View Full Version : Horrible unexperienced service techs at dufferin mazda

09-25-2008, 09:33 PM
I already posted this in the section about problems with the mazda 3 but i feel i need to let everybody know about my problem and dufferin mazda so they dont run into the same idiotic people that I ran into.

ok so recently ( since 2-3 days ago) I've been noticeing that when i break something in the back of the car feels completly strange, u know when u have something in your truck and when u brake it slides forward a tiny bit, kind of like that, so i turn off the music and i keep breaking after reaching 20kms and everytime i hear it... i have no clue what it is, i checked my spare tire and that was secure in its place with everything else, i even checked the back bumber thinkin maybe some how that was lose? even though its a brand new car with no accdidents what so ever... does anyone have any clue what this sound is and how i can fix it, its a new sound so iam not sure what it could be.... i also have trouble with my engine stalling on start up every few days and this is with the needle on the fuel meter full and beyond the F mark so its not when the cars dry on gas, note the car is brand new with 2040 one owner kms on it.....


*update*, went in today at duffrin mazda, I had 1 tech drive the car around and say there was no problem, exactly what i knew i would hear, i got in the car and drove around and showed him the problem when i braked, he admiited something was wrong... they took the car and did some checking and found nothig was wrong, hes explanation to me and i quote this, i know something is wrong but we can not find what it is... now were at the 3rd time, i get in the car with the shop foreman and he realized there is a problem but maked excuses such as ur braking hard,.. now for the 4th time with the manager i go in the car and drive it and he denies it, I get out and i told them i would not take the car untill this problem was fixed... fast forward to 4:30 today... they say they pulled the wheels off and i got a paper sayin that my read rotors were warped, machined rotors and installed insulation.... I drive home and i notice that when i brake something pulsaytes, sort of like when ur abs turns on in snow... but much more quiter... also when i brake from speeds of over 40km/h the engine makes this strange sound like a jet engine shutting down...at this point i was completly pissed and i just ***in lost it, i call them and i swear and bitch at them for creating 2 more problems now.... in conclusion I strongly suggest no body go to duffren mazda... they are a bunch of incompetent idiots that just bull shit answers out of there ass.. the car has 2100 kms as of today... 32 of which they put on testing and testing , the guy tells me the rear rotors are warped because of hard braking or because of time.... the cars 6 months old wih 2100Km on it, where do u come up with answers like that? they dont kno there face from there ass these idiots.. iam gonna file a complaint with mazda of canada if the manger does not call me back and fixes this issue and iam also going to file a calim in smile claims court...

09-25-2008, 10:33 PM
why don't you just take your car to another mazda dealer??

09-26-2008, 08:51 AM
I Will for sure do that, i dont have time to type of what happend when i called them today, but when i get back from my classes I wil write the answer they gave me today

09-26-2008, 09:38 AM
I Will for sure do that, i dont have time to type of what happend when i called them today, but when i get back from my classes I wil write the answer they gave me today

If it were me i wouldn't even bother with them again and i would drive to another dealer!

09-26-2008, 10:17 AM
Mazda of Toronto and Oakville Mazda are two reputable dealerships on this board.
hope this helps.

09-26-2008, 10:20 AM
Mazda of Toronto not so reputable any more

09-26-2008, 10:21 AM
Mazda of Toronto not so reputable any more
really? what happened? I haven't really surfed the board for over a month.
I was there the other day. Car feels pretty good now.

09-26-2008, 10:41 AM
Mazda of Toronto not so reputable any more

One bad experience does not make MoT "not so reputable". There was an issue, and there are discussions going on about it. This doesn't make them a bad dealer to go to. All of the POSITIVES that I've heard (never been to MoT, but I've dealt with Joe before) greatly outweigh this one issue.

09-26-2008, 12:15 PM
One bad experience does not make MoT "not so reputable". There was an issue, and there are discussions going on about it. This doesn't make them a bad dealer to go to. All of the POSITIVES that I've heard (never been to MoT, but I've dealt with Joe before) greatly outweigh this one issue.

