View Full Version : 2008.5 Gas Cap

09-06-2008, 10:13 AM
So apparently there is a service bulletin out for the gas cap on the 08's... How did I find out you may be wondering? Well, I found out when I was half way between Toronto and Guelph with little gas and decided to stop for some. When I went to remove the gas cap, it WOULD NOT come off. After half an hour of trying to pry it, twist it, you name it... it would not budge. So I brought it into Guelph Mazda (with the gas light on, needle burried, and the remaing kms said "0" since Milton lol... I was informed that there is a bulletin out on the caps and they will soon be recalled. Apparently there was a batch that was machined improperly and have the tendancy to cross thread very easily. Once it happens, you're screwed. So they are taking care of it.

09-06-2008, 11:07 AM
Thank you for the info. I was beginning to think that I was "Gas Cap Challenged". Everytime I fill up it takes me a while to get the gas cap off. I keep thinking that this is not going to get better and will be a pain in the winter. It is to the point now that I fill up at 1/2 a tank just in case I can't open it. It is definitely on my list of things to look at during my first service appt (November).

09-06-2008, 08:53 PM
It's funny (not funny haha), this just happened to me on Thursday with my 08.5 Speed 3.

Stopped for gas on my way to work and the cap would not come off. I pried with my fingers and....the black part came off and left the white insert inside! I was able to push it in and then back it off, but it cut my hand up a little. The local dealer didn't have any in stock so I took it all into work and ran 2 big screws through it. Looks ridiculous but I think it works better than stock now...lol. Should get me by until I can get one.

09-06-2008, 11:15 PM
I had mine replaced under warranty about a month ago. I had the same problem and when I went to fill the tank it was cross treaded and broken hopefully the new one doesn't do the same thing

09-07-2008, 01:24 AM
Hmmm... when I went to fill up today, I noticed that the new one was not coming out easily. Not good lol...

09-07-2008, 02:28 AM
It just kills me some of the stupid shite that goes wrong with these cars!! :loco

First time I ever heard of gas caps not coming out or breaking!!, it's like my headrest that keeps going 'UP' on its own! :chuckle

Starting to believe the tales that these vehicles may be cursed!


Zoom Zoom Boy
09-07-2008, 01:36 PM
It just kills me some of the stupid shite that goes wrong with these cars!! :loco

First time I ever heard of gas caps not coming out or breaking!!, it's like my headrest that keeps going 'UP' on its own! :chuckle



The headrests are designed to move up on their own. Every Mazda I have ever owned, the headrest moves up by itself, but requires you to push the button in to lower it. Silly I know, but perhaps it is designed this way so that the headrest actually moves to the correct position ones head is actually in... Just a guess.

09-08-2008, 01:00 AM

The headrests are designed to move up on their own. Every Mazda I have ever owned, the headrest moves up by itself, but requires you to push the button in to lower it. Silly I know, but perhaps it is designed this way so that the headrest actually moves to the correct position ones head is actually in... Just a guess.

Who told you they are designed that way? :loco ...they are 'suppose' to lock in the position (height) you position them at, for proper protection!.

Scarboro Mazda has replaced the head rest locking mechanism on my car to try to solve the problem (under warranty) and I would think they would not bother to do so if it was 'normal'!!. Plus the service guys there said it was the first time they had ever come across the problem....and Russ has been with Mazda for many years!


09-08-2008, 07:24 AM
I hate to participate in a thread jacking but our 3 has the 2 rear head rests that mysteriously creep up. We have 2 kids that sit in the back, and we keep bringing the head rests down, we kept blaming them thinking they were playing with them. They kept saying that they do not touch them but I told them "So are you telling me they lift up by themselves... leave them alone!"

I guess i should've believed them.


09-08-2008, 03:44 PM
I hate to participate in a thread jacking but our 3 has the 2 rear head rests that mysteriously creep up. We have 2 kids that sit in the back, and we keep bringing the head rests down, we kept blaming them thinking they were playing with them. They kept saying that they do not touch them but I told them "So are you telling me they lift up by themselves... leave them alone!"

I guess i should've believed them.


HaHa maybe it would be a good time to apologize to them, otherwise they might get a complex. :)

My driver's headrest is the only one that raises on it's own, the others seem to be fine!....weird!

Anyways to the OP; sorry for the threadjack!

carry on :)


Zoom Zoom Boy
09-08-2008, 04:13 PM
Who told you they are designed that way? :loco ...they are 'suppose' to lock in the position (height) you position them at, for proper protection!.

Scarboro Mazda has replaced the head rest locking mechanism on my car to try to solve the problem (under warranty) and I would think they would not bother to do so if it was 'normal'!!. Plus the service guys there said it was the first time they had ever come across the problem....and Russ has been with Mazda for many years!


Actually, nobody told me that they were designed that way. I just assumed it since all of the Mazda's I've driven have been like that. It has never bothered me enough to give it much thought, but mainly because the headrest always went to the position my head was at anyway and then stayed there...

