View Full Version : Tinting law in toronto

10-08-2008, 05:41 PM
anyone know what the actuall law for percentage of tinting is, i did a search but couldent find any threads directly about this, iam thinking of getting 10% front and 5 % rear? is this legal or not? i dont want to take a big risk and get pulled over

10-08-2008, 05:50 PM
I have 5% all around.

There is no true law to tint. Otherwise, tinters wouldn't have jobs, and we'd all be driving naked cars. Privacy glass is a right. Its in the constitution. Really, it is.
Just imagine if you weren't allowed blinds/drapes in your home.. same basic principal pretty much..

10-08-2008, 06:09 PM
i was lookin into getting 15-20 percent front and 5 in the back as 5 is the lowest u can go ,

check this article

10-08-2008, 06:14 PM
When I got my tint done, I was told 30% was the legal limit...but we know that everyone does 20%.:chuckle

Cardinal Fang
10-09-2008, 08:47 AM
Police must be able to see into the vehicle. If they can't they can fine you. Basically, there is no acceptable level of tint. If an officer wanted they could fine everyone. But they don't because that wouldn't be practical and they have more important things to go after. The tint shops have settled on a common standard (+/- 30%) that they've noticed seems not to bother the authorities.

Bottom line, don't make it so dark that it attracts attention. If you do, then be prepared for the attention you get. Good and Bad.

10-09-2008, 10:00 AM
Police must be able to see into the vehicle. If they can't they can fine you. Basically, there is no acceptable level of tint. If an officer wanted they could fine everyone. But they don't because that wouldn't be practical and they have more important things to go after. The tint shops have settled on a common standard (+/- 30%) that they've noticed seems not to bother the authorities.

Bottom line, don't make it so dark that it attracts attention. If you do, then be prepared for the attention you get. Good and Bad.


On one of my previous cars, my tint was very dark and I did get pulled over alot. It got to the point where I would roll down all the windows right off the bat as soon as the officer would pull me over.

Each and every time they would tell me the same, alongs the line of an officer must be able to see through the windows.

10-09-2008, 10:05 AM
Police must be able to see into the vehicle. If they can't they can fine you. Basically, there is no acceptable level of tint. If an officer wanted they could fine everyone. But they don't because that wouldn't be practical and they have more important things to go after. The tint shops have settled on a common standard (+/- 30%) that they've noticed seems not to bother the authorities.

Bottom line, don't make it so dark that it attracts attention. If you do, then be prepared for the attention you get. Good and Bad.

+2 From what I've heard and understand, its +-30% in the front windows, the driver's face needs to be seen by the police. The rest of the way back its 5%. Mind you, I haven't heard of too many people having a hard time for 20% in the fronts, and I also heard something recently that this % number has changed too, but not sure what it is now.... Check with a reputable tint shop, and they should be upfront on "the laws"... :chuckle

10-09-2008, 11:23 AM
35% is the legal limit for drivers side and passenger side doors.

The place i did my truck said 35% is the legal limit but he will tint what ever shade i want, cause its up to the cop,s discreation if they want to give you a ticket or not weather you have the legal limit or pitch black!

10-09-2008, 03:24 PM
The Highway Traffic Act is online, have a read. There is NO percentage number given, only that the drivers/passengers front must be able to be seen through, which leaves it totally open to enforcement interpretation.

"Section 74(1): No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway,

(a) unless the windshield and the windows on either side of the compartment containing the steering wheel are in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the front and side of the motor vehicle; and

(b) unless the rear window is in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the rear of the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 74 (1)."

10-09-2008, 08:00 PM
iam getting 5 percent in the back and 20% front, if there was anything lower then a 5 for the back i would get that, in dubai iam pretty sure the front tint is a 5 or lower and the back is probebly a 1%, no joke.... when u sit inside the cars u can not see outside. but thats cause of extreme heat

10-09-2008, 08:26 PM
The Highway Traffic Act is online, have a read. There is NO percentage number given, only that the drivers/passengers front must be able to be seen through, which leaves it totally open to enforcement interpretation.

"Section 74(1): No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway,

(a) unless the windshield and the windows on either side of the compartment containing the steering wheel are in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the front and side of the motor vehicle; and

(b) unless the rear window is in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the rear of the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 74 (1)."

I was just going by local tinters...and they all told me the samething that 35% is legal limit...

10-09-2008, 09:38 PM
35 is like no tint at all, theres no point of 35? i think 20-25-30 is good. someone said they had 5 percent tint in front which i dont find practical at all. its like ur driving blind

10-09-2008, 10:23 PM
35 is like no tint at all, theres no point of 35? i think 20-25-30 is good. someone said they had 5 percent tint in front which i dont find practical at all. its like ur driving blind

I always go with 5% rear and 20% drivers/passenger side doors.

On my mazda it was tinted by the dealer and they tinted 35% front and 15% back...i took off the front and got them retinted at 20%

10-10-2008, 03:19 AM
The Highway Traffic Act is online, have a read. There is NO percentage number given, only that the drivers/passengers front must be able to be seen through, which leaves it totally open to enforcement interpretation.

"Section 74(1): No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway,

(a) unless the windshield and the windows on either side of the compartment containing the steering wheel are in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the front and side of the motor vehicle; and

(b) unless the rear window is in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the rear of the motor vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 74 (1)."

Section 73 (3) is the law that pertains directly to this discussion but I'll let everyone look for it themselves:chuckle


10-10-2008, 04:14 PM
i went into the dealer today and they told me 550 for tint , lol iam just like ye i'll think about that, for the price they are charging i can get 3 mazda 3s tinted, my god these people rip us off big time, ass holes