+1 very true

09-26-2008, 08:12 PM
*update* I was driving in 401 yesterday taking the exit to leslie, when I braked from 100 to 50, the whole car started vibrating... the brakes were seriously damaged after what they did to it..... I go back today at 2:45 and they replaced my back rotors and pads wtih new ones, the problem with the brakes pulsating and vibrating is fixed now, my initial problem still exists, they were able to find out that there is a problem when u brake, somethin in the back of the car thumps. after waiting for more then an hour and having them call mazda of canada they were not able to find out how to fix the problem, unfortunetly I am going in on tuesday once again to let them take the springs/shocks off and see what is going on with it.. they basically have to take the car apart to find out what is wrong with it... on the plus side i am getting a free 24,000 check up thing thats supposed to cost 180 dollars... better then nothing i guess... the manager on many times admiited that it was there fault my brakes were messed up after they quote "machined it"....
I will post updates as I get it.

09-26-2008, 08:15 PM
for any future problems I will consult another dealer, for oil changes and what not they seem to be some what capable, but for serious things i would not suggest anybody to go there, iam already up to my neck with them, at this point iam only dealin with them for this issue because they have a file on everything they did, but for new things that might come up in the future relalting to a "defect" i will for sure consult somebody else

09-26-2008, 08:34 PM
Mazda of Toronto and Oakville Mazda are two reputable dealerships on this board.
hope this helps.

Since when did Oakville Mazda become reputable? Just because the DP of Oakville Mazda all of a sudden comes on the board to drum up business doesn't mean they car about cars or the people who own them, it's all about the money.
There are guys on this board who work for other dealerships that have absolutely nothing to gain by offering advice and deals to members of this forum, those are the people to be commended. You guys who have been on the forum know who I talking about.

09-26-2008, 09:02 PM
here is a quote made by (flipdad)

Then as a DP he shouldn't call anyone out. Trust me if Jeff and myself had a say of what goes on in the dealership I'm sure there would be a lot of changes.

I have no further comment on this matter.

and here is the tread

sorry if it came out like that but its just what i read in the forum. i got my car from Toronto Mazda so don't hate :chuckle

One bad experience does not make MoT "not so reputable". There was an issue, and there are discussions going on about it. This doesn't make them a bad dealer to go to. All of the POSITIVES that I've heard (never been to MoT, but I've dealt with Joe before) greatly outweigh this one issue.

09-26-2008, 09:05 PM
They took your car and did 32km worth of testing? WTH? that is a whole lot of testing..... I'd be pissed if they did 10km worth of testing

09-26-2008, 09:39 PM
*update* I was driving in 401 yesterday taking the exit to leslie, when I braked from 100 to 50, the whole car started vibrating... the brakes were seriously damaged after what they did to it..... I go back today at 2:45 and they replaced my back rotors and pads wtih new ones, the problem with the brakes pulsating and vibrating is fixed now, my initial problem still exists, they were able to find out that there is a problem when u brake, somethin in the back of the car thumps. after waiting for more then an hour and having them call mazda of canada they were not able to find out how to fix the problem, unfortunetly I am going in on tuesday once again to let them take the springs/shocks off and see what is going on with it.. they basically have to take the car apart to find out what is wrong with it... on the plus side i am getting a free 24,000 check up thing thats supposed to cost 180 dollars... better then nothing i guess... the manager on many times admiited that it was there fault my brakes were messed up after they quote "machined it"....
I will post updates as I get it.

It's good that they replaced the rotors and pads.. As for the "thumps", check the end links on the ends of the rear sway bar, maybe they're shifting.

09-26-2008, 11:28 PM
they told me they checked that and it wasent the cause, they have no clue as to what is the real problem so far, everything that could be checked is checked, next step is taking the car apart

srry for not readin all the posts, 32 Km is in 2 days, 4 times testing it yesterday and probebly a long test today.... they needed to replicate the problem so they did that but as i said above they couldent find a cause... srry for posting soo much for some reason its not letting me ediit my posts

another update,

I looked at the rear rotors which they day they are replaced, they dont look smooth at all , it had a criss cross pattern on it, could this be result of machining? does this mean that there rotors are not new? i have 2 other cars in my family and all have circular motion that goes around the rotor not criss crossed like this at all? I might be just paranoid but something just doesent seem right, notice the edges on the second pic where there is some fading? this cant be normal for a new rotor? I took these pics in High Res so u can see what iam talking about,


09-28-2008, 04:29 PM
srry for not readin all the posts, 32 Km is in 2 days, 4 times testing it yesterday and probebly a long test today.... they needed to replicate the problem so they did that but as i said above they couldent find a cause... srry for posting soo much for some reason its not letting me ediit my posts

32 km means someone drove your car home when they had it :) No way 32 km even in two days is accepatable.