Now you got me thinking though... I was only speaking specifically about the drivers side headrest in the cars as I am usually the driver and rarely the passenger in any of my Mazda's. I am going to go check my Speeds headrests, all of them front and rear, when i leave work this afternoon and also my Wife's 3 when I get home. I'm curious if they are all like that, or whether it is just the drivers side headrest...:loco

Also sorry to hijack this thread..

09-08-2008, 04:35 PM
Those of you who are having problems with the gas cap, do you all have 2008.5 models?

Do you know if the issue is limited to the 2008.5 or does it affect the 2008 models as well?

I have a 2008 so I'm starting to get a little worried LOL! I've only filled up the tank 2 or 3 times since I got the car about 5 weeks ago but now I am getting concerned!! I would not want to get stuck with this problem while on a long trip.

thanks for the feedback.

09-08-2008, 05:52 PM
ouch..i'll find out today...any 08.5's have their gas cap in french only? For some reason mine is...

09-08-2008, 06:23 PM
ouch..i'll find out today...any 08.5's have their gas cap in french only? For some reason mine is...

that's weird, I live in Quebec and even my gas cap is in English LOL!

But I think I have a sticker on the inside of the gas cap door in French (basically just translating what is written in English on the gas cap itself). Maybe they put the sticker right on your gas cap in your case?

Or maybe you got yourself a real collector's item there!!!

09-08-2008, 06:39 PM
that's weird, I live in Quebec and even my gas cap is in English LOL!

But I think I have a sticker on the inside of the gas cap door in French (basically just translating what is written in English on the gas cap itself). Maybe they put the sticker right on your gas cap in your case?

Or maybe you got yourself a real collector's item there!!!

No idea...but on the inside of the is literally all in French. I just filled up and for some reason the pump stopped a few litres before my usual average fill up price and I thought that was odd and when I turned on my car, IT WASN'T FILLED TO THE TOP!!!

09-08-2008, 10:14 PM
Mann I feel ur pain. I had the exact same experience and created a thread a while back...When I picked up my mazda 3 2008.5 and went for my first fill up (almost empty) i was like WTF IT DOESNT OPEN! I thought i would be stuck on the road or sumthing. I took it back to the dealer and the mazda mech. came out and he couldnt even open it with plyers >.>!! I thought thats what the PDI charge was for -____-.... oh wells.

09-09-2008, 12:47 PM
Its weird that I stumbled onto this thread, I had that problem just yesterday on my 08.5. It was my first fill up and I was wondering if it was me. How hard could it be to take off a cap rite? But it was, took me about five minutes of turning it in every direction to finally get it done. In the end, I didnt even know what I had done exactly to get it off but now that I read this thread I dont feel like a complete idiot. So is this something I can go straight to my dealer about and get changed asap?

09-09-2008, 02:26 PM
so it seems to be a problem mainly affecting the 2008.5's??

I'm going to google and see if there is a TSB out there about this...

09-09-2008, 05:01 PM
So is this something I can go straight to my dealer about and get changed asap?

Most definitely, but I would call them first and make sure they have them in stock (or get them to order one), or you'll just be wasting your time and gas going there.


09-09-2008, 09:03 PM
i agree you may want to call they do usually carry alot of them...i had to wait 2 day for one to come in ( and i was driving around with a broken one)

09-10-2008, 03:22 AM
my 2007 had some probs.. sometimes it wouldn't come off, and then when I went to put it back on, it wouldn't go on properly, and had to sit there for a minute fiddling with it to get it to thread properly.. seems fine now as of late, no problems.. but it does it once in a blue moon.. perhaps I'll have to check mine when I get gas, and have the dealer inspect it and make sure it isn't on its way out..

09-10-2008, 09:28 AM
The wife cant get it open, and i have to use some power to get it out some times.

Glad to know its normal ill get it fixed @ 8,000kms

and ive noticed my head rests going up I wass blaming the dog, lol.

09-10-2008, 01:07 PM
and ive noticed my head rests going up I wass blaming the dog, lol.

LOL that would be quite the dog you got there!

09-10-2008, 09:03 PM
Ya my friend with an 08 mentioned that to me the other day and I just made fun of him! But I guess he isn't as much of a wimp as I thought.

I find that the gas cap on my sisters 08 Mazda is difficult to take off from time to time.

09-11-2008, 11:07 AM
Ya my friend with an 08 mentioned that to me the other day and I just made fun of him! But I guess he isn't as much of a wimp as I thought.

I find that the gas cap on my sisters 08 Mazda is difficult to take off from time to time.

uh-oh, you know people with 08's that are having problems with the cap?? :whoa

I was hoping it was limited to 08.5's only!

09-11-2008, 06:13 PM
hm... I should ask Anthony about the gas cap problem when I pick up the car...

09-11-2008, 08:19 PM
I never had problems with gas cap and I dont see any recalls nor TSB out.. Does it have to do with unproper screwing cap back on? Im sure you guys know how to fill up gas lol but seriously?

