can go in his backyard, or on his newly sealed driveway...

08-20-2008, 04:58 PM
They actually hired some company to do the work, but it was just some young kids. I don't really want to rock the boat or they'll come back and really seal my car the next time.

I'm just going to go over to her house and remind her nicely to let me know next time so I can move the car OR I will be getting a "...quote from Kaval and staple it to [my] neighbours eyes".

08-20-2008, 05:24 PM
1. buy paint and make it look like you accidently spilled on his driveway..
2. Wash your car like a maniac, make sure water goes everywhere on his side

08-20-2008, 08:33 PM
This is really unfortunate to hear. I can somewhat relate to you from my own personal experience.....

My parents have a cottage that backs on to Georgian Bay, so wind is always carrying up the property towards the front of the house. The cottage itself has wooden siding that I was painting with a spray gun, using oil-based solid stain. Note that this is before my obsessive detailing disorder (haha) kicked in. I did however move the cars away as I knew this stuff would carry in the wind.

So anyways, I finished up, went to bed and woke up early to head down to the hardware store to pick up some things. On my way there, I rolled down the window on the car, rested my elbow on the window sill and put my fingers along the pillar. Suddenly I feel this extremely rough surface so I pull over and take a look. Lone behold the ENTIRE car is covered in very very very tiny droplets of oil based stain!

To make matters worse, I got home and found that my Dad's car was also covered!
Let's just say it was a nightmare to remove with countless hours of tiresome claying. This happened quite some time ago, and it was only last week that I mustered the patience to finally remove the last portion of the roof of my Dad's car.

After looking at the paint, a lot of damage was instilled with claying, which is why it's important to polish afterwards.

Now that I have the business experience, I would charge about $300 for a job like what you're describing above, and would include a hand wash, then an acid-based wash to release as much of the gunk as possible. This would also get a lot of the contaminants off the paint. After this, the paint is clay barred, polished, and resealed to bring back a beautiful and protected finish. Looking at roughly 8-10 hours of work to ensure it's completely gone.

IMHO, you should raise this issue with your neighbours, the worst that could happen is they would look at your like your crazy. Just show them what happened to your car and they might offer some compensation.

08-20-2008, 11:25 PM
Thanks Kaval... I am planning on speaking with them as soon as I see them. Not going to ask for any money but at the very least I want them to know the inconvenience they caused and ask that they simply ask us to move the cars next time.

I'm glad to report that after about 3 hours of claybarring and waxing, I've managed to restore the hood, both front fenders, front headlights, and windows to their pre-rapeage condition. At second glance the hood, passenger fender, and windows got the worst, other places seem okay with little to no tar deposits.

Like others mentioned, it definitely helped to have a freshly waxed car.

08-21-2008, 05:07 PM
glad to hear you managed to wash the worst of it off...those are some downright inconsiderate neighbors you got!!!

08-21-2008, 05:11 PM
glad to hear you managed to wash the worst of it off...those are some downright inconsiderate neighbors you got!!!

Ya, definitely glad but it did (and will continue to) take time.

I have yet to speak with them but am hoping that it was just a simple oversight and that it'll never happen again.

08-21-2008, 05:48 PM
Tell them... at the very least let them know that your car is important to you and that next time they get work like this done to give you warning soon enough to move your car.

08-21-2008, 08:45 PM
Spoke to my neighbor today... Said she was away and they just came back to respray because they messed it up last time. I told her the mess that they made and asked that she give us the heads up next time and we'll gladly move the cars. Also asked that she tell the sprayers to ask us to move the cars.

She said she would call the sprayers and tell them that I am complaining about the mess. She figured they knew what they were doing and would have asked us to move the cars if required.

08-22-2008, 01:40 AM
Oh I would so go after the company that did the sealing. Find out the company name and post it around on forums to give them a bad rep. That is not right what happened and they should have known better.