09-29-2008, 05:42 PM
ye but iam not even gonna argue.... its gonna get me nowhere, after all this is dealt with iam gonna call mazda of canada and file a formal complaint... what better can i do

10-08-2008, 11:21 AM
Since when did Oakville Mazda become reputable? Just because the DP of Oakville Mazda all of a sudden comes on the board to drum up business doesn't mean they car about cars or the people who own them, it's all about the money.
There are guys on this board who work for other dealerships that have absolutely nothing to gain by offering advice and deals to members of this forum, those are the people to be commended. You guys who have been on the forum know who I talking about.

Oakville, has gotten positive reviews by members of this board, feel free to review them if you like. This has nothing to do with their DP, below are some review threads regarding Oakville. There are negative reviews regarding Oalville in the dealer section as well, I only posted links to a few.

That being said, no dealership's track record is perfect. I personally go to MOT for all my services and have never been to Oakville. I was merely trying to provide mazdas3sporte with more than one option.

You should read the dealer section more often .

I apologize for going off topic

10-08-2008, 12:50 PM
they told me they checked that and it wasent the cause, they have no clue as to what is the real problem so far, everything that could be checked is checked, next step is taking the car apart

srry for not readin all the posts, 32 Km is in 2 days, 4 times testing it yesterday and probebly a long test today.... they needed to replicate the problem so they did that but as i said above they couldent find a cause... srry for posting soo much for some reason its not letting me ediit my posts

another update,

I looked at the rear rotors which they day they are replaced, they dont look smooth at all , it had a criss cross pattern on it, could this be result of machining? does this mean that there rotors are not new? i have 2 other cars in my family and all have circular motion that goes around the rotor not criss crossed like this at all? I might be just paranoid but something just doesent seem right, notice the edges on the second pic where there is some fading? this cant be normal for a new rotor? I took these pics in High Res so u can see what iam talking about,


Criss cross pattern is typical of new rotors. Circular is when they hit them with their "cookies", knocks them down, common practise before install... all is good with your rotors, no worries there.

10-11-2008, 11:32 AM
thanks for the links and info, i will read through it

10-12-2008, 12:38 AM
I don't know if I just missed it or not. But a shot in the dark anyways. Did they even check if your car jack is loose? It has a piece of metal and a hand threaded screw (for lack of a better term) that holds it in place. Maybe it's gotten loose somehow which could be making the noise you are complaining about when you hit the brakes. Just a thought. Sometimes the cause of the problem as simple as this can be easily missed.

10-12-2008, 11:08 AM
nope that wasent it, i checked everything that could be checked, spare, jack, wrench, end links, bumber, hatch door, its none of those

10-13-2008, 08:58 PM
This is pretty bad, all these issues. What about the car stalling on you? Did they find out about that? I gotta tell you guys, seems Mazda cars have a lot of issues. I should have checked before buying mine, but I thought since it was made in Japan I had nothing to worry about. I traded in my 06 Mitsu Eclipse and that car was excellent when it comes to quality. I even had it turbo'd and when I took it off it still worked great. Am I wrong here with the Mazda 3 quality?

Zoom Zoom Boy
10-13-2008, 10:55 PM
This is pretty bad, all these issues. What about the car stalling on you? Did they find out about that? I gotta tell you guys, seems Mazda cars have a lot of issues. I should have checked before buying mine, but I thought since it was made in Japan I had nothing to worry about. I traded in my 06 Mitsu Eclipse and that car was excellent when it comes to quality. I even had it turbo'd and when I took it off it still worked great. Am I wrong here with the Mazda 3 quality?


11-23-2008, 03:19 AM
Just wondering? Do we have similar law like "lemon law" as the american?

02-26-2009, 03:55 AM
There's a reason they're called "Stealerships"

No NEW car dealership is good, they're all sharks, and shark ran.

Hence, Stealerships. :)

02-26-2009, 09:46 AM
Wow old thread! ...but since it was brought back to life again...

I heard the exact same thing the other day. I had just started to drive when it sounded like I was dragging something behind me so I got out to look but saw nothing... it made that sound a couple more times when I braked but then stopped and haven't heard it since...

Ever find out what it was? I have a feeling it had something to do with me not warming up my car before driving off that time, but coming from the rear? Weiiirrrdddd.... :whoa