09-11-2008, 09:41 PM
excuse me while i rant for a while folks...shouldnt be long

so i hear on 680 news that gas is going up 12.9 cents to a new all-time high tonight. naturally, i get in line to fill up, since i'm down to just over a quarter of a tank (usually fill up fridays after work). Anyways, after about 5 minutes of waiting its my turn at the pump - AND MY DAMN GAS CAP WON'T BUDGE AT ALL! brand new car...got it 3 weeks ago...

oh well, such is life i suppose. it's not even such a big deal (as long as i don't have to pay a cent to have it fixed), just that it happens tonight of all nights frustrates me.


09-11-2008, 10:03 PM
Yeah, that would be annoying. And yes, I heard about this gas price thing... balls, eh?

09-11-2008, 10:05 PM
excuse me while i rant for a while folks...shouldnt be long

so i hear on 680 news that gas is going up 12.9 cents to a new all-time high tonight. naturally, i get in line to fill up, since i'm down to just over a quarter of a tank (usually fill up fridays after work). Anyways, after about 5 minutes of waiting its my turn at the pump - AND MY DAMN GAS CAP WON'T BUDGE AT ALL! brand new car...got it 3 weeks ago...

oh well, such is life i suppose. it's not even such a big deal (as long as i don't have to pay a cent to have it fixed), just that it happens tonight of all nights frustrates me.


oh wow that totally sucks!

09-11-2008, 10:16 PM
Yeah, that would be annoying. And yes, I heard about this gas price thing... balls, eh?

Yup. Balls.

09-11-2008, 10:25 PM
so i hear on 680 news that gas is going up 12.9 cents to a new all-time high tonight.

what's the actual price of a litre now that it went up 12.9 cents? Here in Montreal we hit 136.9/litre

AND MY DAMN GAS CAP WON'T BUDGE AT ALL! brand new car...got it 3 weeks ago...

Now that SUCKS THE BAG!!! My sympathies to you...hope you can get it fixed soon!

I went to fill up on gas tonite myself (found a place where it was still the "low" price of 126.9/litre) but I didn't seem to have any issues with the cap. Hopefully I won't get any!!

09-11-2008, 10:33 PM
what's the actual price of a litre now that it went up 12.9 cents? Here in Montreal we hit 136.9/litre

Going from 123.7 to 136.6 at midnight.

09-11-2008, 10:46 PM
Going from 123.7 to 136.6 at midnight.

OMG that's pretty much Quebec prices!! Sheesh now I don't feel so bad about living here LOL LOL...ugh not that gas prices are a laughing matter...but it's either laugh...or cry...or install solar panels on the roof of your car.

Hmmmm...now that I mention it... :chuckle

11-08-2009, 07:08 PM
Ughhh, so this just happened to me today when I went to Sunoco. I looked like such an idiot because I couldn't open my gas cap. lol. Anyways, I'm going to be going to MOT tomorrow morning to get this looked at. I didn't find it anywhere, but for those that got it changed, did any of you have to pay for your replacement? Labour?

Zoom Zoom Boy
11-08-2009, 08:25 PM
Ughhh, so this just happened to me today when I went to Sunoco. I looked like such an idiot because I couldn't open my gas cap. lol. Anyways, I'm going to be going to MOT tomorrow morning to get this looked at. I didn't find it anywhere, but for those that got it changed, did any of you have to pay for your replacement? Labour?

There's a TSB on this, so you shouldn't have to pay for a replacement. They modified the design to correct the problem. Sorry to hear it happened to you...

11-08-2009, 10:03 PM
Ughhh, so this just happened to me today when I went to Sunoco. I looked like such an idiot because I couldn't open my gas cap. lol. Anyways, I'm going to be going to MOT tomorrow morning to get this looked at. I didn't find it anywhere, but for those that got it changed, did any of you have to pay for your replacement? Labour?

I had mines changed twice cause it couldn't come off. One time it was winter time and I was reaaaalllyy low on fuel too. Nope you don't have to pay. They replace it free of charge. It's just a pain in the a$$.

11-21-2009, 09:49 PM
count me in as another one with a locking gas cap (2008.5)! funny ... i just filled it up a couple of days ago, read this thread last night, then checked my gas cap today and it's locked solid! i see a trip to the dealership in my very near future.

11-21-2009, 09:54 PM
There's a TSB on this, so you shouldn't have to pay for a replacement.

Where is this TSB? I looked through the current ones as per the following link, but couldn't see it.


Zoom Zoom Boy
11-21-2009, 11:48 PM
Where is this TSB? I looked through the current ones as per the following link, but couldn't see it.


Have never found a copy of the actual TSB, but it is a known problem. You should't have any issues having a dealer swap out the old design.

More info.


11-22-2009, 09:41 PM
After a bit of sleuthing, I found the TSB. In case anyone else needs to know, the TSB number (and title) is as follows:

0105008 NOV 08 Fuel System - Fuel Filler Cap Broken Inside Filler Neck

It can be found in the following link, but can only be read by subscribing to the website:
