View Full Version : backed up into recycling bin

10-10-2008, 04:22 PM
i was backing up couple weeks ago and i backed up into one of those small older recycling bins, yes stupid me, now i have a blue paint rub on my rear and i can not get rid of it, also a tiny gray scratch which i dont know where it came from on there too, anyone know how i can fix these, they are not deep at all. anyone have any cheap way of fixing these?
ive attached pictures
the last pic is the most clear one

10-10-2008, 04:26 PM
Clay bar perhaps?

10-10-2008, 04:32 PM
iam a noob , i have no clue what clay bar is or how to use it, any help telling me what to do is great, iam useless at these things

10-10-2008, 04:42 PM

10-10-2008, 05:18 PM
so this clay bar will remove paint scratches? iam not sure if my type of scratch qualifies under paint contaminatio?

10-10-2008, 05:56 PM
In second link is note about "compounding with an abrasive".
I using Mannol for old paint but there is more contemporary abrasives ,
and better to start from abrasive wax for new paint.
You need more brush from clay bar and to apply clay bar after polishing.
Do not rub body paint, try to rub only stain.

10-10-2008, 05:56 PM
He suggested claybar because judging from the pictures it looks like your paint isn't really scratched. It's just that the blue bin made a mark.
So you can probably lift that blue mark off with a clay bar.

Clay bars are very very easy to use. You have to make sure the clay bar is lubricated and the area you're working on it lubricated. The lubricant comes in a spray bottle and typically just exterior quick detailing formula. When you buy a clay bar it often comes packaged with the formula. Take the bar and break off a peice that can fit in your palm, flatten it into a little disc and spray the lubricant on the peice of clay. Then spray the area (make sure it's clean first) down on the paint, and make a couple passes with the clay bar over the paint.
If you feel resistant as you're moving the clay over the marked area, that means the clay is picking stuff up. Look at the bar and it should now have some blue stuff stuck in it. If you need, remold the clay so that the dirty area goes into the clay and a fresh surface is revealed (probably won't have to for such a small area). Keep doing so until the blue is gone.

If you want an easily accessible clay bar system, you can just go to Cdn Tire and get Meguiar's clay bar for $20 bucks. It'll come in handy later for tar spots and other contaminates.
Other than that, you can use Meguair's ScratchX or any rubbing compound that removes scratches. They will contain enough abrasive to rub marks like that out.

10-10-2008, 06:23 PM
Forget one thing.
Try first only clay bar.
If you will use abrasive do not use this brush next time on paint.

10-10-2008, 06:34 PM
i see thanks for the info, the clay +spary is around 25+tax , i dont want to put that much money for a scratch thats 1cm x 1 cm
will this remove it?
http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_detail.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=140847439 6672466&bmUID=1223677914532&PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524442290163&assortment=primary&fromSearch=true

10-10-2008, 06:41 PM
so this clay bar will remove paint scratches? iam not sure if my type of scratch qualifies under paint contaminatio?

Claybar won't remove scratches, it removes contaminants. Scratches aren't considered contaminants. Think of contaminants as something stuck in your paint, not paint missing from your car.

For the blue spots it almost looks like some of the plastic from the bin is embedded in your paint. The claybar will likely help with the blue spot. Is the grey spot a scratch or does it feel like something stuck to your paint?

10-10-2008, 06:47 PM
no its not a scratch at all, its like a very very light scuff mark but its not comin out with water or anything, do i need to apply any type of wax or seal after i use a clay bar?

10-10-2008, 06:54 PM
no its not a scratch at all, its like a very very light scuff mark but its not comin out with water or anything, do i need to apply any type of wax or seal after i use a clay bar?

Yeah, most definitely. Read up on the process of claybarring. Essentially, you spray lubricant on your paint and rub it with the claybar (which essentially removes wax, contaminants, and if you're not careful some of your clearcoat or worse!). Once you're done, you'll have fresh exposed clearcoat, which you'll want to seal up and wax ASAP. Myself, I wash twice, dry, claybar, wax at least 1 coat. Try to do this twice each year. If you have the time, this is a good opportunity to claybar and wax your entire car; it should be nice out this weekend.

10-10-2008, 08:31 PM
Good posts here.

Clay bars do not remove any scratches. If anything, they can instill scratches...which is why it is important to use lubrication when doing this treatment on your paint.

Clay Bar Treatment (http://www.makeitshine.ca/claybartreatment.html)

You can try the claybar, or try saturating some rubbing alcohol into a microfiber towel and lightly go over the area. Use liberally.

10-10-2008, 09:15 PM
thanks for all ur help, great info, i learned allot already, would i just need to wax/seal that area and how would i do this, i need real dumbed down steps cause as i am no good at this sort of stuff, i know how to do the clay bar steps now but how would i seal it, keep in mind the initial scratch is only maybe 1 cm x 1cm very very small

btw great site kaval, and thanks for the pm , really helpful, if i cant figure it out by my self i'll take u up on ur offer lol

10-11-2008, 11:23 AM
just to update in the end i had a stupid idea that actually worked, i took an eraser made sure it was clean and then went to work rubbing the paint stain thing, it came off completely ...... no clay , no spray nothing, and it cost me nothing lol, iam sooooooo happy

10-11-2008, 01:28 PM
just to update in the end i had a stupid idea that actually worked, i took an eraser made sure it was clean and then went to work rubbing the paint stain thing, it came off completely ...... no clay , no spray nothing, and it cost me nothing lol, iam sooooooo happy

With an eraser eh? lol neat...

10-11-2008, 05:44 PM
yea lol no joke, i was soo ***in happy lol.... I was thinkin about the damn scratch the whole night , I am extremly paranoid with my car, its not good , but yea i was tryin to get to sleep then i thought why not? since eraser can erase permanent marker which nothing can erase it might be able to erase this as well, and it worked, thanks for all the tips everyone especially kaval, i will keep them in mind for anything that might go wrong in the future

10-11-2008, 06:13 PM
Glad you have removed stains. But! Most erasers have abrasive particles various size, until about 20 microns. 20 microns size is equal to P1000 sandpaper.
To compare, thickness of clear coat layer on modern cars 15-60 microns.
Abrasive waxes have particles 0.2-3 microns.

10-11-2008, 07:15 PM
iam gonna wax the car before the winter time, the only problem is what wax to use, liquid, cream, no clue at all, the auto waxes u get at gas stations are useless i hear

10-12-2008, 05:35 PM
There you could see some info, what to wait from…

(results on page2)

Choice is yours.
In summer I use MEGUIAR’S GOLD CLASS CLEAR CAR WAX. (One of the best, against acidic contaminants.)
In winter, candle-like Shell wax. (by repellent properties its like 3M in these links).

10-12-2008, 06:37 PM
damn that just got me confused, i read the article which is very very long , in general the MEGUIARS COLD CLASS CLEAR CAR WAX performed the best, but what i dont really know is how to use it? any clue how I would go about waxing before the winter time, as my main concern is the dreaded salt,