View Full Version : bad service experience- MoT

09-20-2008, 01:27 PM
I recently bought a 2008.5 Mazda3 sport GT in metro grey. After a couple days I noticed some dull areas on the hatch and above the gas lid on the right rear quarter panel. I called the dealer and we set up an appointment to look at the car. I brought in on the Saturday, the service guys looked at it an proceeded to ‘buff’ out the spots. They got rid of these dull areas but in the process performed what is probably the worst buffing job I have ever seen. I called them and voiced my displeasure and we quickly set up another appointment. They explained that the main guy was not there on Saturdays but that they would fix the problem by re-buffing the area and then buffing the whle car with a fine polish and then adding the paint protection. I was uneasy about this, and I told them that I would rather have a professional detailer do the job. They assured me that they will do it and it would look great, in fact they guaranteed the car would be fixed. So the next day I went to pick up the car. It was early morning so it was shady and the car was wet so I could not see the finish clearly. I drove to a nearby store, went in for 5 minutes, and by that time the sun was shining on the car and the car was dry. This is when I noticed that not only was the original area not repaired, but they introduced swirl marks and marring in the entire car, hood, door panels, and hatch included. I drove back to the dealership and told them that I was going to get a quote from a professional detailer and I would send the quote to them. The guy I was dealing with agreed. I brought the car right away to Kaval from Make it Shine, and got a detailed quote along with 40 pictures of the car. If anyone wants to see the pics let me know and I can post some. Kaval sent MoT a detailed quote along with 1 picture and a note saying that more pictures were available upon request. MoT did not request any more photos and they have denied authorization to have an outside party do the job. I have spoken to many people, including the dealership manager and they will not authorize it, but instead are asking me to bring the car in again so that they can evaluate the car and do it again. I was told that the scratches are not in the paint but rather in the wax and that they need to strip the entire car of the wax and polish it again. They expect me to let them do that after they had 2 opportunities and failed both times? I am extremely frustrated because they admit that they messed up the job twice, but promise that this time they will have qualified guys doing the job. I questioned why qualified people were not used in the first place but got no direct answer. The manager told me he wants the head detailer to look at it. I mentioned that the head detailer was the one who did the second buff job. I continued to say that if it was truly him who did it, then either he cares very little about the finished product, or his workmanship is very poor, again no response. I called Mazda of Canada but they were no help, telling me that ‘at this point we recommend you go to the dealer since they are willing to work with you, even though they have already had two chances.’ So I asked the customer relations person ‘at what point is it okay not to work with the dealer, when I have no paint left?’ or something to that effect, and again I had no answer.

I am at wit’s end, I know that I won’t have them touch my car again, unless they give me a new car if I am unsatisfied with their third attempt, but I know that they won’t do that. I guess I have to pay out of pocket to get it done by a good, reputable detailer, but they definitely left me dissatisfied, and quite angry. I don’t know how they can do job’s half-a$$ and think that it can be passed off as a completed job. I asked them what they would do in the same situation, guess what….no reply. I just don’t understand how the dealership can let their customers go dissatisfied. They just lost me as a repeat customer, as well as potential customers who may be reading this who are deciding on where they want to purchase a vehicle, all to save a bit of money now.

I have posted this in the dealership section as well, along with pics of the job they did, but I also wanted to post in this section because it was the service guys that were incompetent in the first place.

09-20-2008, 01:29 PM
here are some of the pics. This is supposed to have been an improvement over the original 'buff' job...WOW





09-20-2008, 01:42 PM
and why had this thread been cleaned?...
it did contain quite a bit of useful information for ppl who are buying a car that wasn't even MOT specific....

oh right, it's the biased moderation, how could i forget! bet you anything it would've left untouched if it was about any other dealership.... booo

09-20-2008, 02:11 PM
the thread is still up in the other section, I just wanted readers in this section to know that it was the service that was the problem in the first place, and to avoid this dealership if they need their car serviced.

09-20-2008, 04:10 PM
and why had this thread been cleaned?...
it did contain quite a bit of useful information for ppl who are buying a car that wasn't even MOT specific....

oh right, it's the biased moderation, how could i forget! bet you anything it would've left untouched if it was about any other dealership.... booo

this thread hasn't been touched. The other thread is still alive here:http://www.torontomazda3.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=27783 .
Don't jump to conclusions so fast..

09-20-2008, 07:30 PM
This thread should be deleted or merged with the other one then as it serves no purpose.