View Full Version : cops don't like my car

08-30-2008, 08:06 PM
im driving to go home doing the speed limit of 50km/h i see a blue n white come behind me with lights flashing and im like :loco so he comes up to me saying how i was whipping around the corner (who says that) and all this other stuff..he said i was a nice kid and that i have no criminal record..i drove away. they have nothin better to do then to pull over innocent ppl

08-30-2008, 08:26 PM
its called profiling.

a cop sees a young guy, in a nice new car, and tihnk hey, i wonder what we can book this kid for.

ive been pulled over numerous times, and alot of the time, its bullshit. like "uhhh, you exhaust is excedingly loud...im not going to charge you, but you could be charged in the future. have a nice night"

08-30-2008, 08:31 PM
i just hate peel police..there the dumbest cops in ontario and especially in my area they pull over ever other car on the street. i knew he was coming after me when i seen him do a U-turn at the intersection and sped thru the red light..and *woop woop*

08-30-2008, 09:13 PM
Better to be pulled over for a "routine" check than to be pulled over and charged for having a "loud exhaust" or whatever. Sucks, but there are enough d*ckheads out there ruining it for the masses that overall, I think it's (somewhat) justified. You get pulled over, tell your friends about it, someone reads it on the forum, and MAYBE thinks twice about trying to do 80km/h around a corner in a 50 zone or something. If anything, try to be exceedingly nice to the cops - maybe remind them that not all "young kids" in a nice car are looking for trouble. :)

08-31-2008, 12:24 AM
i dunno maybe cops think i stole the car from a driveway..

08-31-2008, 01:50 AM
cops don't give a 2nd look when I drive by even when I rev / drive at high revs (york region). I pass them 10-20km/h above the limit in my red wagon and they just continue doing what they are doing. maybe its a sedan & peel region thing?

Dan Da Man
08-31-2008, 09:32 AM
So your angry at the police because they pulled you over and didnt give you a ticket?

Id hate to see how upset you get when you do get a ticket Phil.

you in sauga or btown?

08-31-2008, 10:34 AM
no im just wondering why they pull me over for doing the speed limit:loco

08-31-2008, 04:43 PM
Beats me.

Either you're not telling the whole story and missing some details, or the cop is just bored as hell that day.

If you were whipping around the corner, he might have pulled you over just to see if you have a past record.

Sounds like a routine check imo.

no im just wondering why they pull me over for doing the speed limit:loco

08-31-2008, 08:05 PM
no im just wondering why they pull me over for doing the speed limit:loco

route check bud, they can do that.......its part of their job, its actually how they find a lot of criminals, by pulling the person over for minor things, and then they pull your profile up and find you have outstanding warrents for whatever. Thats what a traffic cops job is to do....and if they didnt give you a ticket or a hard time, why complain? i find cops are as nice to you as you are to them.

08-31-2008, 09:01 PM
nice cops are nice to you back....their are pricks cops on power trips

08-31-2008, 10:28 PM
thanks for the tips guys..i'm actually taking police foundations at Sheridan college starting on tuesday..so now im gonna see wut the cops are really up to when they pull people over:)

09-01-2008, 02:36 AM
I thankfully have never been pulled over. Ever. I wouldn't say i drive like a maniac, but i'm usually doing 20 over without realizing it. Except in 50 zones, then i am vigilant due to fear. lol.

That being said, My brother gets booked every other day it seems, and he drives like a grandmother. Rolling stop sign, Rolling right turn on red, Improper use of turning lane, etc. He never speeds... but apparently he never stops!

He managed to get off rolling 2 stop signs by saying he was distraught because he just got in a fight with his GF. (total BS) but the cop believed him and told him to drive straight home and get some sleep. Nice cop! (i personally would have given him the ticket) I suppose he could have gotten an impaired driving charge... the "impaired" is so much up to a cops discretion they can slap it onto anyone for any reason it seems!

09-01-2008, 02:41 AM
I thankfully have never been pulled over. Ever. I wouldn't say i drive like a maniac, but i'm usually doing 20 over without realizing it. Except in 50 zones, then i am vigilant due to fear. lol.

That being said, My brother gets booked every other day it seems, and he drives like a grandmother. Rolling stop sign, Rolling right turn on red, Improper use of turning lane, etc. He never speeds... but apparently he never stops!

He managed to get off rolling 2 stop signs by saying he was distraught because he just got in a fight with his GF. (total BS) but the cop believed him and told him to drive straight home and get some sleep. Nice cop! (i personally would have given him the ticket) I suppose he could have gotten an impaired driving charge... the "impaired" is so much up to a cops discretion they can slap it onto anyone for any reason it seems!

lucky guy..i got booked doing 110km/h in a 60 zone. the cop couldnt even drop it to 49 so i just get a speeding ticket:( got court in december although this happened in january

09-01-2008, 01:59 PM
yo did you get your car taken away or no? i have been pulled over twice for apparently stealing my own car. TWICE by OPP. it was sad. the second time i kinda got pissed off and the cop understood why. because im 18 i wear my hat backwards and i own a brand new car. so basically i cant be the owner of it. its sad when cops sit there for 5 minutes checking it. it was funny the first time but two months later when it happened again i was mad.

09-01-2008, 03:10 PM
nah..he gave me a court summons..said he saved me a couple of grand..

09-01-2008, 03:39 PM
A cop pulled me over in my Altima a few years back - said he was doing a routine check, but made me wait in the car for 20 minutes, make me late for class, while he sat in his cruiser to eat. You heard me, I saw him munchin' away on his noodles in the rear-view window.

09-01-2008, 04:00 PM
eating noodles?? u shoulda snuck up beside his cruiser and scared the living daylights outta him so he spills it on the computer. wuts he gonna do after that other than give u back your information lol

09-01-2008, 06:03 PM
Might be a "long stretch", but perhaps he pulled you over because he noticed you were doing 110 in a 60 before.

lucky guy..i got booked doing 110km/h in a 60 zone. the cop couldnt even drop it to 49 so i just get a speeding ticket:( got court in december although this happened in january

Dan Da Man
09-02-2008, 10:26 AM
thanks for the tips guys..i'm actually taking police foundations at Sheridan college starting on tuesday..so now im gonna see wut the cops are really up to when they pull people over:)

Are you joking?

Anyone else find this hilarious? A police bashing thread and now hes in police foundations.

And police foundations will not let you know what police are really up too. You might have some great ex-police or still police teachers with good stories. but its just like what it sounds, a foundation to a possible police career. learning laws , HTA, business admin, etc..

09-02-2008, 07:14 PM
Sounds like that idiot with the Civic from Canada's Worst Driver from a couple seasons back.

09-03-2008, 09:13 AM
but he got his key cut LOL.

09-03-2008, 10:10 AM
best TV show ever

09-03-2008, 11:04 AM
you guys should move to toronto, you can run reds in front of a cop and they wont care, they have more important shit to deal with...

once you get out into the boonies like durham and peel, they have nothing to do but pull you over.

09-03-2008, 11:05 AM
By the way, new season of Canada's Worst Driver, coming this fall!

</shameless work plug>

Dan Da Man
09-03-2008, 12:20 PM
Then why is Toronto putting up all these red light cameras if they don't care?

Tell me the last time you've been to Mississauga or Brampton? all they are building in Sauga are condos and tall multistory buildings as there is less and less space to build. And Brampton was at one point the fastest growing community in the world. I've lived in Brampton my whole life and have seen it go through its stages. Any green land left is being developed. there was a time when it was the boonies that was about 20 years ago.

The murder rate this year i think is at 20 in peel, Toronto has a few more. last year the total was 16.

Just beacuse you don't hear about anything happening outside of Toronto on the news doesn't mean nothing happens there

So Matt if you don't know what your talking about, you shouldn't be talking.

Sorry for the rant, but I just don't like it when people bash cities outside the Toronto area when basically everything in the GTA has the same problems at Toronto.

09-03-2008, 12:44 PM
i don't think the cameras do anything but take pictures. Then you recieve a ticket in the mail for wut you did..how is that gonna stop people from running red lights?

09-03-2008, 12:57 PM
^Ummmm, being out $$$ for something that you could have avoided would defintiely make me think twice about running a red. If you knew you were going to get caught and have to pay for it are you telling me you'd do it anyway?

09-03-2008, 01:03 PM
Yeah lots of noteworthy events happen outside of Toronto, mainly Rapes, Murders, car jackings, gang violence, incest...

Nothing good of note does happen outside Toronto, which is why all the important things are, located IN Toronto, unless there isn't space, and then they throw you a bone.

To get back on topic, It is no lie that cops outside the city dole out way more tickets for small automotive infractions, and where as I am sure there are other reasons for this fact; one of them is definitely because the police have way less for them to do. I actually know cops that work out in Durham region and they have said they go after kids in modded cars for fun, because they can, and they like to make them sweat.

So, in terms of this debate, I do in fact know what I am talking about, because I have heard it from the source of this whole debate, the fuzz.

Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum.

09-03-2008, 01:21 PM
Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum.

MattC, nothing against you but Dan Da Man does know what he is talking about.

09-03-2008, 01:23 PM
Yeah lots of noteworthy events happen outside of Toronto, mainly Rapes, Murders, car jackings, gang violence, incest...

Nothing good of note does happen outside Toronto, which is why all the important things are, located IN Toronto, unless there isn't space, and then they throw you a bone.

To get back on topic, It is no lie that cops outside the city dole out way more tickets for small automotive infractions, and where as I am sure there are other reasons for this fact; one of them is definitely because the police have way less for them to do. I actually know cops that work out in Durham region and they have said they go after kids in modded cars for fun, because they can, and they like to make them sweat.

So, in terms of this debate, I do in fact know what I am talking about, because I have heard it from the source of this whole debate, the fuzz.

Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum.

where do you live that you believe you're so above everyone else? and before you get petty...yes i know you didn't "say" anywhere that you are better than everyone...but your response implies as much

dan came with facts...you came with hearsay.......who's more believeable? (i live in durham so I know what i'm talking about as well)

09-03-2008, 01:26 PM
There is absolutely no way you can run red lights in Toronto and cops just let it go. I don't know what intersections you're running or what cops you have run into in the city. I've seen people get pulled over for failing to signal a lane change on numerous occasions.

Nor would I condone anyone running red lights even if they can get away with it. I can only hope you don't learn the hard way of not running a red light.

Just because you say you know a few cops in Durham region and have spoken to them doesn't make your attempt at a debate any more legitimate. In fact I know a big flying spaghetti monster that says you're a goddamn liar and you don't know any cops at all.

Dan the man, you're right, this thread is becoming a serious immature joke.

Yeah lots of noteworthy events happen outside of Toronto, mainly Rapes, Murders, car jackings, gang violence, incest...

Nothing good of note does happen outside Toronto, which is why all the important things are, located IN Toronto, unless there isn't space, and then they throw you a bone.

To get back on topic, It is no lie that cops outside the city dole out way more tickets for small automotive infractions, and where as I am sure there are other reasons for this fact; one of them is definitely because the police have way less for them to do. I actually know cops that work out in Durham region and they have said they go after kids in modded cars for fun, because they can, and they like to make them sweat.

So, in terms of this debate, I do in fact know what I am talking about, because I have heard it from the source of this whole debate, the fuzz.

Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum.

09-03-2008, 01:28 PM
Just because you say you know a few cops in Durham region and have spoken to them doesn't make your attempt at a debate any more legitimate. In fact I know a big flying spaghetti monster that says you're a goddamn liar and you don't know any cops at all.

I KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! :bana2

09-03-2008, 01:33 PM
one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions

Whoa whoa, I hope you aren't implying that you're cheap if you happen to live in the burbs because I can see many holes in that train of thought. There are many areas outside of the core that are extremely expensive and fact is, you get more for your money in terms of realestate outside of the city. Clarification on this would be good.

Dan Da Man
09-03-2008, 01:34 PM

OPP is the largest police service in ontario with i think 9000-10000 officers

Toronto is second largest with i think over 8000 officers

Peel is third with 1700 officers

You tell me how peel gives out more tickets than those 2.

Your source is word of mouth

Sorry i should add that Durham and York region are just behind peel in numbers.

Cardinal Fang
09-03-2008, 01:45 PM
Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum.

1. The problem with generalizations is that people generally lie.
2. Alternatively, people in the City overpay for construction by 35%. So tell me who gets better value for the same square foot.
3. Stop insulting people.

09-03-2008, 02:08 PM
Gotta side with Fang and Dan on this.

I dont doubt the Toronto cops probably have more "serious" calls and issues on average than the Peel, Durham etc cops.... what does that prove?

I am sorry if you live in Toronto and view places like Durham as the "boonies". Actually, I feel more sorry for you. Sorry you overpay for your house etc. Maybe that is just me being cheap, since I am buying out in Whitby...... but hey, what do us country folk know ;)

09-03-2008, 02:18 PM
Yeah lots of noteworthy events happen outside of Toronto, mainly Rapes, Murders, car jackings, gang violence, incest....

I'd be willing to bet there are more murders and gang activity in Toronto.

Nothing good of note does happen outside Toronto, which is why all the important things are, located IN Toronto, unless there isn't space, and then they throw you a bone.
Only cheap companies/services would be based out in the "boonies", no? I mean, they are too cheap to pay those amazing Toronto prices :bang

To get back on topic, It is no lie that cops outside the city dole out way more tickets for small automotive infractions, and where as I am sure there are other reasons for this fact; one of them is definitely because the police have way less for them to do.

Stop qouting your opinions as fact. Back up your outlandish claims please.

I actually know cops that work out in Durham region and they have said they go after kids in modded cars for fun, because they can, and they like to make them sweat.

Great. I know cops out in Peel and Durham. Neither say it happens much... depends on the cop. In fact, since I have been in the car "scene" probably much more heavily than you, I can say that more of the "BS" type tickets for modified cars are coming away from the Durham Region.

So, in terms of this debate, I do in fact know what I am talking about, because I have heard it from the source of this whole debate, the fuzz.

Really? If you know what your talking about, post some facts and proof. If I said I know a Toronto cop who said he has nothing to do all day and pulls over modified cars all day, does that make it fact? Does that change your point of view? I didnt think so :)

Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum

Too cheap? You drive a Mazda3. Were you too cheap to buy something higher end? I would obviously assume so. Most of us weigh the value vs cost. Apparently thats not a good practice in your books... since everyone who lives outside Toronto is cheap.


09-03-2008, 02:48 PM
Yeah lots of noteworthy events happen outside of Toronto, mainly Rapes, Murders, car jackings, gang violence, incest...

Nothing good of note does happen outside Toronto, which is why all the important things are, located IN Toronto, unless there isn't space, and then they throw you a bone.

To get back on topic, It is no lie that cops outside the city dole out way more tickets for small automotive infractions, and where as I am sure there are other reasons for this fact; one of them is definitely because the police have way less for them to do. I actually know cops that work out in Durham region and they have said they go after kids in modded cars for fun, because they can, and they like to make them sweat.

So, in terms of this debate, I do in fact know what I am talking about, because I have heard it from the source of this whole debate, the fuzz.

Finally, I am sure county fairs, and traveling circuses, antique road shows come and visit the boonies from time to time, one day if I am too cheap to buy a house in Toronto, maybe I will move to one of the surrounding regions, and you can show me all the alleged hustle and bustle, and goings on worth going off topic to defend on a car forum.

tough day at work, eh?

I guess CTV isn't giving out any raises after overpaying for CHUM and then having to sell the CityTV stations to Rogers for a less than stellar price. :bang

09-03-2008, 02:58 PM
jesus John....talk about dismantling an argument lol...i don't even want to quote it, it's so long

MattC opened up a shit storm he had NO idea was coming hahaha LOVE IT!!!

09-03-2008, 02:59 PM
ok, this is way off topic now. Locking.